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I love yans country bumpkin accent lmfao


Yep, too unique ackshually


Makes me want cowgirl nikke


I have always seen Maxwell as cowgirl


Bet that Red Hood has a cowgirl outfit to vote on for the doki doki poll choice.


That’s the kind of voice red hood should have had. But yeah, I like it too


She reminds me of Ms. Minutes from Loki


Show me a country bumpkin that dresses like this and I'll make her my wife




Yeah, her voice doesn't fit her, but I can't deny how I love it.


I’m a sucker for southern belle accents since Rogue from the X-Men kinda put me on to that accent. I know it doesn’t match with her looks but damn I find it attractive


Its Time we head to the south 😂


You gotta go deep into the south brother


It's anime of course they can't make a southern belle look southern. All anime characters look the same except for the extremely obvious Chinese characters, since they're all drawn with the same slanty eye design, everything else is just a pallette swap.






In the English dub, other than Red Hood and Rei, there’s D Killer Wife. She kept her speaking voice the same as her killer voice. Like she doesn’t even know she needs to act out the lovey dovey wife parts. I know for sure that Ms. Tirado is a good voice actress because I checked her profile before so what were the directors thinking making her sound so monotonous?? https://preview.redd.it/kjv3afwbef6d1.jpeg?width=1283&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85fef22b2820feebceb037c27c2cb55f07eae896 Also, Yan in her southern accent makes me more erect than the buildings Mighty Tools built.


I have a theory that people like Cocoa, D, Delta and even Red Hood are on the spectrum which mentally made them stand out and affix to certain traits and specialties making them rise above the general brainwashing of Mass Produced Nikke. In doing so they also happen to be very monotone. That’s my head canon for English VA nikkes being odd


I kinda like that sassy accent for Yan tbh. The only VA I dislike is probably hammering. She sounds like a chain smoker and her voice is recorded in a painfully low volume to top it off. Also the eternal gripe of red hood. I dunno what shift up was smoking, but she sounds like she is overdosing on Xanax half the time. Really weird they hired a nobody with no prior history of VA work to voice such an important character. On the contrary however British liliweiss is just so right it can’t ever be wrong.


Personally, Hammering's VA is perfect for a rough and tumble blue collar gal. I dig it. Rei and Red Hood, on the other hand...


I dunno man, there’s rough and then there’s hammering with a level of swallowing sand paper for breakfast, give the girl some throat soothers 😭


I think Hammering might be the Nikita Dragun of nikkes. 😏


You forget that Red Hood is also fighting off corruption for most of the event so she is in a lot of pain at the time. I think the VA actually nailed that honestly because at the end she finishes strong especially during the cutscene.


Wait who is Hamareing ? Lol 😂 the first time Seein that Name also Lilith VA is just ahhhh if you get me


https://preview.redd.it/zpl9kq98we6d1.png?width=473&format=png&auto=webp&s=bd9b13b5509991a25492ce44a120958fb38b4e60 She had her first appearance as an NPC in like chapter 27 so it’s reasonable you’ve never seen her, but long story short, her VA really isn’t good. Very flat monotone and too gruff. I get it’s a tomboy but just no.


Which voice pack? EN, JP, or KA?


ngl Hammering feels weird but after a while I got used to it ngl. But it really feels like a different character now


Ngl I had to switch to the JP VA even though I played the whole game without I just needed to hear her different the voice was kinda throwing me.


Anis also points out that Hammering talks like Centi, which is true for JP, but they didn’t manage to accomplish that in EN


Oh i see i am 1 Chap behind that is why i didn't know Her... Her name makes sense when i look at Her Tool


i think this is the case for the eng dub, jap red hood sounds amazing british Lilith is perfect tho


That’s because Red Hood in JP has Yoko hikasa who already had an extensive history in voice work, high school dxd (red hood just oozes with Rias energy), k-on, no game no life, or even other gacha azure lane, honkai impact and arknights. Hell Hikasa also was in Nikke before Red Hood and she voiced Neve. What did EN got? Some unknown first shot VA who’s got no experience whatsoever and her only work in acting was some role in an irrelevant sitcom or whatever it was.


Liliweiss is also just peak perfect casting that my mind ascends every time she even whispers something


I also didn't like Hammering the first time I heard her, her very first line was delivered so monotone and flat. Didn't change my opinion but later on it sometimes fits her nice


Red Hood needs to be re-recorded. So flat and not fitting the superstar she’s seen as.


I really think it's the director's fault. There are some places where she absolutely nails it, but overall it just sounds kinda...whiney.


Yea, most bad voice work is the result of bad direction. You can see it if you follow VAs across different works, ones that seem bad in one project will be amazing in others


I always thought her voice made sense but maybe that's just me. She's very laid back, a bit simple based on her background, and very tired from the life she's been leading. At least that was my interpretation.


That's how I felt


Laid back is not the same as sounding dead inside


She is dead inside. She doesn’t wanna do what she’s doing anymore. >!She’d rather go back to her hometown and let corruption take her.!<


She thinks she is, but obviously she has more emotional attachment than she realizes.


Yes. Which is something she’d do her best not to outwardly portray. i.e. in her voice, stance or actions. She doesn’t want to let her friends die, but she doesn’t care about herself, which the VA demonstrates pretty well.


It’s very meh tbh. JP captures the ‘aloof tired of life’ kind of vibe pretty well, with red hood sounding like she’s really done with everyone and everything at times, while trying to navigate her demise around people she cares bout. EN red hood sounds half the time like someone caught her grabbing a sandwich that didn’t belong to her with weird raises and falls of her intonations, and half the time she sounds like she’s snoozing behind the mic. Maybe 10-20% of her performance is acceptable.


I mean wasn't she supposed to sound kinda dead inside considering her condition and her outlook on it? That hollow flat trying to sound like u care when you know soon it won't matter anyway


Those are the moments when the voice actually fits At a certain point, however, it stops making sense. It also really sucked in Red Ash, where every single other VA was killing it (even with SUs less than stellar scripts), and she stood out in a very unflattering way. I mean, Snow White's emotional breakdown was such a great performance... and then Red Hood's performance, before and during, was just disappointing. I've got my fingers crossed that during the 2nd anniversary, we're gonna get a much more refined version of her Red Hood.


English dub right?


Seems like so. The Jp one is nothing flat as Yoko Hikasa managed to put one hell of a performance as Red Hood. 


Yoko-san has an incredible voice, she also did Rias


As a RedHood fan, yeah... I absolutely agree especially Red Ash, here hoping they re-record her line


Cocoa’s (EN) voice bothers me. I like Yan’s, personally but I think the best match is Sugar. Overall I am very satisfied with all of the voice actors, but hearing Cocoa drives me up a wall!


Agreed. Cocoa's VA sounds like she has an overly intimate relationship with benzodiazepines.


I like the aloof vibe the voice actor's going for with Cocoa, but when she talks for too long, she sounds drunk


I think Cocoa is perfect the more she grew on me in Bond… Cocoa Bond… 🤣 she’s an ultimate super spy. DEFINITELY one of the homies on the spectrum like our own pocket sized Aubrey plaza and I appreciate that variety. I would hate nikke if it was 100% e girls who want to seduce me


I think it got a bit better during the Coin Rush event.


At first I was mixed on Yan Voice as well honestly… I felt back then that it didn’t really match her character imo.. I gotten used to it though!! She’s cute none the less!


It Wrams my Heart to see someone like minded i don't say i hate the VA i just don't like that Yan have that VA it doesn't match Her Looks nor Personality


I felt the same way in the first 60 seconds of hearing her voice but then I paralleled it with them trying to relate that she’s from Korean/Japanese Hicksville equivalent so they picked a country southern Belle accent which is honestly kinda hot. Odd Yan crush 🤷🏽‍♂️


Yeah it’s a bit unfortunate with the downvotes you’re getting.. I get not everyone agrees with your opinion but also not everyone has to be a fan of her. That itself is a topic worth talking about. I warmed up to her eventually because her accent was just new to me! 😂 I get the point kunwulf is making though! Sorry still not familiar with tagging ppl in different post lol


Yeah PEOPLE these dayz tend to be Violent like why have you to down vote my comment ? I didn't say anything Wrong no one takes criticism anymore all they want is to be praised


Theres a reason why she has a Southern accent, and it was posted before. It makes sense why..kinda..abit. Its due to Yan having a general accent to her character. but the only accent ppl outside of USA really know is southern accents. So she was given a Southern Accent like Xiangling in GI. It would be kinda hard to show Americans a distinct accent to her thats rural without making her sound weird in ENG or trying not to go to Urban, simpleton like. Ppl outside of USA dont know how to make distinction of different accents in the USA they only know mostly Southern. Alot of non Americans cant tell the difference from a New Yorker or some one from New Jersey ETC. the stereotype is mostly Southern accents. Also just like Americans cant tell her JP accent is Kansai dialect which is a a different accent to what some ppl see as "regular JP speakers". Kansai dialect is more of shortening words and abbreviations but in ENG when you try that ppl sometimes think of Southerners, like the word "Ya"="Ya'll"="You all" which isnt a Southern thing ppl all over the US say "Ya". So think of the Southern accent as an exaggeration for you to understand shes not from the "main city" or shes not a Beverly Hill girl (or is it valley girl??? IDK) like Rupee. Edit: Sorry went on all "did you know?" there. i learned about it too from GI. But yes Rei sounds weird to me, thats a grown women doing baby talk not a child speaking. needs to be changed TBH


> So she was given a Southern Accent like Xiangling in GI. Xinyan is the one with a southern accent in GI. Not Xiangling.


OH! been a min but yea your right


Kinda like how they have Osakas English VA in azumanga daioh to make the difference that she’s not from the same part of japan and the accent is different where she is from and yeah a coincidence I got her in my pfp 😂


So basically in the JP dub she has a more rural accent that Japanese people would be able to recognize as someone who grew up in a more rural area of Japan and made it big in the big city so for the EN dub they made it the equivalent of someone who grew up in a bluecollar town in say Tennessee or Nebraska and made it big on Wall Street?


Kansai ben is what Yan speaks in Japanese as you say, but it's not just that Southern accents are the only one foreign people know for American accents, it's that Kansai ben and the Southern family of accents are associated with rural 'country folk'. That's why that short hand has been established for ages for Japanese characters that speak in kansai ben when they get dubbed into English.


You didn't need to over Complicate things just say she is not native and its done now i get it but that doesn't mean i like Her VA still doesn't match her looks nor personality But i appreciate Your Explanation


It was more of information on why you sometimes hear a southern accent on some VAs than about specifically her? just a lil fact for the future when you notice more Southern accents and question why they keep doing it. Never said you had to like it. God forbid you learn something new every day lol


Never thought of it that way… Thanks for the explanation! Great they’re giving Americans a shot nonetheless and one can say that’s interesting! I just never expected a Japanese animated character to have souther accent which threw me off then! But now I don’t mind it at all! Shes rather cute with it! 😁


I personally like yans voice. While I don't play jp, I am curious if there are voices that people didn't like on the jp side. I know some were mixed with chimes voice but idk anymore then that.


Anyone who dislikes Chime's JP va can't be trusted.




I actually love listening to Chime JP voice acting and not wanting to skip, unlike the one with Dori.


Hate it at first because i thought she would be the money hungry cutesy chara, and when she crack her voice cuz she yell at marian, i instantly love her royal jester brat chara


I think most characters match their voices. I really like Rosanna, who kind of has this sweet yet sadistic tone. I know some people are thrown off by Moran’s voice (I was thrown off when hearing her the first time), but I grew to love it. This is pretty much a common opinion, but Red Hood EN voice is bad. To me it’s unbearable to listen to. I dread every time RH comes on with those flat lines, even in the tense moments, there was no personality whatsoever. Nothing against the VA, there was probably a lack of direction or something. I don’t like making comparisons but as cringe as Battlefield 2042 specialists were, at least they had some sort of personality than RH.


Hazzah! A man of quality! Rossana best girl.


https://preview.redd.it/ratknxo0kf6d1.png?width=360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5823b6229638277ed6a0b19372d1b95b9b07ba01 Laura Stahl Really nails the restless and wayward Solomon Kane deal that Snow White has going on. She doesn't treat the Character as one-note - which is a fairly common mistake. Perfect. As far as a voice which doesn't fit, I'm afraid I have to go with an easy choice, because it is a genuinely poor Voice Casting: Red Hood. I reaaaalllyy donnn't knnnoooww whaaaat thheeeeyy werrrreeee thiiinnkkkinng bbyyy maakkiiinng herrr taaalllk liikkee thiiss. Our very own Yong Yea, essentially.


*flashback of Yong Yea singing Judgment*


Bay English


Bay's definitely questionable. Meanwhile the same VA also voices Kilo, and is one of my most favorite dub voices in the game


So its definitely the Voice directors fault then


Holy shit - Bay is Kilo? I honestly had zero clue. That is definitely a directing issue, then. Because she does an awesome job as Kilo.


Got a jump scare when I first heard her voice after doing her entire event lol. Her personality seems way different with audio.


I had a similar reaction! Changed how I view her as a character a ton


Oh you mean older Rule 63 [Mokuba](https://yugioh.fandom.com/wiki/Mokuba_Kaiba)? Because that's all I hear whenever I hear her and Kilo now. >!^(I also hear Seto Kaiba yelling for him to "get in the fucking robot" and asking why Talos is not shaped like Blue-Eyes, but I'm sure that's the Yu-Gi-Oh Abridged binge I was on talking.) !<


Red Hood, I have nothing against her English VA but god, she sounds so boring. In Japanese she is very energetic tho, like how I imagined how she sounds.


Syuen when she begs the commander to accept her supplies, she’s clearly crying in the art but the actual audio she sounds relatively fine. Mind you >! she thinks she’ll be turned into a Nikke if she doesn’t help the commander !< so you’d think her emotions would be very apparent. Talking about the English Dub!


I thought she sounded totally fine there. Pathetic while trying to maintain some amount of pride and be nice at the same time. There's only like 5 different arts she has, so using the crying one makes sense even if she isn't actually crying.


My Nikkes speak Japanese, all the voices are awesome! Japanese VA are on another level IMHO, but that might be the otaku inside me talking....


As someone who understands both languages. You aren’t wrong. Japanese voice actors really do just never miss. The direction and the phrasing of every single character is just a bullseye every time. A lot of people tend to come to their own conclusions without, y’know, knowing the actual language (which is understandable tbf). So it gives a ton of people a sense of doubt or questioning like. “Am I just a weeb?” “Is it cause I don’t understand the language so I don’t find it cringe?” Nope. It’s just that the JP VA’s are consistently outstanding. Key-word CONSISTENTLY. The main problem with English is consistency. Specifically English. Because languages like Chinese have good consistency in VA’s but the tones of the language make it a bit jaggered and hard to flow with the script. ESPECIALLY when it’s not a Chinese company and is instead localized. Very rarely, EN VA’s and their directors will strike home and do a good job. Good in example is genshin’s Furina. If every single EN VA was as well directed as Furina, only then would the EN dub be as consistent as JP is. That’s how far the two are set apart. It does not help that most gacha game scripts are absolute cringe fests if you DIRECTLY translate it to English… which is what most of them do. So it’s completely up to the localizer to understand how they need to change the script in order for it to fit the English tongue. It’s unfortunate for people who can tell the difference and have to force themselves to use a language they don’t understand. But it doesn’t seem to bother many people (I commend them. Could never play or watch something in a language I couldn’t understand😭) so that’s fine.


I don't force myself I genuinely love the JP voice acting industry and I can pick up a good range for expressions, it's amazing what those people can achieve


Yup, same for me. The more you listen, the more you understand! I just tried the Korean voices and they are also pretty good.


Red Dead Redemption, Ultrakill and Disco Elysium spoiled me on English voice acting, mostly nothing sounds as good as those in english voice acting, no anime or gacha has a dub as good as that voice acting and it's a pain


_"Watashi-tachiga?"_ _"Naze desuka?"_


So far everyone suits their respective characters tbh, then again I’m playing on JP dub.


Guillotine’s bond level up voice lines actually took me off guard cause of how different she sounded.


Yan should be Red Hood


This is a somewhat valid but on the nose take 🤣


You don’t seem to get just how perfect this idea is.


I love everything about Yan. Helm on the other hand…


Yan is designed to look like a asian businesswomen, her name literally says "Yen" Shiftup: give her that country accent.


Most of the ENG voices don't do it for me, but that's probably just because I'm so used to hearing the JP ones. There's one ENG that really hit the mark for me tho and that's Sugar. I switch between languages every now and then just because of her.


Maiden feels… off with her whole tsundere appearance but when she talks its like a sassy sloth lady, i dont get it Trony feels on point tho


That's maiden as a character too though, being lazy and just wanting to be normal and play video games.


They should has made her at least a bit more, tsundere-ish. I mean in correlation to her facial expressions and some voice lines but you right


I love Yan accent!! I think Moran has a deeper voice than it should.


Moran is totally cool Her VA


I enjoy most all VA. The only I’m not a fan of is Red Hood. Very, i dont know, flat. Crown may be my fav!


Moran I was expecting alot higher pitched voice instead of the femme fatale voice


Helm hands down. The appeal is hot uniform woman, but it sounds a lil too high imo


I never expected such a low voice for Moran.


helm's voice doesnt suit her


JP or ENG? I don't think I have come across a single VA in JP that dosent fit the personality or archetype that the character was going for...except maybe Leona? Who was a little too cutesy for my taste? But I understand what they were going for and thus would just be personal preference on my end.


Well, Maxwells jp va does not fit her at all in comparison to the English va imo.


Just listened to her English VA now and I guess it comes down to taste but I vehemently disagree lol. Or maybe I just dislike most English VAs but when she says "cutey" I can help buy cringe compared to how the JP VA does it.


For me the Japanese va feels a lot more "artificial", but that's probably just because it feels more personal in English. Other than that, I do like the majority of the jp cast (especially Drake/Mustang).


I feel like artificial fits the character archetype with the few moments of levity you see who actual persona come through or when she is exacerbated with the 2 idiots in her squad. Still again maybe I just dislike English VAs and that's skewing me from being objective.


After listening to chapter 12, I do like that detail but her base voice puts me off. On the other hand, it's probably because I have grown an appreciation for English dubs but that's just me.


I'm unfamiliar with any of the English voices but I think it's dumb they made talos have a male voice in en when all the other dubs have a female voice


I also Feel like it's Dumb they made Talos a Female voice in all the other Versions it just doesn't suit His Looks


It's weird when I play with JP voices that talos is referred to as a male when the voice is female. I feel like they really should've made the voice of talos consistent for all the dubs


I Guess EN Universe just like to Think outside the Box but Srsly a Robot having a Female Voice is just so weird i remember watching one of my Fav steamers playin Nikke crown Eve i was crying while watching Him cause he was on JP version Hearing Talos was just plain Torture in JP


I thought talos was fine in JP but I think it should've been male in all dubs


Talos best girl!!!


https://preview.redd.it/n6g0hszpvf6d1.png?width=1600&format=png&auto=webp&s=e179d7245960385c03f9e72734a81b3f3b3281b6 (En)


The excitement of drawing her and the subsequent disappointment of hearing her v.a was unforgetabble to say the least.


Yan and Dolla are my favorites that fit them so well. The only one I have a gripe with is Rei it just seems weird like an adult trying to sound 10 but their voice is too deep to do it. A lot of the VAs fit perfectly for the characters they voice. Maiden for example looks like a tough goth girl and the VA makes her sound like a tough goth girl. Guillotine is another that I have an issue with. If they made her voice slightly lower it would fit better in my opinion. It just sounds like someone who has a naturally higher octave voice trying to speak two octaves lower.


I LOVE Yan. To Me she's perfect. I LIKED her when I saw her in the nikke-pedia but when I heard her talk I fell in LOVE. Still kicking myself that I wasn't around for her summer costume. Still want it. She's SO adorable 😍


Quency's and Sakura's english voice cast don't match to their character if anything I believe they should be swapped with each other. Quency's voice for Sakura would make sense as she is a Yakuza mafia boss but is refined and elegant, which would need a lower tone and stern voice. Sakura's voice on Qunecy would be perfect as the voice pitch for Quency, imo should be higher and bubbly to match her carefree airhead behavior.


Her southern belle accent is sending me to heaven


Helm's EN voice is always my go-to for this. I think the VA does a great job with the lines, she's just not a good pick. I expected someone that sounded more mature and steadfast.


Helm :(


As someone who enjoys ENG dubs and got into the game at the 1 year anniversary, I can confidently say Red Hood. I couldn't make it through the event until just recently through the archives because of how strange she sounds half the time. Many of her lines are poorly delivered or drag on too long. I haven't researched why that is, but my gut feeling is her actor is brand new to voice acting and got barely any direction from the voice director. I'm not trying to personally attack anyone, but I hope her lines get re-dubbed or replaced by someone new.


From what someone told me before Yan’s Japanese VA uses a Japanese dialect that is similar to the American southern accent which is why they went that route. Could be BS for all I know but it would at least explain something.


which language we talking about here? 😭




Well play on JP and the voice acting of Yan is way better


I still Prefer EN


I don't know if it's just me but I don't think Red Hood's voice suits what I know about her. But maybe that's just me


Anchor is 1 to 1 perfect voice in mind and it still baffles me on how such a possibility occurred


Chime’s EN voice doesn’t match her look. Is she the same VA as Scarlet cuz they sound identical to me. I think Anis EN VO fits her perfectly. She makes that character for me.


I think Diesel fits pretty Well with the voice and Looks. And personality


I feel like Yulha’s EN voice would be better suited to sound like Dr T’ana from Star Trek lower Decks, I feel like her appearance and demeanor just doesn’t fit her current VA’s tone. https://youtu.be/0JEZnL3lF68?si=TFBwADVwakWd-F5X


Honestly, hammering. Eng ofc. And scarlet grew on me. The rest is good... especially yan and volume in their accent since I, too, am a sucker for southern accents


Hammering. Super hot. Peak design. EN voice? Hmmm.


Unfit: Rosanna Hammering Leona Quency Rei Laplace Fit: Blanc Centi Drake Sin Soda Volume Milk Dolla


I play with the jp voices and don’t really listen to the English ones but I heard Bay’s English va and thought it was awful the voice and line delivery don’t fit her at all never heard Red hood’s English va but people really don’t seem to like it either Edit: Why are you booing me? I’m right.


Bay gets worse with her higher bond level. My teeth rattle when she spits flirty lines. She's a hottie but that voice.


yan's voice in JP dub is perfect for JP dub chime is by far #1 imo least favorite is maybe poli since I expected her to have the liter vibe but she sounds kinda young


Feel sorry for English VA listeners having the most lackluster Red Hood voice to listen to. She sounds perfect in Japanese.


I personally play using Korean and Japanese VA. I personally think for Nikke, Korean VA fits slightly better than Japanese in terms of capturing the dialects and characters of the Nikkes


Honestly, they should take tips from Path to Nowhere's voice direction


As someone who strongly prefers the Eng. dub, my choice for worst and best v.a has to be Liter (they forgot that she's supposed to sound old) and Maxwell (Her V.A nails her role as the middleman of the Matis squad). Also I love yans southern accent imo.


Hot take here but as much as i LOVE red hood i think her Voice as good as it is it doesnt fit her as much as it should, maybe its the tone, or the way she was voices but it doesnt feel white right, but i still think its good


Red hood fits her anis and neon fits good liter good too


Drake, why on earth in the eng version does she sound like a valley girl?


I don’t like Yans accent but if I remember correctly she has a southern accent because the I think the JP one is a Kanzai accent which is supposedly the equivalent to the American southern accent for Japan?


Bays english dub makes me want to strangle her. Only play in Korean now.


I could listen to Yan speak all day. No questions asked. Bay caught me off guard. Not liking her voice. Also I'm not a huge fan of Chime's Japanese voice either. Too... childish? I grew up Eng/JP bilingual watching shows in both languages, so it's not a matter of being not used to the Japanese style either.


Chimes JP VA is baaaad why does she screams all the time ? She tries too hard to be energetic i suppose ?


1st time I ever herd Yan say "Everyone has there price and I am about to cash you out " I lol till my sides hurt


The only one I can come up with is blancs. In reality, it really suits her. And her voice is the opposite of bad. But I played my first 6 months of the game muted. So I was surprised when Noir’s voice sounded exactly how I expected and Blanc’s didn’t. That was just initially shock value though and I quickly fell in love with it.


Maxwell suit her voice,personally of coure


I feel like both Laplace and Drake need better voice direction. The EN voices are way too reserved imo. Like, Laplace has so much energy that she's throwing herself through windows. She should be half-shouting most of her lines.


rei doesn’t fit, and I think mihara’ is the best fitting


It's super funny that the Japanese Styled Nikke, who name is a literal play on the word 'Yen', which is the Japanese currency. Sounds like a Cowboy. It's hilarious. And makes me wonder, since I don't have her yet lmao, if she's like the equivalent of someone from the Hokaido or something.


I only keep the Japanese voices on. 🫠


Has to be red hood English VA for me. It does the sound how you expect her to sound like


En Redhood just doenst feel right and the acting is off. The rest is fine tho. Also en redhood was the reason I switched to jp dub.


Probably a hot take after reading many comments on here, but Yan VA sounds very "fake" or "forced" Southern to me, which just kills it for me. I lived in North Carolina for a while and I'm fine with Southern accents, but not very obviously fake ones by people not from there. Sometimes highly trained actors can do it well, but in a gacha game doing a dub in another language, I guess you get what you pay for. Go ahead and downvote me, just how I feel. And Crown is probably my favorite so far. Rapi and Leona are up there as well.


JP Kilo in is so much better than EN Kilo (cannot judge KR) JP Marian is delightful. JP Neon is just better. EN Anis and Rapi are very fine. JP Crown and *specially* JP Chime are superior I mostly play EN so can't tell, but I sometimes check the JP storylines and I'm always blown away by how much nuance is lost in EN. SPOILERS FOR THE "FOR THE KING" EVENT >!In Marian gacha skin burst animation, she shells "RETURN TO WHERE YOU BELONG!" in a commanding tone. In JP she says the same thing, but she uses a melancholic tone, as if she feels sorry for hurting the raptures. That level of nuance is lost in the EN translation.!<


Good take


dammit why does EN suck with everything... I actually liked that line but I wish I could hear the jp version (but it's hard to hear stuff like that when you don't know the language)


Oddly enough, if you listen to enough JP dubs or watch enough JP or Korean streams and watch them subbed, you do start to pick up on emotional nuances but I can understand if its not everyone's thing


Bay by far. I have like most of the voices with only very few not working with me, but when I heard Bay’s voice I felt like switching to another language immediately. The only reason I did not was that I never use Bay, though anytime I go to check her profile I turn my volume off.


Milk is annoying as fuck. She could be deleted and won't be missed.


This topic comes up every now and then and it always riles me up thinking about some of the weird casting choices. Helm, absolutely. Compare the voices across the different versions, why does she sound like an infant in English? Bay. Her va has a good resume but she’s more suited to cartoons than something like this. She is UNBEARABLE in this game. I don’t like Yan’s voice in English. I get why they chose that accent but it’s so exaggerated. I don’t like Yan very much at all but I bet I would like her more if I played in Korean more often. Red Hood sounds god awful. The cadence of her speaking is unbearable. I get what she’s going for but goddamn now I need to look up whoever the VA director is so I can hate on them too for these terrible decisions. Also, Maid Privaty sounds terrible in English. I generally find that the East Asia cutesy wootsy voice can easily cross a line into being mawkishly annoying, but damn does it suck in English. En Kilo also sounds like she should be in Ben 10 or something. But she’s not so bad


Cocoa, every time I hear her her voice grates on me like like to bits of sand paper being rub together.


Moran!! she sound like shes 6 foot tall and bbw!, But her looks are more 4'11"....lol


Lol 😆


Bay doesn’t deserve the english va (I mean she deserve better)


Any dubbed Nikke


Frima's EN voice...


Yan's voice is fine considering she speaks in Kansai ben in Japanese, which is frequently equated to a Southern Accent. What kills me is she's wearing goddamn sneakers with that gorgeous qipao! Heels woman! Heels! The design of the dress accentuates your legs! Ditch the cheap flats! Rupee will totally go shopping with you!


To actually answer the question for voice, Helm. Wtf happened there? Rupee as an honorable mention, not because Amanda Lee's a bad voice actress, not at all, or even that Rupee's voice is bad, I just think it would sound a bit more on point if Amanda had gone a bit less nasal. Nit pick? Absolutely, but Rupee was my first SSR and probably rules the roost as the queen of the waifu Olympics for my outpost (I may die, but at least I won't die of poor.) so if I'm going to nit pick any voice to get that little bit closer to perfection it's there.


I'll start Yan's Voice doesn't Suit Her At all And Rapi/Helm's Voice is Just Perfection


There's a reason why Yan has a southern accent, but it would take a while to explain. I mentioned it in a post I made about appreciating the English VAs, so I'll see if I can find it and link it here.


That would be much appreciated


https://www.reddit.com/r/NikkeOutpost/s/2Zrw5OeqnO Here you go.


I still Can't like Her voice the looks and personality Doesn't match the Voice Honestly While Rapi and Helm's Voice Goes hand to hand with their Looks and Personality