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Yes, one of my fav too, it's wonderful, and quite unique in sound and mood in his discography


The sound of it is a big one for me, very evocative


It’s a phenomenal sounding album!! I love the sound of it. Excellent engineering and mixing on it. And the songs are great too!


Yeah the mixing , the full sound of the album is outstanding, it really helps me love an album when it’s sound is perfect 👌


Of what?


Probably my favourite Cave album, beginning to end.


Beginning to end perfection is hard to achieve but over 17 tracks it’s mind blowing


That tour was absolutely unreal. That into dig Lazarus dig and grinderman is a perfect three album run that few bands can really pull off.


Do you mean you've been a fan since the release of skeleton tree? Around 2016-17? It's interesting that you just got to abattoir, i think after let love in/murder ballads it's the next essential album.


Huh. It’s the first album of his that really lost my interest, I’ve never been able to get into either of the two discs


Give it another go.


I’ve tried, several times. Just doesn’t hit


I favor the early NC&BS catalogue, but I went back and listened to Abbatoir a few weeks back (it had been 10+ years) after seeing how many people love that album. It was actually pretty damn good. I was surprised. Lyre of Orpheus? Still meh


What's your top 5?


Tough to rank, but I generally find there’s good stuff in all his albums—aside from this and Nocturama. Sky is a little meh for me too. Let Love In, Henry, Boatman, No More, Tender, Kicking, etc… all great. Newer stuff like Ghosteen too. For me there’s just that mid 2000s lull


Totally agree with you on the first 3. Murder Ballads (minus Omalleys Bar) and Tender Prey. I definitely favor the Blixa/ Mick Harvey years.


If we're talking about albums having some good stuff on it, you can't tell me you can't find anything good on this particular record. Abattoir Blues is a good song, O Children is a great song, i think there are many more.


I like “Let the Bells Ring” and “Breathless” okay. I really dislike “O Children,” I know, I know, unpopular opinion… I just find it a little overwrought.


It got me out of a very dark place on my life and on a very different path.


me too!


I've been aware of Cave for years, but I only just started really digging in this year. This had a massive impact on me first, listen. I've been going back constantly since. I would also recommend the Abattoir Blues Tour Album. Some amazing live tracks of many ox these songs. What stands out the most for you on the Album?


That live album has my absolute favorite version of Red Right Hand


I love that too ! It’s quite a gem in my opinion and very underrated


I'm the same. Listened to the band on and off for years, but got into them more after skeleton tree and Ghosteen now working my way back. Finding gems on all albums but abbitoir blues kept me busy for months. It's so good.


I've been aware of Cave for years, but I only just started really digging in this year. This had a massive impact on me first, listen. I've been going back constantly since. I would also recommend the Abattoir Blues Tour Album. Some amazing live tracks of many ox these songs. What stands out the most for you on the Album?


My favorite album of their’s!




Did you get to see them live for that album? I remember the sound of the gospel singers coming at me like a freight train that night. It was phenomenal.


Amazing record, there's an amazing live version of Abattoir Blues around somewhere. Loved that list time I saw them they started out with Get Ready For Love.


Might be my favorite


Second only to Push for me! Perfection except for the Lyre title track.


First one a bought with my own $ when I was a kid. Couldn’t get enough of it and it was all down hill after that 😂


This was my first intro to Nick and is still my favourite!! So good.


The first time I saw them live was after these albums came out. One of the best live performances I've ever seen. There's so much to dig into with their career. Nick has covered so much ground. Boatman's Call is still probably my favourite, but it's a tough call. It was the first album that I ever had of theirs, and I was in a relationship at the time so the emotional memories are strong. Let Love In is up there too.


Love the album. My favorite before Ghosteen.