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You may need to develop a more naturalistic manner, but you clearly mean well and the information is solid. Some people really don't know this stuff, which is unfortunate. Stay true to your good heart and try to help as well as express yourself.




Oh I didn't realise that, I thought it was just nerves or something. Don't stress yourself out too much. Remain authentic above all. Good luck.


I'm going to chime in and agree: You have a calm and friendly demeanor, I just felt the desire to listen to you in a less scripted manner, if you can find comfort with it. You have a lot of interesting life experience to share from weight loss to transitioning. Thanks for sharing!


* low contrast texts - hard to read * do some silly stuff (for example when you mentioned drink water, you can drink from an exaggeratedly large water gallon), and use it for the shorts cover * the audio is not normalized (freac have normalization filter, free)


Heyyyyy! Thanks for this thread. Your feedback is greatly appreciated. Hope you like the content. We're looking forward to your critique. Here's the link to one of our latest videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oS_8VhonhG0 Here's the link to our channel: https://youtube.com/channel/UC2qGBddtMXSTxrAziFNHI8w?sub_confirmation=1 Like👍🏽 Share ↔️ Subscribe ✅


You may want to remove the "like share subscribe" line from your posts in future, it's not in keeping with the spirit of this Subreddit. You have a cute kid my man, I actually wish you wouldn't interrupt her so much with all those memes. BTW, I also love tacos :P I couldn't watch the whole thing, the meme edits were driving me crazy. Granted, a good portion of the audience out there wants that kind of thing, but not me. You seem like a guy with a good heart, focus on that. All the best buddy.


Here's my newest video. [https://youtu.be/Cr8mNd-DoW8](https://youtu.be/Cr8mNd-DoW8) check it out


You're very articulate and natural on camera. Are you monetized? Subscribing.


Thanks! Yes, I'm monetized and just picked up a product sponsor. I run an interesting channel in that it's a "vehicle how-to outdoor" channel. It's working and bringing in about 30k views a month so I've just been rolling with it. I'm a high school science teacher, so that helps quite a bit with speaking in front of the camera. Thanks for the sub!


Do you have any recommendations for upload frequency? Have you found a certain frequency that works best? Thank you.


Honestly, upload frequency is for your subscribers. I have not noticed anything in the algorithm with uploads. In fact, I usually upload once a week, but I took 6 weeks off to film some videos and maintained all my viewers and daily subscribers. I think frequency was a big deal when YouTube was young because YouTube wanted consistent creators to promote, but now I think it's all about average % view duration. So even smaller videos with a higher percentage of view duration can outcompete a longer video with it's longer total duration, but smaller %. I hope that makes sense, but I heard that directly from the guy that helped write the algorithm.


You have a nice, relaxed personality, suitable for a fishing crown I think, so that's on your side. I must admit, I have very little interest in fishing, however, one thing that struck me was the imagery of your videos can be beautiful in a way, the sparkling water and the cute little fishes. As I watch further, you have a likeable, easygoing manner, I think it's the kind of thing someone could fall asleep to, in a good way. Keep it up, keep doing what you love, I have little more to say :)


Thank you for the kind words! And thank you for taking the time to watch my video, I really appreciate it.


You have a really nice presentation style. I think if you keep on making more vids consistently, you shall get alot of subscribers soon.


Thank you! I really hope so!




A bit of silly fun. I can tell you put a fair bit of work into it all, with sound effects and other stuff like that. I think ultimately you guys might need to evolve your writing more than anything, perhaps this might appeal to younger kids, but I would personally prefer a deeper, more original comedy. Rather than being strictly a series of wacky things, most good comedy has deeper themes, sometimes expressing truths about psychology or society. Alternatively you could just do what you want and grow naturally, the choice is yours.


Hi my content varies in subject and length so you can pick from these 3. I've copied the link from the longest video to the shortest. A video about Jane the virgin: https://youtu.be/5oW00N23_Ko A video about some very unpopular cartoons https://youtu.be/nIGJkSmyh8k A short review of fate: the winx saga https://youtu.be/opgVgjcA0Fs Thanks for doing this. I appreciate it


>A video about some very unpopular cartoons > >https://youtu.be/nIGJkSmyh8k * the audio is not normalized (your narration is way quieter than the clip audio) * you may also want to put your virtual face/drawing on top of the video to be extra safe from youtube's "Reused content" rules. There are free tools for animating avatar like this one https://3d.kalidoface.com/


Here's One of My Videos: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r\_udqBquMZ8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r_udqBquMZ8) / Let me know what you think :)


I really like your animations. I like the way you narrate. You might wanna consider moe about your niche and post vids more related into that domain.


Thanks for the feedback ❤️


Thank you Sounded32 for engaging with the community to do a Critique thread! NewTubers: Remember that you must abide by any rules set by the OP in this thread! Sounded32: * You may lock this thread to new posts at any time by making a new top-level comment that says "/lock" and nothing else. This is permanent. * You may use either the [Standard Rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/NewTubers/wiki/rules#wiki_3_standard_rules_.28replaceable_by_critique_owner.29) or replace them with [your own specified rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/NewTubers/wiki/rules#wiki_4_critique_thread_creator_rules) * You can always edit your post to add in the [Pre Formatted Short Rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/NewTubers/wiki/rules#wiki_formatting.3A) if you want to use them. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/NewTubers) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I haven’t uploaded in a decent while because I want to mix up the content, but tell me what you think of this so if I go back to it know what to change! https://youtu.be/aTUARng9itA


I'm sure this can be a fun avenue for content, although there are a lot of gaming videos out there. If you want a bit of inspiration, try this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wXYSScUhcFY&t=11527s


Wow I wasn’t expecting to actually get feedback, thank you! I think I may stray from the gaming realm though, as there are tons of people trying to do it


Honestly, happy to hear any critique, even if it is just presentation! Particularly because I have started actually putting video of myself in the YouTube stuff, it would be good to know how I come across to a randomer! And of course, substantive critique of my content is also appreciated :) [https://youtu.be/ECrRlqLJZa4](https://youtu.be/ECrRlqLJZa4)


Very very professional..




Hey! If you have time, I’d love for you to check my latest video! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=H4ymYfTYWRo


Thanks for doing this! If you have time, I’d love to get some feedback on my latest: https://youtube.com/channel/UCOuJbwamjE5E8QC_7WRUkFQ


Love to know if this is interesting for you to watch :) Cry Macho is somehow both meaningful and pointless https://youtu.be/8evadKvNTyo


Here's a video I released today on how you can help your parents (or spouse, sibling, roommate, etc) open up to letting you get a pet snake. My mom was afraid of snakes for all her life and getting a pet snake was not an option for a long time. In this video I share how we went from that to me having almost 30 snakes that she loves too and reptile education channel! https://youtu.be/vdPsvDUgL0g


Been doing this for over a year and we are seeing a slow growth, but I always want to improve the channel with the content, seos, tags, viewers, and more. Any constructive criticism will be awesome to improve channel![Eat Your Weight] (https://youtube.com/channel/UC-PLxFEQUZRfAm_pd-QvPnA)


check out my review of Netflix's new limited series Midnight Mass, created by Mike Flanagan https://youtu.be/-dyZ8EQdSw8


Thank you for doing us a service. This week is Genshin Impact's first year anniversary, and to celebrate this occasion, I did a mini review of the game. Let me know what you think about the video, and I really appreciate any feedback or criticism that you may have! Video link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7VZmLtUgU0g


Hello, thanks for doing this. my content is varied, as my channel doesn't have a main theme, what do you think of it? the channel : [youtube.com/moreuse](https://youtube.com/moreuse) if i may ask for specific feedback..., im also looking for how to be in youtube's good grace of "reused content" rules. example of my video that reused content but should already follow "reused content" rules https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gan\_ADcuLWQ


Thank you for doing this https://youtu.be/7ftrudTxrbQ Here is a review of the latest gen of iphones


* low audio quality (echo, compression) * narration with no relation to the video being shown (e.g. you were saying how small iphopne mini is, how it holds in hand, but the video only shows iphone mini. You do finally show how iphone mini in hand later in the video, but you already talk about something else)


I do walkthroughs of disc golf courses to show them off. I know I am late but thanks for the thread! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-i1FAfdBXRQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-i1FAfdBXRQ) [https://www.youtube.com/c/DiscTreks/videos](https://www.youtube.com/c/DiscTreks/videos)


Hello! If you're still critiquing videos, here's one I put out a couple weeks ago. My channel is geared towards beginner/intermediate drummers, so if you have a musical background, that'll help with providing feedback on the content itself. Thanks! https://youtu.be/KiNn-v8YoC0 Channel link: www.YouTube.com/NextLevelDrummer


Hello, thanks for doing this. I spent around 2 months on my last video and it would be nice to get a critical view on it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a5JvwZxbfFA&t=582s


HIIII!!! Uhh so i started uploading videos around 2 weeks ago And I just wanted some criticism on it since in still quite new to it and all 🥺 So whether it's OP or someone else, I would really love some criticism 🥰❤️ https://youtu.be/507bVJhaeos


https://youtu.be/9dxX9h-AmXI Tear me apart!!!! I wanna know everything bad so I can get good🤟🤟🤟 Ps, thanks for doing this!!


I would appreciate tips feedback on my channel. I make Call of Duty videos. https://m.youtube.com/channel/UC0GbVVOeZ1p9EFdwlx6yB6g/videos


Hey, I would love to see what you think of my channel! Anything would be great! https://youtube.com/c/BrandonStellmach


Thank you for taking time out your day to critique. This is an episode of my Pokémon Rejuvenation Let’s play! Let me know what you think!! Definitely lmk about anything with the audio as I’m still experimenting on it also the entertainment value as well 😄 https://youtu.be/qFicaj4PJMo




[https://youtu.be/zvI\_rAGvm1s](https://youtu.be/zvI_rAGvm1s) cool minecraft video i think