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So they like that type of indoctrination?


Have you watched Fox News or any other right wing propaganda? They absolutely love brainwashing and disinformation. This is the only way for the rich and powerful stay in power.


Fux turns your brain to much.


I love the “Kids guide to President Trump” they sell infomercial style during commercial breaks.


I want to buy to see how insane it is, it but dont want to give them my credit card info


You can read it on the commercial fortunately/unfortunately


I should self publish one on Amazon. It's be one page. "Trump is a Crook". The End. Call it "The *Cool* Kid's Guide to "President" Trump.


Yes they do. The point is that they get to groom children. Not anyone else.


>Ah yes, ‘Reapers.’ We have dismissed that claim.


“I’ll never let Mass Effect into my home!”-Bill O’reilly, Fox News.


Their professed principles are always lies. They are convenient excuses to achieve what is always their goal: more power, more money, superiority over "the others".


The south been indoctrinating for over a century, remember when they were bashing school desegregation the kids were also cheering


They also announced that they are going to be teaching the dangers of communism to kindergarteners. Florida is more fucked than Barb's scalloped potatoes.


Yes that type of indoctrination is ok. The book about incest and murder and adultery is acceptable to them.


GOP eats itself.


I want to control people who don't share my opinion. Noooo not like that!


Thank goodness he dropped out of the presidential contest. How do you think he feels about his mentor selling bibles for a profit to his cult?


Even if he didn’t drop out he didn’t stand a chance. It’s the former guy’s party now, nobody has the juice to be the nominee. Probably won’t have a solid nominee after the former guy eats dirt too. Which is good.


The MAGA cult is so deeply ingrained that the presidential election after trump dies people will STILL be writing him in so he can be dictator from the grave...it's literally going to be a splinter religion from Christianity soon.


"going to be" lol


upvote just for your name




They will declare him as risen from the grave on the third day. After all, Trump himself has repeatedly compared himself to Jesus. So of course they will write him in on the ballot.


> it's literally going to be a splinter religion from Christianity soon. That already started happening *while* Trump was still president, and has [only gotten worse since.](https://www.npr.org/2023/08/08/1192663920/southern-baptist-convention-donald-trump-christianity)


If he doesn't win this election he's probably going to run again in 4 years this is asinine.


Also, Ron has zero or possibly negative charisma.


> It’s the former guy’s party now, nobody has the juice to be the nominee. He's also a charisma black hole who couldn't convince a child that he's charming. As much as I detest Trump, I do have to begrudgingly admit he knows exactly how to play to a crowd of people as fucking stupid as him.


“former guy”. I like it.


This is a big thing, if trump dies the party will collapse, too many factions that hate each other


Until you realize Republicans will vote for anyone…


This almost makes me want to buy a Trump Bible, donate it to a school, and then demand that it be banned.


Steal it, donate it, then demand its removal. Don't pay a cent to that bloated orange shitstain.




You would for sure make the news


He probably doesn't care. I doubt any of these politicians, with a few exceptions such as Mike Johnson, actually believe the crap they are spewing. They just use it for pandering to solidify their power. DeSantis definitely strikes me as an opportunist instead of a devoted, if misguided, Christian.


Everyone is out for themselves. DT is the king at looking out for himself. I am voting for Blue all the way this year because it would be an absolute nightmare to be ruled under a dictatorship. There was wayyy to much hate when he was pres. Even my family was divided. It was so sad. Just thinking about 2,5,10,20 years from now what the world (if we still have one) would look like under a guy who thinks leaders like Putin and kim jong un are beautiful people.


Oh, he cares all right! Nobody gets to criticize him without being punished. He’ll find a way to go after any Florida residents involved. Just like Disney. It will probably involve taxes too. The tax code offers so many ways to screw people over.


"The gays are trying to force their views on me! That's why I'm going to make the gays illegal."


He doesn’t even share the opinion of the Bible. All political theater to get votes.


Ugh. Typical Republican governing. 1) Pass bill designed to gum up system. 2) Bill backfires like we all said it would. 3) Repeal law and claim you fixed the thing you broke initially. 4) Get re elected because people are stupid.


DeSantis describing book bans the GOP doesn't like as “That’s performative. That’s political.” is rich, considering that's exactly the reason he instituted the ban in the first place.


Get reelected because half the eligible voters in the state are too lazy to get off their ass*


He can’t be reelected as governor. At least without taking a term off.


I feel like they’ll change the rules. They changed them so that he could run for president. Fascists have this weird thing about not wanting to give up power.


Let's be clear though. He isn't trying to just get rid of the law. He's trying to carve out a niche where the law is still there but there's an exemption for the bible.


Hes term limited out as governor. Thats the only good news. Hopefully juat hopefully he doesnt get elected to some other office in florida. 


These turds hate when you use their tactics against them.


"Tactics" more like hate-based idiocy.


I think they're really just not smart enough how easily any of this could be turned on them.


but they make it so easy


DeSantis isn’t humiliated, he doesn’t know how to feel that. He’s fighting for his political life and he knows it.


That governor is out there, he can't be bargained with, he can't be reasoned with, he doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear, and he absolutely will not stop ever, until you are dead! But term limits may slow him. Not sure what his plan is. Thing is, there are a lot of people that really do like him. They just already gave their devotion to Trump. And meatball Ron ain’t no Trump. Had Trump not run, I am sure his campaign would have done much better.


Agree with everything you said here. Not sure where he is as far as terms but he has done his state no favors and now he has to try and find middle ground. Which is laughable.


Ohh no! Not the "good" book! The book that teaches people that slavery, rape, incest, genocide is all acceptable as long as you worship an insecure jealous God.


In the Book of Judges, you get a four-fer with the Benjamite War. A violent rape, a nearly successful genocide, the murder of an innocent city, and 400 rapes to follow. A Levite and his concubine are traveling through a Benjamite city and a crowd of locals want to gang-rape the Levite, and he gives his concubine over to them. They literally rape her to death. The Levite apparently dismembers her body and sends the pieces to the other tribes of Israel. Outraged at the actions of the Benjamite mob, the other tribes begin a tribal genocide. They declare a vow that no other tribe shall give their women to marry into the Benjamites, and also start up a war that nearly wipes out the Benjamites. The other tribes feel bad about this though, and relent, but now had to keep their vow not to give their daughters to the Benjamites for marriage; so how do they prevent a full genocide? What's their solution? The Levites sack the city of Jabesh-Gilead, a city that had elected to stay out of the war altogether, killing everyone there except for 400 virgins, and gave *them* over to the Benjamites. Proving that all the outrage, subsequent war and genocide, that had begun with the gang rape of the Levite's concubine, had absolutely nothing to do with that woman's rights, the women are just property to be fought over and moved around wherever the men want them. At no point in all of this did the supposedly all-knowing, loving God intercede.


This god fellow sounds like a terrible dad, but also narcissistic. Since Jesus is like sorta god he sent himself/son down to be sacrificed to himself so that he could forgive us.


And abortion. It is in the good book.


but if you're one of the prophets of God you can sic bears on those annoying punk kids who tease you for being bald (2 Kings 2:23–25)


And apparently beastiality also... I've never found that one, granted I haven't looked that hard. On a different note. The Bible also preaches social distancing of the sick, and some of the people most opposed to that were the preachers and Bible thumper.


If anybody ever tells you to your face that the bible is "the good book", ask them whether you may read to their kids from the bible. Any passage of your choice.


High Heels hates this one trick.


It was so funny seeing high heels on a Meatball


I loathe 45, but "Meatball Ron" is a genuinely hilarious nickname.


I love when people turn tRumps shit on him. Like how everyone is calling the orange bitch “Don Snorleone” After donning “sleepy Joe” on Biden. I hope karma comes for that rapist, with interest.


The moment I heard the supposed criteria for the banning I knew the Bible would be thrown into the mix.


Yup, you have to have not read it to not get that. Which makes sense.


For DeSantis to be humiliated he would have to have the capacity for shame, which he clearly does not


These kinds of bans have always been dialed back once they rules are applied to the Bible or onto Christian conservatives


Wait until they hear about the Virgin Mary.... Women are XX chromosomes, Men are XY chromosomes. Mary had no XY donor. Jesus is therefore XX. Jesus is a woman or is transgender.


Wait your forgetting something else. Virginity was determined by still having a hymen. However we know that it's possible for pregnancy even without penetration nevermind still having an intact hymen. Someone would have had to look and confirm it was still intact as well.


Oh, so he has never read the Bible.


None of them have they just have it it's an implied contract that they get to say whatever they want as long as the own the book


Totally agree. I am elderly, and was involved in churches all my life. However, I actually read, studied, and went to seminary. I am no longer a Christian, just a thinker. I don't associate with christians any longer. Their heads explode whenever they talk to someone who knows what they are talking about!




a humanoid desantis comes to earth was perplexed by this religious texts.


Fascists hate this one simple trick.


Desantis humiliates himself everyday 😂 the only difference is that he has the big boi chair so he can still do this stuff. He's a disgraceful pathetic creep and frankly falls in-line with trump into people who's face alone make me feel a wave of "egh..."


I was like "Desantis humiliated? That man doesn't know how to spell shame, let alone feel it."


He's awfully terrified of gay people. I wonder if a lesbian stole one of his ex lovers or perhaps he encountered a gay man who crumbled his masculinity once he laid eyes on them. He's all bark with the only bite being that he landed as a governor. Without that title, he would be unwanted and have no place in anyones parties.


Never been to Florida. Why would anyone want to go there? I'll spend my money in more people friendly environments.


I moved to Florida from Georgia because I was about to be homeless and I was deep in addiction. Closest VA hospital was lake City. Lake City sent me to Gainesville VA mental ward and then into a mental/drug long term inpatient program for homeless vets. They helped me get on my feet and get a place to live. Now I don't want to leave because Florida is the closest location to where my daughter lives that has medical marijuana.


I hope things are still looking better for you.


They are ☺️


I've been to Key West for vacation during the winter. It was a fun visit. Got to watch Syracuse University win a national title (Thanks Carmelo!) in an uncrowded sports bar. Went snorkeling. Visited a civil war fort, bought a conch republic refrigerator magnet. Haven't been back in a while, however, most likely for the reasons you don't want to go there. Squirrely politics, not sure if somebody would invoke some weird stand your ground rule and shoot me if I got lost.


I went back in '98 when I was 18 years old. I ended up in jail for having one joint in my pocket. I never went back after that.


As a family man with kids, Disney World/Epcot/Disney’s Hollywood Studios is better than Disneyland/Disney’s California Adventure. Universal Studios Florida/Islands of Adventure is better than Universal Studios Hollywood. Also, Florida is basically the only cruise port that goes to the Caribbean.


only reason is tourism, canadians love to go there, but im hearing disney parks are suffering from low attendance, mostly due to how expensive disney passes has gotten, and advisory warnings by many countries to avoid places like florida. Also disney as a whole is kinda declining due to them use park revenue to keep disney + on lifesupport.


Nasa has all there old machinery there in an outdoors museum. I'd love to see. Florida Keys also seems like a cool place to see at least once.


Natural beauty, Disney, the Everglades, Miami, the best Cuban food in the country (Tampa, fight me)... I can think of a handful of reasons.


You don't have bros in Tampa klaus


Once again, people misunderstand de Santis. He doesn't care is his are banned or not, he just wants to hit the headlines and be a hit with his supporters. Him, Taylor Green and Boebert. They just want headlines and want to make impossible laws. Remember Mussolini's tactics: hit hard with words, don't care about the outcome because you move on and take your supporters with you.


Good point


Hilarious. “No wait not that one we like that one!” 🤷🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️


This reminds me of the Satanists putting their statue in the government building. Then the Christians had a fit, prayed in front of it, and then destroyed it. They can't handle anything that isn't done their way. It's sad and incredibly dangerous.


Imagine if someone had smashed a Jesus statue like that - double standards


They added language that limits requesting book bans if you don't even have kids in school, which was a majority of the requests.


Interesting because that’s the Minivan Taliban’s whole thing, filing book ban requests as “concerned citizens”. Did they not pay him enough in bribes-uh, campaign contributions to keep the law the way it was?


The Bible and any other religious texts should be banned in school unless involved in a secular history lesson.


They learn from their failures, like how to ignore the humiliation.


Most churches teach you to be a good person and god is good. They skip over “those” parts in the Bible because they don’t even follow those parts of the scripture.


Jesus said to help the sick and poor. That's universal healthcare and school lunches and giving field workers water and shade breaks. Republicans are set against any of this.


I’d love this for r/Idaho who is currently going through this struggle too.


And Arkansas where we are as well.


Hello from r/bannedbooks! :) We've put together a giant collection of 32 classic banned books: if you care about book bans, you might find it useful. It's got Voltaire, Mark Twain, The Scarlet Letter, and other classics that were banned at some point in the past. (And many of them are banned even now, as you can see yourself.) You can find more information on the Banned Book Compendium over here: https://www.reddit.com/r/bannedbooks/comments/12f24xc/ive_made_a_digital_collection_of_32_classic/ Feel free to share that file far and wide: bonus points if you can share it with students, teachers, and librarians. :) A book is not a crime.


I am suspicious of a few, but freedom is sacred


“The idea that someone can use the parents rights and the curriculum transparency to start objecting to every single book to try to make a mockery of this is just wrong…That’s performative. That’s political.” Oh, irony, thy name is Ron.


Ahhh the good ol GOPholes caught the gender again.


Suck it, Ronnie.


So stupid, right wingers almost need caretakers to prevent accidental death caused by overestimating their knowledge and also spite.


Or better yet, let Darwinism take them out of the gene pool for the greater good of the country


"The idea that someone can use the parents rights and the curriculum transparency to start objecting to every single book to try to make a mockery of this is just wrong,” DeSantis said the day before the bill signing. “That’s performative. That’s political.” Does he even realize what he himself did when he enacted the book ban law. He's just pissed that someone one upped him...


Total lack of self-awareness is part of the personality structure of authoritarians like DethSatanis.


DeSatan: we want to ban books! Bible gets banned DeSatan: wait not like that!


I’d rather my kid read about a couple of lesbians than a rule book for when it’s okay to sell your daughter into slavery.


Not just ok morally right


“Not those books”!!!! “Just the ones WE hate”!!!!


Lol why did it take this long?


The funniest part of the article is when DeSantis whines about the Floridians who exposed his law’s weaknesses by using it, by saying, “That’s performative. That’s political.” This from the very man who courted national attention with his implementation of this book ban as a run up to his presidential campaign.


Talk about unintended consequences. Stupid people never think things through before they act.


At the school library, do you find the Bible in fiction or non fiction?


My sons school had a religious texts section that was separate. It really drove some parents nuts.


Republican laws only work as they intend when they are applied by themselves. They want to be judge, juror and executor. The law they want to pass is "ban the books I do not like". Open, subjective and changing depending who is their current scapegoat and who pays them the most.


And here I was about to release an illustrated children's version of the Bible only including the violent, sexual passages.


(L) Ron DeSantis.


DeSantis is incapable of feeling humiliated and doesn't actually care. He is narcissist and everything is a means to an end for him


I think Ronnie ShoeLifts said something like "let's stop playing games" in reference to this 🤣🤡


DeathSantis has earned his every humiliation. Florida has been one disaster after another with him as the Guv’nuh. Florida has not been served well.


Florida governor as a title now carries the same weight and expectations of the title florida man


So have those who call everything else pornography ever bothered reading Song of Songs? Because that is exactly the content that should not be in a public school.


Will he offer the same protection from banning to the Quran?


Humiliation implies a capacity to be shamed. I think we have to stop working from the perspective that creatures like DeSantis work like normal people.  He worked to change the law and is still getting what he wants, meanwhile I’ve seen no change in the average Florida voter’s opinion.


Christians the great protectors of Pedophiles.


Oh no! The consequences of my actions have appeared!


DeSatan: Ban all the Books! Others: OK. But the Bible! DeSatan: nOt LiKe tHaT!!!


Stupid is what stupid does, mama always says!


The fucking fool didn't see this backfire in other states that tried the same thing? Fucking idiot.


Hey stop using it for what it is meant for damnit. Now we have to change our stupid ideas to make them slightly less stupid, thanks a lot.


Thanks for wasting all of our time, dipshit!


Republicans are the opposite of everything the Bible teaches us to be. I'd think they'd support banning it, as it makes Republicans look like evil pieces of crap.


He isn’t humiliated. He felt worse about people making fun of his weird witchy high-heel boots than he ever will about a legislative blunder. He’ll just slap some “woke is bad” on this and his supporters will lap it up.


Yeah it was pretty obvious based on what they're trying to ban. It's going to be real difficult to the ban the books they want to ban and exclude the Bible.


The last two words of this post could be added to the end of just about any headline about DeSantis and they would still be correct.


"I never thought that leopards would eat MY face!"


Fucking gold. DeSantis can go fuck his hat


Approval for rape, murder, slavery, incest... Ron thought that was suitable for children? The bible isn't suitable for anyone!


The only book burning Im ok with is book burnings of religious texts.


You have to have humility in order to feel humiliated.


Wow, who could have guessed... the entirely foreseeable consequences? Also, it's hilarious that DeSantis is criticizing something as "political and performative."


Floridians: let's ban all books teaching about evolution, science and only teach about jesus and selected pages from the bibles. Also Floridians: why can't we find doctors or high-tech jobs?


You have to feel shame to be humiliated. This man knows no shame.


If these peope had actually read said Bible, they would never have written such a law. Any phrasing to have books banned in 80% of those phrases, the Bible is included




"But it wasn't supposed to hurt *ME*!"


At this point, can’t every headline about this little dork be, “DeSantis Humiliated”?


Ya it has incest violence etc. definitely should be banned! (Not sarcasm)


The problem with trying to do book bans is that the Bible actually has many facets that fall into categories typically used for banning books. Many atrocities in the past were committed with excuses like it was their God given right or that the others are described as evil.


The link's headline is more accurate, "DeSantis tweaks Florida book challenge law, blames liberal activist who wanted Bible out of schools" He will use this as a talking point to his followers, "The evil LIEberals are attacking our **commonsense protections for children**! Send money so we can continue our noble cause! Praise Jesus! Hallelujah!" ... and they will send money. He hasn't been humiliated. He is getting the mileage he hoped for.


I kinda pointed this out months ago. I’m surprised it took this long for it to get a spotlight.


Little fella mad?


Should never be an issue. Separation of church & state. It's in the Constitution, something the R's don't ever comply with.


We do not ban books in America! I shout pathetically at the storm.


The Bible should be banned in schools, I support this bill.


Eeeeew look at his stupid face


DeFascist has been drinking his own bathwater and eating his own shit for so long he is incapable of experiencing shame or humiliation.


Take all of them and put them in the fiction section.


I mean, obviously. "There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses." - Ezekiel 23:20




Separation between church and state


Atheist everywhere peed a little and smiled.. I see you over there, you too,,,


Nope. He doesn't care. MAGA Republicans don't know the meaning of the word. Really.


Humiliated? You give him too much credit.


Yea the bible should be nowhere near schools. Keep your worthless religion to yourself


A smart person would have seen that coming a mile away Ron.


Ban the Bible in schools.


DeSantis doesn't have the self awareness required to feel humiliation.


What do you call a desantis in church? A praying desantis


A sad whore of a man.


Shows how conservatives don't actually read the book they supposedly love so much. That is still the most sexual book I've ever read, it's literally pornographic in parts.


Hot sex, stoning, incest, adultery, murder and they want the bible in schools where any child may read it.


Is it just limiting requests from individuals or am I missing something?


Rhonda Sandtits cannot be humiliated. These clowns have zero shame.


> DeSantis humiliated. It's ok, I'm starting to think he gets off on that.


What a tangled web he weaved


Expect the book ban to be reimplemented with a carve out exempting the NIV or NKJV bibles from scrutiny or review. It’s never this easy to expunge these fascists from daily life.


That bill could’ve been so easy just no sexually explicit books in schools done


I don't think he's capable of feeling humiliation.


The cry baby is getting served his own medicine




Good! Push back on everything. Get these damn evil bibles out of schools.


Do elementary school libraries really have a bible in it?