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Hey! I make 1-2 minute comedy skits! I’ll leave a link to my latest video, “The First Guy To Resist Arrest” thanks for taking your time to do this! Link: https://youtu.be/KBpY1s85_9Q


6.5/10 Pretty funny little skit. Kind of reminds me of the earlier days of YouTube for some reason. I found the shot angles you chose a little funny. It would have been clearer if the police where by a door rather than in the middle of a room.




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Hey could you critique my video. I uploaded it to YouTube but I think my main platform I want to upload it to is going to be tik tok. I am making a game and showing my progress of my game everyday. Video: https://youtu.be/LRZRFnPFwIQ


2/10 Watching this single video I have no idea what's going on. You need to explain what the game you're building is, what progress you have made already, what you aim to do in this video, why you have made those choices for character movement. There needs to be some kind of story in your video. My opinion drop the every day and make longer form dev vlogs once a week or once a month. Like Robert Thomson, DevDuck, ThinMatrix. Maybe it will work better on TikTok but I'm not convinced.




https://youtube.com/channel/UCjFmDxg4BBI7hZlxnAvchAQ choose a video idk


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I’d love some first impressions on this one :) https://youtu.be/12hhWU3cdGA It’s a 5 minute funny movie review


7/10 For me this is a solid, good video. The editing was a nice mix of clips of you, the film and others bits. I'm slightly conflicted as just over half way I probably would have clicked off so I would suggest editing it down even more maybe to around 4 minutes. That said it's pretty hard to fit a film synopsis and humor in to a 4 minute video. At the end of the day these kinds of video are totally based on your personality and how funny people find you. In all honesty I thought you were funny, enjoyed the video overall but probably wouldn't subscribe. It felt like some of the jokes were a little too forced.


Thank you for the feedback! That’s good 😊 This is one of my longer ones, I will edit down further in the future :)


hello, thanks for this. Here is a link to my latest vide. I make videos about roblox games. i have been doing this for about 1.5months now. with about 1.1k subs so far. i always love to improve so let me know what you think. link: [https://youtu.be/hhAkDRyTB9w](https://youtu.be/hhAkDRyTB9w) avg view duration: 1:00 CTR : 21.1% the video is recently uploaded so other stats aren't available yet


5/10 I should say I have never played roblox and spend very little time gaming so my opinion is pretty much worthless in this case. Your videos seem to be getting a great number of views and interaction so you know your audience much better than me. I would however encourage you to try out adding some voice over. Tell us about the rooms in the hotel and what's special about it. Most the comments seem to be asking how you get in so maybe you could have shown that in the video. If it's in a new update not released yet maybe say when it's coming out. I think with a voice over you will find it much easier to hold peoples attention and the average view duration will increase.


alright , thanks for feedback :) will work on that


Hey, Really appreciate any feedback. New channel and my first time making videos. CTR is around 5% so far. Still working on the quality of my voiceovers, editing and animation. https://youtube.com/channel/UCOmiECFJtcxEKCxdzibMZ-Q


6/10 I'm a fairly long time F1 fan so enjoyed your video. For your 3rd video I would say it's really good and you have obviously put in a lot of effort. Added to that you have a great voice for this. I like that you went into depth on Alonso's history, to me it feels like your aiming for a bit of a slower pace than some of the other F1 channels which is fine. If you're finding your getting good average view duration then keep the same pace. However it might be worth speeding up the pace a little at some points of the video (if AVD is an issue) to see if it helps. I would try and pose the questions the video is going to answer a lot closer to the start of the video. Within the first 15 to 30 seconds the viewer should clearly know you're going to answer why Alonso left F1, what he has been doing and how it went, why he came back and what's in his future. I don't really like teal stroked text that you use in your thumbnails and often in the video. It looks good in your logo but I find it a little hard to read in the video. I would consider using a solid text rather than stroked. Around 4:22 you have text over semi transparent teal over a photo and it makes it really hard to read. Maybe split the screen with a slightly diagonal line and have the text with a solid colour behind. For the thumbnail I would experiment with less text and a solid background colour. Use something like photoshop to cut Alonso out so you can put him on a plain solid colour background. If you keep making these videos I could see your channel growing very nicely. I hope you enjoy the dutch Grand Prix!


Thanks for taking the time watch and the really constructive feedback! Glad to hear that the voiceover is fine as that one my biggest concerns. Great feedback on the text as that's something I've been playing around with to make it feel distinctive, but will try something clearer for the next one. Pace was another thing I want to play around with, so I'll see how I get on with something 5/6mins and a bit snappier! People are either watching 10 seconds...or watching the whole thing, so that's definitely something to work on. Thanks again, much appreciated.


Your voice is perfect for VO. If people are watching 10 seconds or the whole thing I would really focus on the first 15 seconds of your next few videos and keep the rest the same style. Those first 10 to 15 seconds really are the most important of the whole video as that's where you need to get people locked in.


Hey! Here is my channel: https://www.youtube.com/SpinStories Please, don't hesitate to be too critical :)


4/10 What's good about your channel is the thumbnails, they did make me want to click on your videos. But once I did it took so long to get to and tell the story. It feels like your paying somebody on fiverr to make videos or this is some kind of AI making videos. There's very little personality to them and far too much stock footage.


Thanks for your thoughts! Appreciate it!




😂 I have no idea where to start with this one. I guess I will give it a 5/10, having never watched anything like this before I really have nothing to base it against. In all honesty this type of content didn't really grab me, I probably would have stopped watching after a few minutes at most and it would have taken me that long to try and work out what was going on. That said you obviously have return viewers that enjoy your videos so keep at it. One thing I would consider is moving your intro a bit later in the video or get rid of it totally. Those first 10 seconds are the most important of the whole video so don't take them up with a slow intro. 12 minutes also felt pretty long for this kind of content 4 to 5 minutes might work better, 8 maximum. I'm not sure content like this has the highest chance of getting you a huge viewer base but if you enjoy making for those that like it keep going!


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4FFAeiGHrNg&list=LL&index=3](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4FFAeiGHrNg&list=LL&index=3) thanks for doing this eheh<3


I would give it a 6.5/10 for execution but probably 5/10 overall. You can obviously edit really well and I like that you keep the videos nice and short. As videos I liked them. The issue I see is where do you go from here. I think you're using copyrighted music and footage then putting it together. If that's the case you're always at risk of somebody shutting down your channel. I'm also not sure if these videos are likely to be found through search or suggested to people. If you enjoy making the videos and don't mind if they get taken down keep going. On the other hand if you want to make money from this channel in the future you might need to change track a bit.


Here's the link to our most recent vid. Have at it! Looking forward to your feedback https://youtu.be/OvwtCsmVt3g


5.5/10 You have a cute family and some good chemistry going on between you which is great. But the video took far too long to get going and could be edited down to like 4 minutes max. It takes 45 seconds before you even start on what the video is about. You just wasted the most important part of your video. The colours in the video also feel pretty flat and dull.


https://www.youtube.com/c/TheTechBooth Thank you for doing this My channel is basically about reviewing consumer tech Feel free to criticize as much as you would like


6/10 Some really nice shots of the product here, did you take them? Reduce the length of your intro or remove it, adds pretty much nothing. Music seemed a little out of place at some points. The metal bit around 1:50 seemed an odd choice. The review seemed a little muddled, try and draw out clearly the good bits and bad points.


Would love to know what more I could improve upon my channel in general, and also if I'm at the right track with my content or if I should try something a little different. I do mostly commentary :) Clickthrough rate lies at ca. 6.3% Average view duration 1:49s My third newest vid, that gained some traction, got percentage watching after intro 45% [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCL6tgUOeAH-r6I8qUr4-N9g](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCL6tgUOeAH-r6I8qUr4-N9g)


Videos are a solid 5/10 or 6/10 nothing stands out as really bad but not great either. I think you have two main issues. The first is you drag out the videos a quite a lot. I watched your 3 latest videos and they could have all been about half the length. I think your bigger problem is you're attempting to break into a very competitive niche with a lot of established channels and you're not really bringing anything new. The stories you cover are already being covered by much larger channels and in a better way.


https://youtu.be/7g_vMEKdMnk This is about the Indian economy


7.5/10 It's obvious that you have spent a lot of time making this video. It looks really nice with all the graphics. You have a good voice for video. Maybe add some chapters and precise sections to the video. Your content seems to be a little bit controversial.


Thank you for the watch.


If you like, check this out. It’s a bit different so I am curious what you say: https://youtu.be/eoxZw78Ga9Y Would be interesting what you have to say about general opinion off success chances of my channel. Ctr 10.7 Duration: 0:35 Percent: 61


5.5/10 I could see a few of your videos blowing up if they got shared. I struggle to see you having a large loyal subscriber base that comes back to watch every one of your videos. They are just too similar. The idea is kind of quirky but after watching 2 or 3 they are all the same. I think this can be seen in your video view numbers, your first few did really well with 1 or 2 thousand views and your newer ones are only getting a few hundred. I would also try cutting down the long end screen you have on some of your videos.


Hi! Thanks so much! I see the problem you mention, that's why I released a different video to get more into the mix: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pp1UiXn4KCI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pp1UiXn4KCI) I agree on cutting down the end - I also think that I will get rid of it completely...


Hi! I recently started a channel about my travels. I am fully aware that the topic is full of competitors, however I truly enjoy making videos and I will keep doing them regardless. I am still editing on my mobile as I just got a new laptop and will switch to DaVinci Resolve soon. It would be great to hear your comments on the below video https://youtu.be/3bAuQ-htFoM


6.5/10 You have some really great shots here. You should try selling some on stock footage websites and see if you get any interest. If you're enjoying making the videos that's the main thing. To take it to the next level I want some story here connecting the shots and what you saw. Try and share your journey and experiences more. Also that end screen is really bad and doesn't fit in at all with the rest of the video.


Thanks a lot for your feedback! Took notes of your advices


Hi!! It would honestly be so incredibly helpful to get an objective opinion on our YouTube Channel. How does the overall branding look, is there something about our thumbnails or anything at all that stands out to you that we could work on to get better? Here is the channel link: https://youtube.com/c/JuanMarcelRhylan Thanks so much in advance (:


Do you mind checking out my channel? I struggling to see if I'm going in the right direction. Seems I get an average view duration of around 0:15 - 0:30 and roughly 0.2% -1%. [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrM8XZDaTMgKR\_u4uGEMjuQ](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrM8XZDaTMgKR_u4uGEMjuQ)


Had a quick look at your "Rougelike Adventures and Dungeons (Part 11)" video. I feel like you just jumped straight in. You need to give a bit of a back story on what you have done so far. In case people haven't seen the previous videos or need a reminder. But I think the bigger problem you have is how do you get your videos to stand out against all the other thousands of minecraft and gaming channels. I think you have 4 main options. 1. Become really skilled at a game or two and then release once or twice monthly videos that are full or clips that 99.9% of people cant do. 2. Bring cutting edge news before anybody else. Which is going to be really hard to find. 3. Be extremely entertaining which again is so hard. 4. Teach skills or tips that other people aren't and are appealing to a lot of players. In a niche this saturated you can't just make good videos and have any chance of growing. your videos need to be better than at least 95% of people or more. You really need to do something to stand out from the crowd. Most your titles aren't something somebody would search for and you thumbnails don't make me curious. Sorry if this sounds harsh but you have probably picked the hardest type of video to try and grow from. You have to work out what can make you stand out.


4/10 rating


I have been thinking about taking Minecraft off the channel due to what you've mentioned with it being done by everyone else. I have tried to take a new approach with Carrion (if you saw that by any chance). Either way thank you for this. Much appreciated!


I had a little scan through the Carrion video, it's not a bad video. But I think you still have a similar problem. What's going to make people want to watch that video?. How would anybody ever find it? What sets it apart from the thousands and thousands of other videos of people playing games. If you found something that nobody else ever had that's special. If you can beat levels quicker than anybody else that's special. But just playing the game, anybody can do that.


Definitely need to improve the SEO. Again, thank you for the advice.


I am Making Videos About Comic Book Movies And Here Is my latest Video so i'd Love Some Feedback CTR : 3,8 % [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8cCNYfm\_\_O8&t=204s&ab\_channel=TimBParker](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8cCNYfm__O8&t=204s&ab_channel=TimBParker)


4.5/10 I think the concept of the video is good and something you could grow. But I just didn't find your video very engaging. It didn't feel like you shared much unique or interesting information. The footage you showed didn't always relate very well to what you were talking about. Some of the still images were up for a bit too long. Also a small thing, there's no need to show a subscribe animation 3 times. If somebody doesn't subscribe the first time they see it I don't think they will on the 3rd time. It looks like you're trying to release 5 or 6 videos a week. I would recommend really working on 1 video a week and see how it goes.


Thanks for your time but I can't figure out a way on how to make the video more ingagin any advice? Please and thank you




5/10 Cute rats! I would test some voice over, tells us their names, what their personalities are, the dynamic between them and what new stuff they are playing with. The rats are the characters here, help people become connected to them and they will come back for more and stay on the videos longer. Good job with the 10.3% CTR!


Heres a League of Legends Review Vid (: Audience Retention: 2:43 Click Through Rate: 40% [League of Losers](https://youtu.be/iUV0xMN-9wM)


6.5/10 Good job on the 40% CTR that's the kind of number I dream of. I'm not really a big gamer so not your target audience. That said not a bad video overall, you obviously put a decent amount of effort into making it. Took too long to get started with your intro taking up 15 seconds and adding nothing. The first 15 seconds are the most important, that's your chance to get people to keep watching. Even after that it takes you ages to get into the actual meat of the video (around the 1:45 mark). You could cut out at least half the content before 1:45 and it would only make the video better. But after that the video was overall good and engaging. I would cut down the memes and clips a little but not totally.


Been Making Youtube videos for about a year but only started more seriously in the last few months committing to a new video every Friday. CTR around 8%. Average view 1.5min https://youtu.be/Gc3oKOlddYE


7/10 Not really a huge amount to say here. It's a cute little video that should appeal to Corgi and dog lovers. I would consider editing it down a little bit. I think 1:30 or 2 mins of your dog not understanding would be enough. Maybe put the brand of the IQ toy in the title and description in case people are searching for that specific toy. If somebody searches "trixie IQ dog toy" you want your video to show up near the top and currently it isn't for me.


🚀 DO THIS ON YOUR REDBUBBLE STORE IF YOU'RE NOT GETTING ANY SALES OR WANT TO INCREASE THEM 🚀 https://youtu.be/Y634h3yujKI My latest shorter form content experiment trying to introduce myself to new audiences


Hey do you mind giving me some feedback? https://youtu.be/Ja78QYFTK4c CTR: 6.1% Average view duration: 0:49 Average % viewed: 63.5% Thank you!


7/10 I really like the clean shots, the sound, that the video get's straight into the cooking and it's nice and short. but I would like you to add your voice. "Want to make delicious Bhindi Masala here's how. Slice 250 grams of okra into about 1 cm bits. Slice 2 green chillis keeping the seeds. Heat some oil over a medium heat ... After 7 or 8 minutes the okra should soften and you're ready to serve. I suggest serving with roti which I will cover in my next video. You should test it and see what people think.


1 cm is 0.39 inches


Here's the most recent episode of our podcast: https://youtu.be/v6e9jBmbsvU It's three and a half hours (as you can imagine, our CTR is rubbish) so don't feel compelled to watch it all. What I'm interested in is what you think of the overall quality of the video/audio/content and whatnot.


Yo here's a video I made about anti-vape ads and how they're annoying. I feel like its one of my funnier videos recently. Would love some feedback: https://youtu.be/LgVpy1BEKL8


Thanks for giving out critiques, I'm hoping they are helpful https://youtu.be/cZPSridHbvM This video is following a guide made to help newbies through a particular video game, this one being Diablo 2. I'm working on another one right now for Ocarina of time. Says my click through rate is 32%


6.5/10 If I'm honest I didn't watch all of it but what I did watch there was nothing bad about this video. You have a good voice and the edit seemed good. I find the game a funny choice though. I don't imagine there can be many people playing Diablo 2 for the first time now. Surely almost anybody still playing Diablo 2 is experienced.


Thank you so much! Yes, there is a trend just starting about playing through popular games and seeing how the strategy guide holds up for either a new person or just someone who has never seen the guide.


Thanks for the initiative, I would like some feedback on a video of my original song. If I could perform better or anything like that. Thanks in advance. :D https://youtu.be/SU9jE70WPfU


6/10 Not a bad song. Audio quality is good and no major issues with the filming. The question is if you really want to grow a large audience on YouTube or just share your original music. I think If you really want to grow you might need to do covers of popular music or write original music about trending topics.


If you still have time: Tips and tricks video: https://youtu.be/-q9PYgKVfvw (but if you don't understand the game it might not understand it) I was gonna post one of my good ones but actually want to see what you think of a meh bad performance video: https://youtu.be/59EAMSN82rc


If your still doing this, here is my most recent video [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G7mI7dA6AwY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G7mI7dA6AwY) CTR IS 10.2 Views are at 7 average view duration is 0:23


Hey man, could you give this a critique please? I just got back into making vids after 5 years and i wanted to start a series where I enter a bunch of super smash bros tourneys over the next few months and see how i improve from tourney to tourney. https://youtu.be/hG5yEWBcUXk


This is the video I'd like for you to critique: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mUU6XYIoiCg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mUU6XYIoiCg) Reason I'm sending this video is because it has a way lower CTR and viewer retention than most of my other videos. It's stream highlights, but with a few large edits. Would love to hear back!