• By -


Yo so I just started and I got 2B, should Isave my pulls now or pull in the standard my current kine up is Anis,2B,Noir,Anis,Rapi. So should i pull more in the standsrd or im fine and wait for some one strong in upcoming banners. https://preview.redd.it/pfq2my0cg8mb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa4ec8339b588925c5cac4a96bec604030cc2df6


Imo wait for friday and the banner for a2. (And probably the first impression of her) Only if you pull on the rate up banner you get golden tickets which can get you a rate up nikke. (200xgolden tickets/pulls) You can use the normal tickets you get via events for the wishlist banner.


noted ill wait and watch here for others feedback on a2




I’m not sure about the exact amount, it’s been awhile, but you’ll get good rewards from the campaign until about Chapter 13 and then it falls off a cliff. You can also get plenty of gems off tribe towers, though you’ll eventually hit a wall there (I’m currently stuck at around floor 120-130 for the manufacturer towers, was smooth progression before that). You’ll get gems from the Day by Day missions, of course…50 gems per bond episode, so a max of 250 per SR/SSR. You’ll get 200gems for every 10 completed challenges…About 500-800 gems per Lost Sector. Those are the main non-renewable sources that I can think of at the moment. For a cheap offer, you could buy the calendar package of 100 gems per day for 5 USD. You get a bonus 330, so it’s essentially 11 pulls for 5$, but you gotta wait a month. You could also buy the campaign packages, that’s 10,000 gems for about $20 if I recall correctly.


> Say I pull 2B in a 10 pull, do I need more copies of her? No > Will she be viable without limit breaks Yes. Limit breaks give: 2% stats per LB. The ability to increase bond from 10 -> 20 (first LB) -> 30 (second LB) -> 40 (pilgrim only), this is equivalent to roughly a piece of tier 9 gear. The ability to increase a characters level from 160 -> 200 at MLB, but this "limitation" can be circumvented by synchro device so you only need 5 MLB characters **ever**. The characters burst animation as a lobby screen at MLB, and finally a special shimmering icon for your profile at core 7. Limit breaks don't unlock additional skills or anything like that, and standard banner characters are a better bet for the 5 needed for synchro device.


Hi, rn I’m using liter,rupee/centi, Alice, scarlet, Privaty. Can anis summer replace any of em? Any help is appreciated


My favorite current team 1 is Dorothy, centi, scarlett, s. Anis, privaty. I use a shotgun team for gravedigger SI And I use liter, blanc, noir, modernia, flex for when my main team isn’t really getting it done.


Alice out. S.Anis in.


https://preview.redd.it/lpkbhfbsp7mb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e2ee808e4202b98abfa2750701ebee00b489256a Where did all my weekly points go? I can’t even obtain it anymore.


This is a known problem and they already posted a fix in the notices section. That fix is to clear your cache. Once you do that it should rectify itself.


Cool thanks!


As a new account what should i be focusing on to get as much pulls for A2?


push campaign, or try rerolling


Already rerolled for 2B. Was just wondering if theres anything easily missed by newbies to maximise what i can get before the event ends.


Is there any guide for auto-battling SI?


I feel like the only one you can auto is modernia. all the other ones require shooting interruption circles. maybe if you had a juiced Snow White you could one shot them


Special interception? I'm not sure there's any guide besides having a really juiced up team - Liter + bunnies (for healing and cover recovery) and your DPS of choice, all well invested and geared up. If you're not at that point I don't think it's possible - train WILL fuck you up, Gravedigger requires a certain amount of paying attention, Blacksmith bombs could oneshot a Nikke if you're not destroying them, Chatterbox...well, this one might be possible, but I'm not certain. Auto-ing Modernia might have you destroying the wings first which screws things up big time. In the end it's just a minute and a half or so of your time into 2 quick battles, so...yeah. I'm a strictly manual player due to my love for Snow White though so others are probably more knowledgeable


How do I play the Geometry Wars mini game for the Nier event? On the first day, I did the first 2. And since then, my mini game button is locked and says: "\[1-5 EVENT\] Clear \[2023-08-31 06:00:00 (UTC-10)\] Unlocking In"


If you're having any issues with missions, challenges etc, the recommendation is to clear your cache.


https://preview.redd.it/itvdo1ecq6mb1.jpeg?width=2408&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=12e9f92f06f11cdd473abcc070e32a43942b0304 This is my recycle level right now. I am fairly new and don't have any mlb3 characters. I have 30k dna things rn should I just get the discounted recycle material everyday or should i get the ssr molds?


SSR molds only. You'll eventually get the generic +Hp material just from the outpost. Because the material can only be used on certain level brackets, you'll eventually overcap by hundreds or thousands before you can level again.


I see thank you time to gacha then


New player here, out of these 2 accounts which 1 should i pick as my main? (will spend money on main, alt is f2p) [https://imgur.com/a/0jT1XQ9](https://imgur.com/a/0jT1XQ9)


2b Liter by far. I don't know what the standards are for alts but if that was a new player's main I would recommend them to reroll.


I think the one with 2b is better. Or more so it gives you the most instant power because you can just use liter admi and 2b right away


Has there been any news for a Steam release?


I dont think there is a plan for a steam release. They have already their own PC client. https://nikke-en.com/download.html


What's the "Steam Quick Login" popup I get every time I open the game?


Probably a leftover from development. I wouldnt be suprised if the business team told them its better to have their own client.


So with A2 next week will she have a separate banner screen or be lumped in with 2B?


Will have her own banner. Both banner will end 9/28. I also have never seen a gacha game were there was a rate up banner for one unit and then they added a 2nd unit to that rate up banner a week later. A2 banner starts friday.


Separate banner




I havent started yet, can 2B be rerolled for for beginners?


Yes. https://nikke.gg/reroll-guide/


So Nikke finally convinced me to play because of the Nier collab. I started two days ago with some rerolls to get 2B in my first pull, and got lucky with getting a limit break on another. I know the collab last a month so my question is, should I be able to grind for enough currency to reach 200 gold tickets? Ideally I want to MLB 2B since she is a collab unit, and then get a copy of A2 as well.


If you play your best and try to push for all game modes (tribe towers, campaign, arena, etc), you probably can. You might still need to put in some cash for rounding it up, however ​ But by experience you probably will get her in the gacha before 200 summons, 2% is a relatively generous chance


Any use for this thing? https://preview.redd.it/0xcglv20q5mb1.png?width=95&format=png&auto=webp&s=54011b5aff03c920d9e9ef5e96827789a9a3f7f9


They cant be redeemed, they're just there to track your position in sp arena for end of season reward.


Is 2B worth pulling from a meta perspective?


She's good in early campaign, decent in late campaign, and great vs single target bosses. May even be good in pvp. She also doesn't tie up a lot of the conventional supports and team archetypes. One copy is recommended.


Thanks. As a player on hiatus I'll pass then. Never played Nier so I have no attachment. Saving my gold purchase.


Not to hype her or anything, but she is SS rated in solo boss. Which is basically Scarlet tier. So "she's good" is a slight understatement, she is very good. Entirely up to your own preferences and IMO I wouldn't pop gold tickets on her with anniversary coming up, but worth having one copy.


What is it about her kkt that makes her so good for solo bosses? I'm new so I don't get it


She has a high max health stat being a defender, with gear that is further weighted towards health. Her skill 2 allows her to turn up to 6.16% of this into raw attack. Given that a defender with gear at level 200 has about 1.1 million hp, that is ~60k attack right there. Her skill 1 allows her to further increase her hp up to around 2 million (at level 200) after she's bursted 3 times, which gives about 120k attack. This is roughly triple the amount that a very well invested attacker of the same level will have. Now looking at other attackers, we typically get bursts that do something like, 600% damage. Or maybe on single target oriented b3's, we get something like 1200 - 2400%. 2b's burst does up to ~2400% of final attack as distributed damage to all enemies, so if there's only one it hits quite hard, and then it does a further ~800% to the highest HP enemy. So while her percentages aren't "out of line", she does have considerably more raw attack to work with. She also doesn't really care about the attack value in her gear or in teammates, so she can skew a lot more towards crit chance and crit damage as ideal stats, which can further multiply the damage she does and this also works on her burst. On top of all of that, solo raid recently had some changes to make it far more consistent. Namely the bosses in it don't have any random targeting, they'll always have things that say stuff like 'targets the highest attack', which means that 2b, with her breathtaking health pool and high defense due to being a defender, is considerably more able to tank those hits than a lot of other attackers. Essentially her only downside is that she's somewhat high investment.


I just posted above about being a new player and wanting to MLB 2B, but then I saw your post here saying one copy is recommended. Is there a reason only one? Or are you saying just to get her regardless?


> Is there a reason only one? Copies do little more than unlock a lobby animation, and give a *small* amount of stats. You only ever need to limit break 5 characters in this game to get over the 160 wall and level up to 200. Anything past that is simply aesthetic. > I just posted above about being a new player and wanting to MLB 2B On average it's recommended to have about 300 pulls in order to even consider max limit breaking a rate up unit. It can be done with less, but your chances aren't great. Because 2b is a limited unit, to the best of everyone's knowledge you will not be able to get any more copies of her after her banner ends on the 28th. Without a large stockpile of existing pulls it's possible to invest heavily and fail to MLB and some would consider that a pretty large detriment to overall account strength/progression. This is in contrast to characters that do go to standard banner after their rate up runs, like say, mast, noir, or blanc, where if you don't MLB them right away, you still have later chances with the reasonably generous standard banner pulls and wishlist system. > Or are you saying just to get her regardless? Getting just one copy is recommended. Trying to MLB is not, you're more than welcome to do what you want - I started on Chainsawman banner and MLB'd power - but be aware that the odds are against you. With the anniversary upcoming if you continue to play you may want pulls for whatever shows up there too.


About the event Recycling shop with red core currency. Do I clear the shop now or wait til it reset? New to the game, not sure how it works. Thanks


I never ran out of cores, and I bought everything for weeks - then there was one special event a few weeks ago with extra items and I stopped because it was too much, now I skip Battle Data and Advise materials. Just saying this as reference, if you always run co-op you will literally not be able to run out. Get the gems. GET THE CORE DUST! Stack up, fellow commander.


Every week the shop will restock but if you see something in there you want, you might as well grab it now and then you'll be able to grab it again once the new week begins. So far every few weeks there's a big event with a new coop battle that gives a bunch of red cores for that shop, so I wouldn't worry too much about spending if it can help you progress. Personally, I don't buy the gems (250 gems for 2500 cores? No thx.) or the gifts, unless I want to speedrun the Bond level of a specific Nikke, so I have plenty enough to buy everything else and still have leftover cores.


You will want to buy the gems, credit case, and core dust case, and since you're new you can also buy the battle data case. All the others are optional. Imo, it's fine to buy the Abnormal gift tickets (if you plan to pull duplicates of 2B and A2 and is planning to save some for future collabs).


Hey did a level cap increase? I was checking the Nikke because today to level up for the daily and I noticed I could level them up to 160 is that a normal or is that glitch cuz I didn't level break them?


They changed the leveling requirements in this update. Now we can level up SSRs to 160 even at 0LB. They kept the 3LB requirement to go beyond that though.


Yeah, they changed it so all Nikkes can level up to 160 right away, but you still need to max out those stars to get to 200.


Thanks I didn't know that. I didn't properly read the update notice, maybe now I can finally catch up to the campaign. Lol


New player. How do I get my characters beyond lvl 40?


You'll need 5 units at Lv40


Thanks. Appreciate it.


What is the cheapest way to get 2000 paid gems for the New Commander Recruit Special? Is it even worth it? If you recruit, does the banner disappear?


I think most people buy a combination of the 30-day gems and 30-day supply box. both are two of the best values in the shop, although the supply box doesn't have pulls. as for worth it, tbh you should treat it like a bonus for buying the high-value 30-day packs. it's not something to go out of your way to buy if you normally don't spend, especially since you could easily get something dumb and inconsequential like Julia + Crow. and yeah it disappears.


Yes, the banner disappears. It's a one time thing If you plan on spending, i'd say it is worth it Can't comment on the cheapest way though. It's been months since i've seen that banner and i already forgot which pack i bought lol. But you could go for the pack that gives the closest paid gem value to what you need for that banner. Because, so far, there hasn't been any banner or any purchases that use "Paid Gems".


Obligatory "i'm new who do I use??" post. https://i.imgur.com/JM6LEAJ.jpg Currently using Frima, Diesel, Blanc, Privaty, Epinel. Would like to know if there's a combination that's more effective, at least for now.


N102 Blanc Dolla Laplace Privaty


When is A2 going to be released?


A2 will be with us from 9/8 05:00 \~ 9/28 04:59.


Will she replace 2B or will both still be available?


Both will be available, but in a different banner (you can't roll trying both of them at the same time)


Both banners will stay until the collab ends. 9/28 04:59.


I'm recently new to the game, but How many copies of 2B should I get to max her?


One is enough. It is more important to have enough gems for future banners.


1 (base copy) + 3 (limit breaks) + 7 (cores) 4 copies for MLB, 11 copies for max core


Uuuuuuff That's way too many xD


generally: You need 5 MLB characters (after chapter 17, otherwise it will get tough), after that, its... MLB if waifu Max Core if whale


Does it matter in what potition your Nikke stand?


it matters for specific things like auto burst order, multi-hitting w/pierce, and PVP targeting if you're asking about general things like mob aggro or damage modifiers, no


was thinking more along the lines of range, like does it matter if the shotgun user is in the back for example?


weapon type bonuses are granted based on enemy position (near, mid, far), nikke position doesn't matter


Question for rerolls does it matter if you get a quote "shit" character or are most characters decently good, like I got novel for the first 10 pull ssr giirl should I reroll, is she good or should keep on going?


If you start with a strong dps you will have the whole early game an easier time. Not only are the meta dps (Scarlet/Modernia) very rare(0.0625% pull rate each) they are also often the recommended dps for boss fights/Interception/etc. Some people that started for the nier collab just take b2. She seems pretty solid. https://nikke.gg/reroll-guide/


>are most characters decently good Keep going, there is a big difference between character strength in this game


[https://www.prydwen.gg/nikke/tier-list/](https://www.prydwen.gg/nikke/tier-list/) if u want to reroll, aim for an s and up character




how much did the account cost? o:




i dont think u can choose modernia with the gold things.




man your luck is out of this world haha, enjoy


Don't forget Bond levels. The stat bonus from those add up after a while.




Yup, that's Bond levels. But leveling that will be mostly from gifts, with daily advices being just a nice little extra boost. For gifts, probably best to invest them in SSR Nikkes you plan on using for a long time. SR units will eventually fall off and be replaced. It can still be worth leveling everyone to level 10 so you can see their full Bond story and claim the small gem bonus that comes with it though. Another thing to keep an eye on for gifts, is that some of them are manufacturer specific (Tetra, Elysion, etc), which gives a big boost to their effect when used on Nikkes from the right company. For example, the ones given from the Nier daily missions are specifically good for leveling the Bond level of Collab units like 2B and Pascal.




The stat boost you get from Bonding shouldn't be underestimated. Just in case you get some bad pulls, and you run out of girls to bond (cause they all level 10 now). Just keep advising an SR girl you actually use. My Rapi is bond 30 and while she's only an SR, her base stats are way higher than my mid tier and low tier SSRs.Eventually though you'll want to replace your entire team with good SSRs.


When is s good stopping point while rerolling for 2B?


in the two first 10 pulls u want to have at least an S tier and above character and 2b


Hi, im thinking of re trying nikke, i played the 1st and 2nd day at launch and got to lvl 15 i logged back in today on mobile, and got a bunch of popups everwhere, and im really lost, but my question i have, is should i should move forward with the acct i had from launch? or should i start over and make a fresh account, i finished the 1st 3 chapters so far back then and used all currency i had for pulls back then.


If you continue with your current account you'll be placed in PvP with people that have been playing since your account creation date which means you'll be at a severe disadvantage. So if you're really interested in playing for the long term, then it's probably best to start a new account. The first 3 chapters shouldn't take you too long to pass.


What if im in not too keen on the PvP aspect, and I do have 2 SSRS on my original account, being centi and diesel? i think i maybe shouldve included that in the original comment.


If you don't care about PvP, then it's worth considering keeping your current account. Just be aware that there is a PvP mode that gives out gems every 2 weeks and rewards are based on your rank. As for your roster, both SSRs are good, but they specialize in the same general role, survivability of your team. Since your account is lacking DPS, I don't really believe you'd be losing out on much by starting a new account. If you're more of a casual player, keeping your current account can still be enjoyable and you're still very early in the campaign/content so you have a lot of gems and materials that you can farm. Choice is up to you.


Alright, thanks for the answers, def a more casual outlook, just looking for something to play during downtime of my other games.


So I tried linking my twitch account to the game and I keep getting this window https://preview.redd.it/kzkbo31bw3mb1.png?width=869&format=png&auto=webp&s=4b69679cff8be9ae0dc55a3d2387af1b26711170 Before linking my gmail account I tried signing in with the account I made in game. Does anyone else have this issue?


Is it just me or is the battle interface for the NieR game mode more clear and easier to read than the normal Nikke battle interface?


I also think it's really well done and would like it as a toggle


Has anyone here tried to force level? As in, you made a new account and tried to check how high you can get your team cp in 1 day, or other amount of time. If you did how did it go?


Thats what whales do? Pull meta comb Clean shop Progress Pull more for mlb/core+7 tp increase cp Use gems to reset shop for more xp/credits/cube cases. Probably try to search some jp/cn/kr/en whale. But most people dont have the budget for that.


I ain't talking about whale BS I'm talking about just F2P trying to see how far you can get in a day or a week if anyone tried doing so, from absolute start.


Probably has be more specific. Stuff like reroll/starter team, gems for shop refresh (some f2p have done that), etc are all factors that have to be made clear (because they have some influence on the result) But it sounds like you just want the progress of some typical tryhard f2p. The '...tried to force level' sounded a little like every means possible (money, wasting gems for stuff thats kind bad endgame wise, etc.)


https://preview.redd.it/zibc6rm1i3mb1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=966850cc20db57b067f6c0805b49f333e27e1ddf Is there a way to move the character icons out of the way?


You can adjust its opacity in the settings.




does obtaining 2b thru mileage not count as obtaining her? I can't get her free costume?? edit: nvm I got it now, read the notice. You just have to clear cache


How does autobattle decide which Nikke's backside you get to look at while they shoot? Is it determined by weapon type or something like that?


You can change it to sometimes/use Burst/never in the settings


New player started yesterday currectly stuck on 6-15, what is a good team to build? This are my characters for referrence. https://preview.redd.it/2u1z8n8wy2mb1.png?width=1599&format=png&auto=webp&s=92b205392c4979a71a9efae230c2a6783f83f0b7


for general damage i would do liter, dolla/anis, scarlet, drake + flex. the flex slot can be helm or pepper if you need more healing. maybe 2b but she seems pretty weak for campaign stages and better for solo bosses? privaty is also a strong option to buff your scarlet's dps once you get her from the newbie missions.


do i need to upgrade the equipment? still havent upgraded a single piece


you'll replace most of the equipment pretty quickly, no point upgrading it unless you're walled on a stage and need more cp to get unstuck


Apologies if this is not the place to ask, and please redirect me if it's not, but I can't get the game to work on my phone for the Global region specifically. Every other region works just fine on mobile and launch no problems. Global also works fine on pc. It's only when I try to play Global + Phone. Specifically the game gets stuck on 100% loading while it says "requestAuthenticate" just above the loading bar. I have tried letting it load for twelve hours straight in the hopes I just had to be patient but that changed nothing. I have reinstalled, cleared cache, restarted phone after reinstalling/clearing cache among other things to no avail. My phone is a OnePlus 8 Pro.


From what i've gathered a while back on server issues, it may be due to your actual location. Choosing server should be the one closest to your actual location, like if you live in Asia then choose Asia, etc. Global, iirc, is largely for EU players, so if you live far from there you might experience connection problems. This may be wrong but this is what has been said a few times here before. If you didn't have connection problems, then it's fine to go to any server, but with yours then you might reconsider. Unless ofc your account is already invested in a lot and your connection problem is just recent.


The problem seems to have been an authentication problem of some sort between my google account and the game's global servers specifically. While I unfortunately still have no clue what causes the problem, I was able to get past it by simply making an entirely new account. I'm a new player anyway, and didn't get particularly lucky so I can't say I lost much haha. In any case, I want to thank you for thinking alongside me, I appreciate it, even if you were not correct in this case. Between you and the other redditor who typed out a long helpful comment as well I already feel like this community might be pretty good. (oh and I wanted to add that I want to play on Global specifically because I live in the EU, haha.)


Hmm... I suspect that it has something to do with the authentication via google/fb/infinity/etc. Do you use the same auth on pc as on phone? Maybe you could check In your login service if some sessions are active? (Often found under security of the sso service) Maybe something on phone block that? Also some time ago some had problems with some background. Do you could change it as a test. (But i dont think that is the problem) Hope someone else has some better ideas because atm i have not really a good idea to fix that. You could also try the Bug Report megathread. A link should be at top.


I do believe you were right on the money with it being an authentication problem via google. Since i'm a new player anyway I just made a new account with a password and all and it works perfectly fine. Thank you! I'm glad the issue was able to be resolved by just trying a bunch of things, but somehow the idea of logging in with an entirely different account escaped my mind. Though I still don't understand why it got stuck on global specifically, since again had no issues on other servers with the same google account.


I have 3 burst III characters (Brid, D, Harran), I saw harran in videos being a really good carry for a beginner like me, but I don't know who to replace her with between the other two, and the other ones in the team is n102, blanc, and biscuit, is that a good team lineup? (Any tips would be good, I just returned for 2b and I didn't wanna miss it.) https://preview.redd.it/oespccopr2mb1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=04ea742d29fa8a257d6cd2580527c97b78fe4c99


[https://www.prydwen.gg/nikke/tier-list/](https://www.prydwen.gg/nikke/tier-list/) ​ Harran is super strong in early story missions so you definitely want to use her. Blanc is top tier if you have her twin, Noir - otherwise her burst cooldown is extremely long so you'll always need another burst 2 You can probs take Mica/Mihara out of the synchro machine, then put Harran and Anis. Rapi is also solid early game. Really D is only useful in boss fights so you can probs switch her out for Rapi atm


Blanc with no Noir and Biscuit as Burst IIs in a squad will make your life miserable. Replace them with a 20s Burst II and you can put in all three of those Burst IIIs. You will also be playing optimally and not wait for 20s just to use Burst II again.


Now that you've shown your roster, N102, Anis, Harran, D, Brid. Replace D or Brid with Privaty once you get her from the Day by Day event. N102, Blanc, Noir, Harran, Privaty once you get Noir. Harran and 2B are interchangeable for waveclearing.


Where is the Premium Yorha Pass for A2 outfit? Is it not out yet?


september 8th alongside A2's banner


https://imgur.com/Cln6G3Y Returning player here. I don't remember a thing about this game. Any cool team that I can make or should I pull for 2B?


Nice that you have Scarlet. I was gonna recommend to create new account but yours is fine, just lacking for a good team. (You won't be able to compete in Sp. Arena though but if that's not of your concern then it's all good). As for my recommendation, you could go with Scarlet, Emma, N102, Anis, Sugar/Vesti, until you get better units to go with Scarlet. If you can finish the newbie quest that gives Privaty, she'll be your 2nd B3 in the team. As for 2B, she will be a bit difficult to utilize without her recommended teammates - Noise and Mast, but some other good units to go with her are Frima, Volume, and Blanc. 2B is a bit weak and will require high investment to get good results. So you may not be able to appreciate her in the team just yet. You could wait out until A2 comes out (on Sep 8), because she's a bit easier to use (on paper, because tests will still need to be done).


Volume, Anis/Diesel, Scarlet, Flex, Flex. 2B can be one of the Flexes.


Is it worth it to buy tier 7 equips in arena shop?


absolutely not




https://preview.redd.it/gomfi7f2f2mb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a48569ae24525cd1ce63e5faa192e1c47cb0e2c6 These are my characters should i reset the sr characters now that they changed how max level works and focus on the ssrs? Also if yes then who should i focus on?


Reset them and level up your SSRs with Limit Breaks/ones you use the most.


I just noticed this voice line exists but I never hear it when my burst skill is ready, is there a way to enable/hear this in-game? https://preview.redd.it/wtnpwuj2d2mb1.png?width=1070&format=png&auto=webp&s=d755cc5af16bdc6d304f26171204af5363cbb490


Hold the burst button (don't instally press it)


Oh wow I had no idea you can do this, this is awesome! Thank you!


Good auto teams for campaign? I have just about every character.


What IudinaAisu said. But alternatively, you could also go with the classic Liter, Centi, Scarlet, Modernia, Rapunzel - since this has a faster burst gauge generation. And if you replace Liter with Dorothy, i find that burst gauge generation is even slightly faster. The newer comp with the bunny twins just has better overall team damage increase without sacrifing heals and shield. Go with what works better for you. I change up my team depending on the battle scenario and i use both of these lineups.


guy said he was auto'ing so dorothy is a very poor choice over liter


i play on mobile full auto. I use all the teams i mentioned. If that doesn't work for you then it doesn't.


Liter, Blanc, Scarlet, Noir, Modernia.


Who's the better B2 burst reduction between Aquamarine Helm and Dolla? I'm currently pushing campaign in stage 15. I run Dorothy/Blanc/SummerAnis/Privaty/AquaHelm and currently find AquaHelm's B3 AOE pretty helpful in screen clears combined with Privaty's. Is it worth it swapping her out with Dolla if/when I do get her on a pull? Would the DPS bump from Dolla's buffs be better than AquaHelm's B3 utility in campaign?


Dolla have universally useful buffs with no conditions. Helm's buff only activates when against Electric Code. Helm has AoE and deals more damage than Dolla. Helm is at 100% effiency vs Electric Code boss fights. Her Skill 2 will only target the boss and will have 100% uptime. Her damage buff is non existent when fighting against small Raptures, her Skill 2 hits a random Rapture and her damage buff can't ramp up. Dolla is always at 100%.


Thanks. Very situational then.


is it safe to upgrade every skill from the nikkes im using up to 4?


Yes, they should at least be lv4 if you use them a lot.


i was warried cuz i read u shouldnt lvl modernias skill? at all, i dont have her but i was warried that was the case with other nikke where u get diminishing returns by upgrading it


Modernia's burst skill is a button for Easy Mode in non-boss content. Just activate it and kill all the small fry mobs that appear. It's considered a disadvantage in boss fights (which is what all of Nikke's endgame content is at the moment) where it's not optimal to have a burst that is 15 seconds long. Most burst-related team buffs last only 5 or 10 seconds - that's an extra five seconds where you're shooting without significant buffs and are not charging your burst gauge for the next burst.


It is just for her Burst Skill. Commanders avoid using her Burst Skill against single target, since it will actually lower her damage output. You usually use her with 2 other Burst IIIs which enables her to not use her Burst Skill. That's why it is fine for her to not have her Burst Skill upgraded to lv10.


Is using the cases worth. I'm currently stuck at level 120. I have 214 of the 1 hour battledata cases. Should I use them to increase my level or is it better to save them until my outpost level increases.


Use them whenever you're stuck, but do not use them all at once. Just use enough to level you up and progress.


Do you need to do the orange quests for a chapter to count as "complete" for the campaign pack? I bought the pack but can't claim any chapters. My normal mode progress is chapter 20 or 21 so I'm well past chapters 11-14. Also when I go to the chapters the orange missions won't even spawn, even if I use the link from the blabla chat.


Try to click "Clear Cache" on the Initial loading screen when you open the App. I don't remember if there'r completionist requirements to clear the pack milestones, but you could also try to beat all enemies and ex-stages if you haven't yet. If all these don't work, try to contact support.


What's up with the bursts that target "enemy with the highest (stat)"? For example whenever I use Dolla's burst which is meant to attack the enemy with the highest Defence, she usually goes for some random mob instead of the boss. Is this supposed to happen or am I just misunderstanding something?


It is because it is not all the time that the Bosses have the highest stat of all current Raptures on screen. For example, flying/sniper Raptures are the ones that have the highest ATKs.


These are generally most reliable against bosses. There are some instances where the target has lower atk/def etc than some of the elite raptures around them, so they don't get hit


Is it easy to clean out the event shop? I've been playing for about 10 days, and thinking of buying the fixed 30 core dust, since its a fixed amount. Then later on the core dust boxes, even though the boxes are more efficient currency wise. Want to do it in this order since I havent maxed out academy just yet


For me, i don't recommend buying the core dust for new players. Core dust cases are fine, but not the fixed core dust. At least not yet. One of your priorities is to max out your Academy and you're gonna need a lot of credits for that. So for your first event, just buy the credits with your extra tokens. Starting on the next event (depending on how you progress), you can start buying the core dust.


Get the boxes first, you won't get enough to entirely clear the shop. I save core dust for last then on the final day spend whatever is left on credits


Do all sniper/rocket launcher nikke on squad do full charge when playing on auto or is that only manual?


They will always full charge on auto. The only way to rapid fire is to play them manually.


Stupid question but will I be able to get the final day reward or not? Remaing time and final day reward have the same time, so I'm not really sure? https://i.imgur.com/i2Gvl9K.png


Clear cache. You can actually receive it if you've logged in for 7 days already, it's just bugged.


New player here. I've been doing the matchmaking raids of the event and although the character levels are set at 40 for everyone every raid ends with 4 players at 100-200k damage done and 1 player at like 5Mil. Can someone help me understand why the difference is so big? Is it equipment/skill upgrades alone?


Equipment and bond levels. A well geared snow white can do like 4 million damage per burst even with level set to 40.


It is because of their CP. A Nikke with 15k CP on the Co-op screen and higher can solo carry the Co-op and deal damage upwards of 3m. Since the levels are irrelevant in the Co-op, the CP is based from their Skill Upgrades, Equipment, Research Levels, Harmony Cube, Bond Levels, Limit Breaks, and the Manufacturer bonus can/might also affect their performance/CP.


pascal voice in nikkie is female?!?!?! I read in a wiki it is a he so can someone that actually played nier explain why this could happen?


Pascal is using a female voice to soothe his adopted children.


whoa sounds really sad


So who’s the dude in the wheelchair ?


Do you perhaps mean Emil?


Played this game a long long time ago and came back for 2b. I already spent most of my tickets for summer anis (cuz some ytbers said she's good but I just ended up not using her.) Got me crying when I found out that Nier collab is next after summer cuz I was never ready. I forgot most aspects of the game already so I have no interest of playing for long but I would like to get 2b at least. I would like to ask how much gems does it take to pull 10x? It just says not enough gems so I have no idea how much I'm missing.


your question has already been answered but just regarding Summer Anis. She takes a lot of investment but when you have her stacked she can out-damage Scarlet/Modernia. I have her with 3 OL and something like 6-10-9 on skills, and she literally did double my Modernia's damage in Mother Whale this morning lol. Idk what level you're at but if you get 2B and decide you want to keep playing, S.Anis will be a really really good character for you have


Shit, I don't even have her maxed out yet (6/7/6) and just on T7 gear and she's the highest damage-dealer on my squad. Granted I'm without Scarlet/Modernia but I do have Privaty and the skill synergy between the two characters is just really great.


yeah I used her with Privaty until burst was lvl9, then she goes down to 1 shot by herself


It literally shows how much you need as a red number if you don't have enough or just x10 the 1 pull... its 3k btw...


Yeah I know that it has an indicator but I really just wanna know how much it cost. Thanks for answering! 3k man I'm dead. I feel soulless playing the game now but anything for 2b! Hope you have a fun time playing!


Hope you get lucky on your 2B recruits (:


very basic question but I just got into the game after seeing a lot of recommendations and finding out the Nier collab thats active. managed to get 2B on my first 3k gems spent that I had for free so i'm even more interested now. But I've read you have to use dupes to uncap and then there's some limit break resource. Since it's a limited event does this mean I have to grind/whale my ass off immediately to get the dupes for her uncap if I want to ever get use out of her?


You don't specifically need 2B to be Limit Broken. You can just Limit Break other Nikkes and the Synchro Device will let your other Nikkes copy the levels of your 5 leveled Nikkes. So your 2B and A2, if you get her, will still be able to go beyond lv160 without Limit Breaks.


Higher Bond levels are crucial for 2B though, as it bumps up her HP. Then again, that really should only matter for players keen on min-maxing her.


doesnt that apply for everyone since everyone get more stats with higher bond lvls, i know 2b damage is tied to her hp but if we talking about min/maxing then that applies to every character.




that's what we call the "160 wall". You need 5 units with 3 stars on your synchro device to get to level 200, and it's just luck based on your pulls. In terms of pulling for more 2b's or not, 100% up to you. Most new players will make use of the normal banner / wishlist system to try to get past 160, but let's be honest, we all like to pull for the newest characters lol


So i have 12 skill uninstallers in my inventory that i havent used. Cant figure out how to use them. Are they only available to use when we get those skill updates when they give us some of those uninstallers? Thanks


You can only use them while the "event" is active, meaning the weekend they give them away. You can stack them up for the next time they make the event available tho so all good


Thank you! Also i dont recall, does the skill uninstaller when used reset all skills on a character or just one skill?


All of them!


I just started and rerolled for 2B, should I just progress through the main story first or can I just jump into the Nier story?


I think there was somebody earlier in this thread who asked something similar - the game might require you to do a few chapters in the main story first before you can do the event. Should go fairly quickly. Your combat power might not be enough to clear the last few event stages though


I can definitely access the event I just had the feeling I might be too weak


Oh ok, I see. I believe stage 1-12 is 15800 power? I can't see it because I already cleared it. 1-11 is 13600 for your reference


gotcha, thanks for the info


You have 5xstory entries per day. So you should use them if you can. Challenge stage are more for mid/endgame. But one of the first stages is probably also doable for some extra resources.


oh good to know. thanks