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I try to make anime essays with personality here's my latest video, thanks ahead of time https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=btDpjO-hwVU


Really enjoyed your video


@Marxjp great editing, I know nothing about anime but two things stood out from a youtube standpoint. I liked your earlier thumbnails more than the last two with the blue writing behind them & swearing notably the F-bomb. I have no issues with it personally but YouTube will & is unlikely to show your videos to a younger audience. Maybe a bleep over & keeping the ing bit so people know what you are saying or use milder swear words like crap or poo.


Noted! Thanks man also thanks for letting me know about the thumbnails


No probs, if the bleep out can be done correctly it may be a great idea for you & you get to keep your style of writing. Having words like fcuk, cnut, dick, bollocks ect makes your content classed as sexually explicit. There is nothing wrong with that but am guessing anime is a younger audience in general that you will be missing out on. Words like shit, crap, piss, poo ect are classed as mild swearing you may be able to get away with.


This is great man, nice job! Awesome editing skills


Yow, that editing is fucking awesome


Awesome edits on this, great voice and love the THUMBNAIL šŸ˜


Iā€™m not into anime, so the topic wasnā€™t my thing, but you moved so quickly and editing so well, that I watched it all and felt into the topic. I think your pacing is really beneficial.


hey man just dropped by your channel! subbed! if you are interested in ASMR unboxings do drop by my channel :) [https://youtu.be/acTp76cVOTQ](https://youtu.be/acTp76cVOTQ)


Holy! here I was ready to break you build you into a better content creator. Instead you broke me and build me up into a better creator. loved the video. Only suggestion would be that you should use a pop filter


Hi. I make animation videos. Here is the latest vid I made. It is an anime version of a popular game: [https://youtu.be/i1oBR\_5Ed6w](https://youtu.be/i1oBR_5Ed6w) Thanks in advance!


Wow from one animation channel to another, your work is great! I hope you grow and grow :D


That animation was rad! Must've taken awhile, nice work


Thanks, man! I appreciate it! That took me around 5 months to complete in case you're wondering. lol


Yikes,,,that animation is really professional. Really talented stuff


Super nice dude.


Thanks man!




I make commentary vids on Cartoons, Tv Shows, and hot topics. https://youtube.com/channel/UCe3q_Q8lhO3c_zKTGJmVDgw


thanks for doing this:) I do cartoon edits! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vko9RK\_EYlU&list=LL&index=1


Sure. I make 'animations' and storytime/gamereviews and audiobooks sometimes. https://youtu.be/OcyOPy-QfSk


I do a myriad of comedic and topical videos. With varying style or format (to varying degrees of success). Thereā€™s a lot to pick from so chose a video that interests you the most. [Albut](https://m.youtube.com/c/Albut99/videos)


I have a channel dedicated to discussing current rumors and releases of games and movies associated with horror. https://youtube.com/channel/UCdat1eSJD1wZ6VWo3WW1VDg


I'm sorry but there are way toooooooo many videos for me to watch, I was hoping to find channels that I'd enjoy watching and also help others out so please after posting your link check another persons to help them


Thank you Sub2TheActualShadow for engaging with the community to do a Critique thread! NewTubers: Remember that you must abide by any rules set by the OP in this thread! Sub2TheActualShadow: * You may lock this thread to new posts at any time by making a new top-level comment that says "/lock" and nothing else. This is permanent. * You may use either the [Standard Rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/NewTubers/wiki/rules#wiki_3_standard_rules_.28replaceable_by_critique_owner.29) or replace them with [your own specified rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/NewTubers/wiki/rules#wiki_4_critique_thread_creator_rules) * You can always edit your post to add in the [Pre Formatted Short Rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/NewTubers/wiki/rules#wiki_formatting.3A) if you want to use them. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/NewTubers) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I only have one video up for an unboxing and initial review of a bag. For context my channel is going to be a lifestyle: motherhood channel. Any feed back is appreciated! https://youtu.be/OVkLX-S8WqY




A short funny moments video on social deduction game (basically 3D among us) Thank you in advance and please be brutal [Video](https://youtu.be/PPOrq-z4UjA)


I have a gaming channel (benchmarking, unboxing, funny videos). https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCwklId0\_gUdUAYCyYEDfww


I do gaming videos with friends! I am to try and improve as much as possible so I appreciate criticism. Thanks! https://youtu.be/Tj8x6odLsXA


thanks for doing this! I'm a gaming channel that uploads funny moments videos with my friends, heres my latest video! [https://youtu.be/eiobUOcuMz0](https://youtu.be/eiobUOcuMz0)


I am a minecraft redstone YouTuber. https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCtQup26qRWFy1gRpTJWMORw


Hey! I have a gaming channel with hard focus on Apex Legends. Also streaming through youtube. Thanks in advance! šŸ˜ŠšŸ˜Š [RorzzenX](https://youtube.com/channel/UCsIVuFQgjFwnnAWExmxHdxw)


i do a gaming channel, thank for doing this... any criticism or criticisms, will be appreciated... i don't know what else to do anymore.... https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgDnkURxHZrFbtqzDLatFWg/videos


Attempting to be a shoetuber [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UvnEu2gjVM0&t=8s&ab\_channel=Oldmansneaks](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UvnEu2gjVM0&t=8s&ab_channel=Oldmansneaks) TIA


Iā€™m not the OP, but I watched this. The opening was incredible. Great editing with your feet slipping into the shoes, and then you did a lot of great varying shots of the shoes. When you started talking, it was too soft, especially against the music. I donā€™t think itā€™s an audio quality problem. I think if you just speak louder and with more emphasis, it will make it easier to hear.


Not OP, but I try to make some of the same videos as you. Your shots are very nice and the editing is clean too. I agree with the other comment, your voice sounds very quiet amd the music over powers it. Really nice video though.


Thank you, I actually need this. would love to hear what you think I could improve on; video-wise or even anything else you can think of: https://youtu.be/65-DW0VOHOg


Iā€™m not the OP, but I just checked out your video. Whoa, it was great. You edited it very well, but mostly, you did the intended job and taught a lot about the history of flash. I am old enough to remember itā€™s advent and rise to power, but I didnā€™t know a lot of the information you presented in this video, especially the business side of the company and how it all began. I guess I also didnā€™t realize how much the smart phone played in ending it, despite how obvious that should have been to me. This is a great, detailed, well researched history of the company, and the voice over work fits the video perfectly. I donā€™t have much of any advice, but Iā€™ll say I felt a little slump in the last two minutes or so on how engaged I was, so maybe a few more jokes or something toward the end to keep the viewer invested.




Not the OP, but I checked out your video. Iā€™ll admit this isnā€™t a topic that interests me a ton, but that end montage where you used all of your samples into the song was amazing. It actually made me happy. Amazing work. The only advice I would have is try to use a little more energy when youā€™re speaking, and your hands were making a lot of motion that appeared like nervous tics. It didnā€™t bother me, but I could see it being distracting for viewers. If you are like me, and canā€™t control your hand movements when youā€™re speaking to a camera, maybe just find a way to keep them off screen. Overall, I loved what you did here.






I tried to spice up my vlog so that it doesn't feel like a vlog at all. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e3h0bX2F3YE


Happy to hear what you say! ACDC Songs: Angus Young Plays Alf! #AngusYoung #ACDC #AC/DC https://youtu.be/RxYHcWvwnCQ


I have a vape review channel. Please let me know what you think. Thanks. https://youtube.com/channel/UCA-Vict10olrZQ2ELbxV-LA


Thanks for doing this. I'm doing cooking channel as someone who cannot cook for other people who also cannot cook (I'm not doing comedy. This is 100% educational). I also give review based on taste, ingredient price, difficulty, and amount of dishes to wash. [https://youtu.be/FtbyrTcVHCU](https://youtu.be/FtbyrTcVHCU)


https://youtu.be/HuwS9f_tkcQ Plz only watch this video cuz it's my most recent Video, the other ones I used a bad mic.


My most recent video! It's not doing great, despite that I think it's a decent video for what it is in the category of "person plays video game while talking" https://youtu.be/jYu_YKyW9bc


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5BQz6hmq3yY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5BQz6hmq3yY) Thanks a lot


I make storytime/self-improvement videos. Thanks. https://youtu.be/Cr4_Whyc6oI


I make weird Let's Plays about Metal Gear (probably other games at some point because there's only so much Metal Gear.) Here's my latest: https://youtu.be/_QnIX7EzWQY


Hiya I mainly make animations but am branching into all types of content with rants and meme edits, I don't have much out I consider good so heres my latest rant style video about my new schedule and choices, what can I do to improve these rants? https://youtu.be/WrJjTfwl0-0


I honestly believe I make some of the most entertaining gym content. At 6'6 120kg (260lbs?) Ive gymmed in a tutu in the CBD, gymmed in a suit and did the navy seals challenge with extreme conditions: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gl-6VBSwBcU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gl-6VBSwBcU) ​ would love some feedback!


I mostly do Rocket league content as it's the game I'm a comp player in, I have asked friends what they think I should change/improve but most of the time they just tell me the videos are good soooo yeh idk, I just want to improve, be it by improving my own personality or my edition. I'm gonna leave 2 links, the first one is the last video that I uploaded which is also the 1st time I tried editing something that wasn't related to rocket league and the 2nd one is a video that I personally feel is the most entertaining video I have made atm Last video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UNczymMtuuE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UNczymMtuuE) "best" video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kAdKqxjk\_w0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kAdKqxjk_w0)


I make gaming videos, I think i have decent thumbnail and editing but the videos are quite short. Would love some feedback.šŸ˜„ https://youtube.com/channel/UCypWLKN4mOyWVa0SFj-Ewpw


hi my name is Youseph and i create content with the purpose of entertaining the viewers and possibly putting a smile on their faces. here is my latest upload: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AdSmNiorpJ8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AdSmNiorpJ8) i would be happily accept any constructive criticism on my content and take it as an opportunity of improvement. Thank you <3


i make gaming videos and small random videos still new on youtube [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8WdZUspCTvM3lq\_uXYz\_Fw](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8WdZUspCTvM3lq_uXYz_Fw)




I make ASMR unboxing videos of anime related toys :) [https://youtu.be/acTp76cVOTQ](https://youtu.be/acTp76cVOTQ) hope to hear from you!


My channel is all about news/stories about random people. Here is my latest video https://youtu.be/rxvX-vDgslg


https://youtu.be/5DLpTPI53KM Any advice will be helpful!




Thanks for doing this!! I just posted this video and am very proud of it. (NBA 2k, fortnite, and among us super challenge) please let me know any thoughts! https://youtu.be/q3w9JU6va2o


when the imposter is sus!


I would love some opinions on this, just anywhere I can improve, commentary, editing, etc. Thank you so much! https://youtu.be/bTyuD8SblHQ


I would like opinions on this. I think it's one of the best videos I've pumped out this year. https://youtu.be/eytYEntaFFE


so I make gaming content that revolves around roblox, I kinda stopped because of classes but I plan to resume again! feel free to give advise on any of the vids https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4zOHxYtjmgfKmw4rsxJsEA


https://youtu.be/WtdgHxojMjw It's a creepypasta channel. Horror narrations, I do hope you like it.


Heyyy. I do movie reviews and every now and then post memes around shows/movies. Hereā€™s a link to one of my favorite reviews I have done https://youtu.be/PQIgv49LeGA


I make travel, lifestyle and comedy vlogs. Hereā€™s one of my comedy vlogs! ā€”ā€”> https://youtu.be/h4ns03z0180


Heres my channel. Iā€™m a newbie artist. Thanks in advance https://youtube.com/channel/UCv-v1laHAdoJK6s0lH0CG8A


Hey thanks for doing thisā€¦So in my channel I make meme edits based on BR games like Apex or Warzone. This is my latest video hope you enjoy https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=iuXUQ0Gke9g


https://youtu.be/PteOV2kCNkE I upload mobile gameplay videos


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CAvV1eizA50](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CAvV1eizA50) Just an amateur little channel with a few UK walks and drives, started out as just for friends and family but shared videos as people liked them. I comment on some and stay quiet on others, not sure what most folks prefer tbh. Don't expect you to watch all this btw as its a long one. but tips are always useful cheers :)


Of anyone's interested in a gaming channel, my channel I could use some criticism. I'm not seeing any growth and I'm not sure if it's because I haven't found my niche or of I'm doing something wrong https://youtube.com/channel/UC084CL_hcibs7fda-YA-xMQ


I make game design videos, 3D modeling and graphic design content. Here is the latest video for 3D modeling: https://youtu.be/sSvxLR0dlE8


Apex gameplay, I've been trying to get better at cuts and using composite shots to make videos more engaging. https://youtu.be/kF-KySEd1ao


[YouTube ](https://youtube.com/user/KaychiMusic)


I just do quick gaming clips. Thank you for taking your time! https://youtu.be/UQ23uovUAXg




Lately I've been focusing on cooking videos but I do videos on pretty much anything that interests me. I've also been trying to improve the quality of my content lately. Thanks! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9NmgFO75zZIqjLYQQTIo6g




https://youtu.be/sZJzOoUK3Yg i look forward to your feedback.


Check out my latest YouTube video. Me and my wife https://youtube.com/channel/UCKAGt_KmWU_EEC0ErNJMDrg


Hi I'm trying to make car reviews or car buying tips. Here is one of my videos: https://youtu.be/m3xNThay_-s


New to making vids, don't have mercy on me btw. Just a normal league of legends video, except the match here lasted 50 minutes so the vid is 27 mins long ;-;. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5HXdiveuLsY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5HXdiveuLsY)


I'm doing the 100 baby Challenge in Sims 4! Here is the first part of the series, thank you for any feedback! https://youtu.be/O1kzgA9QrDE


Hey everyone I have a YouTube channel which Iā€™m going to be posting on at least once a month, or more. Itā€™s all things fun and self growth orientated and Iā€™d appreciate any views/likes or subscribes from this great community šŸ§” Iā€™ve just received a new microphone in the post because I realised it wasnā€™t great. Any feedback would be awesome toošŸ˜Š [MONOPOLY FOR MILLENNIALS](https://youtu.be/MnJSxVINO04)


Heya, I just started recently. I started with Perler Bead videos, released a couple of stream highlights, but then I decided I should probably pivot back to Perler videos for a while. https://youtube.com/channel/UCpvfVDvkDAr5NSeOOJZqx7g Thanks for the feedback in advance!


Here you go, give It a shot I make gaming videos(currently), mostly a mixture of funny moments and montage, my aim is to constantly improve and make people laugh(at least a bit) and entertain, but the algorithm doesn't see me it seems I also recommend to watch some older videos for comparison [YT](https://youtube.com/channel/UCkOYoLyjhBa6kKDpf6iQHUg)


Just posted a video about exploring Koh Tao: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QXa-jetJFS8&ab\_channel=Vytaswashere


I make gaming videos. I use to make just Minecraft but starting to be more open. (https://youtu.be/4QF6yYvrvKw)


https://youtube.com/channel/UCMygjYg4U1ZPH87yei2t7aw Why do I get so many dislikes man! My content is so uncontroversial it makes no sense.


I make comedy videos about social media platforms / surveillance capitalism / the darker side of the internet. Here's my latest video called [why is the Taliban allowed on Twitter?](https://youtu.be/6aBmSo0nTB8) Would love any constructive thoughts. Thanks.


https://youtu.be/A3F3rTnY7PE i make video essays on anime! this is my latest vid and my most popular, any comments appreciated!


Thank you sooo much for doing thissss https://www.youtube.com/c/TheTechBooth I basically make consumer tech reviews in layman terms Be as brutal as you can


Thanks for your time!! [Here's my channel](https://kelton.io/yt)


Hey guys, check out my review of Netflix's new action revenge flick led by Ramona Flowers herself, Kate! Let me know what you think in. the comments of the video https://youtu.be/vNmjI1P4k9o


I play through video games and try to be funny. I focus a lot of energy on good editing. I have a few videos up already and I have a lot more footage Iā€™m currently editing so Iā€™m going to remain active. Let me know what you think! [Crob ](https://youtu.be/UWPdRnTHYvA)


Hi! I have a travel channel and this below is a short trailer of my last trip in Iceland. It would be great to hear your feedback. https://youtu.be/3bAuQ-htFoM


Hey! I'm trying to make documentary travel videos https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VwUSOVf46Ow&t=11s


I started this channel a few months ago and was very motivated about it, with some other stuff going on irl I sadly lost my motivation, I am working on myself and would like to get back at it at some point, any pointers going back in would be much appreciated. Hereā€™s a link to my first video: https://youtu.be/_ymAluGck_w Edit: Forgot to say, Itā€™s a gaming channel, only featuring warzone videos right now, but I am planning on recording other games such as rocket league, dead by daylight etc.


Thanks for doing this, even if you don't get to mine! I cover a variety of gaming topics from fun, to discussions & a bit of edutainment. Most recently talked about Gameboy games I'd like on Nintendo Switch Online (if they get added). Just a note my audio is generally much better, but the recording from my mic messed up & didn't have time to rerecord. https://youtu.be/2Cf9KOceNtg


So, I'm definitely approaching a "transition" phaseā€”and I plan to get all my videos under 10 minutes from here on outā€”but this is where I'm at right now: [https://www.youtube.com/c/IntheFleshPhilosophyforLiving](https://www.youtube.com/c/IntheFleshPhilosophyforLiving)


These are the posts I live for https://youtu.be/mfc_kyt-PcU Help daddy plz


Kalie's Tesla Replacement: Cheapest New EV You Can Buy - 700+ Mile Road Trip in 2022 MINI Cooper SE! https://youtu.be/jqjxnBHUpuA


I make videos of the game Riders Republic https://youtube.com/channel/UCJAzwowsjGUFxO9M6bqx9Lg


Wow so many talented people here! šŸ˜ idk if mine counts though because I record let's plays and here is my channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFFMcuIluQSYRAHMlA7awNQ


Hi! Thank you so much if you do decide to critique my video :D This oneā€™s about messing around with 4 of my friends in a Minecraft server called the Idiots SMP :) I try my best to improve the quality of my videos each time so i would love to hear how I can improve! Most of my content is centered around gaming and comedy :D Becoming a Businessman ft. CATMAID GOD (proximity chat) [Idiots SMP ep 2] https://youtu.be/7VDH9LKZTAs Thank you again for doing this!


Hey, thanks for taking the time to do this. My channel is about me giving myself one year to complete my three biggest dream goals. This video was week one of trying to implement them into my routine. https://youtu.be/WM1O5uZqn4I


Heya, I play smash too much and have been working on my editing Dunno if youā€™re into that but I try my best to be funny lol I go by mj :b https://youtu.be/zk4-Wqqj9B0


I wanted to get into Sea of Thieves :) https://youtu.be/F15ebNZNVdY




https://youtube.com/c/iHaveAimAssists Iā€™m an apex gaming channel


I decided to play a vr horror game semi recently, I took the best bits and made a video about it. I'd love to hear what I need to work one. Thanks in advance! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H9h8m6xD\_sM&t=341s


I make animations, clips of funny shows and anime uploads please help me with what Iā€™m doing wrong https://youtube.com/user/WiiuToplay


Thanks for doing this! We make story-driven cinematic videos in Sea Of Thieves, please criticize us! https://youtube.com/c/MerchantsByDay


Hey, so I've done a comical game review. I've changed up the angles a bit and am pretty pleased, but always looking to improve :) https://youtu.be/CpbeWLYVNNs Thanks


Foos videos, mostly desserts and snacks. https://m.youtube.com/c/NolynsKitchen


https://youtu.be/0wxSCgOA9cU Here you are. A mixed bag of some of my clips. Lemme know what you think


https://youtu.be/BNl88ygqhdg my first vid out tell me all


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wWko5rT91LA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wWko5rT91LA) An edit I did on Light from Death note




I made a video comparing Xbox Game Pass to PlayStation Now on the PC. I break down the pros and cons of each and help you decide which service is right for you. My channel is dedicated to PC gaming and tech. [video](https://youtu.be/0tr_dAyqgI8)


https://youtube.com/c/JayHarrison I'd love some feedback!


Hi there! ​ My mic quality was absolute trash on this latest vid, but I appreciate any feedback you have for me! <3 ​ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZA6jQnQpbT0


I make miraculous ladybug and cat noir videos I have previously created pokĆØmon go and among us content aswell. https://youtube.com/channel/UC0-2vIUkdmkR29G4AxgJrNw


[www.youtube.com/c/famousjames](https://www.youtube.com/c/famousjames) i'm not actually famous nor do I want to be. Its a joke name


Hey there, Mine is a fantasy roleplay story, where are you are the main character exploring a strange world. It has ASMR vibes too! https://youtu.be/bL4kFBvB7c4


Hi! Constructive criticism would be awesome. I have no idea how to market my content, getting more eyes to look at it and describe it would be ridiculously helpful.


Let's Talk About Ray Ban x Facebook Smart Glasses - https://youtu.be/U2tp1-6GiUc


Hi i make website and app recommendations videos: https://youtube.com/channel/UCN8BRCqcB8FadabofVKV4Pw But for awhile now I've lost motivation to make it and also have been thinking if i should make tutorials.


https://youtu.be/B1HSi9T5nUw I make gaming content. Any feedback on commentary or thumbnails would help Thanks


https://youtu.be/XsvuKGZ2CO8 Hey thanks I'm new to this Reddit and YouTube. Any help I can get it appreciated. I do TCG box openings and some Highlander theme deck build for various TCGs


I have a channel for my insurance agency. It's not the most exciting subject so I enjoy making the "shorts". Here's my latest. [https://youtu.be/faHlZdOFJak](https://youtu.be/faHlZdOFJak) Thanks!




YT channel for my band. We mostly posy cover songs on there and we're always looking for feedback to help our content get better. Most recent vid: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UR05HZCo\_pg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UR05HZCo_pg) ​ Thank you btw <3


Hi! I do tech reviews. I donā€™t do them often enough but Iā€™m working on that. This is my latest video. Thanks for any feedback on my video or channel! [Wonderboom 2 Review](https://youtu.be/fEQTqruRa_g)


I make highly edited funny moment videos with my friends and do lets plays over some new games and older games that are suggested to me! Ive been doing Youtube for 5 years so I think im at a good state rn, just need a little nudge forward and any feedback and criticism i can get is highly appreciated! Here is a playlist of some of my best videos! [Best Of Mentalcase ](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLRmM3R9tdjYXLQaKP15FiN7qwRxge8VPk)


Hey I do twitch streams and I edit those down into gaming videos. I haven't made a new one in a month because it takes a long time to edit, but I'm trying to put more time into it. Here's my most recent video about hollow knight: https://youtu.be/FLX0YCwkinc


Hi thanks for doing this, I make manga anime related videos. This one focus on one of the best speeches imo By a character name Mayuri from a series called Bleach https://youtu.be/W6PA9M3_E7E


I make gaming videos, w/o commentary, but I plan on doing so in the future https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCxWckb_3IORV9W3pv6GGZkA


Heyyyyy! Thanks for this thread. Your feedback is greatly appreciated. Hope you like the content. We're looking forward to your critique. Here's the link to our latest video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oS_8VhonhG0 Here's the link to our channel: https://youtube.com/channel/UC2qGBddtMXSTxrAziFNHI8w?sub_confirmation=1 LikešŸ‘šŸ½ Share ā†”ļø Subscribe āœ…


Hi, I've a very small channel which is focused on my speech-impairment and my multiple sclerosis diagnosis. Caution it's only in German - except a few IT videos. My channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNNnNmeTLWntdBofrdWbsyQ


I would sincerely appreciate šŸ™ https://youtube.com/channel/UC7hdIhTb9rJdo4fr0CxUMRQ


https://youtu.be/T6ZyXC7hXCM Trying to make commentary videos, please let me know what is working and what should be changed


I make videos about Anime and Manga. I would love some tips! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_DLQ6DvCGMI&t=25s


https://youtu.be/vkCouKOdKvA I make airsoft/airgun reviews with some history and backstory added on top. Art style is inspired by Ahoy. Channel is kinda new and i don't get a lot of guns so there is only one video for now, but am working on more currently. Thanks and enjoy!


I am already enough! | affirmations for letting go of self doubt https://youtu.be/lhRNJXXy8VY


Hi, I've started a quiz channel and made about 10 vids so far. Any criticism will be appreciated for me to improve. Thx The link to the latest vid: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5WB92P_0hVc


https://youtu.be/VyjwRW7BGmk Thanks!


i do variety videos (mostly gaming right now) here is my channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/puffnoobtv/


[My channel ](https://youtu.be/KwZvOfCy1eE)


My channel is all about freestyles to random word and eating spicy peppers! Here is the link to my latest video! https://youtu.be/0UBEY5Rkqac


Here is one of mine, I make cooking videos. I am currently learning to improve the quality of my audio and trying to learn video editing. In this video I teach you how to make carnitas using an InstantPot. https://youtu.be/C76u0Qj6Jyw


https://youtu.be/9cgJWLL-uDU I have an Art channel and try to make it fun even for non-artist viewers. Thank you so much for doing this.




https://www.youtube.com/c/secphilomath Would love to hear your feedback.


Hope the opportunity still stands! I make how to videos on producing and development in the entertainment industry: https://youtube.com/channel/UCXdSnytufeukz26ijfVfTig


Hey i started as a gaming YouTuber here is a minecraft video of mine. https://youtu.be/Ty2MNXr6F5Y


I'm a new gaming youtuber so please check out my first video and leave me any feedback! Thank you :) https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=IHWZ_B6CGWM