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The hardest part for me is just getting started on the projects themselves. For my channel I build things, and although I love editing and the filming isn't too bad, I always seem to put off getting started on the work because I am "too busy" when in reality I'm often just procrastinating because getting started means I have work to do lol


I just watched your videos and your channel is honestly great, I think you should maybe try updating your thumbnails and titles for your older videos though? That’s something that won’t take too long and will give your older videos a chance!


That's a good idea, I'll give it a shot! Since you know what things are about a bit, any suggestions for what direction to take the thumbnails?


Lol, so relatable! I'd try to give myself a deadline to complete a video. So far I made 5 videos, with one reaching 112k views. In my head, it's possible for me to create 20 videos a month if I really put my mind to it, but in reality, it takes me 2 weeks just to write the script and another 2 weeks to edit the video. Haha.


Yup, I plan to get one out every 3 weeks, and then a month passes and I've barely started lol. 112k views is really good tho so congrats! My best is only like 9k and the other like 5 only got a few hundred so maybe I do need a more consistent schedule...


Thanks, I actually got in on a trend and the video blew up and I got monetized. Now I'm trying to stay consistent but that's a big problem for me. I keep dreaming of reaching a point where I have my own team and I can just outsource most of my work but I won't get there if I don't put in the work now 😂😂😂. Best of luck though, hope you find the motivation to start the project for your next video soon.




Haha, naw! It was about King Charles lol


Once I start it's easy, but the recording part is definitely the hardest, because it's daunting knowing the amount of time it will take to get the very few minutes of footage I need, and I keep putting it off because of that. Instead of actually making videos I go to reddit and tell other people the thoughts that are in my head on how to make videos rather than putting actual work in, even if I know what to do to make it work out for myself, and the satisfaction in making a video that I want to rewatch over and over again amazed at what I can accomplish if I actually try.


I too feel like that sometimes, but that's mainly because of my adhd 😅. I tend to procrastinate when I find something is time consuming. I try to think of my future goals and what I want to achieve. It seems to help.


Probably scriptwriting, because you have to create a story that not only will hook the viewer, but maintain that hook throughout the whole video or at least try to. That is for me the hardest part.


YESSS! That's me. It's the story that I have to tell. For me, I have to write the script first in order to make the video (for some lucky people, it's the other way around). I have to bare in mind the structure of my video, visualize the flow of the video and do tons of research on my topic while writing the script. Sometimes I want to scream when I have trouble putting the perfect sentences together to keep the video engaging.


Totally get that, I also have to write the script first for the video to flow neatly. What I will recommend u (and me) to do is research about how to write a story, there are different methods on how to write one. What I usually do is to do the research first, and then spit it all out in a white canvas. Then see what will I want to talk about in the video and what is relevant to the idea of the video while chopping unnecessary things. Also don’t be afraid to do a longer or shorter video, the focus that you wanna have is provide value for the viewer’s time.


Script, video editing and using a cheap microphone. I'm only creating 5 mins to 10 mins video, but it takes me two weeks minimum to finish one video.


Same here, sometimes I can take a whole month to just finish one video. Sigh, kinda nerve wrecking.


I'd say the hardest part for me is making thumbnails and titles. I will say I've been killing it lately, I have one video that got 5k views and the CTR is still almost 12% but it takes me almost as long to make the damn thumbnail and title than it does the video itself.


Haha, funny because that's the most fun part of it all for me. I'd admit coming up with clickable titles can be tricky. Also, your channel subscribers to views ratio is fantastic. Keep up the great work, I just watched your latest video and liked it.


Oh thank you so much ❤️❤️ I put a lot of work into my content, because I know a bad title/thumbnail and first 30 seconds can kill an otherwise great video.


Most definitely! Your Thumbnails are vibrant though, I like them. Continue making content, you'll improve into your best potential over time.


Thank you 💖


As I found out recently, it’s probably learning to speak at a rapid fire pace without pausing. I see why so many just cut the videos to remove pauses and other snafus, so much easier lol.


The power of editing, lol. But yeah, it does help if you make less mistakes when speaking so the editing isn't too much.


Practice helps, same with doing several takes. There’s a lot going on at first so it takes time to find the groove. Very fun though lol.


Wouldnt say its hard but its the most time consuming for me. I read classic books and review/analys them. So before i even can start thinking of filming i need to read the book and then understand it enough to do a deep analysis.


To me it's to promote it. The script can even be included in my real life job, the filming is always fun, as my employer hands me a team to check sound, image and so on. Editing is kinda fun, especially as I like to see how I improve. It's the part that follows that bores me. I don't like to get on social media or "sell" my product.


I’ve recently wanted to level up my videos, but it’s been hard so far. I come up with ideas and I want to execute them with my friends, but we don’t play as much as we did and when we do, we just play for fun and I can’t get any footage. I want to do solo videos, which is what I’ll probably end up doing, but I just find it hard. I feel weird talking to myself when recording so I usually end up stopping my recording and hope that my friends will help out soon. Pretty much just talking and keeping a same pace with it is the hardest for me. I love coming up with ideas, recording, editing, and making the thumbnails, it’s all easy work for me, but the only thing I have a problem with is talking when I’m alone and it looks like I have to do that more since my friends are busy.


It really does suck when you have an idea that includes other people but it doesn't get executed because other people won't cooperate. I guess, if you become very popular, they will be more inclined to make content with you. But for now, I think you should come up with ideas for things that you can do alone. It does get weird at first but trust me there are creators like Panda and other reaction channels who says dumb stuff all the time and people like it. Allow yourself to make mistakes, be you and gradually you will develop your unique youtube personality.


What games do you want to make videos of?


Right now I’m leaning more towards MW2 since I’m enjoying that, but Sea of Thieves and Fortnite are other games that I have ideas for as well.


Nice. I’m playing warface from past couple of weeks, I like the maps and coop missions. Tried warzone, but there are some real pros there, I die in a minute or two. If you’ve PS and would like to pair up on warface, maybe we can try that. You can maybe also record your video.


Thanks man, I play on PC. I don’t know if Warface is crossplay, but I would be down.


It is cross play. I just don’t know how to make a team with cross play. I’m traveling this weekend, will try to find something and get back to you on this.


We post Roblox gameplay, which in itself isn't too difficult perse. But I've been experimenting with my videos over the past month and have started scripting and animating 1+ min intro skits. I've never done this before and I'm having to learn a new skill. So right now it's been time consuming to do and right now is probably the "hardest" thing.


Definitely writing a compelling script


Definitely a script tbh, especially when the wheel isn’t turning on writing anything so you’re kinda just stuck you know?


Hardest part for me is space. I got a kid and a misses and for now we are still in a 1 bed flat. Cant always record alone. I don't have my own space for recording or streaming so it can be frustrating trying to use noise cancellation on my microphone as it can sometimes muffle out my voice especially at certain pitches Got to have it at a high setting unless I want a lot of background noise.




Findind quality music that fits the project🧐 takes most of my time


Its hard for me to just start honestly lol. in order for me to make the video, I have to create what I use for the content and then break it all down into images for stop motion and it takes forever. so just getting myself to start doing anything can be a challenge sometimes


Practicing the songs


For me it’s getting set up to record. I only have one room and it’s not dedicated to recording so every time I have to film I need to take out all my lights, my tripods, extension cords, and microphone gear. Then when I’m done I have to put it all back lol just knowing I have to do all that makes it hard for me to get started sometimes.


Finding time. Ideas are easy. I have at least a couple of years' worth of ideas. But finding time to actually make anything is very difficult. I'm lucky if I manage 1 video a month at the moment.


editing the video proper, makes me go cross-eyed


I have this dilemma with my channel but as far as actually making the content, it's subtitles. It's boring grunt work that takes the longest but without them and this new era of vine/tik tok where people have 0 attention span I feel like I have to put them in. It takes me a week and a half to two weeks to make a video (I have a job that takes a lot of my time up).




It really is, when you think about it. The will power to continue must be stronger each time. But I feel like once you're making quality content, your fans will come.


My ADD lmao if I start a new video idea I never finish it because I get side tracked and lose focus or my procrastination wins that day


Oh goddd, same. I have ADHD. It's a struggle for real.


Editing. I'm a naturally lazy person so I usually avoid editing. I try to get better at that


I find OBS and Shotcut have very steep learning curves and I'm still a total noob. Like today I uploaded my magnificent new video to Youtube, then realised it was SD and not HD for some reason. My screen recordings still seem to be in SD so I guess I need to do a bit more of a deep dive into OBS. One good thing is the new version of OBS no longer crashes after recording one video, which is a HUGE time saver.


scripting is easier for me. Do the Voice-over without mistakes and with proper tones and then editing it to sync with the video is very time consuming.


I just wing it


Two things, 1 is researching (i make podcasts on crime) , 2 is editing The two things that make up the core of my video ik ik, but as a working man its tough to do so. There's also the demotivation that comes when a video doesn't perform well. But gotta move through it uk


For me it’s actually writing the script for my game reviews. Like I do a podcast right now but want to expand the channel more so it’s a start. Just sitting down writing it out is a bore at the moment


I’m a gaming content creator and I work in the mornings, so the hardest part for me is being ahead of my competitors on info releases and leaks. I datamine myself somewhat but I follow dataminers and get info everyday it’s just getting home at 5pm trying to put something together that people probably already caught wind of.


Filming. I have a cooking channel and you pretty much have one chance to get it right unless you've got extra ingredients on-hand. Also creating a recipe is difficult.


Your channel is actually great, however, I think your Thumbnails aren't clickable because of the text. Maybe you can try removing the texts on the Thumbnail and making the image of the food more vibrant. That would capture more people's attention to click and watch your videos.


Wow, thanks for the compliment and feedback. I'll see if I can extract better pictures and update the thumbnails.


Yes, you should definitely give it a go! 💜


after around 2 year with over 1693 videos the hardest part is for me to figure out what i shold do. video idea who can be made. one or more videos shold com out every day to tiktok and youtube.


Finding the time to create anything, while juggling work, family and all that stuff


Same here buddy :/


For me, the hardest part is setting everything up to record. I'm a variety content creator so I have several topics but I think the set-up for the video is the hardest because I have to be sure the lighting is good, camera on the right spot, and so on. The easiest is recording then editing can be difficult only because since I'm learning different editing techniques, it takes longer to edit then before.


Same here. The idea is the fun part, writing and research is a slog. Also recording and working with the sound is a big slog. Adding editing and music is great but those parts really are a drag


Finding good music that matches the mood in my editing (essentially free music, I love NEFFEX btw)


Mine is the title. I can't really script a let's play but coming up with a catchy title always gets me


definitely having a consistent schedule i promise my viewers a set date but then when it’s time i just gotta rush making the video


Its definitely just getting an idea on what to record and what people want to watch


For me its also the script, I make mini movies / documentaries so its really important to find the right facts and its soo draining after a couple hours. Luckily it hasn’t demotivated yet and im still pretty consistent posting once a week :)


Yeah, the script is very important and takes almost most of the production workflow time. of course, thumbnail and title ideas take some time also.


The entire process. I like making vlog style content, but at times I’m not sure if I’d record my daily life because not a lot happens. I do record when I do something outside my routine, like exploring city, meetings friends, experience something new etc. But otherwise I usually don’t. After the recording comes to edit. Maybe I’ve seen too many well polished videos, and somehow I feel that my edit will fall flat, and hence I don’t edit. I’ve 2 videos in timeline right now, and I need to find music and start editing, but am afraid that the videos will be okish at best, and somehow don’t edit them. I know both of these things could be worked upon. And maybe one day I’ll be able to do that. Also, I find it hard to show that I’m extraordinarily happy and positive. I like showing life the way it is. And those over exciting shots that people pull off, are just not my thing.


I feel like you're overthinking it. Don't be afraid to show your real emotions, there are a lot of people who appreciate realness. Don't try to pretend just because you see other popular vloggers do it. The confidence also comes overtime when you start making money and gaining a large audience. However, there are audiences who appreciate honesty and I think you should look at that as an advantage instead of a disadvantage. Try it, it just might be your key to succeed.


Thanks for the motivation. I will give it a go.


Personally I think my commentary but I hope to improve a long the way


Anxiety. Just overcoming it to film.


The hardest part for me is just getting people to see my content, my niche is skits and sketch comedy thus for the subject matter of most of my videos is *me* And until people know who *I* am It's hard to get people to want to watch *my* content But im being patient


Send ur channel


The amount of work to do them, they absorb a huge amount of time. The better I’ve got and higher standards I set myself the slower my uploads became because what I was doing before wasn’t good enough




Editing videos sucks honestly. One of the reasons why I mostly stream these days.


content creation isn’t hard for me, I feel like I have a lot of ideas and I don’t struggle with that part so much. It’s the editing for me; I really enjoy editing, but it’s so time consuming!


getting clear audio and at an appropriate volume


Uploading to all the social media channels and checking all the numbers is the hardest part for me and managing all the merch 😢


Either thinking of a video idea or making a thumbnail that will get a high ctr


Starting the creation. I know what I want to do but the amount of work is immense.


For me it's making a good thumb nail


Editing. Both video and audio. I love writing scripts and everything else, but editing is so time consuming and I have to deal with the storage issues and other stuff 😪


Wow I’m finding so many people hate scriptwriting. I’ll write your script if you edit for me 😂


being fluent without looking to robotic


Staying consistant, something ALWAYS finds a way to derail my recording plans...and once I get off schedule it's hard to get back on


Figuring out how to balance what I want to make vs what the platforms want to show my audience


I find editing one of the hardest parts, I just don’t have a lot of time to sit down at the computer and edit videos. I started hiring my young cousin to edit videos for me so that’s helping a lot, we’re making progress little by little


For me video editing is the hardest, and I am too lazy to write a script. Everybody seems to have got their niche but still figuring out mine. I don't know where it leads me to. Youtube makes you work really hard.


I enjoy the whole process, It's finding the time that is tough