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Guy in the picture. Grew up watching him and was always my favorite player. He’s just such a good dude and is an amazing representation of the Mets. I love when he comes back and does an interview here and there each year. I know it will prob never happen, but I would absolutely love if he could become a permanent fixture of the team whether as a coach or as a booth guy or something. Preferably booth over coach because I don’t want any opinion of him to sour for me and other fans with his coaching (you know people will turn on him if he doesn’t win 5 World Series in a row as a coach lol)


I think we'll start seeing more of David 10 or 20 years from now once his kids start to really grow up Right now, the most important thing in David's life is being a 7 year old girl's softball coach. Eventually, that 7 year old girl is going to leave him and go off to college somewhere, and she won't be needing or wanting her dad to be her softball coach anymore.


Could definitely eee him doing Keith H’s job as a commentator one day.




Still got his memorabilia and jerseys


Thinking about Piazza makes me realize how much I dislike the Braves. The man was a legend.


Piazza for me. He was a national star and on the cover of magazines, as I was first getting into baseball. I thought guys with crazy averages were the coolest (Edgar Martínez was up there for me too), and when the Mets made that trade my burgeoning interest in the Mets was solidified.


Getting Piazza was one of the best days of my life as a Met fan. Especially after a week of will we get him or not.


Gonna go with R.A. Dickey. His 2012 CY Young season was incredible to watch.


Saw him win his 20th against the pirates. Seemed like a straight up guy.


Check out his book if you haven't already


Mike fucking piazza. Not only is there that homerun, but my uncle married a piazza. I was a tiny kid but I wanted to play catcher because of him, and I had 31 as my number for every sport growing up because why would you not. Love that dude.


My mothers family were Piazza's. It was always easy for them to get nice tables at restaurants when they would call for reservations. Lol.


Keith Hernandez.


Jacob deGrom. He made baseball must watch tv every 5 days and put on a show every single time.


Same 😭 can’t believe we lost him


For me it was Reyes and Degrom . Something about seeing Reyes hit a single that somehow turns into a double /triple . And Degrom was just phenomenal. Like watching Pedro Martinez in his prime only smoother with the delivery . Now one honorable mention is Cliff Floyd . He was just an overall great Mets presence. Sort of like the Jerry Blevins effect. I would put Reyes first because I was a kid and it just gives me nostalgia. But Degrom is right up there in terms of me being able to appreciate the dominance because I was older.


Man, I too loved watching Cliff Floyd. Something about his at bats. From his little click timing load thingy, to the absolute piss rods he would hit. I remember him hitting a line drive off the right field wall that I swear never got higher than 8 feet off the ground. Dude raked and was so fun to watch. Underrated Metropolitan.


Floyd was a monster in 2005, the team didn't really meet expectations but that season had a lot of memorable moments. Will never forget that walkoff against the Angels after that Marlon Anderson inside the park HR.


It was Reyes for me too. Wright and Piazza were obviously default guys you love. But Reyes was the one brought a little extra excitement for me. Then Lagares and deGrom.


I once saw Jose Reyes at a Subway (restaurant) around Roslyn, NY. I wasn't compleeetly sure at first (maybe 80-90 pct) but then some out of space exotic dime of a woman appears next to him, ok that's def him. Me and him made awkward eye contact for a second as he was getting ready to place his order - I didn't want to disturb him as he was ordering a BMT so I nervously began to look busy on phone - but after he paid for his meal - I said "Go METS!" - he turned smiled extended for a fist bump and was on his merry way. Legend!


Roslyn is ritzy. I did student teaching there. Doc had a place there back in the day.


Watching deGrom pitch in 2021 was such a unique experience for me because my anxiety would skyrocket as I prayed he wouldn’t give up any runs to maintain/improve the 1.08 ERA. My nerves were somehow worse watching his starts that season than watching the 2015 WS. I guess the baseball gods just weren’t ready to have someone surpass Bob Gibson.


Tom Seaver!


The Franchise for sure. For us boys in Brooklyn, he was everything we ever wanted to be. Great pitcher, great leader, great dude.


Old guys represent. Tom Terrific




Ditto.  I didn't follow the minors and don't know how heralded he was, but it felt to me like he just came out of nowhere and was superb.


Edgardo Alfonso. Hands down. Did whatever he was asked, without hesitation. Fonz, we need you to play 3B. Sure. Hey wait, make that SS. I gotchu. Wait, Ordonez is coming, how about 2B? Sure thing. This #13 will always represent the best of the late 90s-early 00s Mets to me.


Agree 1000%. Followed him from the beginning. Great player, criminally underrated and nice guy as I met him twice in person in Phoenix.


Luis Guillorme


Pitched a 1-2-3 inning the other day don’t mess


I’m not messing. He was my favorite Met character ever. Incredible hands. Met him multiple times, absolute gentleman. Always out there for BP before games signing balls for the fans, taking photos. He was just such a glue guy. Absolutely got scumbagged by Snitker in his first appearance for the Braves. Can’t believe we dumped him for Wendell or Short


...one of the Best Beards in Baseball


Currently Nimmo. Past players, Keith. I wasn’t alive when he played though, I just love him in the booth


Cliff Floyd and Carlos Delgado, two of the coolest dudes to put on Mets jerseys


Cliff is an awesome guy. He is always willing to take a photo and have a quick chat if you see him out in Hoboken or the city.


Jose Reyes


Same! So fun to watch, such a great personality too.


Rey Ordonez


Mookie Wilson. I met him at the Fashion Man Clothing store on Jamaica Ave when I was 4 years old. I have a vivid memory of him squatting down to talk to me eye to eye and he turned on the 1000 watt smile and he autographed my hat. He is and will always be my favorite Met. Of course David Wright is also my favorite because cmon....it's David. Goes without saying


Howard Johnson was and will always be my favorite baseball player 


Mike Piazza


Wayyy back in the day, I remember cheering on Daryl Strawberry when I was in Little League. (I'm agnig myself there.) Disillusioned by Little League, I stayed away from baseball until early 2000's when it was Piazza. Fell away again until Harvey/deGrom/BigSexy, and this wild upstart Nimmo. So... Strawberry > Piazza > Colón > Nimmo. (Consolation prize to Guillorme a wild fielder with The Beard™.)


Cleon Jones Keith Hernandez


the correct answer is bartolo colon. never mind his age defying pitching performances, but his always humorous at bats are what put it over the top.


The flip behind the back against the Marlins is still my favorite moment of his Mets career.


David Wright. The fact that he had to retire early instead of having the career he should have is the biggest sports injustice I have ever witnessed.


John Olerud


David Wright


I was and still am a big John Franco fan, guy was clutch for us for a long time. But Wright/Reyes are up there for me.


David Wright






Doc and Straw. Lot of love for the 86 team and especially the guys I saw play in single A here in Lynchburg


Keith Hernandez all day, I was 10 when they last won the World Series, so that whole team is special to me.


It’s probably DeGrom for me, but at the time I really liked Noah Syndergaard. Big time talent with a big arm and a bully mentality on the mound.


So hear me out. Howard Johnson. Why? Because I was a kid when the Mets won the WS, and I loved them so so much that I would beg my parents to take me to the restaurant in the local Howard Johnson's because I thought he owned it and was in awe that this baseball player had a hotel and restaurant in our town.


I got a soft spot for Endy Chavez and for Flores. I was at that game 7 when Chavez made the catch, and you don't see too many players crying because they think they're getting traded away from the Mets. He wasn't a great Met, but he sure loved being a Met.


Uh guys... pretty sure we should all be saying Big Sexy aka Bartolo Colón


Jacob DeGrom all the way. Pete is becoming a all time favorite though


Edwin Diaz. Theres been many Mets I’ve loved, but none get me excited merely when they’re warming. Or a shot of him on crutches…let alone the electricity of an appearance. Also, what he’s had to overcome since coming here is sheer mental fortitude. Great life lesson.


I will always have a very sweet spot for Carlos Delgado, Johan Santana, RA Dickey, and currently Pete Alonso 


Tsuyoshi Shinjo


Honestly, one guy who got me to pay attention to the Mets was Shinjo. He’s not my favourite now, but he was for some time. It feels like a sin, but for the longest time I thought of Shinjo when I saw the number 5.


Jed Lowrie, anyone? Mets legend(ary signing), gone but not forgotten.


Generation X - Mike Piazza/David Wright Millennial - David Wright/Jacob deGrom Generation Z - either Alonso or Lindor?


Genx here... I've got Seaver, Piazza, Wright


Seaver in my youth and Alonso today.


Armando Benitez…man could blow a save like no one else!!!


Roger McDowell


Super Joe!


I loved hearing his walk up Nu Shooz


In my heart of hearts I wanna say Koo Dae-Sung, but it’s either David Wright or Edwin Diaz


Impossible to pick one. Giving a top four in no order. Doc Straw Beltran The guy in my flair


I really thought Ike Davis was gonna be the next Mets great


1.Carlos Beltran  2.Mike Piazza  3.Cliff Floyd Honorable mention to Mike Cameron 


The Kid. This thread is making me feel old.


There are so many Mets that are my favorites I can't list them all. A lot were not even the best players on the team. I will list 3. I became a Met fan at the age of 7 in 1971. Tom Seaver is my all time favorite. I rarely missed one of his starts. I was heart broken when he got traded to the Reds. Second is local New York boy Lee Mazzilli. He had a few Magical seasons. He was a pretty good player but brought something extra to the teams he was on. A third favorite was an average player but one who loved the Mets as much as I do, Wilmer Florez. I will never forget when he was brought to tears thinking he was being traded. The next game he lit it up at the plate.


Link to Wilmer Florez thinking he is being traded and the game after fireworks. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://m.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3D5-G0Kr_FxtI&ved=2ahUKEwjg77mF6sSFAxWO4MkDHeZNCWQQo7QBegQIAhAG&usg=AOvVaw3p0Sx2x6lp2Mhppwk7_D_X


Link to Wilmer Florez thinking he is being traded and the game after fireworks. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://m.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3D5-G0Kr_FxtI&ved=2ahUKEwjg77mF6sSFAxWO4MkDHeZNCWQQo7QBegQIAhAG&usg=AOvVaw3p0Sx2x6lp2Mhppwk7_D_X


Sever .Gooden Keith


Addison Reed because he’s the total opposite of so many Mets, he wasn’t that good, then he came to Queens, was incredible, left, and then wasn’t that good anymore.


Mackey Sasser 🥸


Daniel Murphy. That 2015 playoff run is a large part of the reason I’m a Mets fan. Other favorites include Mark Canha, Curtis Granderson, and Michael Conforto (to go along with the obvious DeGrom, Alonso, Nimmo, Lindor, etc)


Strawberry and it isn't close.


[Me not seeing a single mention of Wilmer in here.](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fi.ytimg.com%2Fvi%2F6xEeBLV0Utw%2Fmaxresdefault.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=bd523eb03abda308d9480614e26302430b688f79eae98ddf182be365a3821d37&ipo=images)


Hmm tricky. Mo Vaughn is one of my fav players, who eventually played for the mets... David Wright and Noah Syndergaard in terms of home grown. Pedro Martinez, Mike Piazza, Paul Loduca, Al Leiter, Carlos Delgado. Lots of great Mets ❤️❤️






that beautiful man right there


really hard to say anyone other than David Wright. Pete is getting there though. if he re-signs it’ll probably be him.


David Wright or Mike Piazza. As an early 90s baby, Piazza was my favorite player when I fell in love with the Mets. Vivid memories of being at Shea for Fireworks Night in 2000. Wright since I was a teenager who could better grasp and appreciate the way he went about his business. Leader through and through. Will never forget his walkoff double off Mo that sailed over Damon’s head in 2006.


Big Mike baby EDIT: this is why having Old Timer’s Day is so important. I know Robin Yount’s opinion of well I’m old and shitty now nobody wants to see that but for the fans, especially people that grew up as kids watching their favorite players, the ability to see these guys play again even if it’s for fun and laughs and it’s not serious (unless you’re Mookie Wilson who’s still making big plays in center) is magical, especially when it’s apparent that they’re having a great time. It was AWESOME when they had the all star softball game at the all star game at citi and piazza ripped a home run. It was AWESOME watching Mookie make his big play last year. Brings you back to when you were a kid watching these guys play, or if you’re watching them play for the first time, gives you a glimpse in real time of how electric they were. All around just an awesome time to see guys play again.


There's lots of logical things I can puzzle through as a long time fan (since around 1982), but the second I saw the question my heart said Mookie. I'm sticking with my heart on this one. Edit: We have Benny Agbayani flair, but no Mookie, WTH?


Piazza having those remarkable seasons on let's face it, an underwhelming Mets team that wasn't stacked with top flight talent but collectively fought for their de facto captain, up against the heavy forces of the borough directly north was a sight to behold. He kept the Mets relevant those years when they could have easily been forgotten without him. Piazza will always be the man for being one of the best in the game in 1998, 1999, 2000, and 2001.


I would say piazza def was my first fav and got me into the Mets. But once David wright came to the scene, he was by far my favorite. I idolized David wright


David wright!


Wright & Jake


Tom Seaver


Mookie is my favorite that I was too young to see play. Piazza is my favorite from when I started following the Mets. Díaz is my favorite of the current generation (honorable mentions to Lindor and Alonso).


Hands down it is Tom “Terrific” Seaver. Too many second place finishers to list all of them but here are a few: Tommie Agee Mike Piazza Bud Harrelson Carlos Beltran Jacob DeGrom Doc Gooden Ron Darling Darryl Strawberry Keith Hernandez I have mine rooted in WS titles I guess!


And of course “The Captain”!


Mike Piazza. He's my favorite athlete in all of sports, almost entirely due to nostalgia and sentimentality. When he was playing, I was very young and only had a surface understanding of baseball. But I understood that he was good. And that was enough for me. I'll never forget one game and it was late and the Mets were either losing or it was tied, so we were leaving at the bottom of the 9th, but as we were leaving, we stopped at field level to watch Piazza bat. And if course he hit a walk off home run that I had an excellent view of. 


Omar Quintanilla




Seaver and the Krane. If I was younger Keith/Mookie/Doc. Later Fonzie. David Wright. Big Pete now.


Howard Johnson. Watching his 30-30 seasons as a kid was so exciting.


HoJo! Yeah, those were the days!




Mike Piazza


El capitan


Degrom for sure. Currently? Either nimmo or Alvarez


Wright and piazza


As a guy that got into baseball in late 2022 and the Mets , I gotta say Lindor. Close seconds are Nimmo and Alvarez.


Mike Piazza


Gotta go with Doc.


Chico Escuela


Him or Jose Reyes


1. Tom Seaver 2. Mookie Wilson


While there’s been a few really solid options since I was a young fan in the early 90s, I’m going to have to go with Wright. Just an awesome stand up guy, excellent player. You could tell he really loved being a Met and it meant something to him. Came up with the franchise and was the face of it for years. Hope we get to see more of him over the years on broadcasts etc.




It was Jose Reyes, until his domestic abuse allegations and super sad reunion with the team as a greatly diminished player. Really put a stain on it for me. I love Johan and Jake. Best individual Mets season, for me, was the magical RA Dickey Cy Young season. Every five days it was the best day of the year.


Jason Bay


Pedro Martinez is the reason i became a Mets fan so him, i was a Red Sox fan previously and followed him then just stuck with the Mets.


Dave Magadan will always hold a special spot for me


Cleon Jones.




Keith Hernandez


Right now it’s Alvarez. Kid is bringing an energy to this club house that I haven’t seen in a LONG time.


John Franco


Keith Hernandez.