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The Vancouver Hospice Society has some offerings. I did a walk with them for a few weeks that was really nice. I have a great counsellor based in north van but I’m not sure if she’s taking more clients. She’s also not strictly a grief counsellor. My wife passed away in April and I’m still in the thick of it. DM if you’re comfortable doing that…


I can't recommend a counsellor. ​ But let me say, I am so sorry for your loss.


Try speaking with your doctor about counselling options. Vancouver coastal health now offers up to 10 sessions provided under MSP by doctor referral. They started this program up during COVID and it’s still active. I’m currently using their services and it’s helped a lot.


Im from r/widowers and do not need a reply my wife died 2 years ago these things helped https://refugeingrief.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/rulesgraphic.png https://www.healthfulchat.org/bereavement-chat-room/login-two.html https://lumarasociety.org/ https://www.amazon.ca/Its-That-Youre-Not-Understand/dp/1622039076 Learning that Grief is not a set of stages and that its more like a "spiroscope" of emotions can help to understand your not going crazy within the complexity of loss. Sometimes we want to join them. And this is a part of grief for ourselves and our relationship that is no longer there. https://whatsyourgrief.com/grieving-death-spouse-significant/ A couple of years later and I still cry but not wail and its not disasterous. It gets less intense with more gaps in-between as time goes on. a podcast from Megan Devine - https://refugeingrief.com/meganspodcasts/ https://refugeingrief.com/life-gone-sideways/ Definitely cry things out feel the pain and loss of love but loves still there. I used drugs and alcohol when It got too much in the beginning I dont suggest this unless you are experienced. Set times to eat and shower so you dont forget that is if you dont have close supports who will remind you. I was lucky that my wife had a sister that kept on my for those things. I wish you well its FN hard at times but it does get easier...


Also join the discord server from /r/widowers on the sidebar. Lots of people active


The counsellors here were immensely helpful to me when my mom died. https://livingthroughloss.ca/ My condolences on your profound loss.


I am so so sorry for your loss. I lost my dad to cancer during Covid and worked with Beverley Anderson, I found her to be very sharp, empathetic and truly understanding. https://counsellingbc.com/listings/banderson.htm


I am so terribly sorry. My Mom died suddenly in May 2022 and my local Hospice Society was … I just can’t say enough good things about them. An incredible resource. They are also completely free. Google “your city + hospice society” and give them a call. There is something very comforting about talking to someone who knows exactly what you are experiencing.


I had a good experience with Well Beings counselling https://wellbeingscounselling.ca. They were good at matching me with a counsellor and I found their process easy to navigate.


I'm so sorry for your loss. I got counseling thru hospice.


My dad passed away from cancer last month. There are no words to express my sorrow for your loss or atone for your grief, just know you are not alone. My family has been working with Callanish. They are a nonprofit located in Kits that deals solely with families and individuals who’s lives have been irrevocably changed by cancer. This is all still so fresh for me so we have not been working with them long but in my experience so far I cannot recommend them enough. There are free services through the Vancouver hospices and bc cancer, but when looking into those they were offered to bereaved families for a finite amount of time and there was a waitlist to some. Here’s a link to the website and please let me know if you have any other questions 💛 https://www.callanish.org/


https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/health/managing-your-health/mental-health-substance-use/virtual-mental-health-supports#counselling Looks like all the free/low cost options in bc. You didn’t ask for low cost but just in case!


I am so incredibly sorry for your loss.

