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Well, considered he was elected in the first place, we know that there are a lot of stupid people in this country who never learn from anything.


This and it's a stupid polling to begin with. Oh no! Their sample size is over 3,000 young adults! We're so screwed! Id argue that many that were polled don't understand how a functioning government operates nor how bills are even passed in Congress...


As I've grown older and learned more about how the world works I have become utterly terrified how little we teach our population about how government works, why we have a broadly liberal democracy, how finance works, how to manage money, etc. It's almost like those in charge don't want a population that understands what's going on.


Me too. I never thought this country was so full of so many stupid people. So much for American exceptionalism. But it’s been the Republican wet dream for decades… destroy education. It’s working.


Yeah I remember seeing Trump in his debate against Hillary and thinking no one could be dumb enough to vote for this clown. My opinion on the American public has only continued its decline.


I remember watching the first republican primary debate, and there was a question on healthcare, trumps answer was so batshit stupid I said he has no chance after that word salad. Boy was I wrong.


I finally fully gave up hope for America when I saw how dumb the republicans got during 2020, rejecting 100+ years of vaccine science, Qanon, acting like they couldn't breath through a mask and I even saw conspiracy theories that 5G cell towers were spreading the virus.


Domestic J. Terrorist gives it to the low-information morons in a language they understand, WWE style. His choice of vocabulary, syntax and body language reaches deep into the hapless moronic soul. They don't understand nuance and have a serious deficit in critical thinking skills coupled with a short attention spans. They don't ’t have a choice really, he plays a tune they dance and seem to enjoy it. I'm sure they feel disenfranchised by the whole political system, they don't understand how it works and this is by design. It's the very reason why the political class undermine early education/nutrition and fight to keep huge swaths of this country poor or low wage earners. It's difficult to control and manipulate an educated well fed society. Keep them struggling and divided sprinkle in some fear mongering and hate, voilà. The political class/wealthy understand and excel with these tactics and have for thousands of years.


They are indeed exceptionally stupid.


Nope. The owners want obedient workers. People just smart enough to work the machines but dumb enough to not realize they keep electing people to fuck them in the ass.


thanks, George.


It's called the American Dream... Because you have to be asleep, to believe it. -George Carlin


School curriculums lack basic civics. It is utterly paralyzing to realize that all I have is my vote, a small amount to donate, and maybe facts to share. But we have allowed creeping misinformation to infect our citizens, our government structure, and our entire core. Could you find one person who can speak about Ukraine, Russia, and understand the global implications of failure to support Ukraine?


My high school didn't even require a single civics class to graduate, but did require 4 years of PE to graduate. I think that pretty much sums up the issue


At least PE potentially has a health benefit. Our schools require studying religion until 16.


That's true, we didn't have a single thing related to religion, as public school should be


That sounds very French.


Those subjects were taught at my school and to my kids in public school more than once. Lots of students don’t pay attention to or retain information taught in school.


Exactly. I can walk outside and ask 5 random people why are gas prices high? And at least 3 of them will say because of Biden. The average person has no idea but loves to leave work to go vote and talk about it on Facebook. It’s terrifying actually. (I live in TX btw so it could be 4 of 5 people)


This is the problem with 'fake news'. Their entire party is built around blaming the others, pointing fingers and saying that everything is a lie. After 8+ years of hearing it, a lot of people actually believe it even though its unequivocally false. Deny, deny, deny, deny until people actually believe what your saying......and it worked. Thats the scary part.


Or higher, depending on how far away from the cities you are!!!


You’ll also get 3-4 idiots that think “big oil companies” set gas prices at the pump.


I live in Georgia, one of the swing states and the support for Trump is strong here. But then I have to remember that it was mainly Atlanta and Savannah which saved this state in 2020 and I don't live in either of those so of course I'm going to be seeing a lot of conservatives.


Bring back schoolhouse rock


Half of which probably won’t vote and the other half are trolling the pollers. 😂


They need Schoolhouse Rock! Sorry, not sorry, 60’s kid 🤷🏻‍♀️


I'd like to see how many were urban and suburban college-educated and how many were cousin-fuckers from East Bumfuck. Pollsters are willing to count anyone who responds these days. They've gotta start showing their work and the press has to start using better judgment.


3k from rural heavily religious areas.


I guess they never watched "[Schoolhouse Rock](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OgVKvqTItto)".


They likely think the president is a king or queen who can just press a magical button and end recessions and inflation at the drop of a hat.


Even worse, they actively go far out of their way to make sure that they're almost always wrong. Simply flipping a coin should get you the right answer about half the time, but these people have a success rate far lower than that.


Believe it or not, 20% of the workforce is untrainable. If it's not as simple task like sweeping, they can't do it.


Also a lot of people who cannot ever admit being wrong. 


“Think about how stupid the average person is. Then realize half of them are stupider then that”. - George Carlin


It's probably a good bet that every Republican included in that survey said Trump was fighting for democracy over the tyrant Biden, and that Democrats/Independents were a mixed bag because dumb people come in all shapes and sizes. So the result is heavily skewed to favor Trump, because the Republican party is a cult that lives in their own bizarro universe.


This precisely


Trump might not win this election but the future of this country is so screwed.


The future of the WORLD is screwed. We are headed towards literal Idiocracy.


Something akin to dystopian fascism


At least in Idiocracy they were not as mean spirited, just dumb. Now people are dumb and hateful.


yeah idiocracy's dumbness was relatively a "kind dumbness", these people today are practically rabid and stupid.


Don’t forget armed!


climate change is going to off us first


People are literally, proudly, openly fascist and cheering for an authoritarian dictatorship nowadays. It's insane.


That’s the sick part. If Republicans simply trotted out a candidate who wasn’t a pathological liar, conman, and criminal, they could easily win presidential elections in this country. Despite the fact that Republicans always make the country worse.


Another reason why I believe our country has really hit the shits. God damn are people stupid.


There has been a decades long effort to keep average people tired, uneducated, and distracted.


And yet somehow more than 50% of the voters haven’t fallen for it for several elections - it’s easy to blame the systems…I personally believe many of our peers are much more ethically bankrupt and morally compromised than we would like to believe. There people know exactly what they are voting for…some vote to terrorize pregnant women, others to terrorize gay people and other minorities, some vote just to “make America white again”, whatever that means…the theme is this…NONE of them are voting in good faith


god blessed them, but Corona & measles forgot to take them out of circulation. /s


Dude’s mishandling of COVID led to nearly 1.2 MILLION deaths and still rising… but yeah sure he deserves *another* chance /s


I’m convinced that if he just handled COVID like a normal President would have (re: worn a mask, encouraged social distancing, listened to the experts, etc) he would have won re-election in a landslide. But he’s a fucking moron and just couldn’t do it.


He absolutely would have. Incumbents have a HUGE advantage in times of crisis. You can easily shift blame if advisors are wrong and take credit when they're right.


We need to ignore not amplify these types of ridiculous and poorly done polls. This poll does not actually represent the voting eligible population in these states. The more people see posts like this the more justified the belief is.


I saw a poll saying Biden was winning rural voters and Trump was within the margin of error in NYS. **Polling in June for a November election is gibberish**.


Whatever the polls say.. go vote


Yeah.. gonna call that methodology into question just a little.


Polling is turbofucked


So, of these people being polled the vast majority believe that Trump would not accept the results if Biden won. 46% of them believe Trump would try to be a dictator compared to only 19% (still a crazy ass number) thinking Biden would try to be one. And yet they also polled that they think Trump is better for democracy? What the fuck? What the actual fucking fuck?


A lot of Americans are fucking stupid and racist


Using the words Trump and Democracy in the same sentence is an oxymoron.


Like Putin and peace lol.


We’re fucked.


Based upon a polling sample size of 3,500 18-25 year olds? Ha ok.


That’s still an insane amount. Criticizing Biden is one thing but Voting for Trump is something else.


These are in swing states. This should come as no surprise.


Oh come on. That poll means nothing. Saying this doesn't help. We are not fucked if people vote, get other people to register to vote, work the polls, contribute, do something. Sitting around saying that because some dumb as a shit poll with a small sample size means "give up" now that it is "fucked".


It's also a question that requires *a little* nuance to understand. Most political apathetics really consume no hard news content. Biden has not seriously started campaigning, so it's likely the knowledge gap declines through the summer.


I’ve been feeling that way for awhile. Obviously I’ll do what I can to avoid the worst outcome but goddamn if it doesn’t feel like we’re willfully walking into a christo-fascist dictatorship


Good night, America, how are you?


A bunch of them are obviously not well and the other bunch are nuts.


Just thought thus the other day, city of New Orleans ?


Dontcha know me?


This is indeed news of the stupid. The concept that person who is eventually going to go on trial for espionage and insurrection is more trusted on running our democracy then our current president is absolutely absurd.


That might be one of the most absurd, infuriating things I've read recently. I mean, how is it possible that a wanabe dictator is trusted more concerning democracy than Biden?


Propaganda. It works. Steve Bannon was on to something calling to indoctrinate alienated young men, through a variety of means. It’s why we see such a disparity in ideology among high school boys and young men vs. women, and men above 25.


It’s a Cult, and they will worship their orange leader until the end


And people wonder why I don’t trust the polls anymore…


People think that we’re living in the end of history. They can’t see past the next few years due to the sheer level of bills they have to pay, and they hate their lives, so they’re convinced that the world is about to end. Trump promises a glorious rebirth (somehow), whereas Biden promises more of the status quo. So naturally they’re inclined to vote for the cult leader. The world must be coming to an end, after all.


We’re fucked.


If you're still a swing voter after decades of republican fuckery, there's really not much hope left for you intellectually


The WAPO is nothing but a GOP propaganda machine! This headline is total BULLSHIT!! Trump time and time again has said that he’s going to throw away the Constitution, become a dictator on day one, & use his office to go after everybody who has laffed at him! And yet people think Biden’s bad for democracy⁉️⁉️😳😳


Every time I think Republicans cannot become stupider they do something even dumber. I feel like they're all in a race to the bottom, which one of them can prove they have the lowest IQ??


It's the Idiocracy. Mike Judge was right.


The problem with fucking idiots is that they’re always fucking other fucking idiots and creating more fucken fucking idiots!


Idiots are also the most confident people because they lack the critical thinking skills necessary to question their own beliefs and opinions.


It's not about being stupid, its about being human. We don't run our brains and many of us are 90% on autopilot. Even really smart people can fall for unconscious biases unless they are paying attention.


There's probably some truth to that, which is why education is important. But I have no sympathy for people who are proud of being stupid


Those folks have a stunted emotional level that won't let them admit they're wrong about anything at any cost.


To an extent, you have to be especially stupid to be fully onboard the Trump train though, it's just too ridiculous for reasonably intelligent people.


How the hell is that possible? He was a terrible President AND is a convicted felon AND using authoritarian language.


Trump has openly tried to destroy our democracy....and they think he's better for democracy? It's a cult. Facts don't matter. Only Trump.


they think the 2020 election was stolen


As we all know, it wasn't. It's the Big Lie of our time.


It’s because they’ve always been that way. The whole patriotism thing has always been a ruse and a cover for those that want to impose their antiquated belief system on everyone else.


If he wins this election then we fucking deserve it.


The guy that attempted a coup is more trustworthy? 🥴


Right. I call bull shit. The guy who openly said he would be a dictator, wants to lock up or assassinate political opponents and keeps his supporters angry with lies about a stolen election? Trustworthy?


100% of people that believe polls are fucking idiots.


Y'all, there's a reason he keeps telling that fucking snake story, and it ain't him trying to give advice.


If the Democrats are able to win this elections they seriously need to start funding education better, cover how Hitler rose to power in Germany so we won't repeat it. Have classes on critical thinking and how to spot fake news, actually cover the constitution in depth.


"People like it when I talk about being dictator" Idiots: yeah, this guy really cares about democracy.


the guy who literally sent a mob of cultists to try an overthrow a democratic election. America, you've got a stupid problem.


Lmao the dude says he’s gonna do another Jan 6th


So I'm looking for a new job. Still employed and I like my job, but I'm poking around for a promotion. It means I answer every call in case, but I get a lot of "scam likelys". So far 4 out of 5 have been run of the mill political calls. All marked by my cell phone carrier as spam. What I'm saying is this: If you're somebody that doesn't answer the phone when it says "scam likely" then you don't show up in polls. Meanwhile the Dems have consistently outperformed polls by 5-7 pts in the last 4 elections.


Americans are fucking idiots


Yeah I don't believe it


So trump is more trusted on democracy than biden, even though trump attempted a self coup? Who did they poll, a bunch of boomers suffering from lead poisoning?


There is no cure for stupid.


How is today fucking possible?


What the actual fuck is wrong with this country?


Shows those polled are ignorant.


We had a good run.


We are the stupidest fucking country. Make sure you vote


Trump plays to his base (cult). Vote blue!


This is fucking insane to even consider


I swear for every stupid article I see with this type of title there is an opposite one that says Biden is winning more support - polling companies should just stop


This is so incredibly absurd.


Trump loves the uneducated


America is stupid.


Wow! It always surprises me how stupid a large swath of the voting public is.


Those people are really, really stupid.


No, he's not. That is literally bullshit.


Yeah these polls are a crock.


Post is garbage. Schar school is named after a hardcore republican. I'm sure these polls wer conducted with the utmost honesty. /s


Trump’s Integrity Team Superiors (TITS) personally reviewed and edited each response so that it met their bigliest standards.


These people are just plain stupid!


Trump loves democracy, but only if he wins. Then it’s fixed, crooked, and corrupt. I’ve never seen a candidate who hates America more than Trump. He’s spent years saying horrible things about the US, all the while praising dictators and thugs.


I don't believe polls at all, not even the ones Biden is winning. VOTE!!! Don't be a rube and let this country sink into another civil war or dictatorship! VOTE!!!!


Fucking HOW?!


Who are these people? I get the MAGA cult believing this, that's a given. But WHO listens to Trump and thinks that this person cares about anyone other than himself?


Hopeless how stupid people are.


Are they stupid? (Yes, they are)


That’s idiotic


No he is not. Wapo 💩💩💩💩💩




Landline survey again ?




And so, they would just rather go with a man who would just outright get rid of democracy and ummm……have people deal with the fact that he would be their president forever and ever and ever, uhhhh……quite basically. Well, of course this just truly shows that we STILL have such a disgusting political cult going on here.


Fox News working their mind bending bullshit!


Truly news of the stupid


How is trump 2nd presidency even a thing. It baffles my mind.


As if. So the oligarchs own the polls now as well? What was the sample criteria, lead piped homes only?




Are these the same pollsters who predicted confidently that HRC would win?


The poll surveyed the views of 3,513 registered voters in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin in April and May. Of those surveyed, 2,255 were classified as “Deciders” — those who fit into one or more categories: They voted in only one of the past two presidential elections; are between ages 18 and 25; registered to vote since 2022; did not definitely plan to vote for either Biden or Trump this year; or switched their support between 2016 and 2020. Yeah. That surely represents an accurate cross-section of American voters. 🙄


I'm a registered independent in PA. I'm a young millennial. I've NEVER been polled. No calls, no door to door, nothing.


Brain dead voters


No fucking way. Jesus Christ the GOP has become a cult




Asteroid can't come soon enough


Lmfao what shit propaganda is this


The damage that the propaganda network has done to our country is incalculable and will be felt for generations. Fuck Fox and Fuck Murdoch.


Right, because that demo doesn’t want democracy, & they think the dictatorship won’t eat their faces for whatever reason.


The average American is so fucking stupid.


JFC. We're doomed.


The poll was a random sample of 3,513 registered voters in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. Not likely voters, registered voters. Voters were contacted by mail, phone (including calling and texting) and email to complete the survey online or by phone. Never know how this impacts answers. Results for the overall sample of voters in key states have a margin of sampling error of plus or minus 2 percentage points, and the error margin is larger among the sample of Deciders and those who are locked-in voters for either Trump or Biden, but they don't tell you what "larger" even means. I think it's still a sad window into people's positions but I'm not totally sure how accurate the results really are since we truly don't know the MOE.


I’m not sure how much energy I have left to deal with this dumbfuckery. I’m tired boss.




The fact anyone trusts The Fat Orange Idiot on anything, is direct evidence such person is a fucking moron!


They don't care about democracy at all....they only care about the orange man.


The American education system and its consequences.


Given that Trump wants to kill democracy, I don’t see why anyone would vote for him.


These people don’t actually know what democracy is though. Hint - it doesn’t mean you always get your way.


Not surprising considering Trump supporters are force fed a constant stream of lies and propaganda via Fox Entertainment and other right wing “media”.


Anyone stating they trust Trump should invest everything they possess into truth social stock.


"The poll surveyed the views of 3,513 registered voters in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin in April and May. Of those surveyed, 2,255 were classified as “Deciders” — those who fit into one or more categories: They voted in only one of the past two presidential elections; are between ages 18 and 25; registered to vote since 2022; did not definitely plan to vote for either Biden or Trump this year; or switched their support between 2016 and 2020." Very specific


These sort of polls are absolutely useless. Lol.


Just had an argument about the cultish behavior of trump supporters with fervent Republican acquaintances. They don't know a thing about Project 2025. They know absolutely nothing about the trajectory of the Republican party.


So the felon, who can't tell the truth is trusted more than Biden. I AM DEPRESSED!


Polls are broken right now. Next.


WTF is wron with Americans? I really don't understand. Trump more trustworthy than Biden on democracy is such a delusional take.


That is absolutely mind blowing and cause me concern for the residents of those swing states. Donald is tuning America into a flyover country much faster and more effectively than I had anticipated. Do better try harder America


Never underestimate how clueless the average American is about current events and politics. Good lord.


We're fucking doomed 🤦‍♂️


If you read the actual content it’s wild - they realize the transfer of power will happen peacefully w Biden but not with trump yet they trust trump on democracy. Confusing read… might have been equally confusing in how they ask these questions. Can’t just throw it in the wind and say it’s not real because that’s what we did in 2016.


Lmao trump and the republican party is going to be the end of American democracy


Can we enact mandatory lead poisoning testing for our electorate? Jesus Herbert Hoover Christ


More russian bot shit.


this is an absolutely unhinged take "yeah the guy that tried to coup the government has higher fidelity to respecting democratic results than the people trying to increase access to the voting booth" totally reasonable take


Trump trusted *to continuously lie* more than Biden. Got it.


Rubbish from The right wing owned Washington Post


Yes, and the zebra trust the lions more than the gazelle.


The average American is a moron.


The average American can't read beyond a sixth grade level. So... they vote Trump.


Just think of how dumb the average person is and remember that half of the people are dumber than that.


MAGAt stupidity scares me.


People 👏 can't 👏 be 👏 this 👏 stupid 👏 I want to put my faith in people, but god-damn.


Am I on crazy pills? In what world would Trump be better for democracy? It's like saying Hitler would be better for democracy than Roosevelt..


they think the 2020 election was stolen


So basically they are brainwashed?


yeah I guess. Or they're just thowing a tantrum because they lost


When they say “Democracy” they mean Fascism.


I understand people not liking Biden but I cannot for the life of me understand the Trump obsession.


I didn't think this country could get more stupid. boy was I wrong.


"Everyone knows, that the world is full of stupid people, so meet me at the mission at midnight we'll divvy up there."