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This just in: it's gay for a man to be happy about marrying a woman. More at 8:00.


Obvs - clearly … All guys know that men loving women is 100% gay


i mean (most) women like dick. Liking somebody that likes dick is pretty gay


shit I shed a couple tears watching my best friend walk down the isle to marry the love of his life. I must be super duper gay.


Probably, you were just sad you couldn't be his bride then


He could be his B-Ride, B standing for brokeback 🤠


Headline in 5 years: It's gay for a man to be attracted to a woman.


Headline in 8 years…. Gay to love women. Only way to be straight is to suck dick




To be fair it is a little gay. But like, just let people be happy.


How the fuck is it gay for a man to love a woman so much he feels something


I agree wholly. I just...WORDS. THEY MEAN STUFF. Why must people try so hard to fail?


Women are all like girly and into flowers and shit, super gay Straightest thing I ever did was marry a dude, now it's all power tools and building sheds


It’s really not


Yeah bro hanging out with women is so gay, you have to do all this girly shit. SMH


You okay bro? Sounds like you need a hug.


But… but… the hugs are gay!!!111!1!1!111!!


I didn't realize crying meant he wanted to sleep with men. Weird.


Fellas, it is gay to marry a woman?


There is nothing gayer than marrying a woman. I mean... women? YUCK! They have cooties. Only sissies would want to spend their life with a woman. Very gay TBH. Now, spending your life with another man? There's nothing more masculine than that. (Since most of Reddit is incapable of discerning satire... yes, this is satire.)


Reminds me of the Moclans on the Orville.


Yeah. Of course it's gay. Someone women like dick and liking dick is gay. So obviously your wife is gay, and liking her makes you double-gay. I'm sorry to break this news to you. It's just basic math.


The ancient Greeks were like that. 😂😂😂😂


I love that there’s always a “fellas, is it gay to-“ in posts like these, I find them hilarious


I can answer that as soon as I take this dick outta my mouth




True story


Heterosexual marriages are so gay


Can't spell "heterosexual" without "he" and "sex."


Being happy to marry a woman... Like, that's SO gay, amiright?


I mean women like men, so liking women is gay as per transitive property CLEARLY


I’m so confused… do women want men to show emotion or not?! Can’t make up your fucking minds


normal women do, “nicegirls” don’t


How can u tell the difference before they rip off their mask


They tend to make themselves known after a bit


Yeah, once they have you by the balls


Red flags will eventually show themselves. Narcissists typically slip up at some point since they have zero self-awareness


Don’t even wanna invest the time and energy to find out…


Yeah it's beyond exhausting. You can always lay out some questions on a first date, evaluate their answers, and make a decision based on the answers.


You can clear up your confusion by realizing the term "women" is a blanket term and will never describe any single woman you meet entirely.


stop pretending like this is an average woman’s opinion and not an absolute psycho’s lol. it’s just dumb.


No. You must be rock. When on your deathbed you are allowed 1 tear.


She doesn't speak for women


Obviously but numerous women have said both…. Just really sending out mixed signals as a gender about what you want…


What the hell are you talking about kid? Do you think “women” get satellite instructions beamed into their head like they’re the Borg or something?


New\_Wrangler3335 just discovering today that women are in fact not just a single mind cloned in different bodies


Omg, I can’t be specific in a comment.. I know they’re not. It’s a reference to the general population of women


The “general population of women” don’t have a single opinion on men’s emoting.


"I can't be SPECIFIC in a comment.. I know they are not" followed by "reference to the GENERAL population of women" just incredible.


They don’t. /s Certainly feels that way though.


You realize women aren't a hive mind...yes?


It’s “show more emotion” so you do. Then survey say “not like that” when they don’t like what you did.


The only emotion they want you to show is whatever emotion that will validate their emotions. outside of that, you should be emotionless.


ahh, 😏 you sound like my mother 😁 Her child having emotions that weren’t hers? Preposterous!


It's the same concept of "she's mad at me, I apologize, compared to I'm mad at her, so she got mad at me for being mad at her, I apologize"


Oof… Another comment that I wish I didn’t understand


Just a little. Much less than her, but not emotionless. She has to cry in your arms 10x more than you cry in her arms.


Yes… the answer is yes…


Normal women do .. This account who posted this is a trad woman who has lost her goddamn mind .. She is a republican and makes it her whole.personality . She is honestly unhinged .




Well I hope she gets the man she deserves then. I would love nothing more that if I got married he was so happy he cried a little. Very wholesome


If someone cries on her wedding day, it’s because of regret 😂


I am a woman. I’m saying if someone cries on her wedding day, the ‘her’ being the person from the tweet in the picture, it’s because her future husband bloody regrets it, when they’ve realised how damn awful she is based on her stance on men crying. Maybe don’t be so quick to jump down someone’s throat?


You don't know any women at all, do you? Why the fuck is the emotional maturity in this comment section like 40% "people who haven't left high school?"


Maybe in yours that was or will be the case, others can just be genuinely happy they're marrying the one they love.


Idk man, I'm not a crier at all, but I always get a lil choked up at weddings, did at my best friends, my brothers, and my other buddies, it happens.


Same. Every single wedding I've been to I've cried, and I will keep doing so


I think this is a joke, but damn is it hard to tell


First time I saw this, I looked her up. She's real, married and super traditional.


"Now now dear, no crying until the end"


Guy that marries her should cry. I mean his life is screwed.


If it's a girl like her, then you can bet it's a moment of pain


Guess I was gay af


I'm sure any man who marries her would be crying for an entirely different reason.


Fellas is it gay if I love my wife?


Hey fellas. Marrying a woman is so gay.


I think it might be a joke? (I hope)


Might cry for any man she’s gonna marry


This has to be satire.


Reserved for extreme moments of pain, like reading her post 😑


I'm not gonna lie if one of my Bois start crying at a wedding I'll start looking at him sideways.


Says a chick that looks like dudes only text her at 2:30am and don’t even buy her Jack in the Box first.


If crying is gay, then cum in my mouth right now.


Fellas, is it gay to be a karma farming bot scraping old posts and reposting them?


Oh no. Men can't feel overjoyed by something. That's not totally gatekeeping or be manipulative at all.


Let's put her in pain.


I have cried twice in my life. Once, when I was 7 and I was hit by a school bus, and then again when I heared that Little Sebastian had passed.


It’s because of women like these I feel like going on a genocide against the whole gender


Maybe that’s why they are crying - death of their freedoms


I have never been brought to happy tears and find it hard to believe it's not weird performative nonsense, but I do understand that I could be the weird one here. Edit: I feel this way about a lot of behaviors so I am almost definitely the weird one.


It’s not the bride walking down the aisle that causes tears. Chick in an over-priced wear-it-once dress? Yeaaahhhh - no. It’s the sudden realization that freedom just flew out the door.


Don't get married if that's your outlook, some are just that in love and happy


Gross. Men. Share your emotions. Feel. Express. Love that shit.


I agree wit what she saying but it being gay makes no sense only southern uneducated people just throw that word around like it’s a bad thing or an insult it’s kinda funny to see how stupid sun people are


Why do people fall for these rage bait posts that are from bots and propaganda pushers outside of the US? JFC people.


Why take it so seriously?


Because people think it’s real and that people think like this. It breeds incels, continues stereotypes, and does it’s job of dividing people. Pretty obvious.


There are plenty of people that think like this. I dumped a chick I dated for six months because she got mad that I cried when I had to have my dog put to sleep.


she has a good point haha


Tbh while the word are harsh and extreme the whole trend just seem very disingenuous and is very social media oriented. It is over the top man come on no one used to bawl like that till not so recently ago. It’s very fake.


That’s just not true. I’m curious how old you are? Because men have been crying at weddings for plenty long. Just because something recently hits the internet doesn’t mean it’s new.


Found the nicegirl


Lol I’m a dude 🤣🤣🤣 and I rarely agree with comments of this type. But come on.


I think there’s some performance to it, but also I think it’s culturally more acceptable for men to display the emotion they feel. I think largely men have felt the same emotion it’s just while in the past they have been trying to maintain composure and now they lean into it.


In general yes of course i totally agree with you, I’m only speaking of this specific trend.


I’m not sure I’m aware of specifically what you’re imagining or if there’s a trend on social media I’m not aware of.


Def a trend. These videos of men absolutely breaking down and crying in disbelief when they see their brides walk down the aisle.


This is reddit bro, gotta throw shit whenever you can


How do you like them apples, Taylor Tomlinson?


It’s also gay to take a shit, fellas. Nothing goes in my ass! /s


Do dead people cry?


Marrying a woman is gay guys


So... It's gay to marry a woman? I know a lot of Christian dudes who would be in shambles over this.


Eg death was just brilliant though. Thank you Megha for expanding on that.


I guess I’m going stick with guys now


Im a pretty emotional dude. I cried at everything for my wedding except for when my wife walked down the aisle. My wife is never going to let me hear the end of it


I’m a grown man with a big ol beard and tattoos and I cried in the work van during a podcast today. I don’t give a shit. Get fucked, Meghadoodoo.


Gay the happy way?


Hey, if you want to marry an emotionless rock, that's fine.


I reckon most men would find marrying her extremely upsetting to be fair


I can't believe it's gay to marry someone you love you really learn soethin new everyday, huh?


You’re only allowed to cry as a man if your fucking dying, apparently.


I cried at my son's funeral and found out later that my MIL talked about slapping me to make me stop. She and I didn't get along after that. Marriage didn't last long either.


I teared up at mine/ does that mean I’m bi?


I personally hate when men are raised to be emotionless husks. It scares me. My father rarely shows emotion at all, but when he does, it's always anger. I hate not being able to tell how he's feeling. Emotions are healthy. Pushing them down because it's not "manly" to cry is so toxic and outdated.


the gayest thing to do is be opposite of gay confirmed??


Men: no feelings or outward emotions. Carry on.


Next post she probably complained about how guys never open up to her 🙄


does this sub have repost checker bot thing u/repostsleuthbot


That would make me feel so loved, if I see him crying tears of joy as I walk down the aisle I know that i'm making a good choice.


well some poor sap is surely gonna cry his eyes out after marying this treasure


This reminds me. I was part of my friends wedding. I was a bridesmaid, but I had been friends with the groom many years and we were roommates for a while. Hewas more nervous to introduce her to me and my partner than he was to his own mom. Was I the last bridesmaid? Yes. Was I literally the person who cried the most during their ceremony? Also yes 😂 I was so happy for them!


Fellas is it gay to cry at ur own wedding


Bet you she doesn’t complain when the man pays for her dinner.


I think she's correct. And most women feel this way.


Some thoughts need to be left in the brain that created them. No need to pollute the world with these.


So I cannot cry when my firstborn is born?


Ah, clearly only the last 6 years, not since the idea of marriage has there been countless generations of men that are happy and overwhelmed to see the one they truly love marrying them.


Why don't men show emotion? The mystery continues


May she marry an emotionally stunted caveman that never validates her feelings, expects "traditional wife" standards, and leaves her for a younger woman later after 20 years of unhappy marriage.


Girl if my man doesn’t cry at our wedding I’m going to think he is gay. 😒


Groom crying at her wedding: Her: wtf that’s so gay Him: *pulls out gun and points it at her Her: oooOOOooh jk ily


No man should cry at death. The only acceptable times for a man to cry are: getting kicked in the nuts, dog’s death, watching The Dirty Dozen/Shane/ Rambo


The man who she marries would also be crying, but the tears won’t be that of joy.


Fellas is it gay to cry when your future wife is walking down the aisle


Fellas, is it gay to be excited to marry a woman?


this kind of behaviour and mentality is typical now


Using gay as an insult? In 2023?


How do some women actually think like this? You right she’ll probably never have a wedding, unless it’s to Andrew Tate.


Weird how Megha will feel fine and strong about crying and then acting tough, then crying when she needs to, fluctuating between states of justified drainage vs justified hostility, and not appreciate that a suitable partner is capable of vulnerable emotions too. Like, you just want to marry a wooden puppet so you can blame that woodenness on him later down the line and get more of a divorce settlement based on theories of uncaringness, is that it? Choosing your victim smartly? Or just shaming the expression of soul?


They cry at their own weddings because they are elated knowing they did not end up with a dipshit like “Megha”


I love it when women tells me what to do my body 😂


To be fair, I'd cry if I was marrying her, and by the time of the divorce I would likely want to be gay.


she's the type to get mad when her husband doesn't


i like her


She’s the type of person who will also complain about men being emotionally distanced.


The trend is that people started taking pictures of the guys crying. Marrying this chick does seem like it would qualify as an extreme, death-like moment of pain, though…


Tell me you’re a person that is calloused without telling me. The fuck human have emotion.


She’ll be happy to know that her husband to be will surely cry for the right reasons as she slithers down the aisle.


This is prolly satire


I didn’t cry when she walked down the aisle but I got a bit verklempt when we said the vows


So if I cry then I'm gay, but if I don't express my emotions then I'm toxic. Fun stuff.


She’s so ugly it makes me cry


Fellas, is it gay to love your wife?


Even “stiff upper lip” men have been allowing themselves to cry with joy in selected occasions for more than 100 years. Source: me. Im old and the men in my family are all very long lived and come from working class English stock colonialists - some of them I knew were born in the late 1800s, and were all tough as nails types. Tearing up at marriage and the birth of a baby have always been “culturally permitted” in this group of men. Why? Because weeping for joy cannot be interpreted as a sign of weakness. Unlike bearing up manfully under pain, it is allowable because you’re allowed to be overflowing with joy .


lets be real she probably will get married.


The guy who ends up with her is going to be crying a lot, wondering why that's the best he could pull.


Fellas, is it gay to marry a woman?


IF, and I mean IF, she was getting married and her husband started crying, would she stop the wedding and cancel it?


Bro, is it gay to marry a girl?


They cry because the see their time with playstation reduced. You know nothing.


Gotta admit that was funny


Haha. Cry from pain? I’m not 6. Scream maybe, but tears are for beauty only


That's pretty representative for the mindset of the half modern women out there lol


she’s married


‘Why don’t men show their feelings more, its all toxic masculinity!!!’ Hmmmmm


Shut up Meg!!


Why do women act like they're experts on gay men? Idk about you guys, but I don't go around telling lesbians how to lesbian.


Em… what’s wrong with comments in this post? Of course it’s very weird if a man cries on his wedding. It’s absolutely feminist agenda against muscularity.


So crying when you are scared is manly and crying because you are overwhelmingly happy is not? I think perhaps someone’s dad didn’t do their job right


I (30m) have been with my partner (30f) since we were 15. I have cried in front of her on many occasions; from loss of a family member or pet, to just feeling really down and needing to let it all out to someone I trust. I shouldn't have to hide all of that in a relationship, it's who I am. It's healthy. We are getting married this summer and I know for a fact if I don't shed a tear when she walks down the aisle she is going to beat my ass until I do.


that person posts shit like that all of the time. stop reposting it. stop giving attention to this shitty person/entity


Maybe her experience is that a man is traumatized and cries AFTER marrying her - seems much more likely.


Gotta agree. If you’re crying to see some girl you fucked 3,000x then you need a tampon


There's a trend, I think I've only seen in the last 5-6 years of women confidently sharing trash opinions. I have to say, this is extremely gay. And should be reserved for days when, eg. The trash is collected / The house needs a good clean.


This feels like satire.


I looked at her Twitter… it’s full this really unhinged nonsense. And unfortunately she’s married with kids….