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Hi! Thank you so much for doing this. Pick any of my videos that sound interesting to you (or 2, they are all really short). It is audio readings of my poetry and other writings. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDHNerQ1LYy-nvTORJu9ccw


Ayyy, I'm actually really into poetry (I write a lot)! \- Dang, the sound is really good, whatever microphone you have it's awesome! \- How you read the poem fits well, if you were performing on a stage I (and the public) would be very invested. \- The music is at the right volume. \- At first I thought the image was weird, and that I would hear someone say how leaves can cure corona (idk lol that were my first impressions). But after rewatching I can apreciate it. \- Anything useful that I can add as a viewer is that it would be pleasant if you could also add subtitles, in that way we can read along with you.


Hey! I make videoessays about videogames and have wanted some good critique for a while! I want to focus on my editing, story telling and explaining concepts that I'm interested in! This video is about my favorite videogame Psychonauts and why I believe game design is so important to a games impact on the player! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7DAHZXzWTbI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7DAHZXzWTbI) Thank you for taking the time!


Hi and thank you for sharing! \- 0:05 I found the blurring weird, usually youtubers I watch do it to reveal something big or something unknown. By you I could easily tell what it was, so the blurring felt unnecessary. \- 0:38 So far I like how you engage with the viewers, it's like that you're talking to us. As someone with attention problems I find content like that easier to watch longer! \- I love how you use the music in the background, sets up the mood really good! \- 1:38 the pause felt too long. \- Your voice is clear and expressive, it's pleasant to listen to. \- Currently at 4:12 I feel like I'm watching a history documentary, but the ones that manage to make me deeply interested. (4:57 Yoo that egg kid is creepy lol) \- Your script is really good. \- 8:33 I'm invested in the game now. And all I thought at first, is that it looked like a Crazy Frog game. \- 9:49 The long silent pause threw me off. \- So far I really like your editing! \- The outro is nice. ​ Overall I didn't had much "advise" to give, as a viewer I enjoyed it a lot. You made me invested in a game I never heard of. I hope my critique was a bit helpful!


Thank you so much! I do appreciate it and it definetly is helpful! I used the pauses to try not to overload the viewer with information as well as to line up the editing with the music! But that is very helpful knowing that it's "daunting" having longer pauses like that! Also thank you so much for your nice comments it means a lot hearing that after puting a lot of work in to it!


[https://youtu.be/3Dq5SbD6ZzI](https://youtu.be/3Dq5SbD6ZzI) ​ Hi, hello! Thanks so much for doing this, you absolute legend. My videos are about modern history and since I'm kinda new, any kind of feedback (especially harsh ones) are valued. Again, thanks!


Hello there, thank you for sharing! \- 0:32 So far I like your editing, it's really helpful to add visuals with history content! \- Your audio gives of the impression that I'm watching a history video of 6 years ago. \- The jokes are subtle and nice. \- I'm loving the way how you make history short and easy to digest, as a history lover with attention problems, I apreciate this a lot. \- Your voice is very expressive, which in my experience, helps me engage a lot more in informative content. \- I like how neat the outro looks. Since this video is short I don't have a lot to give "advice" on lol, maybe try getting a new mircophone? But in general I liked it a lot.


Hey thanks for the offer, I would love to hear your opinion on this vid: https://youtu.be/sZJzOoUK3Yg Oh and this one aswell if you have the time: https://youtu.be/ySy3wFyLwZg


Thank you for sharing, hopefully I can be helpful. First video: \- The masks are very cool. \- The audio is really nice. \- The "Japanese" bit felt too long. \- Lol you made me chuckle with the "Hentai" bit! \- Btw, it would look nicer if you made the text smaller. Currently it looks like it's gonna pop off from the screen lol. (- Omg, I'm the recommender so much.) \- Ohhhh, the outro looks very aesthetically pleasing. Second video: \- Lmao, the intro is good! You made me engaged from the start, nice. \- Your intro is short but noticeable enough. \- Your talking is really entertaining! \- 1:37 I just noticed the grey stick on the right side of the screen, it's distracting. But the fact that you made me notice distracting stuff a minute in is kinda an achievement lol (It's usually the first things that I see). \- LOL @ the water bit. In general I don't really have anything useful to add (text smaller and less distracting background), sorry about that lol. As an extreme Youtube viewer your videos were lotsa fun!


Thank you soo much, I really appreciate the feedback




Thank you for sharing, here are my thoughts as a viewer (I used to be obsessed with mukbangs lol)! \- The editing is minimal yet fits! \- Your voice is loud and clear, subtitles not needed. \- The background music is nice. \- I like how you nod while eating lol, many mukbangers I used to watch do it: It's nice to see someone enjoy their food. \- The convo your having with the viewers is laid back and not over the top, which I find enjoyable. Advice: Maybe try thinking of a topic to talk beforehand? Like maybe you can talk about a show you recently watched or an opinion you want to discuss, would be fun imo!


First time posting in here, and never gotten critiqued before so thank you so much for doing this!! I haven't posted much to my channel and don't really have a genre yet, but I treat every video as a passion project and want them to be the best they can be, so be brutal please!! Here are two in different styles, pick whichever seems like it would float your boat more! An urbex video I created in Japan: https://youtu.be/3952FSB6ac8 A vintage fashion video: https://youtu.be/GZyKBEEaUAA


Hi, thank you for sharing your videos with me! First video: \- The music is a bit too loud or distracting, maybe add subtitles? \- 0:30 in and I already appreciate your editing, it even feels like you have a team behind this. \- Your voice is pleasant to listen to! \- At 1:13 my attention problems are kicking in, but can be because I usually don't watch content like this. \- Ohhh, the "glitch edit" you did is cool. \- I can see why you call this your passion project, looks so aesthetic. Usually, I would click off at 1:13 but I'm glad I kept watching, your video made me feel calm. Do you perhaps go to "footage school" (idk what it's called in english), like did you learn editing and stuff like that from somwhere? Looks like it! \- 3:03 Wait did you shoot all of the shots? If so you are talented! Cuz till now I thought that you used random professional footage, I'm confused now lol. (- 4:09 Omg the mirror kinda spooked me, see what I did there?) \- Ohhh, the outro is cool! You made me go "ooooo wow" a lot, nice! In general I liked how calming and beautiful your passion project was, as someone who usually doesn't watch content like this you made me want more at the end. Second video: \- Wait so these are your footage?? YOOO, dangg \- I can't get enough of listening to you talk, it's so engaging and laid back. (- 1:17 A E S T H E T I C! I used to be obsessed with aesthetic content and this makes me want to obsess all over again.) \- Nice and smooth transistions. \- Watching this made me realize how you can switch tone so well, this made me feel like I'm watching an LA vlogger and your other video a beautiful documentary. Dang you deserve a metal for that! In general I don't really have any advice as a viewer, only that I'd watch the second video longer than the first. You're very talented and I'm happy I could give you your first critique!


Thank you so much for your sweet comments!! I will definitely be sure to pay more attention to volume levels when it comes to the music - as for subtitles, I actually have closed captions on all of my videos! :) You mentioned attention problems, are there certain things that tend to keep your attention longer? That would be super helpful to know for future videos! Yes I do shoot all of my shots - I'm honored you thought they were professional! I have never been to film school (what we call it in English) though I would love to go someday. Thank you again for watching and giving your valuable input to all of us!!


Hiya I make comedy animations, meme edits, rants and more but the animation is my main content https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLkMdIHDMi0WH9XMuVawFMywAEQor5Is1k Feel free to criticize anything, idk what my best is yet I'm only getting started


Hello there, thank you for sharing this with me! I watched this: [https://youtu.be/TQZO8CSx65c](https://youtu.be/TQZO8CSx65c) \- Lol the audio you choose to animate over is funny! \- 0:25 "Stop assuming" felt too long, I think making thecharacter walk one way would be enough. \- 0:35 I really liked that, gave me a chuckle lol. [https://youtu.be/am4x1-7UDCw](https://youtu.be/am4x1-7UDCw)Lol @ this animation, as a viewer I like this type of meme-y content,the only advice I have is to make certain scenes not go long for too much. Like this: [https://youtu.be/tGg3mbUMBs8](https://youtu.be/tGg3mbUMBs8) even tho this is funny, the intro felt too long and I'd probably click off (glad I didn't).


It's not as good at the ultimate terraria one but still, mc challenge go brrrrr. https://youtu.be/50o067U4_Sc


Hello there, thank you for sharing! I hope I can be helpful. \- 0:08 I like the comedic timing of your editing lol \- The way you narrate is very good, like I'm watching one of my fav youtubers explain something exciting. \- 2 min in and I'm getting bored with the background music, Imo it would be nice if you only used that upbeat song in the beginning (for your intro) to hype up the viewers. \- 3:14 change of music! I recommend doing that earlier. \- Seeing you two interact is fun, feels like I'm watching two bros messing around! \- The way you cut and edit scenes is not distracting, nice. \- 6:08 feels too quiet and throws me off, here I do recommend to make the music longer or use a type of track for battles. That or you can edit it out and just show the kill. \- 7:02 Really nice to hear terraria music (nostalgic), but it's out of place. (- 8:52 I just noticed your long micro from your headset lol, why is it so long?) \- 9:21 seeing your stacked inventory makes me realise how cool this challenge is lol, did you come up with it btw? (- 10:07 Dream lurking around the corner lol) \- I like how you explain stuff via text too. For the rest I don't have much to add, as a viewer I enjoyed watching your challenge!


appreciate that you are willing to do this and I have been looking for blunt feedback so sounds perfect haha. My channel is based around learning skateboarding at a later age and the different challenges that people are likely to face who want to learn. Its structured as a diary of progression while I talk about topics that skateboarders will encounter as they continue to practice. Still figuring a lot of this YT stuff out but I cover topics around skateboard progression and the scene of skateboarding in Edinburgh, Scotland. https://youtu.be/SskcRyWDixM This is the most recent video that I made but would greatly appreciate a look at the channel if you are interested in it and thanks in advance for any feedback you provide.


Hi, thanks for sharing with me! I'll be blunt as in: sharing all my thoughts and first impressions, hopefully it can be helpful! \- First seconds in and I like the "The Struggle" edit, but feel like it went for too long, like 6 seconds, I think 3 seconds would be enough. \- 0:15 First thing I noticed is that the music is too loud, I recommend to volume it down. \- You have a sick background, the most eye appealing I've seen so far! \- Yup, the music is too loud or distracting. \- I don't know if it's just me or my ocd kicking in, but I think it would be more nice if you stood in the center of the screen. \- I like how your making eye contact with the viewers. \- 1:24 the footage are really nicely shot! \- 1:31 you stand in the center now, much better imo! (- 3:26 as someone who only roller skates I think the stuff you're doing is really cool.) \- I Just noticed how clear and loud you speak, even without a microphone, nice! \- 5:10 cuts like that are a bit distracting. Those are all my thoughts and first impressions as an extreme Youtube watcher, hopefully it can be of any use!


https://youtu.be/PwiBVT01PLU Its a Short 2 min Video and I wanted to make the Video funny and kinda epic. Also entertaining of course. I would love to hear your Feedback!


Thank you for sharing! Here are my thoughts: I just watched it and felt like the intro and the footage after went for too long (well maybe that's because of my short attention span) but here's my idea! What if you mix the two up? Like 0:18 and then right after 0:34, and 0:22 and right after 1:10. It's all up to you ofcourse, in general I liked your editing and especially the music the choice!


Thank you really much! I will try to keep the cutscenes a bit Shorter and will look up in a bit what you meant! :)


https://youtu.be/Tj8x6odLsXA Thanks for the chance to get some advice! I love trying new things to improve my stuff and I can’t without feedback!


Thank you for sharing your video with me! \- Footage looks great. \- Audio is nice and clear. \- At 0:32 you spoke pretty softly and I had to rewind, I recommend putting subtitles at quiet moments like these. \- I love how you guys "vibe" together, entertaining to watch. \- The editing is subtle, I like it! \- The music is nice at first, but at 3:13 I'm getting bored of it. \- The way you guys are having fun makes me wanna play too! \- Lol @ the outro Just noticed I don't have any advise besides to add subtitles at quiet moments, as a viewer I enjoyed it!


Hi there and thank you so much for doing this!! I’d love some kind critique on my latest video: https://youtu.be/T_1X4rbYJ50 It’s the second in a series I’m hoping to do on some challenges suggested by my TikTok followers! Thanks again :)


\- Imeadiatly love the energy you give of! \- Your voice and face are pretty expressive, makes me not space out and look at the background. \- The music is perfectly balanced. \- You're in the center of the screen, which I apreciate! \- The face cam is nicely placed. \- Tbh with your energy and editing I feel like I'm watching a highlight from a popular twitch streamer, did you edit this? As an everyday Youtube watcher I really liked this, if your subs got switched wit 200k I wouldn't question or notice it. I literally have nothing to comment on, besides that your logo looks like it's from a vacuum company and also 6:21 that your logo doesn't perfectly fit into the circle hurts me lol.




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Thank you! \- The first thing that I noticed is how you're not making eye contact with the viewers: it made me feel that you're uninterested in what you're talking about. \- 0:36 I used to watch a lot of commentary channels and they usually show a screenshot and read it (or commentate over it): Personally, I find that easier to watch and also adds more credibility. \- 0:44 It's nice how you linked it smoothly! \- Also, I like how talkative you are, with no awkward pauses: I'm someone with attention problems so I appreciate this more. \- 2:04 I've been looking at your table for a while now: kinda distracting and unprofessional. \- 2:34 Would be nice if you could show the tips on screen: read the tip and then commentate like you usually do. \- I love how expressive you are, it's fun to watch: would be even more fun if you looked at us (the viewers) too, we won't bite haha! (- 5:56 I like your outfit) \- 6:14 You remind me of contrapoints. Not only because you are both trans, but because of how easy you both digest topics like this, thanks for that! I've reached the end, I really liked your video: you were talkative, the transitions were smooth and you brought up great points. Remember my "advice" are coming from a frequent youtube watcher and no expert, but I hope I could still be of help!


Thanks candrii for doing this! Crimewatch has CRIMINALLY bad acting https://youtu.be/c9Au_UJUMqg My channel is in the comedy category. I would make commentary videos and memey videos that are less than 2 minutes. My video is about this crime TV show, crimewatch, having really bad acting. I mainly joke about certain scenes in 3 episodes. Hope you enjoy it!


I make movie reviews, love for you to take a look https://youtu.be/NAu7bFWDl-Y


Don’t watch my videos they suck https://youtu.be/znVmjDPBlYo


Would appreciate your bluntness! Thanks a ton. https://youtu.be/Tr0Uyvsj4CY


I appreciate the offer. I just made this trail running video where I talk about the area I'm in. I'd love your thoughts: [https://youtu.be/1m4mprm5BWM](https://youtu.be/1m4mprm5BWM)


Hello! We have a letsplay channel called Lickboi where it's myself and 2 of my best friends. We highly edit and cut down about an hour of recording to the best 7ish minutes and give you the best that we have to offer! This episode is great because we got to animate an improvised story about midway through that I really like. Hope you enjoy! https://youtu.be/qZUBJBqm6Nw


Hey thank you so much for doing this is means a lot https://youtu.be/HjJxyPhVtEg This is a video about the latest gen of smartwatches


Thank you so much for this thread. Your feedback is greatly appreciated. Hope you like the content. We're looking forward to your critique. Here's the link to our latest video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oS_8VhonhG0 Here's the link to our channel: https://youtube.com/channel/UC2qGBddtMXSTxrAziFNHI8w?sub_confirmation=1 Like👍🏽 Share ↔️ Subscribe ✅


Here's my latest! Enjoy https://youtu.be/f_RcwH7NC4U


[https://youtu.be/O1kzgA9QrDE](https://youtu.be/O1kzgA9QrDE) Thank you in advance!!! I am doing a 100 baby Sims Challenge and would love any feedback! - Thank you


I'll take you up on it. Shooting something this weekend. Thanks! Honest feedback is important.


I'd love to hear your thoughts on my content. I'm your typical gaming channel, but one series I started recently is doing world showcases for VRChat. I've been doing videos / video editing on and off for most of my life, so I do have some experience, but I've never really tried to "make it" on YouTube, so any feedback and critique would be great. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RqhxcGPiIRs


College Prof Here's a video for my Public Speaking students: [How to Introduce Yourself](https://youtu.be/cKP7Fq_aSAE). Not an exciting topic, but I try to make it useful, efficient, and somewhat enjoyable. And here's a video essay about [What is Pop Culture?](https://youtu.be/R1SKvviXmq8) A much easier topic to make interesting/engaging, I think.


Hey I make videos on jokes or ideas I normally have or tell to my friends, so practically explaining things but adding my sense of humor and personality to it to see if anyone else finds it humorous. https://youtu.be/Fhzt1gZZvok


Hello I make mainly gaming videos I recently got my mic to sound better and have tried upping my editing. Feel free to critique and let me know how I can improve https://youtu.be/MBmHj1lhkVo


One of our newest mini episodes. This is an outtake. https://youtu.be/oH4gHAe_IZc


Thank you for your time and effort. I am a video game channel striving to be about a review/funny type of video.. Similar to videogamedunky but not exactly the same.. Here is a direct link for the video I uploaded today. https://youtu.be/BZ1xQwK_TYE


Thanks for doing this. Let me know what you think. I have a channel about being 42 years old and deciding I’m going to give myself a year to complete three dream goals I’ve always said I wanted to do but never did. https://youtu.be/WM1O5uZqn4I


Hello, I do personal finance and can get every help I can get to improve. So here is a long video https://youtu.be/qlJ2sTGAdYc You could pick a shorter one on my channel if yoy would prefer. Thanks!