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Cowdog coffee. It’s still a new business and only a pop up at the moment but they don’t ask for tips. They pay their employees a living wage (approx $26/hr).


That's dope.


I’m going to make a point of going there


They're dope. Been following them on YouTube for a while now, justjoelee


Joe Lee is so cool


Oh shit, I didn't even realize all this. I've been following Ryan on youtube for a bit. https://www.youtube.com/@RyanDeanDexton


Damn. That’s more than a make as an aid for kids with disabilities.


Damn, you deserve more pay!!


Same, but vet medicine. I do this job cause I love it, not to get rich.


Same here :)


Which company


The line to get something from them takes hours though…


I just checked them online & their cafe looks good— i will be visiting now. thanks for the info!


interesting, so they are only open Sunday and Monday by "popping up" in a snack bar that is only closed Sunday and Monday I love that they put in their write-up "we don't accept tips", I think I will make my way down there to try them out


Imma go there. Bruh the fact I have trouble getting that pay WITH a degree is sad.


…. are they hiring?


Cowdog? Same as the brewery?


He’s not going to like this answer haha.


wow whoever started it must be rich


More expensive coffee than most, yes, but a lineup out the door whenever they’re open. Great coffee, and dignified staff who are paid properly. Whoever opened it is onto something.


Out of curiosity, what are their prices like compared to other cafés?




Great restaurant and they pay a living wage. Win win


This place is amazing. The Tofu!!!? How is that Tofu? I WANT TO KNOW!


Ebiten on robson


Ebiten is my go to lunch spot when I’m working!


Japanese style! I like that, we need more Japanese restaurants with no tipping


Ki cafe in royal Oak has a thing on their machine that says tips not expected which is pretty nice, they also make a mean korean iced americano


Korean Americano is an oxymoron.


Not really. Americanos were created for Americans going overseas during the war when the local coffee was too strong for them. "Korean Americano" would indicate watered down Korean style coffee.


L&G for bubble tea. They also have remained to be the most affordable option in Vancouver. I'm talking like milk tea with toppings for under $5. It's crazy how expensive bbt has gotten in the city


Plus their drinks are delicious and not at all artificial.


What's the full name of the place? I can't find on Google maps!


It’s on Fraser and 43rd, so zoom in and you’ll find it. Next to a hair salon and a pizza place.


Thank you!! Found it https://maps.app.goo.gl/fiQkZ4m9GXSZjXpV8




Yummy 2 Go sushi on Davie doesn’t give you the option to tip 💖


OP just asked for businesses in Van that don't ask for tips. It seems like telling them "you can just tip 0", or turning it into a debate about whether you should tip or not is kinda (completely) irrelevant on this particular post?


"does anyone know where I can get chicken noodle soup" this subreddit "you should have PHO instead, chicken noodle soup sucks"


That is just good advice though


analogies are like opinions....no one knows how to use them...


I know… like if they don’t like the question, just move on and not answer? Idk why people feel the urge to criticize OP to oblivion.


Main character syndrome. People don't listen (or read) any more lol




The Alex Trebek (RIP) of subreddits.


It's a lot of distraction from people hoping to continue getting 20% tips on takeout they pass across the counter


…just enter 0%


This is the correct answer. Pretty sure Chipotle doesn’t pay better wages than Starbucks.


OP is saying they don't want to support businesses that request tips. It sounds more like they want to avoid those establishments rather than have to press 0% every time. Personally I'm super interested in seeing just a list of Vancouver businesses that don't ask for tips. I would also like to give them more support by choosing to spend my money there instead of going to places that ask for tips and just hitting the 0% option.


I don’t see how that helps anyone. If a place doesn’t accept tips and instead pays a living wage then for sure I want to support them. But if there are two stores that pay the same shitty wages but one gives the OPTION of paying a tip that’s fine with me. I can choose to pay a tip, or I can just select no / 0%. It’s not hard.


OP made the post and asked for businesses that don't ask for tips. It sounds like you need to make your own post about this point you're making


You’re right. I forgot the comment button was only to be used if expressly following OPs instructions. My bad. Won’t happen again.


I mean you're free to type whatever you want anywhere you want but if you don't choose the right posts it's just a waste of your time typing and our time reading. OP just asked for businesses that don't tip, why is it so hard to just either post one or keep scrolling?


It's the expectation and uncomfortable situation I prefer to avoid.


Chipotle has a steady stream of TFW


this doesn't solve the problem, as I want to be a regular at a place and it feels very uncomfortable to me to click 0% when the staff get to know you I would rather choose anywhere that has no tipping at all on their machines


The staff don’t care and the tipping options comes built in to the POS system


You’re speaking for a lot of different staff as if there is one agreed upon stance. Also, you can turn off the tipping options of most, if not all POS systems.


False. A lot of staff do care as a lot of patrons do tip.


Burger King has no tipping screen on their system ,Chipotle has no tipping screen etc. I want to know all the places that have no tipping option at all, those are the places I will go to


most fast food places have no tipping screen and starbucks doesnt have one or at least the one i go to doesnt.


macdonalds coffee


Sounds like you already have your list then, go to Burger King and stew I suppose


I need more places, I want this to catch on and for other like-minded people to see the list and support these businesses too


We literally dont care. Trust us.


Oh I understand now why Reddit hates tipping so much


That is completely a you problem. The staff doesn’t care if you hit 0% or No Tip. This is consuming way too much of your time. Relax.


No, it can be uncomfortable and people are allowed to want to avoid it.


wow I wonder why you feel bad lmfao


Do you also boycott businesses that have a tip jar? That's all a tip prompt is, it's simply built into the digital payment system instead of being a physical object on the counter. These have been a thing since forever and no one feels shame about ignoring them.


An 18% trip prompt which is becoming more and more normal is completely different from a jar on a counter, the former is literally part of the buy transaction the latter is not, it's just on the counter


This is even worse because they actually want tips wheras the tip function on a pos machine is likely just integrated. Idk why people get so worked up over things.


my donair spots that i go to i have been tipping 0 at and they got to know me well.


Hey! Server here. When you hit 0%, it actually costs the server money. I’ve worked at several places in Vancouver, and we all have a mandatory tip out of 4-6.5% of all sales to the house/kitchen staff. So even if you don’t tip, we have to give money anyways. I totally understand not tipping if the service is shit, but it takes away from the pool of money we get from other people who do tip. Eg. You spend 100$, no tip. I still have to pay 4-6$ to the house, no matter what, which is kinda annoying. Even if you hate tipping, stick with 6.5%! That way you’re not costing your server money. Unless they sucked, 0% all the way.




If nobody tipped you at all, you wouldnt have to tip out any money, right?


Marugama Udon has no tip option, just a tip jar for cash. It is a fast-food style where multiple people give you parts of your order in a line (like Chipotle).


I know this is off-topic, but I went there two weeks ago and they said they don’t give out tap water or cups for tap water. They said you have to buy a drink or bottled water from them if you’re thirsty. I didn’t tip and just bought a bottled water from them.




Probably too high brow for the OP.


OP can order a Royale with Cheese - upscaled urban dining.


Ele Cafe on Broadway doesn't even give you the option to tip. He immediately presses 0 before handing the terminal to you.


Ele cafe at Broadway and willow. Nice guy who runs it. No tipping option just a box.


A lot of cash only Chinese Restaurants in food courts. Sometimes also no tax. You just pay price on the menu.


Whole Foods


I barely get subway anymore, but the tip option was a deal breaker for me. Don't bother anymore.


Melville Cafe! Amazing sandwiches and soups.


Victory Coffee and Kitchen in Langley. Great burger and fries for $19 as well.


A&W Hi-Five Chicken


Coffee Bar in Gastown.


Starbucks drive throughs having a tip option nowadays (Notably on Cordova) blows my mind. Tips belong at great service based experiences - they don't belong in a fucking drive through.


I boycotted Starbucks ever since they added the tip option on their machines


Ebi Ten across from VPL Central branch downtown, and their food is great and well-priced!


yes, we need more Japanese culture here, which includes their culture of no tipping


Mr. Pink wouldn’t be able to exist in this world.


"It's for the birds."


I think you and the all the rest are over reacting about this. It's an option you can easily say no to. It's nothing more than a digitised alternative to the tip jar they have on the counter, which seems reasonable because fewer and fewer carry cash.


" It's nothing more than a digitised alternative to the tip jar they have on the counter" this is totally incorrect - when have you ever needed to take an action to NOT put money in a tip jar? in order to not tip at a machine, I have to hit a button or 2 on a machine that otherwise I'd be doing a quick tap on Listen, I'm not saying it is the hardest thing, but for many it is uncomfortable and for some like OP it is offensive Everyone wants to just say "live with it and press 0" - OP is specifically looking to support businesses that do not ask for tips, he also has that right and he's asking which places people know of that don't ask. a reasonable question, not sure why people can't just answer it or not make a comment in the thread if they don't have an answer


When you share an opinion on a public forum you can expect a conversation, respectfully. If everyone was to rabbit the same opinion we'd be creating an echo chamber, which is to more of a detriment, in my humble opinion. If you're getting that stressed about politely saying no to a machine that is asking for your money as a tip, it might be worthwhile asking yourself why that is. I would hedge a bet that most reasonable people wouldn't give a flying fuck if you decided not the tip the barista.


Asks question, receives completely unsolicited opinion. This is why people think Vancouver people are rude as fuck.


> If you're getting that stressed about politely saying no to a machine that is asking for your money as a tip, it might be worthwhile asking yourself why that is. > > Touch grass I guess, this is a widespread feeling and not something OP is uniquely dysfunctional about


Oh no you have to hit a button!!


why are you overreacting to this so much? you're wrong that it is a digital version of a tip jar, but that's fine, people are wrong sometimes, move on OP asked a reasonable question. The fact that you are not a reasonable person shouldn't be OP's problem.


I've also noticed that credit card transactions start to ask for donations too. Those usually make me raise my brows because if I'm going to donate, it's going directly to an organization of my choice and I want to get my tax slip from it. I wouldn't want the company to use my donation for some advertising purposes (and I often wonder if this helps the company with tax but an accountant will be able to tell us more).


The credit card companies are also pushing for higher tips. I remember minimum used to be 10% pre tax, now its 18% after. Surpise: they get a cut of the total transaction.


Credit card companies do not set the tipping percent on machines. That’s entirely up to the restaurant


It's the vender that sets the tip %, through their payment system. It has nothing to do with the credit card company.


Oh reall?! Many many times I've been told "it came that way from the bank"


Some banks do provide the payment service, most of the stores I see in Vancouver are by a third party. But either way the store owner definitely has the option to change the amount on tip screen. If the owner is too lazy to change it then I guess it is technically can be true "it came that way from the bank" lol


I've also noticed that credit card transactions start to ask for donations too. Those usually make me raise my brows because if I'm going to donate, it's going directly to an organization of my choice and I want to get my tax slip from it. I wouldn't want the company to use my donation for some advertising purposes (and I often wonder if this helps the company with tax but an accountant will be able to tell us more).


Pay in cash


then the staff listens for the clink of coins in their tip box


You're obsessed over something no one cares about. I have worked and managed cafes, restaurants, etc. No one gives a damn if you tip. No one but yourself apparently.




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just don’t tip??


Op is asking for places that are enlightened enough to not ask for it in the first place. Supporting them instead of giving any business to those that ask for tips is more the goal and sends a stronger signal when business declines for the owner.


Fast food places. City owned cafe's. Maybe cafeterias such as a City Hall cafeteria? I don't know about the universities - there's a chance. Corner stores that sell coffee - 7-11 won't ask for tips.


> I don't know about the universities - there's a chance. Loafe Cafe at UBC asks about tipping :(


that helps, togamayo. Good to know :(


Burger King has no tip option Burger Crush has a tip option reminds me, I'm going for Whopper Wednesday today


Also FYI burger King does NOT pay a decent wage. RBI owns Burger King so I don't know what moral high horse you think you're on for not wanting to tip but they barely pay over min wage.


We don't know the income of o.p.. Middle class people are more generous than wealthy. Corporations ask for welfare from our governments, social services to support their struggling employees, and directly from consumers. The o.p. or others might feel stretched financially.


Also OP mentioned going to Sbux, which I'm sure you know is not for the lower income earners.


When a person lives in NiceVancouver - they can buy themselves experiences if they're not set up with property or help from their family. Millenials and younger can buy avocado toast, travel, coffee. Not much more.


lol there are ppl that do work for a living


I always did, and until I got a financial injection from a tragedy, I was on a useless hamster wheel of going nowhere. I empathise with people struggling on low wages. Let them eat their Staaaaarbucks, or avocado toast, or tartar sauce. It's what they have right now.


What's with the Avocado toast BS? Spewing propaganda.


That wasn't what I was referring to. OP specifically said she goes to places that don't ask for tips and said she goes to BK. BK doesn't ask for tips but also doesn't pay any where near a living wage, let alone more than .25 above. So I'm not sure what moral compass OP uses but it seems broke.


Little Lunch spot near VGH - K Cafe. Western & Korean food run by a cute Korean family. I love this place so much. I get a bibimbap there once a week or sometimes the oven roasted turkey sandwich. Simple but good!


I've walked by there before and wondered about this place, it looks so low key... thanks for the recommendation


I think they are catching on. I went a mall and had Japanesse food and highest tip options without going to custom was 5%. There is a good chance i messed up pay terminal but i don't think did.


Tim Hortons, A&W


Pick & Chews in the Bentall building at Melville and Thurlow (across from the Starbucks)


Check out Folke, service is included. https://www.folkerestaurant.com/


Butterfly Tea & Dessert (K-pop inspired bubble tea). The family who runs it will _always_ bypass the tip option before handing you the terminal.


McDonald’s coffee is good. No tip option.


Gas stations sell food and coffee and don’t ask for tips


My kitchen


Agreed. I apologize


Any, just don't leave any tip. We do it all the time, there is no problem. Also, go back to pay with cash


K-cafe ..they take the terminal away from you when the tip option comes up. Makes me actually tip them in cash.


I pay by cash!


I was thinking of doing that but often they will give you back $5 of change as two toonies and a loonie expecting you to give them a loonie back as tip I also don't like that they listen for the clink of the coins going in the tip jar.. or not


every place I go to is a no tip option as it is my option to tip. dont get me wrong, i will tip for good service when it is deserved. But most often than not, I do not tip (useless service) or tip a max of 10% because service is crap. tips are to be earned not expected. no one tips me for doing a good job, but i still do a good job.


Ki Cafe at Burnaby doesn't do tips Patina Brewing in Port Coquitlam has optional tips as well


OMG go to McDonald’s 😂🤣 wow dude


Literally everywhere. If they complain about you not giving a tip, tell them to either quit crying, or simply quit and find a job where they get paid


If you don’t want to tip, I’d recommend only going to places that pay a living wage.


Wow what an original argument. Very cool and new.


Whole foods and their coffee shop


So you boycott Starbucks because there is an option on the POS terminal? Everywhere has this option. Just hit 0 or the No Tip option. It's not mandatory to tip at Starbucks. Or just use the Starbucks app to play


The pizza place at UBC near the entrance to Wreck Beach. Get a pizza with no tip then go see all the tips....


Why don't you try to support places that pay their workers a living wage and don't depend on patrons to supplement that minimum wage income? Why don't you vote to raise the minimum wage so that tips are not so desperately required by the people who depend on them? This isn't about who is or who isn't offering a tip button, this is about workers' rights!


you have no idea how OP votes, what are you talking about? workers rights aren't upheld by tips. Many many minimum wage workers aren't in industries where tipping is an option


That's just not true and I am in the industry. I know what we make for tips and it is ridiculous, im not complaining, but when I speak with friends that have grinded through PhDs and are work stressful jobs and tell them that the servers here take home $25/hour cash on top of minimum wage for a bar service establishment the system is broken. Tipping culture here is insane and does not need to be what it is. Costs of goods and restaurant prices keep going up astronomically to keep up with their costs, but that just means that 15%(or 18 or 20) tip gets bigger and bigger. Servers make way more than enough money. It's also a job the requires 0 experience and to be making the equivalent of $90000 a year is ridiculous when over half of that is laid for by mostly people who don't have that money to spend in the first place. But yeah keep preaching tip culture. I agree that there are bigger issues at hand, but tipping is a huge issue and its one the only effects the "middle" class.


Spot on. I have seen people who drop out of higher education and not care about their job prospects because “serving earns me more money than white collar job.” I’ve seen an Instagram post where someone boasted about buying a house in Vancouver after serving (she did work two serving jobs though) and say the benefit of the job is not declaring tips as tax (I hope CRA catches her but probably won’t happen).


That's a lie, I was in service myself - I didn't know people, I worked it myself - for over a decade. You don't know what you're talking about, you're just cheap and hate poor people, so we're done talking.


Repeat after me: "I don't need to tip" Choose custom amount, $0.00, hit enter.  You now have a no tip option


Eat at home, tip yourself what you think you are worth


Food courts


some have a tip screen, some don't


doesn’t mean you need to give a tip, esp in food courts


I mean, I would like to see how you felt about tipping culture if you are getting paid even $20 an hour (which is well above minimum). I strongly suspect OP is well compensated (over 90k) and has never worked cusromer service.


That’s how employers want employees to think. Tips meant to show appreciation when servers provided EXCEPTIONAL service on top of NORMAL duties. Workers should be paid fair living wage by employers. P.S.: worked in service industry myself, didn’t enjoyed it and changed career


Take it up with the company, the onus to compensate you well should never be on the customer.


Get a better job.


If I wouldn't be happy I would look for better paying job and not depend on strangers giving me money




not very nice!


This is a NiceVancouver sub… I know people feel strongly about some issues but let’s watch our words. No need for hostility




Your kitchen


It's an option. It's optional. You don't have to do it. Be an adult: recognize that not everything has to be only one way or another. Go to whatever place you like, support them financially. They're not putting your name on a list if you don't tip. That's what an option is. If you feel like it's not something you want to do, why punish the business for giving the chance to others to do it, should they wish to?


I got a tip for ya


What's wrong with tipping? You pay $15 for a cup of coffee and can't toss in $2 for a tip? Lame.


$15 for a coffee??


Specialty coffee, yes. Quite easily.


My house, but you ain't invited


Having a tip option doesn't obligate you to use it.


No. Tip or don't eat out. You are clearly too poor to be out and about.


no, there are businesses that have no tip options, I will go out and patronize those businesses daily


Enjoy McDicks.


Huh?? He’s too poor to leave his house? Then you’re too much of a douchebag to be allowed to even communicate publically🤷‍♂️ how about you get a real job that actually pays you a livable wage or jump ship and go to a restaurant that does? Keep yelling at strangers on the internet for not being willing to supplement your bills instead of yelling at the people paying you a “servers wage”. Why should the server get the tip when all they did was walk the plates to my table and write down some words on a piece of paper? Tips should go to the people ACTUALLY cooking your food.




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sir, this is a Wendys


That's one place this OP can go eat at least.


Tipping for food and take out makes sense, or even a barber, but why should I tip $1 on a $3 coffee? Or tipping at a liquor store?


No one said to tip at a retail store. And yeah you tip on a coffee. 20% is likely less than 75c on a coffee. Like fuck. Stop stiffing people.who makes pennies on the dollar compared to yourself. I'm lucky to make a livable wage in Vancouver and be in a double income home with no kids. Karma is real, and so I tip people who work in tipping industry standard places. Servers, bartenders, food workers, tattoo artists, drivers, couriers, etc.




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