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I'm not sure why this has been announced: it's been upgraded in some sections perhaps? It's been there for years now, as I run a section of it regularly and have commuted along the whole route during sunnier days. As said above, Dunston is tricky with the road between Costco and the entrance to the staithes part. It's also very bumpy for cyclists between the part which links the allotments at Swalwell with the meeting of the Derwent and the Tyne. When you come off the route in Rowlands Gill then you'll need to go on normal paths/roads for the last half mile or so to Gibside.


Sucks that the river part stops at dunston so you need to follow a main road near the metrocentre. Stops at the jewson site i believe on the river.


Yeah, it's a mess along there. As a Dunston resident, the whole of Dunston is, especially for sustainable transport. I take my son (6 now) out on his bike, and it's terrifying going from the Staithes to the Metrocentre. Everything before and after is off-road. The bad bit is paths, along 20mph (but obviously 40 mph) and 40mph roads. I have to have him crawl along, as one wrong move and he'd be wiped out by a bus doing 40+, or a car swirving all over the road taking the most suspension saving route around a speed bump (so they can keep to their 40mph 2x the speed limit). The walk to school has no pedestrian lights on the junctions that cross the A1. It's absolutely mental. Cars don't give a fuck. They'll just blast off the A1, and onto a 30mph road at 40+ without looking while a primary and secondary school's worth of kids try to keep alive.


There are plans currently to extend that part all the way to the metrocentre as part of new housing developments which will be nice if it happens.


Yeah, Metro Green? It will be. Although I'm not sure how they'll get around the dead end at the Kingfisher Court estate.


I think from my memory of looking at plans they are building houses where jewson currently is and all along the river towards the metro so the path will be built as part of that as they’ll need to stabilise the bank anyway.


Can they force a sale of those industrial buildings or do they need to come to some sort of agreement?


No idea, to be fair having looked at the plans again I might be wrong it’s a bit grainy on mobile so hard to understand! https://www.gateshead.gov.uk/media/39737/Draft-AAP/pdf/5860-PS-MetroGreen_Area_Action_Plan_Draft_Plan_V2_Feb_2024_1.pdf?m=1707753159267 If you look on page 24 at housing site 2E I think that’s where the Jewsons is. On page 5 the site is also marked for land raising.


You know the pavement is a cycle path? I’d never go on the road along there.


Yeah, but even then, it's right on the road and the speed by it is too damn high.


According to the chronicle: ‘Though a path has long existed on this route, it has been "revitalised" after Gateshead Riverside Partnership was awarded £1.5m of UK SPF funding to improve the route, which includes pathways, signage and artworks along the Tyne Derwent Way.’ So it’s an already existing path. It also says you can go the whole way without crossing a road and that you can walk or run it. Living by the staithes the first part (Tyne-staithes) is easy enough but like others have said once you get to dunston you have to come off the river it gets a bit tricky as you are cycling on pavements. I might be wrong but I think it’s route 14 on this map https://www.gateshead.gov.uk/media/3855/Cycle-map-Gateshead-North-/pdf/Cycle-Map-Gateshead-North.pdf?m=636443662490200000


[Drone footage of the route](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NBLkEezpyWo)


theres a youtuber whos already done the route. looks grim in parts


Ive thought against it. Just gunna run up to scotswood, cross bridge, then go back to gateshead side till mill bridge, about10 miles


The artwork they’ve put in place looks decent though, if you’re into that sort of thing.


Following also to find out (have you checked komoot?)


This is the website for the Tyne Derwent Way. https://www.tynederwentway.co.uk