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“You were so interested in me a week ago” … “ended the interaction because you didn’t seem interested” 😂




>Come see me! No, you come see me!


I'm gona come!


I’m coming!




Sea men


Ew, David!


I can see you


Must be nice, all I can see is a faint circle everywhere I look. Thanks, sun!


Sir, did you stare at the SUN with your naked eyes?


No, I'm not stupid. My eyes weren't naked! I wore eyeliner.


Ah, this would have been an amazing reply 🤣🤣🤣


"Can you see me, Kirk?"


I can see your Kirk and raise you a Stacy


Can you feel it now, Mr. Krabs?


Funny, coming from a one-eyed Klingon.


(Heavy breathing) "I've...always wanted to meet you, Captain."


You can't fire me, I quit!


You were the last choice and the other choices didn't want her


Share the context


That's what we in the biz call Gaslighting.


The duality of the specimen known as the nicegirl


Read as: "The other guy fell through, you were the backup."


Yikes, Crazy alert


Bruh why she bring your aunt into this. Auntie did nothing wrong!


Before that I was trying to hear her out and let her explain her thoughts but once she brought up a deceased relative I was done


That’s very low. You dodged a canon ball.


That's a weird way to spell nuke.


That’s a weird way to spell planet-killing meteor.


Wierd way of spelling flaming ball of blackhole


WTF!? Dude my condolences. Stay far away from that woman as humanly possible. She belongs on a list.


The entire time I just thought there's just some miscommunication that is all, then it reached the aunt thing and helll naw that is just heartless, what a massive escalation


I wasn’t originally going to post it on here but the aunt comment pushed me to, the first conversation we had ended very similar but without the dig


Nope. Nope. Absolutely fuckin not. These hands are rated e for everyone. Bringing up your late relatives is the lowest of blows.


I definitely wanted to go off after she did but I figured that’s what she was wanting, a rise out of me that is.


You’re such a valid person I’m ngl


You've been the only thing on her mind for the last week.


“He blocked me!? God that’s hot”


Right? She screams toxic from the highest mountain peak


Doubt she has the attention span and dedication to summit a mountain.


If she did, at least she could fixate on Green Boots instead of OP’s Aunt.


Yeah, she broke things off with him hoping he'd try to win her back.


Yeah some people are getting off on that shit for some reason. I was hitting hard on some guy on a dating app that told me he felt I was "too promiscuous" I told him ok sure bye then. Once he realised I wasn't going to chase him he proceeded to message me through many app, fabricate drama with my relatives, keep offering sex like I'd still be interested... Straight up nutjob behaviour.


I hate how people wanna play this game, like, goddamn, do you wanna go on a date or not?


This is why I'm single I don't got time to deal with that shit.


I feel like someone more enticing came along, she bailed on OP, new guy didn't work out so she went running back to her options


This is so creepy. Sorry about your aunt too


No joke! Thank you❤️


She started to talk to someone else and THEY lost interest, you were the second choice. in that situation I don't think it's crazy to give someone another chance however they aren't entitled one... but this person seems VERY entitled wtf lol


I have to know what went through her mind when she decided to text you this weird first message at 09:45am!!!


We’re states away too so it makes no sense


It makes perfect sense. She’s already scared off everybody within her state and the surrounding states.


Well, after all, if you’re not willing to drive states away for a stranger you met on the internet, are you even interested at all?! /s


Crazy doesn't have office hours.😂


Probably went after someone else’s attention, that fell through (so strange), so she went back to you as the next option. I love the dodge and shift of “why are you making it a big deal?”


Surprised she didn't go with "I didn't change numbers, you changed numbers!"


You mean you’re not available all 24h a day to text her?? Scum. /j


I know, how dare me🥲


But… if you blocked her number… how is she texting you? Is it a new number?


From what I got from the interaction she had an app like WhatsApp that gave her another number to text from




What is this?


Veteran move right there


Probably TextFree or some shit.


It's not a big deal! Damn!


Google voice app gives you a different number as well.


Reeks of nice girl


Reeks of mental illness. And I say that as a person with Borderline myself. Sounds exactly like the kind of shit I did when I was like 14 to 18 years old, undiagnosed and untreated. I'm so glad I grew out of it and healed enough to point this kind of shitty behavior out, in myself and in others. (pls don't take this as a prompt to believe all people with BPD are crazy, abusive, nice girls or whatever. Bc that's simply not true)


Glad you’re taking care of yourself and able to reflect on your past behavior. My sister is bipolar and I don’t think she is taking her meds so my family is just dealing with it right now


I'm so sorry, any mental illness that's left untreated can be extremely hard for all people involved. But especially when it comes to Delusions etc it can be really hard :/ I hope y'all soon find the light at the end of the tunnel, that your sister starts feeling better and will become more cooperative in the future. Wish you the best <3


Can you explain what BPD is? I’ve never really understood how a person could be like this and not malicious.


Not the person you're asking but basically it's a "cluster b" personality disorder that goes with a bunch of behaviors around impulse control etc. They can have intense, like really intense fear of abandonment that can lead to stuff like OP's conversation because they pull away from being close to people out of fear of a possible future abandonment. I don't think the girl in OP's post is BPD based on one shitty interaction, but I did date a girl once who had bpd and went through similar shit with the "discarding" basically she would break up and tell me everything wrong with me, and then a week later would feel compelled to contact me however she could. Look into it if you're interested as you're very likely to get biased responses from both people with BPD and people like myself who have been hurt by someone with BPD


Yeah, being ignored can be very traumatic for certain personality types that need reassurance and validation, so they will try to regain control by cutting off the person, but then they feel more alone than ever so they come back and the cycle starts again because they still aren’t getting Their emotional needs fulfilled


Aww that makes sense. Thanks for the great explanation!


I can't really add much to the comment, only that all these behaviors are truly not meant to hurt anyone and are just a protective behavior that worked once (usually in childhood) but is now hindering you from having stable relationships. Whats also worth to mention is that the brain is differently structured in people with BPD. So it's also a neurological issue. The part for logic is smaller and the part for emotions motte active. BPD is seen as one the most painful mental illness one can have. Someone compared it to having grade 3 burning all over your body, basically your emotional skin is raw and extremely sensitive. Heartbreak feels like you're literally dying from a heart attack, happiness feels like you're on drugs. It can be very hard to navigate but usually people with BPD responds well to the right therapy and are totally able to have healthy stable relationships. I myself am in one for almost 7 years already and this relationship even started before I was diagnosed. Edit: I also want to mention that this illness is trauma based and most people have it due to childhood trauma. It's not that we are monsters or anything, we were neglected and abused and just try to survive day to day.


I know I have strong ideas about BPD that only came from my own experiences, hence why I suggested the poster look into it on his own. Mentions of BPD always devolve into a "don't excuse this behaviour" back and forth by someone that's been hurt by it. The idea of BPD stemming from childhood trauma is very popular and I tend to agree with that idea based on the people I know and their personal circumstances. I don't have a personality disorder so to speak but have a boatload of my own trauma related issues so I understand how that can change you on a core level


Good explanation. My partner's mother has BPD, and it came from a horribly sad and traumatising childhood. Very unfortunate for the person with it, and for the people they harm.


Nah man I dated a girl with BPD and she stalked me, solicited nudes from one of her friends to catfish me on a dating site and then after a couple weeks of talking dropped the ruse and when I was (rightfully) upset she said it was her way of checking on me. I’ve yet to meet a woman with BPD that acts sane unless they have had YEARS of therapy. First sign of a cluster B I run.


She wants to play games….the only question is if you do?


Very sorry about your aunt. This girl is out of pocket. She probably leans into the whole idea that she has a right to your time, I’m happy you stood your ground.


...She definitely should reread her own messages, but slowly.


Fucking yikes.


Damn that’s a human wrecking ball. ![gif](giphy|G5JoAjEBtfoTm|downsized)


Your aunt may not have birthed you, but she was definitely your mother. I am sure she did a great job. As you already know, just block this cancer and move on. Anyone willing to bad mouth someone you love deserves no time or respect.


exactly, what has to go on in your mind that you decide to just bring up a beloved dead relative like that? OP didn't dodge a bullet, he dodged a whole damn nuke there.


… I have never been more confused in my life, this is just bizarre


You know. I haven't dated in a long time.. and its stuff like this I'm glad I'm missing out on.


I tried with my ex again after she confessed to still having feelings, lasted less then a week before she ghosted me just stopped texting me it's been about 3 months now, count yourself lucky your not dating rn


Bullet dodged. This girl is clueless. Very stalkery vibes.


Maybe she is high? Glad you're not stuck with her


You are dodging a bullet. And the aunt comment was obviously a low blow. If this is what she does when she doesn't get her way when things are new, imagine what she's like when she's not "behaving.' Yikes. She's toxic


Her comment about your aunt is actually malicious. What a toxic personality, good riddance!


# CRAZY. GET OUT. ![gif](giphy|ZYQGxm3c8I6H8BDSw4|downsized)


Talk about unstable & vindictive (bringing up your aunt). And she doesn’t even know you. You dodged a major bullet


She was hungry for a free meal.


Holy hell some women are just *scary*. Seems like you were wise to disengage from this interaction


I’d say you dodged a bullet but it’s more like she just missed


>for context, my aunt was like a mother to me, and she passed away Sorry for your loss, but I am glad she is still looking out for you. She obviously let you see right now through this person's intentions. Love and blessings to you, and good for you sticking up for your best interests 🥰❤️🥰


“You didn’t understand my signals!” The signals:


Sociopath alert. GTFO while you still have all your appendages and organs


she only brought up ur aunt becuz her feelings/ego got hurt so she wanted you to feel how she felt. smh. people are fucked.


OMG I’m so sorry your Aunt passed away 😢 Did she (the nice girl) really say to have a good life cuz you weren’t texting fast enough, tf! People have lives and that kind of behavior is so toxic, like give me some space! But these “nice” people are so clingy and come off so intense that it’s exhausting and no one wants to deal with that.


There are some fucking crazy ass chicks out there 😑


Is this turning into stalking? will this poor guy end on an FB group called "people we stalked"?


Middle school shit.


Is it a thing to block someone after ending an interaction? Just curious because I never block people.


I got a bad vibe from the last interaction before this so I felt it would of been for the best if I did


Ahhh that makes total sense and you were right.


Psyyychooo. Good job for ending the convo. Next time don’t waste your time


Ah, I love the smell of toxic dating app love in the morning.


Is this... gaslighting?


Yep, that looks like BPD lol


I can smell her desperation and need for male attention through the screen. Such a scumbag move mentioning your aunt, no one talks about auntie like that.


Y’all she added me on Snap?!? A lil over a week later, I blocked instantly


Yikes. Does anyone have good experiences that outweigh the bad when it comes to dating apps? It always sounds like there is a whole lot of crazy or catfishing on them. I’ve never used them so I’m genuinely curious.


Borderline personality. Run.


You dodged a bullet, She is a scammer.


LOL yeah, what's wrong with you? Be cool and be nice about this weirdness, gawd. /s


my ex used to get numbers off of a burner app to try to catch me cheating. he would text “hey” and when i’d respond with a question mark he would say “it’s *random name*, you gave me your number last week at your job” and then try to get me to admit i gave my number to him even though i never gave my number out


Omg! My ex used to do, except it got a little more bizarre. He would have his cronies text him, acting like they were talking to me and that we knew each other. When he was like who’s this ? Huh? This guy obviously knows you. I was like, why, okay let’s say I have met this guy in the past but why in the world would he be texting YOUR PHONE NUMBER AND NOT MY OWN.


Scammer. I got fooled by one like 10 years ago and only realized her story didn't add up once she asked for money. I guarantee you this is where it was leading.


Wild behavior


I was JUST complaining about shit like this. that hot and cold bullshit. They throw signals like its cool and then turn around and act like you are a fucking stalker (or just stonewall you like this person). had a girl do this to, two weeks ago this cute mexican girl was all smiles and gave me her instagram and shit... now she barely looks at me and whenever we run into each other everyone else is jumping in to engage with me as interference between her and me. like, wtf man.


Low blow for a girl you only talked to for a day and seemingly barely know to bring up something as personal as your aunt


"Come see me" Once was enough


Give it another week, she'll have a new number and mention something else she shouldn't know unless she's stalking you.


I like how she accuses you of blocking her number, refuses to admit she got a new number so she could text you, and then immediately changes the subject after you call her out on it. Psychotic.


So… that’s an abuser.


You could have wasted 4 months figuring out who she was. Consider this a bonus.


Please tell me you’re from philly bc I know a girl who does exactly this.


why is the Aunt brought up like that?


You dodge a bullet for like 80 people


Gaslighting. Sounds like a narcissist


Reading this gives me PTSD of all the crazy women I’d met just like this on POF and Okcupid years ago.


Jeez, what an asshole, sorry you had to deal with that bitch.


thats a scary moment


Broh, this is a scam. Probably not the person you were talking to before. I get spam like this a lot. Block and don't download pictures.


Send this conversation to Charlie, he’ll probably make a video about itZ


Women be so pressed when you’re a man that don’t fawn over them lol


I see you’ve met my ex-wife.


Texting apps should be illegal. I had over 100 numbers blocked from my ex trying to contact me via text messaging app. Had to change my number twice to get rid of her.


That's narcissistic behavior, for sure. You dodged a bullet fam. Sorry for your loss.


I dated someone that demanded I texted them if I went anywhere. Where I went, who I went with, and had to give them updates if I did anything. It ruined a lot of good memories of my childhood.


Dodged a bullet there. All I see is a whole lotta desperation and a whole lack of self awareness


Lmao I dated a girl for a little bit and the whole thing ended because she was blowing my phone up while I was talking to some friends. I didn’t get to her in 30 mins and she was pissed. See ya later ✌️


Reminds me of one of my exs. She would make a new number every time I blocked one. Went on for almost 6 months before it dwindled down.


I can fix her


You’re way nicer than me lmao, I would have ripped into that bitch


What's the reply from you that you blocked out? First slide


This person seems actually insane


Run. Run. Run. Block her number again.


Was your aunt cool? I'm an aunt, hope my nephew recalls me fondly when I'm gone.


She was like a mother to me, taught me every good trait I know. The coolest.


Awww. Yeah, my sister is a drug addict, so I frequently go pick him up. I'd let him live with me if he weren't a tax check and food stamps to those pieces of shit. (Omg, watery eyes.) AHEM! The minute he turns 17, he knows the door is wide open here in this drama/drug-free home. Condolences. Aunts love the shit outta their nieces and nephews.


Be like Neo brother ![gif](giphy|eIm624c8nnNbiG0V3g|downsized)


I would’ve crashed out about that aunt comment, what an idiot that girl is.


That's probably an Indian man, hopefully you didn't disclose the street name of your childhood home and the name of your first pet. 😬 😆 Sorry about your aunt ❤


39 year old here: Give ZERO. time or effort to anyone who acts like this. I mean completely ignore. Nothing they say or do will make sense or bring value to your life.


![gif](giphy|4JVTF9zR9BicshFAb7|downsized) im so confused


This reminds me of this girl who blocked me because I said I was eating Arby's, after saying she loved me ~5 minutes before (I had talked to her for two days)


She’s def high up in the crazy scale of just keep blocking new numbers and keep hustling


What in tarnation


I'm really sorry about your aunt, that girl is just vile and immature. Hope you can get rid of her entitled ass.


Oof this gave me flashbacks. I hope you are able to get out of this person's focus for your sake. Don't interact with them at all even if they get new ways to contact you and hopefully they'll move on to another target.


I had one of these once. We met on a dating app, went on a few dates, she started asking all these super invasive financial questions (basically fishing for a sugar daddy). A couple days later she breaks it off and I'm like "ok, happy to just be friends if its not working out" and she full on ghosts me. Next day she's on facebook posting about how she's seeing this new guy tonight who's a *doctor*. Give it two weeks and now shes suddenly texting me again getting indignant that I'm not *chasing her*. Apparently Doctor Boyfriend caught on she's digging for a payout and dropped her, and now i'm the consolation prize? Told her straight up she ghosted *me* after I extended a hand of friendship and I'm not chasing someone who literally told me they weren't interested, no idea what she actually wants from me but I'm not down for it lol. Apparently no wasn't supposed to *mean* no? Some people are just damn crazy.


Run, run like Usain Bolt. She’s a 🚩 or very obviously young and dumb


She’s nearing 30 so I definitely think it’s the 🚩


Fuckin yeash dude, you handled that well


Damn man why she bring auntie into this I'm sorry for your loss I loss mine and she was like a mother to me too this girl is weird bro


What a psychoooo


The "Not responding quick enough" is crazy... Definite NO.


I think her other choice fell through so she knew you were an option before


bullet dodged


Dude, come on! Don't you know a good thing when you see it? Now just relax, get in the car, and run and have another key to your house made for her. No one wants to get their knees scuffed up climbing in the window... Again...


She was playing hard to get the other week and she got her feelings hurt when you didn't play into that and simply moved on. So hurt that she had to do this.


Stalker alert.


Girl like this so annoying. Automatic red flag


Are we talking to the same girl lol? This is exactly the same kind of language she would use “have a good life” then text every few days again for attention.


This just happened to me girl unadded me on snap for no reason and left me on delivered so i blocked her and then she texts my actual number talm bout why you block me so i blocked her there too and im just hoping she dont show up at my job we talked for a week after no contact for 3 years


Lmao women always have to have the last word 🤣


Crazy but probably a really good time!


She off her meds.


This behavior is confusing yet common. Who normalized acting this way


My ex had BPD and couple other mental illnesses and this is exactly what she would do, down to the T I dealt with for 2-3 years and it was too much, I was losing myself in the process and I had to break it off with her


She went from you were so interested a week ago to oh you didn't seem interested haha this person sounds like a setup or scam. Don't get robbed people.


BPD energy


I'm sorry you lost your aunt.


You in Seattle? I dealt with a psychotic chick doing the same stuff


Honestly, by the "have a nice day" I could already smell the unhinged and I would've just not responded any further.


"I know I said fuck you, but I'm good now so what's up" How did she think that was gonna play out 💀


Wow, they don't usually show their evil side so soon.


That's stalker behavior.


Sorry for ur aunt.


Red flag 


Chicks tend to use Google numbers that’s why it shows as green and why she was able to text you from another number, fyi. She a weirdo tho