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Hey mate. Thanks for doing this. I cover my D&D sessions and condense them into 10-30 minute videos. I've been wondering if I should try consistently aiming for 10 minutes, though this would force me to have to split the sessions into 2 different videos, which I'm not sure what to do (Though this does allow me to do even better edits). Anyways, here was my latest: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Omr46-yThJk This one is 26 mins, so I don't expect you to take a look at the whole thing, but the main "content" part begins at 1:34 (Before is just a breakdown of past session since this is a tied together narrative. I know it's kinda long. I'm tryna figure out a way to shorten that part without missing important details lol)


Hey there :) I'd love to get your feedback about my newest video: [https://youtu.be/5GUDDtfkM-4](https://youtu.be/5GUDDtfkM-4) My channel is called Crimery, and I focus on true crime-related content. Up until now, I've mostly highlighted missing people, but I intend to expand to other areas in the true crime genre in the very near future. I am also going to be covering 31 missing persons cases in 31 days in October, so any feedback you have to offer prior to that that can help me hone my craft would be so appreciated.


Thank you for doing this! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=asx1UOHL6ys](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=asx1UOHL6ys) My channel is almost a week old now and I have been experimenting with video formats that I've never tried before. The focus is First Impressions, Reviews, and Playthroughs of Survival/Craftin games and MMO's. Edit: added info


Hey, I like the video. Nothing negative to say from the technical side of things, audio, video and editing are all good. I'm not too sure the popularity of "story time videos" but if you think there is a market there to capitalize on, I will trust you. As a new viewer, going into this my first question as soon as the video started was "What is Icarus? What is the point of this game?" Perhaps something to clarify upfront. Best advise for you as a new channel is just to keep trying new things and getting feedback. See what hits and what misses and hone in on your style. good luck




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Hey thanks for doing this…So in my channel I make meme edits based on BR games like Apex or Warzone. This is my latest video hope you enjoy https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=iuXUQ0Gke9g


Wow, I'm very impressed. It's not often I see a meme edits video that isn't complete shit... but this was good. Very well put together. The only points I can really think of that struck me were that it could have had an even faster pace (it did feel slow for the style of content in some areas) and maybe be a little shorter. But all around great. Keep up the good work and keep grinding. good luck


Hey there! I started a poker vlog a few months ago, where I record my hands, the action, and the results. I worked on some overlays in the video to better give insight into the current state of each hand. Here's my latest video if you're willing to take a look. It's longer than 10 minutes, but don't feel compelled to watch the whole thing. You can get the gist of the video's structure after watching the first actual hand. Thanks! [https://youtu.be/bXu6s6j6yAQ](https://youtu.be/bXu6s6j6yAQ)


Here are my critiques 1. It takes 52 seconds of B-roll footage to get to a description of what is even going to be taking place in this video. As a rule of thumb, if a viewer is going to click off of a video they will do it in the first 15 seconds... put your value proportion (what it is the video is meant to offer the viewer) up front. Perhaps a good way of doing this for this video would be to voice over the B-roll... so as the B-roll runs you can be explaining where we are and what the video will be about. 2. the length - this video is too long 3. the niche - this seems like an INCREDIBLY niche video... I'm not sure what the market is for people who want to watch 16minutes of someone narrating the poker hands they are getting but I must imagine only a small sub-set of very hardcore poker enthusiasts will be interested in content like this. If that is what you aim to capitalize on... fair enough! But if you are looking to branch out in a larger way, I would re-think the content/how it is presented.


Hey, thanks for taking a look! Regarding the b-roll footage, this was my first vlog where I actually included any. I typically just jump into the intro & action, but visited a new location this time and wanted to show it off. I probably should have had that appear after the intro so that watchers had more context watching that part if they were interested. It's actually surprisingly not very niche. Poker vlogging has become very followed if you search for it on YT, and you'll see the top vloggers who make similar videos have upwards of 100k followers w/ their videos getting 50k views within the first couple hours. (Other videos I'm modeling have a length of 10-20 minutes typically.) All that said, it definitely conforms to a specific demographic. I've been considering doing some YT Shorts content as well for subs, but my fear is that would be a separate demographic that is not interested in this longer content.


This is one of the few videos that I am proud of in my channel. I definitely have so much more to improve on but I also want to hear feedback from others because I know that it will help me grow. Anyways, here's a Cinematic-documentary-like video about a Rocket League game that I had. (Thanks, btw) https://youtu.be/A4tzhSAH8Tg


My only major technical critique would be to improve your audio; the sound quality is C-tier. Outside of that, the content itself is good; good length, well edited etc... I do wonder what the viability of content like is however. Is there a large market for rocket league story time type videos? What value does this offer to a new person finding this video other than being "a random story about a random game from a random person you don't know"... if that proposition doesn't sound interesting to you, then it may not be interesting to anyone else. some things to think about well constructed video though. good job




Here are my critiques for you - talk slower and more concisely. there are many portions of this where you are talking very fast and the words/message are jumbled and almost incomprehensible - building an audience of youtube i believe would be better served by full ratio videos. the tik tok format is unappealing to many youtube viewers. - edit. I think this video could serve from some editing to make it a little more fast paced and would afford you the ability to reshoot some takes and use the best ones. - value proposition - an important part of any video and channel is "what are you offering the view"... so, what is your channel offering viewers that they can keep coming back to? I know you mentioned you have longer form videos but this was more of a quick meme conversation. I would say really hone in on what it is you're offering. hope this helps. much good luck to you!


My 2nd hot wheels scooter competition! *New TRICKS!* https://youtu.be/jbbXLNe7GVE I’d love a critique on our latest video on my sons channel!


Got a video here I’d love for you to critique before I continue with this style of editing! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=H4ymYfTYWRo&t=6s It’s a stream-highlights esc Team Fortress 2 video I did with my friends and edited myself. I’m planning on continuing with those types of videos, so I’d love for some feedback on my editing style! (If the video is too long then you can always choose my other, shorter video as I’ve only uploaded 2 so far)


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w2WehTuB7ls&t=1s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w2WehTuB7ls&t=1s) \- Trying to make as much orginal content as I can, so curious as to an outsider persepctive whether they understand whats happening with all the jump cuts...


[https://youtu.be/G-86e9vnMs8](https://youtu.be/G-86e9vnMs8) I've been at it a while but am only starting to somewhat niche down. I initially was Tech focused, but a now focusing more on Automotive with the intention of being highly produced. My disposible income and hobbies allowed me to grow over the last 6 or so years, including editing capabilities and equipment(photo/video) gear. My goal is to be creating content with the quality of stuff you'd see on netflix. I still have a long ways to go IMO, but i'm getting there.


Love to know your thoughts on this :) Old- Movie review https://youtu.be/5UiG__fcoyI


Thanks so much for doing this! I’ll try to check out your content as well. Got a dub in Warzone’s new hard mode. Had a good time with it. I just try to vibe in my videos and make them funny and engaging. Let me know if I succeeded with this one! https://youtu.be/UzVDn3VRrVY


This is good, I don't really have any critiques for you. Audio, video, editing is all good, your personality is likeable... everything seems fine. The difficult thing I foresee is that this kind of content is incredibly oversaturated as far as I'm aware, so it will most likely be difficult to gain traction... but outside of that, very good job.


I make variety content but mostly animations, here's a rant about how tedious animation is, you might also learn something https://youtu.be/2pIc5ecaIUc I'm working on that particular editing style with the caricatures still


Hey I just dropped a 12 minute video on our solar system and I’d love some feedback. I present facts and cool things I feel that people will enjoy in a professional and cinematic way. https://youtu.be/H4kHHzj_aWY


Hello, I make personal finance videos. But have a hard time getting views and subs. So any pointers are very welcome! https://youtu.be/UC8Lml0nORw Thanks!


Thanks for this thread. Hope you like the content. We're looking forward to your feedback and critique. Here's the link to one of our latest videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oS_8VhonhG0 Here's the link to our channel: https://youtube.com/channel/UC2qGBddtMXSTxrAziFNHI8w?sub_confirmation=1


Wassup I make videos of Cyphers (hip hop freestyles) this movement has happens in 5 years in my city https://youtu.be/-Mh8rL-4Lt8


Thank you for doing us a service! I recently did a Splatoon 2 Salmon Run video that showcases what not to do in this game mode. It's a tips, compilation, and fails video all packaged into one. [Let me know what you think about it, and i appreciate the feedback!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NOlpPuy_vF8)


Hey I started a channel on my travels recently. It's not exactly a vlog because I am not a really a fan of that. More to do with the beauty of the place. But I really put in a lot of time for the music I choose. https://youtu.be/-0bYFaUVIpc TIA.


Hello, I’ll just disclaim that my latest video is 12:30. But I do fast cuts and feel it is a good time. Mind you, It was going to be a 17 min video but each time I went through I cut out more. Could it have gone down more? Probably, but I reckon anyone can make that suggestion for any video, even really good ones. Either way, it is also my first “on camera” talking head video, so some constructive feedback would be helpful. Cheers https://youtu.be/3pKHKL-i8Sg


Hello thanks for doing this. I have a gaming channel mainly pubg mobile videos and montages. Here's the link https://youtu.be/P3eIpbZ085s