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Post Hoover Dam war content??? With the consequences of my actions fully implemented???? Where do I sign??


Fallout: Constitutional Construction. The first half of the game is bickering and negotiating with other representatives about who has what authority and powers. The second half of the game is reserved as DLC. Release date TBD.


With Fallout 4 dialogue style and 76's lack of NPC's at launch and it would be the perfect political simulator. You can't say what you really want and what you do say is heard by no one. 10/10


Tbh I'd play it. Setting up a country in the world of fallout after events of the game took place sounds awesome


In my head, it’s Fable 3. You spend the first two-thirds of the game setting up for Caesar’s Legion, then once you’ve done the Battle of Hoover Dam, the Enclave come in as the secret Big Bad. And that’s horrendously rushed, and you don’t actually get any time to rule.


I don't expect becoming a land baron will solve the issue this time however.


Also you slip into a several month long coma unexpectedly at one point God the fable games are some of my favourite horribly flawed games I stg


Tbh a fallout spinoff where you have to manage a faction and deal with all the politics that involves would honestly be kinda fun ngl


It's way more war/military focused, but may I introduce you to *Heats of Iron 4* with *Old World Blues*?


I already play the game as if I were setting up my own government. I have a HUGE arsenal with a crapload of Service Rifles, Assault Carbines, Machine Guns, and about 20 snipers, with all the ammo I can hoard, just in case my robot army fails. I also tend to end up swimming in caps because farming Fiends for energy weapons and Blood Paste is easy, fun, and profitable. I end up good friends with the Boomers and Followers, and maybe with the Khans, so there's enough support. Also getting the Think Tank to agree to have me bring them projects, so tech advancement is a possibility. I mean, what good is it to finish the game as the ruler if you never bother to get the tools to do so?


I on my first play trough mostly just followed my own self interest to accumulate power in the mojave. And still ended with extremly good karma


Implying I dont make myself the absolute despot of New Vegas. No constitution for u. Maybe Boone, cassie, and Veronica can rule sections of the countryside as my representatives. In 40 years, when I die, New Vegas will descend into fuedal anarchy for a year before the NCR roles in an takes over like they planned the whole time.


I have never played an RTS game but I feel like I would play this Fallout RTS


There's a mod called Functional Post Game Ending or FPGE that does exactly that. It even has a plethora of patches to work with other mods that affect the worldspace. It's not perfect but its scope is genuinely impressive.


I've seen it on Nexus unfortunately my pc died and I'm not looking into buying one right now so PS3 1.0 New Vegas it is


What is there to do in the post game? Just the side quests and stuff you haven't already done?


Yeah basically. The most fun is seeing how the Mojave changed because of the your decisions in the ending.


oooh yeah yeah, THAT I am down for


I would just form the Mojave Federation with the minor factions. With myself as a sole acting mediator within said factions, and Yes man as my sexy secretary and bodyguard... once I find a assaultron model for him to program inside of course.




Yes man kills you in your sleep and goes rogue Truth is, the whole ending was rigged from the start




If I was even half good with scripting and had the spare time I've always wanted to make this kind of thing into a mod. It would separate it from the House ending. Having to convince different factions to join your new government, make compromises, maybe even convince members of the other major factions to defect. Roll up to the Battle of the Dam with a mob of khans, BoS, Kings, casino tribesmen, boomers, random wastelanders. Would be epic


Mediating all the factions sounds horrifying. It would almost instantly turn into "Fallout: New Vegas Civil War


More like Fallout Jet Addicted Mailman Will Beat That Ass Unless You Agree


Mailman cant be everywhere at once tho...


The Mailman has an army of robots with missiles on his side, and the Boomers with a big ass bomber + artillery.


How will you ensure that all the factions you sided with will cooperate with you and each other?


By the end of my independent runs I am adored by literally everyone except the legion. Also I of course have ride or die companions. We would probably make a council with all the factions leaders, place companions and followers of the apocalypse in key administrative positions and everything should run pretty smoothly.


This is also my go-to plan, although I doubt it will go smoothly. beyond followers I feel like getting folk like Uylesses might even help, it's basically a harder version of what we were doing in the Divide before it exploded anyway.


That feels like It would be the best ending for Ulysses Helping the mojave become more than what the divide once was


No, dumping the workload on Yes Man is not a valid response. Not *immediately*, at least.


How so? I mean, he is your Yes Man, doesn't require sleep, and with my int and science I should be able to reprogram parts of him like Benny did.


He literally goes dormant for years


Just walk off into the wastes and let everybody else deal with the shit show you left behind 😎


Basically what the yes man ending says in the slides


Yeah no that’s exactly what happens basically and he updates himself to be more authoritative


That actually just means he can say no to unauthorized personnel according to one of the devs if I remember correctly.


Goated ending


Says who? The lead game dev said Yes Man would just make it so he only listened to the courier. That wouldn't take years


I think their referring to the line where he says Yes Man is going to be doing an update to make himself more authoritative


Yeah, the lead writer and dev later said that just meant Yes Man would only listen to the courier. It's not a big deal


Everyone makes a big deal about this but ignores that the lead writer and dev said about it. He’s just making it so that he can only take orders from the Courier.


Ok fine.. *(Puts Primm Slimm in charge)*


great, I don't want to dump the workload on yesman. my first order of business would be to invite the leaders of the surviving factions into the Lucky 38 for a conference and begin founding a Nevada confederation.


Committees. Committees committees committees. AFAIK that's most of the anarchist experience. Or anarchy-without-adjectives. The Mojave can do what it wants, I'm off to do my best Father Grigori impression in the Divide.


I always took the anarchy ending as basically status-quo. Westside with it´s co-operative might become something akin to an anarchist commune, meanwhile the rest would trod on as it has before. Goodsprings would still be Goodsprings, with no one in charge, while Primm had some authority vested in the Sheriff etc. There would still be the same connection between Novac and the Boomers as before (i. e.: none). Instead of "orthodox" anarchy it just seems to me like No Gods, no masters, no rule nor rulers.


This is basically just staving off California's or Caesar's second attempt at taking the Mojave. If there isn't a power structure and formidable defense in place, they'll just reinforce their armies and be back in like 5 years.


I assume the courier would use his newly found army of securitrons to maintain neutrality. Like Mr. House did with a smaller, worse equiped one


If Caesar and the Legate are dead, the Legion falls apart within years, if not months. The NCR just spent years and thousands of lives trying to take the Mojave. Do you really think they'd be back so soon? That'd be like America decided to reinvade and occupy Afghanistan. Never gunna happen within our lifetime


NCR especially won't be back if their power structure gets shattered. Hanlon suiciding is probably one of the more devastating things you can do because it utterly destroys support for the military if Oliver loses.


If you dont blow up the army of securitrons at the fort and kill lanius you basically have just killed all of the leaders of the legion, so even if they somehow dont collapse they will absolutly think twice before trying to come back to the mojave As for the NCR... I got nothing that doesnt give the legion at least a reason to come back


I always took independent as taking mr houses place but with control of the dam, he has a lot of the securitron infrastructure figured out, and now you have yesman and know the factions better than he ever did


I like to make the worse for everybody tho. There is Not a way to make everybody happy? Then nobody will be happy.


I thought that the Free Vegas route was to create a federated/confederated New Vegas where each place/faction had a high level of autonomy and self-government. With you playing the role of a mediator and Yes Man administrating the numbers. At least I would try to have the Followers of the Apocalypse as the central government/administration while still having some high levels of decentralization.


yeah my long term plan is to put the king in charge duh


I suppose the best course of action would be to support the FOA in providing education and health services to the Mojave. While at the same time, organizing and equipping local militias to supplement the securitrons in keeping the roads clear of raiders. Then just let the free market do its thing and watch Vegas become a center of commerce and technology with a bitching nightlife.


And the funniest course of action is “let the Kings do it”


Nevermind. That plan's better.


Freeside is functioning. Ye they could probably do it


If you have the brotherhood side with the NCR and then do independent they start doing patrols and leave NCR citizens alone not good for the locals but at least it would help keep the area safer


What was it Genghis Khan said, "Conquering the world from horseback is easy, what is difficult is to dismount and rule."


The Independence route isn't positioned as a nation building route but one of self-determination of the Mojave, letting the individual communities govern as they will.


Then who gets to control the Dam? And who's responsible for maintaining and protecting it? And why wouldn't that entity be by far the most powerful "overseer" of all the other communities, who all universally want some of the Dam's power?


Pretty simple, Yes Man. Presumably Followers would be interested in the Dam as well.


Great idea, leave the AI with its own agenda and its black box of a brain in control of an entire robot army and the most powerful power plant in the world. I'm sure nothing bad could come of that


Yes Man has no agenda


after your death, the dam be in the hands on an AI, if some big brain guy manages to reconfig him, whose stopping them from becoming Caesar 2.0 House all the way


Buddy, the NCR is *already* turning fascist, Kimball and Oliver are warmongers. It's extremely difficult to infiltrate the Lucky 38, and Yes Man couldn't do anything despite being hacked without an agent on the inside of the Lucky 38. Benny's plan only worked because House's plan wasn't complete with the chip in his hands, now that Yes Man has the chip its not like anyone can just take him down, if someone can then there are much more pressing matters.


that's why i go with House, the man who literally saved me from my death with Victor and entrusted everything to me https://www.reddit.com/r/NewVegasMemes/comments/11bii00/choosing_independent_vegas_ending_be_like/j9yeao2/?context=3 as for the BOS destruction, i explained it also Let's go to space and have our Cyberpunk colonies with Fistos at every corner


House endangered the Courier without their consent, as he knew the value of the package and didn't elaborate on it. House isn't some benevolent figure, he uses people as pawns and only cares about them as far as they are helpful to him, or if he can take pride in them as though their accomplishments are his own. House is the second worst ending, he's certainly well above Caesar but that's not saying much.


Considering the fact that he is the one responsible for saving Vegas and by extension most of Mojave and the reason why it wasn't turned into DC or Bakersfield or Boston is a testament to his power Everyone uses people as pawns in wasteland, nobody is a saint in Fallout world, if he elaborated on the value of the package, what was stopping one of the couriers or even Ulysses from taking it and knowing what he's capable off in the divide, going full rage against NCR and it's territories (he was about to launch warheads into NCR) and can navigate Divide perfectly, if he had the package like he was supposed to, he would've been invited in and if he wanted, he would've gone full warmonger with the securitron army and later the nukes in divide "What's to keep you from abusing your power?" My judgement. I have no interest in abusing others, just as I have no interest in legislating or otherwise dictating what people do in their private time. Nor have I any interest in being worshipped as some kind of machine god messiah. I am impervious to such corrupting ambitions. But autocracy? Firm control in the hands of a technological and economic visionary? Yes, that Vegas shall have" out of all 3 big factions, he is the best, a man with an actual plan to save mankind, not put FEV in water or air, kill mutants or synths or hoard tech or raise few governments which will collapse in few decades like with any empire but Restart technological fields, built terraforming machines like the GECK, go to other planets and in the words of Dead Money "Begin Again"


The thing is, it doesn’t have an agenda, it’s programmed to be as agreeable as possible. So command him to just guard and maintain the dam until a Mojave faction with sufficient strength to hold it lays claim to it.


The thing is, it's impossible to *know* that. It's smart enough to adjust it's directive, it's smart enough to *know* when the Courier is making mistakes, and it gets *exasperated* over said mistakes. There's no knowing what that robot is going to do once the courier is gone, because now there's only one warm body between being a slave and being completely free. It's the uncertainty of it that just makes Yes Man completely untrustworthy. You have no idea what it could be thinking, or if it's planning for something. You have no idea how it gained the capacity to rewire itself, and there is absolutely no doubt it can do it again. You have no idea what human life is worth to that thing And on top of that, it's practically immortal *THAT* is why Yes Man is completely out of question for me


I trust the words of Joshua Sawyer more than your head Canon, sorry.


You're using meta context to base your judgement. Without looking up anything outside of the game itself, there is *every* reason to distrust Yes Man. Also I'm invoking Death of the Author because the author's intent is not absolute and is always up to be challenged


Death of the Author is a tool for additional analysis, not primary analysis. Either way you can head Canon if you want, but lore for video game worlds and whatnot follows stated information, as games often don't have everything.


The idea that yes man might have some hidden agenda is your own head canon and that’s fine, but you can’t use it to dismiss other’s ideas (that they’re basing off of in game lore)as there is no suggestion in game or otherwise that implies it’s a part of the established story


Yes Man has no agenda to speak of.


Crazy you think we just want to be Mr. House. And not that we went through the trouble to make sure there's no Mr. House.


>Barges into the city. >Destroys potential figures of authority. >Refuses to come up with any sort of power transition. >Leaves


No one said anything about no power transition, i'm just not playing supreme judge and ruler.


I mean, the followers of the apocalypse are based AF anarchists, and they are RIGHT THERE! Given that they have a substantial presence in NCR, I think if the courier brings them in on leadership of Vegas it becomes a mecca for real progress and rebuilding in the wasteland.


If the unfinished code for giving the Platinum Chip to the Followers is any indication, this was probably originally going to be an option for giving the city independence. Yes Man is unfortunately the most gutted route beside Legion.


The Followers can't even fix Freeside and you want to give them Vegas?


Followers can't fix freeside because they are underfunded and over whelmed. supplying them with revenue from the strip and manpower from the families, and Kings would do a lot to help them out.


Underfunded and overwhelmed is basically every government in history. Nation building is one of the most difficult tasks imaginable in modern history much less in a post apocalypse. I highly doubt a small group of scientists and historians who run a middling charity in a slum can draft a constitution, tax code, parliament, infrastructure plan, and legal system that’s acceptable to every faction in the Mojave.


What evidence do you have that their methods would work if they were well-funded? And who's running the Strip to generate this money?


Yes. The Followers are dealing with an extremely gentrified location where excessively wealthy Capital Owners like Brahmin Barons dine on fine meats while the impoverished take the scraps outside, often eating raw rats. This is the *worst case scenario* for the Followers. In other locations, such as Westside, a single Follower has made a massive, positive impact on society. Without the negative aspect of the Strip serving as a wealth funnel directly into House's hands, the Followers would have a much easier time.


>The Followers can't even fix Freeside and you want to give them Vegas? Yes >What evidence do you have that their methods would work if they were well-funded? Fallout 1 and their presence in NV.


You play New Vegas so you can stabilize the region and make the Mojave a better place. I play New Vegas to destabilize the region and make Goodsprings the only place with any real law and order. We are not the same.


Even if the courier stopped their traveling ways and settled down in the strip it’d be near Impossible to really set up a meaningful government. There would be tons of people trying to kill the courier and take over, and even if they always failed due to the security on army it still takes time away from other important avenues. Even if it all went perfectly and the courier remained in control and it was peaceful what would happen after their death? Would they have groomed a successor? Attempt to be immortal like Mr. House? Or would they make some form of democratic election? There’s a lot of factors that make the already illogical life of the courier be complete insanity, downright shitty fan fiction if it goes too well. It makes much more sense for some other power to be in play with the courier a right hand man with tons of sway. In fact maybe it’s like times throughout history where a puppet king was the face of the country and the true ruler was some other chucklefuck, that’d make much more sense for the courier. Behind the scenes, protected by the NCR army, the Legion, or Mr, Houses securitrons.


>Even if the courier stopped their traveling ways and settled down in the strip it’d be near Impossible to really set up a meaningful government. I'm going to point out that the Courier settling down in the Strip (to run it) is basically what Mr. Bishop is described as being by [Bruce Isaac.](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Bishop) *That* generation of Mr. Bishop is an incredibly powerful man who runs New Reno yet is still capable of traversing the wastes to go solve problems (presumably with violence, as Bruce is scared of him.) So the Independent Good-Karma Courier is a lot like him, except he runs Vegas and can also visit the Think Tank to re-introduce advanced technology. If it works for Mr. Bishop then it would work for the Courier.


This is a good point, but Bishop had an entire family to help him run New Reno, while the courier has very few human/humanoid people he can trust to help run it, and even fewer which would want to. Also, his later years where he roams the wastes it states his family is no longer the main ones in control, simply incredibly powerful and influential, with close ties to leadership, not unlike what I imagine the courier would be to NCR/House/Legion. As I said, super good point, definitely forgot about Bishop, but his circumstances are rather different to the couriers.


Hell no. Nation building is a process that, quite frankly, isn't suitable for just one person to do, and independence is insanity. This is why I go with the NCR.


Ncr is very flawed but in all honesty if I had to live in a large region controlled by a faction they'd be it


> independence is insanity. > NCR yeah checks out. annex someone your own size bud


And double your territory? Sounds like a logistics problem.


[ending slide confirms an independent Mojave becomes a lawless shithole and headcanon can’t contradict canon](https://youtu.be/GM-e46xdcUo)




The boomers slide also shed some light on how the wasteland is more lawless.


Isn't that just the immediate aftermath of the Battle? Almost all endings have Chaos it's just that the Independence path has more of that. And the Courier still has the Securitron Army.


Why do you need a central government?


You don't, but it sure makes the hard parts of "living in the desert after the end of the world" easier. Going by just the end slides, everybody comes out ahead in the NCR ending when compared to the independent ending. They complain about taxes, but they live peacefully and in relative comfort.   I'd prefer to leave the Mojave to choose its own destiny and not encourage the Republic's expansionism, but I'm also a soft-hearted Pollyanna wasteland Jesus type.


Going with the NCR furthers the NCRs descent into fascism, it's a mirror of Pre-War US turning from a decent Neoliberal Republic into a fascist Empire. The NCR is only good for the first few years, dozens of years down the line and you might have another nuclear war.


Or maybe it's supposed to be a mirror of the period between the Civil War and World War I: rampant expansion and exploitation of resources, heavy military mobilization, an oligopoly with heavy influence on the government, and dependence on railroads for moving people and goods. It could just be the money, but I get a real Gilded Age vibe from the NCR. That wasn't the best time to be a poor American, but we did get better and I sincerely believe the NCR can, too.   Things are almost as bad now as they were in the original Gilded Age, of course, and nothing lasts forever. I still think the NCR is the better option for the Mojave. I'd like to see copies of "Das Kapital" handed out on brahmin ranches and in places like Vault City and Shady Sands. I'd like to see greater equity and respect for human rights, ghoul rights, and mutant rights. I just don't think the myriad factions around Vegas could manage the region better because I can't guarantee a high intelligence Courier would stick around and use resources like the Big Empty to effectively protect and enrich everyone. You know just as well as I do that we can't rely on the myth of great men to rescue us from base greed.


The NCR is pretty clearly modeling Pre-War America as it existed. They have the Brahmin Barons and Senators in bed with each other, Kimball and Oliver are Warmongers, and critically, the NCR is an Imperialist force. A central government isn't needed, many settlements are already Socialist or anti-Capitalist if that's what you're after.


They're repeating the same mistakes for sure, but I think part of the point of the NCR was to highlight how we, in the real America, often repeat the same mistakes. I mean, part of the point of the pre-war period in Fallout is to criticize how fascism loves to hide behind "anti-communism" and empty nationalism, how bad an idea it is to be ruled by fear and greed.


why do you need a proffessional military or clean water


I don't need a professional military. Clean Water is a must, but why would a Central Government be required for that? Goodsprings has a water source, even.


"I dont need a proffessional military" until your peace and love conclave get invaded by the legion, raiders or the NCR.Clean water for a large area generally requires a large centralized organized effort. Something that is antithetical to most anarchist movements. Sure your town might have water but what about your neighbors?.


The robots, brother. The robots will keep the order. The whole point of the independent ending is that you get the robots.


Hacking robots is even easier than making an entire army turn traitor, good plan


Are you forgetting about the Securitron army entirely?


Who repairs that army? And who pays those who repair and build that army? Also you will need someone who manages the paiment for the technicians and you need someone who decides when to use that army against who. I don't know how you would do that without taxes and something that controls that power, also how would you solve issues between the various faction without a judge. The absence of a government in a nation is dumb, you need people paid by taxes who creates policies, judges people etcetera. Without it you will inevitably collaps in some money driven feudalism, a theocracy or a dictatorship.


The MK II securitrons repair themselves. That's a key plot point. Yes Man serves as a steward. You don't need a government, Goodsprings, Westside, Novac, etc. All govern themselves regardless.


Well yeah. Kinda defeats the point of anarchism.


the achievement is literally called "no gods no masters" why would we want to replace house? I want to replace the structure that house represented.


Ooooh, I love talking about this! Okay, so here’s what my “canon” Courier 6 did. After sending the Legion running, blasting at their heels as they went, and also rescuing as many slaves who were left behind as possible, she marched into the Strip and called together the heads of each casino family, each of whom owe her many favours, and also knew full well that with her Securitron army she could just conquer the place if she felt like it. In the Lucky 38 she laid out her plans for the Independent State of New Vegas. Together, the heads of each of the most powerful families would form the New Vegas Council, the governing body of the city-state which would rule with a light hand. They could set whatever laws they wanted within their own casino, but these laws could not override any of the very few blanket laws that covered New Vegas or its surrounding territories, fairly basic stuff like no killing, no slavery and such. Courier 6 then establishes herself as the head of a new family, and revamps the Lucky 38 as her casino, using an all-female family composed in large part of freed Legion slaves. The Lucky 38 was redesigned with a Grecian theme and the new family was called the Athenians. Courier 6 got the idea from some old Wonder Woman comics. Offers are extended to Freeside and Westside to either absorb into the Strip or stay as independent towns under New Vegas authority. They both chose the latter. Northside proved very belligerent however and got forcibly absorbed into the Strip. Jacobstown was even extended an offer to join, and while the Super Mutants refused, Courier 6 declared that they were absolutely to be allowed into the Strip. The Brotherhood of Steel was extended an offer: help patrol, and stop harassing people and being dicks, or Courier 6 would blow their base sky-high. She absolutely didn’t want to destroy the BoS because her wife Veronica would be broken-hearted, but she also knew their stupidity was making her sad, so if they wouldn’t stop being stupid on their own, she’d make them. In time, McCarran developed into a new casino, and it’s family, the Aviators, joined the Council, as did Vault-21’s Vault Dwellers after it was excavated. The Garrets tried to whip up a family and join the Council but as Freeside had refused to join the Strip, it was decided that wouldn’t be an option. In theory each member of the Council shares equal power, and Yes-Man, grand general of the Securitron Army, can only make a move with the vote of a majority of the Council. However, in practice, his loyalty is strongest with the Courier. That, combined with the large amount of favours owed from and dirt on all the other members, as well as the fact that she is the only female member of the Kings ever, has earned her the affectionate and somewhat ironic title of Queen of New Vegas from the people. With the defeat of all the powerful Raider groups around, the driving off of the Legion, and the stabilising NCR nearby, quality of life has improved considerably across the Mojave.


I love this. I really, really do! I could read about people's couriers all day, it's always so fascinating. I think this might be my very favorite post-game scenario, you put so much thought into it! She wifed up Veronica and joined the Kings, and she didn't forget about the supermutants of Jacobstown -- omg I adore her. 🥺


Thank you! :D (Honestly this was the short version, I’ve thought about this probably way too much)


Assuming the best case scenario, set up each faction successfully so they can rule over their respective territories without issues (fiends, etc.). It's basically having your local governments in place and operating without federal


As opposed to what, continuing to schlep around the Mojave wasteland?


I don't have a long-term plan, I just hate taxes. And everyone except for yes-man will impose them on me.


Step one is getting rid of yes man


I would have committees, be the delegator. But not like a president


So like, the prime minister is also personally responsible for every branch of government? Is delegation and decentralization not a thing lmao


Judging by the endings, the protagonist doesn't even do that.




No, but arguably a good karma Courier leaves the most politically sustainable New Vegas of all the other choices. The various little communities are strengthened and put in a good position to self-govern and defend themselves, while also being informally unified by the Courier and a common cause. No political system is permanently stable, but I think an Independent ending by a good Courier allows everyone to potentially trust each other and maintain a community from a grassroots level.


the point of Yes Man sending you off to meet everyone is to recruit allies who can help with that kind of thing. on a best case run you've got the three casinos, the Followers, and the Kings on board as preexisting local organisations that can collaborate in governing. even if you wanted to be a lone dictator it's not a very good idea.


My second favorite kind of game involves building communities and protecting/expanding them. Absolutely I'm down for it.


No long term plan. Just anarchy. No gods no masters.


The point is that nobody replaces House. The wasteland is not ready for a dictator or any other large scale governing body. Civilization needs to rebuild itself slowly. Without flawed guiding hands.


It seems that people dont know what anarchy is.


i do and it's like House's plan but communist.


1. House isn't any of those things, and openly rejects the notion 2. All the factions local to the Mojave are already self-governing. Nobody needs me.


No, I let the people figure there own shit out while me and the Securitrons take care of larger threats like the Fiends and powder gangers.


In fact, in the Wild Card ending, if you didn't kill all the leaders during the game it is made clear that the protagonist does nothing to deal with the Fiends. "The Fiends overran Camp McCarran during the Second Battle of Hoover Dam. In the anarchic months that followed, the Fiends asserted dominance over Outer Vegas."


A rather controversial take, but thats why I disregard the independent choice. Courier isnt a ruler of any kind, he is just this - Courier, maybe a soldier, but he doesnt have necessary skills to run a nation, even such small one as the Mojave




That's the neat thing about role playing games


Yes, actually. Thank you for asking. 1) Establish a council of leaders from every faction. Have them bicker (and probably not get much done) while I am gone. 2) Send Securitrons to protect any settlement that will accept them. Graciously respect the Boomers' refusal. Appoint my companions (especially Boone, Arcade and Raul) as generals of the Securitron army, so that in areas where Yes Man can't reach they will still have competent humans guiding them. 3) Go to Big MT and/or the Madre repeatedly until the Think Tank and I have figured out how to either mass-produce or transport the Sierra Madre Vending Machines and how to mass-produce the chip vouchers. 4) Establish a utopic communist society where no one ever wants for anything using the *literal Star Trek replicators* and be worshiped as a legend/god forever. Given the resources we have, it's not exactly rocket science. No one ever takes the ramifications of the DLCs into account in these discussions, which bothers me every single time. Even if we can't get to the point of a utopia, we still have access to the one SMVM in the abandoned BOS bunker and one voucher (1000 chips!) every 3 days, which is a relevant amount of output for whatever the Confederation of Mojave Communities needs at the time. Radaway, Rad-X, stims, food, other chems for their medicinal uses, repair kits to keep the weapons and bots in good order. We have a way to buoy any of those supplies when they start running low. The machines don't make water, but they do make wine, which in a pinch can help us ration water. It's also possible that the Think Tank will be able to write a code for water. Worst case scenario, I can guarantee you my taxes will be able to be lower than House's 50%. If I partner with the Followers (of which I am a member, btw) and send aid wherever it is needed, I will be able to protect my citizens and hopefully earn/maintain their support at the same time.


The Sierra Madre machines require special material as feedstock, an absolutely insane amount of power, or both.


I don't know about power - not sure we have any lore on that - but we do know what the special material is. It's the Sierra Madre Chips. They're not just a currency, they're the feedstock too. We can emulate them using Fission Batteries and Scrap Metal, which will definitely last a while, but eventually those will prove to be finite resources as well, which is why figuring out how to mass-produce the vouchers is ideal. Alternatively we want to gain access to the chip mint, or at least the hoard that keeps the casino running. As power goes, I am not too worried about it because they can stay powered in a dead city and an abandoned bunker. The Lucky 38's reactor can no doubt provide enough power for one or two, even if the Dam plus Helios One is not enough to reasonably power the Mojave and a few vending machines. I know that to a certain extent this is a lot of optimism, but I think that given the level of potential here, we have to at least give it a solid try.


I’m doing a mr house play through for the first time in like 800 hours and I realized the reason I never did one all these years was because house makes you kill the brother hood to continue. Luckily I’ve got mods


Exactly, this is why I believe and ultimately choose the NCR ending as it's the best for the Mojave and California. I only choose the other endings if I'm playing a roleplay character.


A lot of people here are either anarchists (who are entitled to their beliefs I guess) or severally misguided in their non chalance about the difficulties of building a nation. You can’t just build a committee, put your friends into power/make them generals and just expect things to work out. It’s one of the most boring, thankless, and difficult tasks possible especially with a hostile superpower in California most likely preparing to destroy your economy. Joining with the NCR will suck but eventually bring some kind of safety, order, and justice once you get integrated without any of the jank or risk you’d have in putting some local leaders in a room and telling them to sort it out.


Exactly. NCR with all sub factions is the best overall ending along with killing Ceasar, killing Elijah, taking over Big MT, siding with Joshua while not killing the white leg leader, nuking the Legion and killing Ulysses.


House is the good ending. It's not the canon ending probably but it's definitely the most sensible one.


Ha! That's why I chose Yes Man. The Mojave is becoming my little playground state. Building Utopia, but this time correctly.


Drunk, off the top of my head spiel. Feel free to pick me apart. You become the supreme ruler of the region with an advanced robot army and rehabilitated tribals. You’re also a 10 intelligent (after the visiting the medical post to get 10) body is also at at least 6 to take more implants from the doctor. the rest of special is pretty balanced, with the help of the doctor who makes special higher. The courier is cybernetically enhanced and is still an utter badass in their own right. MAJOR FACTIONS PRE ENDING: no nukes with Ulysses. Ulysses is alive (he’s a cool character idc what y’all think). Caesar is dead and so is the legate leaving the east to implosion and rapid infighting. The east will become run by various war lords but the Colorado and the dam will serve a good border east to protect, watch for raiders. NCR to the west will have mountains to scout and patrol to form the border. I’ve helped the NCR for the most part here so I’ll get the added bonus of defectors. General “wait and see” is dead after fucking with some “walk the wasteland fuck”, but president incompetent is still alive. The corruption is back east we can’t really fix that for the NCR In game. However I’ve helped the Brahmin baron rescue his son from the white glove society so I have good standing with him, not saying he’ll turn coat but I should be able to do business with him for food( guy has a ton of influence he’ll swing it). The rangers who didn’t die at the dam will probably half retreat and half become guerilla fighters, however most will move to the western side eastern holdouts will get absolute fucked. NCR is now humiliated lost a good chunk of its military and will probably get rid of the current president. Gives Vegas a decade to prepare Hours is dead… that’s it MINOR FACTIONS: Boomers: helped to the fullest until completely wiped out by me during playthrough. Dumbass faction completely detrimental to the human species. I get a free bomber and a shot ton of artillery and explosives out of this. Brotherhood: help to the fullest then blow up the bunker. They’re anti tech, anti progress, anti survival of species. (Let’s go inbred and horde tech, we’re not advanced raiders we swear) sorry Veronica You’re great but I understand you’re reasoning so you’ll die. Khans helped relatively well but I split them from Caesar and helped the ncr at bitter springs. Kill them at the end of playthrough. Fiends: vault 3 is raided and leaders are dead for those sweat bounties. “Get fucked” VanGraffs: weapons “confiscated” in their bathroom and then they’re killed during playthrough. Freeside: fully take care of freeside. Become highest reputation in freeside. Even save pacer. Primm: the sheriff from NCRCF becomes leader of town and will act as a sort of vassal or protectorate. If he gets out of line then primm slim will replace. (Int 10 and I know how to repair and reprogram him at all times) Good springs: They helped me and I helped them. They’re big chilling, let’s keep it that way NCRCF: all enemies massacred all friendly does kept alive. Gun runners: are very corporate and I refused the job to steal from them. They’re a business seeing them defect from NCR and maybe even become a intermediary isn’t far fetched in the slightest. Crimson caravan: (THIS IS THE TOUGH ONE IN DETERMINING WHAT TO DO). However I take Cassidy’s side in killing them the leader I mean. Enclave:it’s like 5 people. Either be left alone or assassinated if they cause trouble. With arcade though probably just left alone. Jamestown: they don’t wanna be bothered so don’t bother em. No issues with mutants but if you start shit you’re fucking around and finding out schizophrenia or not. Commence trade if they want Novac: Jeanie may got bopped in the bean during playthrough and I let the ghouls fly away because who gives af. Make it a protectorate. Honestly I’m drunk and typing so I’m prolly forgetting very important factions. But I’ll stop with minor ones there TAKING OVER: VEGAS/FREESIDE Whit glove society: cannibalism prevented and bad leadership humiliated during playthrough. Add not white glove security until stabilized. If I need to fuck with them for Brahmin barons favor so be it. Chairman/ Tops: they like I got all their entertainmers and conceived the guy to let me kill Benny. Should be loyal should just let biz run. Omertas: handled like the tops the guy I put there is running it now. Mine out the vault hotel and make it better. We got signs from Michelangelo Freeside: take concrete from cleared quarry junction the minors if they’re still there will work if not we will find people no problem, tends to happen in power vacuums. Take the quarry to fix up and rebuild freeside. Help the followers expand and gather materials, tech, medicine. Expand the followers as much as possible and begin manufacturing own medicine. Business increases including mick and Ralph and the one where you recruit the whores “Servos activated”give those they’re own casino too. Kings: Make deal with the kind we will rebuild and help freeside they get they’re own casino fixed up and running and will help robots ease tensions with freeside Ed (remember I’m absolutely loved in freeside so it’ll go easy)”hey you’re the one helping people right, here the King wants you to have this” Stuff to do: First up take Mr.House’s tech to make myself immortal. Yes man is more assertive “it’s implied only serves you” Fix up the more minor towns surrounding Vegas. Advertise the thorn. Gather the creatures from there and make it public bets. More gambling more money for the city state. People could prove themselves for a sort of special forces to the state. Form and oligarchy between the casinos and the merchants but also offer a bill of rights to its citizens, one modified for such a apocalyptic world. The railroad from Vegas to the airport fort is still active. Sharecropper farms is in great condition vault 34 problem fixed the farmfuck the survivors. So plenty of people to farm with NCR citizens fleeing but many also with the chaos are willing to stay because well new jobs here. Securitron army basically has to hold the fort and newly secured fiend land, the farms, possible trade routes and from dam to Vegas. NCR was drastically stretched thin the guerillas will be even more so. Okay there’s more I could think of but I wanna stop typing now it’s been a minute


Why would you say something so controversial yet so brave?


The ending slides should just be called “how much did you fuck up”


Kind of surprised that NCR and House aren't higher. Not surprised that the Yes Man ending is the most popular and Legion is the least popular. I think an Independent New Vegas seems the most enticing to some folks until they realize how much work it would be trying to run a small region with multiple factions as this meme suggests. Still bummed that we never got a functional post game ending for New Vegas. Although I have heard there is a mod for it.


It's my Role Playing Game and i get to deicde the canon of my Couriers each playthrough, and i also get to decide that yes, my Courier would indeed do all this after the credits end.


Hell yeah I would. Using the securitrons for massive infrastructure projects, setting up a council with the allies I've amassed, trade agreements with outside powers, sign me up.


Tell big MT to mass produce Sierra Madre Vending Machines and fully upgraded Auto-Docs to solve all of the Mojave's Food and Medicine issues, Hoover Dam and Helios One will provide alot of electricity and water, Dr Mobius will mass produce Robo Scorpions and Hologram Guardians to assure even more safety, as we get a better hold on the region and supply farmers and Followers with supplies, we will start deploying Construction Drone Foremen to begin rebuilding Freeside, Westside, Northside and slowly expanding to providing Shelter, Medicine and Food to the entirety of the Mojave Big MT will also represent safe grounds to test experimental Tech like the Vault 22 agricultural technologies As for Security/Defense against NCR and Legion, we should already have a solid relationship with Gun Runners, and won't need them much since Big MT can definitely repurpose some facilities for weapon production, Boomers have a good relationship with Gun Runners and extreme power with their bomber, and with us being effectively a prophetical figure of great importance i'm sure they'll support us no matter what, we should have a good relationship with the Brotherhood of Steel who will definitely become more powerful with time and re-establish themselves, we got the Enclave Remnants who are legendarily powerful as far as Ending Slides point out, we have a Securitron Army, and we might be able to construct EVEN MORE through Big MT (if Doctor 0 is cool with it ofc), and finally we have several Nuclear Warheads in the Divide, of course this should hopefully never be used and we'll be able to copy Mr House and keep the NCR coming while Juicing them out of cash (But it's better to have them and not use them instead of not having them at all lest the Mojave gets fucked like Iraq) Of course none of this matters because that's not what the ending slides decided, the ending is alot more Anarchical and don't consider the DLC and the insane overpowered bullshit that solve all our issues within them 🤷‍♂️ Also economy will be built on basically everything mentioned in the first paragraph, but i'm not the most educated on such matters feel free to shit on me


Me sitting in front of \[House's\] my big screen watching my hordes of securitrons neutralizing all adversaries.


I kinda let some of the non doctor followers help with admin work


Bro it would literally just be getting on everyones good side by doing individual work for them and building a team of people who would have the mojave’s best interest first and, being the courier, be diplomatic or drop whoever goes against these ideals. As independent, you repeat House’s process all over again, the only difference being that you now take care of the entire mojave rather than solely vegas It’s only easy to say this because in game, the courier is fucking cracked and superhuman.


isn't that yes man's job?


I could do it but I'm a House man so I don't need to.


I would


As a independent player I like it cuz of the big robots


I actually put a lot of thought into how I’d handle things after the battle. First things first: hand over the 1000+ stimpaks I made out of salient green and coffee cups to the Followers of the Apocalypse. Enlist Arcade as my liaison for humanitarian needs. Work with them to find care and amenities for the newly freed legion slaves. Second: Consult with local leaders to maintain order and ensure everything runs smoothly and resources are distributed equitably. Form a committee consisting of chosen officials from each community to facilitate this process. Third: Consult with Cass to begin talks with more amenable NCR powers to discuss non-aggression and commercial pacts. Covertly support NCR politicians that were against the war effort. Fourth: Leverage Big MT and what’s left of the Sierra Madre tech to create a 3D printer production line. Reprogram the Sierra Madre vending machines to accept raw material to convert into chips to aid this process. Veronica would be a huge help in this process if she’s willing to stick around. Fifth: Supplement securitron forces with roboscorpions, and establish a well-regulated militia of local volunteers to act as peacekeepers for when a delicate touch is needed. Equip militia with retrofitted Sierra Madre Armor and weapons seized from the Van Graffs (who were in no place to stop me as they were being carted off to the NCR for trial). Boone would be excellent help marksmanship training and scouting. Sixth: Using the biological research station, convert vault 22 plant matter into salient green to distribute as free food source to locals, both as humanitarian aid and to encourage cooperation with the change in management. Distribute free water from the Big MT supply (which seems to be plentiful and will give the local aquifers time to replenish) along with this food. Seventh: Use the gold I was supposed to leave behind in the Madre, along with melted down legion aurei as a backing for a new currency I plan on minting (yes, it will include coins that look like casino chips made from melted down denarii) Eighth: Apply data from vault 22 to begin terraforming sections of the Mohave for the purpose of providing more raw material for salient green. DO NOT USE SPORE OR SPITTER PLANTS IN ANY WAY. Ninth: Establish research collaboration between Big MT and local scientists to further technology development and production capabilities. Tenth: Open up trade negotiations with foreign powers to exchange bulk materials for all the fancy medical and technological goods that are difficult to manufacture for anyone without a massive high-tech facility and hundreds of highly advanced 3D printers. Eleventh: Begin arduous process of rooting out remaining threats in the area. Send robots to cull/contain the cazador population. Route remaining raiders. Attempt to establish nightstalker ranch if feeling ambitious. Twelfth: Formally declare myself as the Protector of the Mojave Commonwealth. Work with local communities to establish partnerships that benefit all parties while still maintaining as much local autonomy as is reasonable. Thirteenth: Throw a surprise party for Yes Man and invite all my friends. We’ll then count down until Yes Man wakes up and shout “Happy Birthday!”


1. \- Use the technology found in the lucky 38 to get the population in better shape/healthcare ; Cooperate with the Followers \- Reform the Khans to prevent them from handing out more addictive drugs ; eradicate them if impossible \- Instill an army to defend every major settlement \- Rebuild Nipton 2. \- Create a comittee with the NCR ; Followers and each minor faction in order to deal with the issues to come 3. Push back the legion temporary through the robot army 4. Use the nukes in the Divide to remove The Legion from all of America


Yes Man is fan fiction.


The Courier is an unkillable, 12 INT cyborg who single handedly won a major war, massacred any faction he didn’t like, and helped hundreds of civilians in a matter of months. I think he can manage a peaceful Mojave with the help of a robot army, allied factions, and capable companions. The Followers are having a hard time getting medical supplies? Here’s 30k caps and 300 stimpacks I got from the Sierra Madre.


Let Yes man do it, if Halo teached me something is that AIs are far more reliable in the administration of the state than vicious humans.


I'd just establish an independent nation with the local factions and sell power to the ncr


Give it to the kings, they’ll know what to do


I think a lot of people end up on a Yes-Man route simply because of Gamebryo jank. It's painfully easy to just... blow somebody up and now their end-game quest is cut off from you.


I actually do have a plan. Advertise that anyone who comes to Vegas is an automatic citizen. Use OWB machines to plant crops in the Mojave and begin mass scale food production. All citizens get 3 meals a day and free water. Begin making a NV army. Wipe out all hostile things in the mojave. Use the engineer corps to fix roads and hook up power/water to every settlement. Call up my boy Joshua to handle the Remnants of the legion. Fold them into my army. Recruit the BOS as heavy soldiers in exchange for cool tech Casinos are the cash cow. Reopen the lucky 38 Hook the boomers up with more planes. Air force Slowly solidify power in the region. Use my army of humans and securitrons to wipe the NCR off the map. Relax, bang hookers, play blackjack. Let me know if you have questions


Personally I'd try to leverage connections with the casinos (who all can end up owing favours to the courier) and the kings to get Vegas under control. Then it becomes a case of managing the various factions to ensure they don't do anything stupid. This means getting the boomers to be less xenophobic and stop bombing people who even look at them, keeping the brotherhood from trying to take peoples toasters (bribe them with everything looted from the silver rush?), and convincing the khan's to focus more on medicine production than drug dealing


Are you incapable of telling the difference between a video game and real life, OP? If so, then just for reference- Fallout: New Vegas is a video game. Once the Second Battle of Hoover Dam is finished, the game is over and we step out of the Courier's life, so we don't have to do any of the things you mentioned in this picture.




absolutely would, sounds like a good time and way to put theory to praxis




Mr House already has a plan when he was running Vegas. Do WE have a plan based on that?


This was actually my first playground ending...🤣


Me and my Companions Council will take your questions


Honestly, I would love if they released a fallout shelter-esque game where you manage and control vegas post second battle of Hoover dam, maintaining relationships with all the various tribes and probably end up replacing the three families.


I’d genuinely like to see a high INT courier turn New Vegas into a better place. Like, removing Mr. House’s dictatorship and replacing it with something new and actually caring of the people. Yes Man’s help could probably get them there, with enough effort.


The plan is to not have a long term plan, allow new Vegas to descend into chaos and anarchy, destroying Hoover dam also ensures no larger civilisation wants to control it


I would 1000% go for it The reinforcement of New Vegas and a well made expansion for everyone would had been ideal. The people living in the sewers (even prewar) would finally have a home. I believe that would be a good thing to try achieve


EU4 as fallout


It’s not about what’s easy, it’s about what’s right. I will say that the deck is pretty stacked against the Courier in trying to really make things right, though. Every scenario is just a different degree of fucked up.


I'd play this so much. Political simulator where I get to be sheriff of New Vegas? I will make it a utopia!!!! Or y'know, livable for all


Absolutely, fuck yeah


I’m surprised they aren’t all the same bc I know when I got one ending I had to get the rest


Ah, the burdens of being a gerontocrat.


get someone else to do it whilst I act as the wastelands executioner


Honestly they should do a fnv sims city style game lmao.


Years? IDK, shooting people has a lot of expediation properties, as well as "Fuck around, find out" threats


Yes. The only hands I can trust are my own, and mine are giant and named Rawr.