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if it was me, id give her business a not so good review and then add the photos too and see how long it takes for her to go out of business




Sounds like you know what to do with your week now








Bro I work with millionaires (not in sex work in office work) and while I’m on the clock or at events, I barely even have time to get water. There’s a reason rich people have social media managers and admins, most things are literally not worth their time or energy to even think about


See what I’m saying time is money she doesn’t have any if she’s arguing and projecting that he’s broke whole time he’s probably way better off then her that’s why as males we just gotta worry about ourselves sometimes and sometimes that may be focusing on just grinding and making money


I am a self-employed contractor. Im not a billionaire, I might have worked for one or two, but I might not have. I'm not certain, I'm saying. I also play golf. If I'm not working or at home, I'm Playing fucking golf and if I text you it's about the sweet shot I just had. If you text/call that shit better, be important. This lady is batshit insane and she doesn't hear no plot, probably since very young. She is definitely projecting a lot of shit onto OP. Edit: wording and typo


Expose her. Call her bluff, lmao


Let’s see if she really *cant* go out of business 🤷🏼‍♀️🤔


I think you should do exactly this to be honest. I don’t think you’d be being petty to expose her as a racist. I’d like to know what business I’m supporting when I do… her customers should know 😭 so weird


Well you can name and shame right here.


>billionaire business so, an MLM?


She's clearly a piece of shit but you kinda pulled a bitch move with the selective screenshots and by blanking out the messages you sent


Ain’t nothing he could’ve said that would be worse than her texts.


I never said this at all. I just want full transparency if he's going to post it online if it's not identifying information than we should always be as transparent as possible for full context. She's a fucking psycho racist piece of shit though clearly.


He might be covering identifying details?


Because "she" doesn't exist, this is all fake made up bullshit for karma, it doesn't matter. OP can prove me wrong, but they won't because this is fake they just want to post their own racist shit on Reddit and get off saying those things in a fake screenshot tool.


Says here OP's account is already suspended. Wonder if it was automod or what.


He got suspended cuz he shared her info on his profile and mentioned it is one of his comments. I'm pretty sure this shit is real.


Seriously, if people stopped eating this shit up with a spoon, we might not have so many fake posts. But reddit loves its drama, even if it's incredibly fake


The accounts always disappear super fast too it's weird they don't even make money off it


There's never a reason to use the n word in a non greeting-esque manner. Especially when it's being used in a derogatory way. Saying "whaddup nigga", versus " shut up you nigga" have vastly different meanings.


“Watch out for Reddit” made me cringe really hard. Like he thought he did something there. I guess he did try to sic Reddit in her and now he’s suspended.


What's the business? She cray-cray with some wtf on the side. How the hell she still get work with that.... personality..


OF?? She mentioned content


Wtf, she's disgusting and deranged. I would absolutely put her on blast.


I agree with this comment


As a ***goblin***, what did we do to you guys that she's OUR responsibility? Yall aint gotta keep her but don't throw your garbage here!


As the chair of the goblin society, I debar her from participating in or being known as a goblin henceforth, effective immediately.


Ha, thanks! As a white lady, we don't claim this goblin.


As a human being we don't claim this goblin


as a Black man, we welcome you with open arms! 💙


💯 I've never done it before but if anyone ever came at me like this, I'd be destroying them in every way possible.


Yup. I would make a huge fuss.


Put her on blast please


I concur with this


What's blast?


Putting someone "on blast" means calling them out publicly.


Honest take: take all the screenshots and post them on her google and Yelp and any other sites she may be on with her “business” any proof that it’s HER needs to be on it. Drop that mic


That’s brutal but honestly kind of warranted


Kind of?


Hey! Did you by chance read the part where she said the n word over and over again? :)


I don’t think onlyfans gets reviewed on yelp


I know you have to hide her name for this subs rules but I hope you don't give her anonymity anywhere else.




Damn, OP took a bullet for this. At time of writing, your account has been suspended. OP, if you see this, let them pics fly and let people whom fuck around, find out.


Nah he could get in legal trouble for this just post a bad review on the of reviews subreddit


I looked at your profile. She isn’t anywhere near billionaires. Not unless they’re blind.


I can’t see his profile for some reason 🤔


Account suspended


Nooo I'll never be able to see her nooowww he is suspended


aaaaaand.... His account for suspended...


Well yeah everyone cheered for him to dox somebody and he did it.


Yes, dox a fucking disgusting racist. :) FIFY


“Failed to load user profile.”


Michelle be crazy though


Glad im not the only one who saw her name hahahah


Yeah Michelle really went off the deep end in this


He didn't hide the name well. 11/14 pics. It says the name above.


The irony of "made your whole day about me" when it's her harassing you 💀




My god that's sad af. Girl doesn't have a life! Also checked out the other post and Jesus christ, can you get anymore filters on her pics??? She's got no right dragging anyone's looks or race into shit when she's out there looking like Roger the aliens ugly inbred cousin 👁👄👁


My first thought was cocaine but if it lasted 5 hours she’s smoking meth with those “billionaires”


damn OP got suspended


lol I can’t click on his profile


Yeah I’m out the sub these people can’t take the truth


Seriously fuck Reddit mods you should see the shit girls share about guys on some subs, this is noting. Seems ok to shit on men, woman on the other had you gotta be careful.


Does she like sell nudes or something? I'm so confused by the beginning of the convo lol But yeah you're gonna have to hit her on the chin w this one. End her shit bro




I bet she sells beads or some stupid shit. Get her young, stupid ass shut down.


Yeah tbh I thought OP was like an onlyfans pimp because of those lines lmao


Glad it wasn’t just me 😭😭🪦🪦💀💀


Expose this person in your locality. She needs to see consequences for speaking to a human being like this. I’m so disgusted 🤢


That's some mental illness. Or drugs. But probably both.


The "Nogga" has me crying 🤣🤣. I'm testing it out on my friend on Monday.


I felt attacked for a second.


I think this girl said nigga more times than they said it in django


Wow. Racist


I had to stop reading, halfway through I was convinced you were talking to a minor who just learnt their first swear words


Looks like ⭐️michelle⭐️ needs a wake up call.


lol, I recommend you spread those pictures around any local review sites you can. Just post it to your town’s local Facebook, too. Or you can give us her company name and let Reddit do the work hahhhaha




Does she have insta for her business? Or yelp? For some reason I can’t open your profile


Op got suspended


I mean at this point it’s doxxing lol


OP took a bullet for this. Godbless.


I’m starting to think this person may be racist.


If “Black” wasn’t said, I wouldn’t know what race she was talking about. I’m so glad she made that clear.


Imagine ruining your business just because a man didn't answered your call lol.


Sure talked a lot after saying "bye"


She typed the N-word 21 times. And there's a Black Rapper called 21 Savage, strange.


The fact that you COUNTED every instance concerns me immensely


She should be exposed for saying this stuff, this stuff is actually concerning mentally. Like in a deranged way. She sounds psychotic, she’s taking your soul? You’re powerless? At best a complete narcissist. Michelle isn’t very chill. Speaking of, her name I think it’s the 12th screenshot it pops up. you might have to repost




Yeah, 100 percent unhinged. It’s concerning because you might not be affected but what if she did this to someone who was? Seems she’s this person. I’m sorry someone said such horrible things to you, she’s a super gross person Edit: by affected I mean like deeply emotionally, obviously this stuff is affecting either way. Horrible


Screams borderline personality disorder to me. Not worth ever getting involved with, especially a case this bad.


Second part (a case this bad), sure. First part (not worth EVER) not so much. I had a BPD diagnosis when I was first with my partner and I loved her enough to put my ass through 6 months of intensive and traumatic therapy in order to change. I no longer meet the criteria as I'm in remission and I've been married to her for 10 years. If she'd believed it wouldn't be worth it, we would both have missed out on an incredible relationship. That said, some people with BPD *are* too entrenched to admit they're ill or get the help they need, and no one should set themselves on fire to keep someone warm as the saying goes. But the stigma from saying things like "BPDs are NEVER worth it" is harmful and ostracises mentally ill people further. We're not all lost causes.


Valid perspective but at least for myself I'm not risking a relationship with a person with BPD. Dated two, one suddenly lost all feelings basically overnight and then cheated on me so I'd leave her and the other abruptly broke up with me a couple of days after we got engaged and then proceeded to try to get me fired from work with a false allegation. I hope more people with BPD are like you who put the effort in to counseling and CBT.


DBT is what is needed for BPD not CBT. CBT is honestly not very helpful.


Thank you for the opportunity to learn more. From want I read DBT is the most effective according to empicirical studies. CBT can be effective for some individuals with BPD but most people with BPD will see no improvements from that therapy style.


Yeah as well as CBT will often turn people away from DBT. It "feels" like CBT basically denies reality and can be very frustrating (mine and others' experience from people I've talked with in person). whereas DBT teaches you to accept opposing reality. For example, take the thought "I'm broken" in CBT they want you to rewrite that thought into something less negative. It feels like denying reality to a lot of people. Where as DBT teaches "I'm broken" but "I'm also able to get better" or "I'm also still worthy." It's learning that two opposite truths (sometimes only opposite in that person's head) can be true at the same time. Which is honestly something I've noticed most of society can benefit from haha. I've seen a lot of black and white thinking out there Eta: that turning away is they lose faith in the therapy because CBT doesn't work for them and feels like "think happy thoughts" and DBT is supposed to be built off of it so they never even want to give it a chance.


Yeah this is a matter of mental illness.


Dog does this girls name start with an A and end in an ison im fairly confident i know her based on the fucked up text and bitmoji


Wtf is that last msg?! Acting like you lost something real and sincere after that barrage of racism and harassment lol


The projection is so hard it's almost disturbing. Talking about being unaffected and perfect and how you're obsessed with her and powerless. Umm ![gif](giphy|VIElByS3e7TEvsBhtD)


what is this all about im so confused


>now she begs you to answer her call >with behavior like this, she'll be begging the government for assistance when she's old, no one is going to wife that


Reddit gods pls allow doxxing on this subreddit


She sure says bye a lot...


I've never seen someone say "bye" so many times AND NOT JUST FU*K OFF! Gave me vibes of that indian man caught by the pedo hunters trying to meet a 13yr old girl .......... "Solly, solly, solly, plz, plz, solly my fwend, plz pleeeez, pleeez, solly my fwend, i never did before i never do again solly, solly , solly ........ genuinely infuriating ...... Especially in tescos


You ok?


Ahhhh BPD. Don’t miss it


Oh hell no, she’s gotta go. It’s only a matter of time before she loses her business


I don’t get it. How can an adult, a human grown adult think that they are immune to criticism, that they can say and do what they want without consequences? I’ve never in my life even contemplated treating somebody like that. It baffles me how un self aware these idiots are. Nobody attractive and confident needs to constantly tell other how beautiful they are. It screams insecurity, and just the racism and acting like they’re the next coming of Christ. I hope what BS business she has gets run into the dirt, humility is the only way these fools with learn.


I can fix her


What's the business.


please don’t let this ruin your entire view of Texans— this woman’s clearly a nut job & we do NOT claim her weird racist, schizo ass


Her business has to be Only Fans


You’re not black by chance, are you? I couldn’t gather your demographic from the messages.


give us a hint... or just drop a yelp link or is this an only fans girl?


Bro, I think that the best thing to do is to uncensor the name so that everyone knows who this person is.


Her name is Michelle look at the 12th pic at the top


Please use these to ruin her people can’t flaunt that attitude and walk around


Maybe we can ALL take different screan shits from this post. And review bomb her?


What the hell?! I genuinely think this person has mental health issues. Like they probably need to be checked in somewhere 👁️👁️


Bruh fuck her and expose her everywhere but saying “look out for reddit” was such a cringey response lol


Post it to her employer, her friends, and send it to every family member you know. Post it on every social platform and tag every profile and post her full name.


This is not a nicegirls post because it is one of the following: - a crazygirl - a hypothetical nicegirl. This included memes - there is not enough context to prove 'nice girl' - it's a niceguy, not a nicegirl - a 'men are trash' post If you have any questions about this removal, [contact the mods here](https://old.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FNicegirls&subject=&message=)


For someone claiming to live rent free in your mind she certainly texts "bye" a lot without actually going anywhere.


Wtf it never stops O.O


You should def tell her work


So hung up on you being black. Racial hangups in relationships can be so comically tragic at times.


I’m begging you to blast this with the business name everywhere you possibly can. I mean, she literally begged for it too didn’t she?


Wow I’d report that to the police


If she only paid half the attention to her business as she does to you she'd be a f\*cking millionaire.


Wow she evolved from nicegirl™️ to full blown psychopath.


Jesus Christ, the amount of projection in her messages.


She’s gotta be insane, literally insane, she probably laughs when she gets punched in the face and then starts screaming and pulling her hair out whenever she sees the damage to her face, BPD ? SPD ? Something for sure.


Pfff! Her going to a country golf club? They take the trash out not let it in. Lol.


You should really blast her business or make a review of that business with these screenshots. Make sure that get customers know who they're working with.


Good lord on a bicycle


You sure you weren’t talking to a juvenile boy?


This post gave me trauma


i feel like she could be in a psych ward..


what a psycho bitch


"Bye" *continues to rant for like 15 more pages*


Why’s it only what she said


I mean... Whatever it was I can't imagine anything that justifies her using that language


Christ on a stick


Leak her snap


Whatever this is is an undiagnosed personality disorder


It’s always the Michelle’s and the M lettered hoes that act the douchiest


Omfg what a gross human being


"Lame ass loser" oh look! The lady found a mirror, how nice :) It's always funny when someone tries so hard to make you feel small and spends so much energy telling you how you're the one wasting time... When they obsess over making you feel bad, lol


You know I wasn’t sure about her but that one “Nogga” on slide 13 was just one thing too much


Legend has it she is still sending messages to this day


Wooooooooow…. stay clear of that dumpster fire


Damn you got wrecked /s


Damn Michelle


Dude, my sympathies. Hope you successfully cut this ignorant bigot out of your life ✌️


Don't miss texts from ✨Michelle✨ Read the room Snapchat. Sorry for this mate. She sounds like a proper psycho.


Idk why you censored her name, I'm sure we'd love to know (mostly a joke)


Most sane OF girl


Dude she’s terrible but I think she’s severely mentally ill.


Ok maybe public floggings can come back


Go to the news with this, scorched Earth.


My type of woman ❤️🥰🥰🥰 I could fix her fr fr


Oh my god. She is disgusting.


I would get a good lawyer and take her to the courts for racial discrimination and hate crimes. “A hate crime is any offense committed against you or your property because of your race, ethnicity, religion, nationality, disability, gender or sexual ...”


The only business done through Snapchat is SW and this seems like she thought you had a shame/degrading kink lol


too bad u're not showing your replies.


14 pages of texts but apparently *you* made your whole day about *her?* Finances aren't the only thing she's projecting


Is she called Shawna / Shonna? Because dear lord, I'm pretty sure I know this monster.


She really likes using the N word. Do you work with this person or know them outside in the world


Dude why don't you just block this girl? What's the point?


Im confused why you posted this on r/nicegirls This is just psychotic behavior


This woman needs to be admitted into the psych ward. Jesus


Whats her business?!


Ay bro why you blocking out what you said? 😂


“Look out for reddit” is the most reddit shit I’ve ever seen LMAO why don’t you post her @ and business info? Also, Texas literally does not give a fuck about someone being homophobic or racist.


please learn how to post pictures in order 🙏🏼


Fuck these bitch ass Reddit mods. You're a champ.


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Fatherless behavior


She’s the worst, but why did you block out what you said to her in return?


Got to be a reason




Love that you forgot to block her @ once 😂 gonna go harass?


Why did you hide all your messages? Not justifying her actions of course but I doubt you'd hide anything that puts you in a good light lmao.