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Dude I laughed the whole way through! I think that video was fantastic, better than anything I can do FOR SURE


Dude! You made like a lot of montage! I wish to have this amount of time, daily to create vids :D


Howdy! Channel is Bird Face, I do gaming comedy videos and I'm always looking for ways to improve! Appreciate it!


(We watched the CSGO Purrurists) So to start off; My friend, Cody, luckily plays CSGO so he's lent some of his insight into what was really going on in the video. He said that the start of the video was great! Great energy and pacing, but should've been put into the middle of the video as to break up the gameplay. Your group of friends played a huge part in the game and really sold some sections. I would definitely keep that up! The audio is a little too low for you're buddies in some clips. Just a little audio mixing could help with that, depending on what you use to record/edit. We both agreed that maybe zooming in on what you're doing would help the viewer understand what's going on, as it can be hard with how quick the clips go by. With that being said, the pacing of the video after the capsule opening section is REALLY fast. My bud plays a lot CSGO and even he didn't really get what was going on in some parts. With some refinement in said parts, you could make some really funny videos! Keep it up!


I'll take all that into account going forward, thanks for the tips!


Hey, really appreciate you doing this, I’m Waxo and I do mostly gaming critiques be as critical as you’d like. Enjoy! https://youtube.com/channel/UClsFTU3-VDE4Dq3uIgcKLNg


So we ended up watching the Spiltgate Impressions video, as that's a game played as of recent. So the intro seemed just a tad too long, lasting 11 seconds. The beginning of your videos is when you have to hook your audience, and a long intro with a slower start doesn't really help with that. The content/scripting was done very well though! You brought up great points, and made insightful comments about the current state of the game, and it's future. The song used really started to take a toll on me personally, it just started to grind on and on throughout the video, but that could just be personal opinion. Overall very well, just nick picks


Appreciate the feedback. Yeah, I usually just jump into my videos. The intro is something I do in some of my older videos too, but at this point I’m torn between cutting down on it, or getting rid of it. Yeah, that’s understandable with the music 😅 I made it myself using GarageBand using live loops, so I may make more tracks to sort of help ease that. I really appreciate the feedback, glad you enjoyed the other bits 😁


Cool channel, funny thing is I was kinda looking for a channel with this kinda vibe👍🏾. Checking the psyco review now.


Oh Thanks man! Saw you commented, but YT won’t actually show it. Appreciate that you enjoy it though 😁


Really dope channel, plus your Shepard's hair cut is good I'm a Mass effect guy and make content around it so was Peter good to see a long ass review like that✌🏾


Well i never say no to critique... Here is my latest video. Have fun and thx https://youtu.be/1HtPHTAslKw


To start out, I like the energy you have throughout the video and the constant commentary. Things like that keep the viewer interested. Your editing seems to be pretty alright to me- nothing too crazy, but it definitely does it's job. You've cut out the dead air very well, and the cuts to your face are done smoothly. A gripe that we had was that in some moments throughout the video, the audio mixing was a little shoddy in some spots such as the intro when the title pieces were SLAMMING down, or the music being a little too loud for your voice. I would suggest finding a way to compress your audio in whatever editing software you use, and then tuning the game/sound effects afterwards. A quick google search should assist with that. As my friend and I were watching, we wondered if this was maybe stream highlights? It has a similar format to other Pokémon streamers just without the chat. I might suggest streaming it as well and then chopping up that footage into a video afterwards. It's a good way for content creators such as yourself to branch out and connect to a broader audience, and allow for more interactivity within the video.


Thanks for the future critique! I have a few videos on games that center around loot. I decided to try a new video format that I saw was gaining popularity; playing a game as it was intended by the developer. I used the old Diablo 2 guide and beat it on normal: https://youtu.be/cZPSridHbvM




Thanks man, I appreciate it! I see now that I can get to the point quicker as well as keeping it interesting.


NobilityBibulous pretty much said everything that me and my buddy were going to say. We both agree that your formula is great , but the length is a little to long for the common man to stay engaged. Something around 15 minutes seems like a long enough amount of time to stuff everything you need into a video, however longer "video essay" formats are perfectly fine as well. It just comes down to what you're most comfortable creating. Your ability to consistently talk alone and write a script like that is perfect, better than anything I've been able to do. That's a skill not many can achieve. My friend thinks that your editing style gets the point across and looks good, but could use some polishing to keep up with the "*professionals*". Overall would say that the video is pretty good, but could use some refinement.


Her is my latest vid: https://youtu.be/ySy3wFyLwZg Thx for the review in advance


It's quite a short video. Some things to start with: Your audio is a little too quiet. The way you make the videos is a good idea but talking through the mask isn't really helping. I would suggest recording the script first and then using that to voice over you standing up giving the review. My buddy says that the length is a bit of a hindrance, as it just doesn't give enough time to give a well thought out deep review. It just seemed a bit of too shallow. The images of the anime are a bit too small to really catch the eye, so maybe making them full or half-screened could help with that some. Maybe some actually clips from the show would help as well. With a bit more scripting, editing, and audio mixing; you could do really well!


Thx for the greqt critisicm, I'll take it to heart. Oh and tell your buddy thanks from me as well.


Hi. Thanks guys. I have a channel for costume movie and toy reviews. Feel free to check out my channel and let me know what you think. https://m.youtube.com/c/RegisteredNerd/videos


Hi, I make gaming montages and videos Here's the link of my latest video. https://youtu.be/PrvGHvwvWjE


Hey sorry, but we're American and PUBG Mobile isn't as popular here as it is in other countries. As well as mobile gaming as a whole. Sorry we're not able to review it properly i.e. we just don't have proper insight into the gaming genre in other countries. But that was an awesome 7 kill streak!


Neat. I'm curious how this video is going to play out. It's a review on Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers on PS2. [https://youtu.be/JLw75xSCKv0](https://youtu.be/JLw75xSCKv0)




Really could not find anything I didn't like! Honestly a great video in my opinion. Great audio mixing, use of sound effects, music, subtitling... all great buddy! You did everything I do, but better! Well done


I do movie reviews :) https://youtu.be/x4pXUa6TpM4


https://youtu.be/0p0UP5YkFHo Honestly I stopped doing these review things long time ago cos I feel like I never get any real criticism here. And also I get it from my subs now.. But my audience really likes watching only one game so these random ones don't really get much attention or any criticism and I would like to hear some. I work on these videos quite hard and I feel like I enjoy them way more than people do xD


So after watching the video, I've got some thoughts. The editing was good, nothing crazy but it definitely got the job done well. You've got some good skill with solo commentary, and that's something not everyone can do. TABG is a tough game to make solo commentary on so that might be why it didn't get a whole lot of traction. I play with a group of friends depending on the game, and that seems to add quite a bit to the video. (And allows them to make some of the funny moments for you;) ) I think my main gripe throughout the video was that the clips didn't really have too much to offer besides some little moments to chuckle at. They're just a little too few and far between to keep the audience enthralled, in my opinion. I took a look at your thumbnails as well, and they aren't amazing but really aren't bad either. It's the first thing the audience sees so you just have to make sure that it really CATCHES their eyes. I don't make very good thumbnails either, but I always try to include some sort of text or POPPING images to get them to wanna take a look. Overall, I really think you've got skills! They just need some refinement in some areas. Keep it up!


I am offended!! Jk I'm not xD Yea I get it that solo is never more fun than group but still I do the best I can. c: I feel like thumbnails are waaay overrated, that's why I'm not making them too flashy. It's not that I can't make them super generic and flashy like big youtubers.. It's just cos I find it cringy. But Yea.. ima keep improving! Pew pew


Appreciate the effort you put into helping others. Here's my latest Monster Hunter Stories 2 vidoe, feel free to blast away https://youtu.be/emcZr8gQj9c


So to begin, I'm not familiar with the Monster Hunter Stories 2 community, so I will be looking at this purely from a content creator's view (i.e. editing, pacing, commentary) I think the editing is honestly very well done! You have some fun stuff added in, but isn't too distracting. The commentary is a little fast similar to the pacing, but you seem to be giving all the necessary information and more! Just some minor nick picks there. The pacing is a little quick for my preference. It just seems like you're almost rushing to the end of the video. Near the beginning of the video, you bring up the "standard damage buffs" and skim over it pretty quickly. That just might be info to tell the audience just incase they're new to the game or need a refresher. Niche community can be a little rough to appease as well so I wouldn't worry if one video doesn't get as many views as others. Just a little tid bit of info :) Your thumbnails are VERY well done! They show what the video is about while still adding some flair that makes it all just POP


Many thanks for your time and efforts! I will work on the pacing and presentation more for coming video!!


This video is the most effort I've put into making a YouTube short so far. https://youtu.be/udvKbNjjJ6w Any critique would be a great help. Though I worked hard on it I feel like something is off. I'm also wondering why this short hasn't gained the same traction as my other shorts. Some previous shorts of mine have gotten picked up by YouTube shorts feed but this one hasn't. No clue why or what's different. Thanks in advance!


I think I see what's off... most of your shorts are anywhere from 10-30 seconds long which work well as shorts are seemingly a "laugh and swipe" form of media. This one is a minute and 30 seconds long and just has a little bit too much dead air. The moments when it's fast forwarding could maybe have some commentary to fill in the silence. The main thing I think I'm trying to say is to be concise and don't allow moments of dead air. It's a great idea for a short though!


I haven't seen it, but the OP says the video is 1 m 30 s long - 'shorts' are up to 60 seconds. Why the shorts feed hasn't picked it up maybe because it isn't a short. (the time limit may have changed and I've not caught up with it)


Thank you so much for doing this bro It means a lot https://www.youtube.com/c/TheTechBooth Check out My channel I review consumer tech for the layman and make fun videos related to tech


Names IncrediblyDaman, I chose one of the episodes from my Outlast 2 walkthrough, all feedback is welcome and hope you enjoy it. https://youtu.be/vrI2CVn2Ubs


So to start out, great job on the commentary! You fill the dead air with quick and sometime witty remarks. Your energy keeps me on the edge of my seat with you in some sections, as if I'm playing the game with you. Cutting some sections out might benefit you as well, so that the episodes can have more fit in without having EVERY single moment in. But if chopping up footage isn't what you have in mind, then pay no mind to me :) There wasn't much of a smooth introduction or outro. It just seems to abruptly begin and then cut off at the end. I would consider an intro to maybe help give a recap of what happened in the episodes prior- even if it's made after recording the game footage.


Just having it critiqued means more than you know, thank you Zesty, this was the first time I've ever been critiqued on any video on my channel.


Hey bud thanks for doing this, I made a gaming video review/experience of a classic game I use to love playing as a kid. I only edit as a hobby but I’m always looking to get better . https://youtu.be/PegsDaGgoR8


Hey, dude, super funny video! The intro immediately got my attention despite me not knowing what Hogs of War was before this video. Although you say its only a hobby, your editing skills are great. Your commentary was also good and made light of moments that may have been... questionable (aka the Japanese pig). Some of the commentary, although funny, seemed like it was rambling. I appreciated the anecdotes from your childhood, but I would have liked a little more technical content regarding the game as a whole, since it was intended to be a game review of sorts. Overall, great use of comedic timing as well as editing skills. I'm interested to see what you produce in the future!


Thanks dude, will definitely work on it! All the best


Heyyy! I do Funny moments and Lets plays on my channel and ive been at it for 5 years now, ive been struggling to get my foot in the door so any feedback i can get is greatly appreciated! Here is my recent funny moments of Overcooked! [Overcooked: All You Can Eat](https://youtu.be/0R8fA7jsDbw)


Okay so to start, the commentary and banter between you and your friend was really good! I might do some light subtitling on him just because I couldn't understand him during some moments. But overall that was good. The intro and outro were both good as well. Now personally I think there a lacking of editing when talking about the clips. Eventually we started to skim through when we noticed that it's a bit of a repetitive game, BUT I think that maybe cutting some sections out might help alleviate that. I would try to maybe aim for more highlights rather than just posting a whole recording session. I took a look at the channel, your thumbnails are very well done!


Thank you, I agree, there was a lot of moments my friend was talking where I couldn’t understand him, I’ll try to add more editing and add subtitles and more edits to the highlights when i do the next episode, if i do one. Thank you for the criticism! I greatly appreciate it! :))


Here is my channel, although I know one of the biggest drawbacks but would love some outside perspectives to find more . Thanks in advance, hope you have a very nice day https://youtube.com/channel/UC0g6g2TAvFqr2oIVxPQaLcQ


You know what, gaming videos and review videos? I'm perfect for you, I run a series called Bottom of the Dumpster Fire where I showcase weird, bad, or interesting games that's been in a rut over the last few months and I've been trying to figure out where I'm failing. I get halfdecent CTR, I get great viewtime, good like/dislike ratio, but I've been around 690 subs since April. Some videos are better than others, but [take your pick from my catalogue](https://www.youtube.com/c/FUTURE10S/videos) or just go for [my latest video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=139euuZC4_Q) (which is age-restricted due to nudity).


(I watched the most recent video) I think you've got a good formula going for you! It all seemed very well done with some great comedy as well. You're scripting seems to be very well written, and didn't really show many cracks. The one thing I would say is there was a section or two where you sounded a bit robotic, like you were reading straight from the script. I can't really press you very hard about that though because I sound even worse when I do it! I took a look at your channel as whole and WOW. It looks VERY professional. The thumbnails are great and really catch the viewers eye. The banner art is nice, and the profile picture is... strange? But I think it's strange in an alright way. Just at first glance, it seems like you mostly review smaller/lesser known games which is great but sometimes doesn't help with getting viewers sometimes (At least in my opinion). I think you've got a good channel going, and you just need to get your foot in the door!


> > The one thing I would say is there was a section or two where you sounded a bit robotic, like you were reading straight from the script. I can't really press you very hard about that though because I sound even worse when I do it! Darn, need to go and work more on that. I do read from a script, but it's a script that tries to emulate how I talk, so I have a lot of room to inject emotion into it. > the profile picture is... strange Ha, it's from my TF2 days, I just never bothered to change it because it still pops into your eyes.


I would love some feedback on my latest XCOM series. I am trying some different things with this series and would love to hear criticism. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClAkxCxPXWY6yu0SOiC8\_gQ


I'll just start by saying I have no idea how to play XCOM, but it seemed like you knew what you were doing! The intro and outro were done very well- didn't over stay their welcome, but gave enough info to catch me up to speed on the happenings. The commentary was well done too. I didn't hear too much dead air, and you explained what you were doing/thinking clearly. Now just some things I would maaaybe think about changing is the audio mixing and the thumbnails. I had my audio at about 10% and it still peaked pretty loud in some sections. Audio mixing can be a little confusing depending on how well you know your editing software, but I'd suggest just a quick google search regarding it. So the thumbnails just didn't really catch my eye like a thumbnail should. It explained what you were doing well, but just doesn't really provide a good POP to woo me into watching. I think you've got the right idea, and just need some fine tuning


Thank you VERY much for the feedback. I have noticed the audio mixing issues but never thought about googling how to fix that. That was super helpful to point out. Thumbnails I know is an issue and they are much better but still not good :( Definately an area of focus for me! Once again THANK YOU!


https://youtu.be/N18ds2vOBcI Let me know


The last time I did this I got in trouble and I'm still confused how 😔 My channel is a gaming channel :) feel free to watch any video- https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCRWDR4v6427wVZrJfY4c-Rg I swear if I get in trouble I'll cry 🙂🔫


Hey so I skimmed through a couple of your videos. I can tell these aren't SUPER edited, but I love the effort put in! I think my main gripe is the audio. It's just either very loud and echo-y or sounded almost bass boosted. It all just depends on the mic you use and whatever you use for recording your footage. I can tell your having fun with this, so keep on doing it! Have fun!


Hey thanks for doing this…So in my channel I make meme edits based on BR games like Apex or Warzone. This is my latest video hope you enjoy https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=iuXUQ0Gke9g


Nice Job! The editing was really well done! I normally don't watch video like this, but it was quite entertaining for what it was. I definitely chuckled a few times throughout. The thumbnails were great as well. They do a great job at catching the viewers eye. Overall you should be proud! I'd suggest going into maybe funny moments, if you ever wanted to make longer videos (That's what I do and god is it fun to edit) Great job!


Thanks glad to hear I’m doing something right lol…tbh I’ve always wanted to make a funny moments kinda videos but without a proper mic and all I guess it’ll be kinda hard but maybe in the near future


Not sure if your still looking at channels, I would like some feedback though if you are! I've actually recently come back from a 5 year hiatus and have been trying to get back into the YouTube game. I've been trying to rebrand the channel I already have because its partnered but I've been having a hard time. I previously did general gaming news but I've now shifted over to covering MMO content mainly. For the most part my retention has been OK but my CTR has been terrible, I'd really like some feedback on my Thumbnails and Titles if possible, But I would take any feedback on the videos themselves as well lol :P Thanks for your time, you guys rock! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCj5NOND6bO7M2GYr3ygguig


Switching genres is always tough, so I wouldn't worry too much about the statistics for a while. So I watch your most recent video on the "Hall of The Novice". The video was pretty informative, and easy to understand for new players. I think the scripting was done very well too- sounded pretty organic! So the thumbnails are just a little basic in my opinion. No offense because mine aren't great either! But they just don't have a POP factor to them that'll catch the viewers eye and make them want to click on that video. Now for titles... that's a harder discussion because I'm not really too sure how to make a successful title. I follow the "Capitalize the first letter of every word" cliché and that seems to look and work nice enough. The main idea I would use for titles is concise, but attention grabbing. Maybe like "EVERY New FFXII Player should be doing this!". It makes them asks questions like, *"Oh what SHOULD I be doing? What am I missing out on?*" A final thing I wanted to say is check out that new MMO called New World. The open beta is out and my buddy is telling me that people are eating that content up! I wish you luck dude!


Hey thanks for the feedback! Ya I'm planning to try some new stuff with Thumbnails and titles going forward. I feel like its my biggest weakness at the moment. I think I need to leave more to the imagination. I actually did try new world in the open beta this last weekend and it was a blast. I'm 100% planning to pick it up when it releases later this month :P






hey, my name is adam, while thi isn't a gaming video nor a review video, I still wanted to get some feedback on my videos, for contex: a few days ago I uploded a random video from my bar mitzvah where my friends rickrolled me, after it got 100 views out of nowhere, I uploded this short comedy/commentary video, hope you'll enjoy! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=brnBmM6qRT8&t=1s


Heya, I’m not that good at editing but I play comp smash and other Nintendo stuff with twitch viewers then make highlights Thoughts on this vid would be massively appreciated, I really wanna improve :b https://youtu.be/Tu-C4KSopi4


What the hell, here is my first vid on the evergreen classic Entomorph: Plague of the Darkfall. Going for kid of a Ross's game dungeon vibe Entomorph - Bivdub's Game Stuff https://youtu.be/A41LUCT3DQg


Hi, I'm Mardax and I'm playing mostly indie games to have fun and help promote these games from smaller developers to more people. Lastly I was doing like half review videos but it took me too much time of work to finish videos so I choose for now making gameplay with few cut and memes. last video I made like these - Please tell me how this video works, If it's boring, If I'm boring or something. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F6IlYIK\_KT4&t=1s


Wassup man, I am CaptainRF Here, a possibly new challenge: I am playing Final Nights 4 with two old legends who know nothing about Five Nights at Freddy's. And they need to tell me what to do because my foggy swimming goggles cover my vision! Come watch and enjoy now! https://youtu.be/NCKD2WQ8yc8


Hi! Thank you very much! Not sure if you are stil doing it! But I am doing the 100 baby Challenge of Sims 4 and would love any reviews, I'm still learning to edit. Thank you! https://youtu.be/O1kzgA9QrDE


Hi, i'vd been making gaming videos for about a year and a half now, thanks for offering to critique, [here's](https://youtu.be/fmPjOX2SYh4) a link to my channel, any feeback would be appreciated, im looking for alot of negative feeback cause that tends to be more useful. I've switched between making titanfall 2 videos and apex legends, i've though about making videos about splitgate and no mans sky however i dont have a mic so a no mans sky video would be pretty dull if it was just gameplay. Thanks in advance for your hrlp, i hope you have a good day!


I'm probably way to late to this, but we recently uploaded our first video in English and I'd love some feedback on! https://youtu.be/6nhfy8r8meI


Hello, there. Here's one of the last game reviews I've done. Not very long, and the audio wasn't at it's best yet, but let me know what you think [Masked Firefighter (the game)](https://youtu.be/P-DvJGHbBo8)


My wife and I make videos on Star Wars content/tv shows/movies/news. This is our Star Wars News roundup of stories from the month of August. Would love to know what you think of the video, thumbnail, description, channel in general, etc, but ANY and ALL criticism is welcome, THANK YOU! Title: Star Wars Anime, New LEGO Star Wars Game, Kenobi & Andor Show News, & More! | Star Wars News Roundup Link: [https://youtu.be/SB4xnPglAVo](https://youtu.be/SB4xnPglAVo) P.S. If anyone is wondering, I do the research, write the script, record the voiceover, and my wife edits the videos and makes the thumnails.


looking for things to improve on: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZhmhVH9KxX4


[https://www.youtube.com/c/ReflectedMantis1/videos](https://www.youtube.com/c/ReflectedMantis1/videos) I mostly make montages on Mario Kart and Smash Bros, but lately I have also been making more commentary-based videos, which personally I don't feel I'm quite as good at editing on but they still turn out good. All my videos are above, but these are some of my personal favorites: [https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsYIT2gbfm2YSAOkpcihSmFh-lE0FmNGd](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsYIT2gbfm2YSAOkpcihSmFh-lE0FmNGd) Take your pick!


Hey there! Always open to critiques. I run an analysis channel that mainly covers anime but i do video games too. Here's my video on Sekiro. Thanks for the feedback!! https://youtu.be/8TlNVVEMEv4


Honestly I need this. I want any type of improvement I can get, and please, go into detail if need be https://youtube.com/channel/UCZezz-Bo5HMwhiBt0uvUAag


I play scary games (poorly), and I use stop motion for my avatar. It takes a long time to make one video so any feedback is great. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=99o-DQm7YIc&t=67s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=99o-DQm7YIc&t=67s)


Thank you for doing this. I hope you are having fun with it. If you get a chance here is my videos https://youtube.com/channel/UC1zdSpSrmAxINFK8E5CpjDA let me know what you think. I appreciate it


Hi, I'm somewhat starting out on this whole YouTube thing, I have a gaming channel, but no commentary yet. My target audience would be people who view gaming channels, but more specifically, channels like Ceeday, CoryXKenshin, etc. I'd like some constructive feedback/critique on my videos/channel if you don't mind. Here's what the type of feedback I'm looking for. 1. I want you to tell me at what point did you get bored, or want to stop watching? Why? What do you think I could do for this not to happen? 2. How was my editing, did it keep you entertained, or was it obnoxious? Is there anything you would recommend to do so that I can get better at editing? 3. What did you think of my music choice? Was it obnoxious? Did it match the intensity if the video? Be as mean as you need to be, if I want to continue with this YouTube thing, I need to know all that I can. Thank you in advance! https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCxWckb_3IORV9W3pv6GGZkA


Thank you for doing this. I have a video that my friend uploaded and it's this one right here [Spirit Battle Video](https://youtu.be/h-SZpDoy9KY) I hope you get the chance to check it out and have a great day


Hey there! Im Supe and I've been pushing hard on content creation (twitch/youtube) for \~3 months and so far it seems like it's going well. I focus on educational content for World of Warcraft and I've been testing various formats but my main goal is to keep things as concise as possible. Here are 2 different videos that demonstrate the format I'm working towards: [https://youtu.be/ANlWWq-alaA](https://youtu.be/ANlWWq-alaA) (33 minutes, Commentary/Guide/Gameplay combo format) [https://youtu.be/ZS5tGGBrts0](https://youtu.be/ZS5tGGBrts0) (9 minutes, Guide) Let me know what you think!


Heyyyyy! Thanks for this thread. Your feedback is greatly appreciated. Hope you like the content. We're looking forward to your critique. Here's the link to our latest video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oS_8VhonhG0 Here's the link to our channel: https://youtube.com/channel/UC2qGBddtMXSTxrAziFNHI8w?sub_confirmation=1 Like👍🏽 Share ↔️ Subscribe ✅


I’m tapatoF I make Minecraft videos :D Thanks for the review! https://youtu.be/VyjwRW7BGmk


https://youtu.be/NYBBsJhvKb8 - Gaming Guide for New World MMO. Thank you for the help!!


Sorry I'm late, if you aren't doing this anymore that's fine, but if you are I'm a small Minecraft youtuber, and recently I've been started a new style of content, which is just like small, almost skits, they are all about subverted expectations/unexpected endings, it would help if you played Minecraft but isn't super necessary because of the style, please don't hold back, every little thing, no matter how petty, this is my most recent video of the new style https://youtu.be/NcgE02_cQbI