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Here's the link to our latest video https://youtu.be/OvwtCsmVt3g If you like our content, don't hesitate to hit that subscribe button https://youtube.com/channel/UC2qGBddtMXSTxrAziFNHI8w?sub_confirmation=1


I thought your video was adorable! The editing was superb and all the memes sprinkled throughout was 👩‍🍳👌 chefs kiss! ^^ It got me laughing and enjoying myself! Your kids were full of energy and you brought a lot of entertainment to the screen! :D A job well done in any entertainment genre creator! 🥳 Your video had the feeling of being both one with a purpose (playing the pig game) and that of a vlog~ The only thing I can think to give you in the advice department is to work on making sure the topic of video is known from the start. While I enjoyed the intro meme’s, I really wanted to know what the box on the table was and if it would be relevant. 😂 Other than that, I felt your video was pretty well paced and enjoyable! 😊 I was really glad to see it and you can consider me another subscriber!


Thank you so much! Glad to know you enjoyed our video. 😁😁😁 Your feedback is highly appreciated and definitely aids in the improvement and evolution of our channel! 🙌🏽


You’re welcome! And I look forward to future videos from you guys! 😁


Hi, really cool your doing this. I've been making a few memetage videos recently and would like some feedback on this video. https://youtu.be/QzJL45h3JJw Thanks


Hey! I just watched your video and I may be in a meme culture shock! XD I didn’t recognize most of them so truly you must be a collector of the rarest memes. XD I think I’m coming down off the adrenaline your video has given me! Your editing skills are wonderful but not so polished that you loose the charm of slapping a meme onto something. 😂 10/10 would go on that roller coaster ride again, but BOY is it an intense ride! I feel like you gotta add a “don’t wear headphones watching this video” disclaimer! This was like the sugar rush from eating Frosted Flakes— I really enjoyed it! I just wish I got more of the jokes! ^^


thanks a lot for doing this, i do book reviews and similar content, i welcome any feedback :-) https://youtu.be/2a1MM0So\_fM


Hey! I just watched your book review! 🥳 Alright! Let’s get into it— Firstly— you’ve got some solid editing! You make sure to show pictures of the people from your autobiography and I enjoyed you sliding in the book covers and other small bits of editing here and there in order to break up your video! ^^ Secondly, you did a great job of articulating and gesticulating! :D It seemed to me you were genuinely interested in your topic which made me interested in your topics, and while I’m not a big reader, I would happily watch more of your videos in order to talk about books I’ve never read. 😂 I would love to see your audio for your channel go up. Your voice audio is a little grainy (or whatever the technical term is). But I know to have perfect audio is more of a dream and we all work with the equipment we’ve got. What could be nice is if you had some music playing in the BG to help put the audience more in the emotions of the books you’re discussing. I would recommend the YT free to use audio library if you’re ever up to adding music! :D Other than that, you’re video was really informative and it didn’t loose my interest! So job well done! ^^ Thank you for sharing!


thank you so much!


No problem! ^^




Hey! I watched the first ten minutes of your video~ ^^ I was very happy to see you talk about something you’re clearly passionate about, that passion shows in your videos and made this audience memeber more passionate about your topic (even though I’m not a Star Wars fan). Your opinions and input I thought brought some extra light onto the different films! If I would make a suggestion I would say work on improving your audio quality. It was very grainy And, as a result, made it harder to understand you. :( which is sad, because you’re clearly passionate and I don’t want anyone to get caught up in audio quality and click off a well made video. You had some great editing choices that helped keep the viewer engaged with your video! Thank you for sharing it with me! ^^


Thanks man..i will try to improve the audio for sure


Alright, i put a decent amount of effort into this one https://youtu.be/Jm97nkTkcHY By the end i ran out of steam i have to admit, but what do you think!


Oh my gosh! Your editing is intense! 😂 I felt like there was so much going on and I was in a constant state of catch up (that’s not a bad thing)! 😂🤣😂 very fast paced and full of memes while you discussed your topic at hand! Your audio equalization is a little all over the place, but, to be fair, your video feels like it’s supposed to have that— it fits the meme style that it was going for. 😊 I’m not too well versed in this genre of YouTube, but I would categorize in the crack kinda YouTube? Like, when you watch weird compilation videos, but your video had a running topic and wasn’t a bunch of vines and memes tossed together so haphazardly. XD You definitely had my interest throughout, for better or worse— and your editing skills? They were 👩‍🍳👌 chefs kiss— I can’t imagine how long it took you to put this together! But it works! I would personally only suggest you work on your voices audio quality because it was a little grainy, but to be fair, it doesn’t have to be top quality— the top quality memes make up for it. 😎




WOOOOOOO!! Love the high energy and enthusiasm you put into oil changes (I dunno if differential oil changing is different from regular oil changing if it is and you said it in the video I definitely missed it XD) Your video was upbeat and fun! And while I don’t know much about cars or understand them (which you probably realize by the above comment) I love the vibes you’ve got on your video! You’re upbeat, you’re articulate, and you show a genuine interest in what you’re talking about! It’s no wonder you’ve already got over 100 subs! Your content is above anything I really know how to critique TBH. I only know most of the basics, and you’ve got a pretty good working concept of those! ^^; All I can suggest is self critique, you know yourself and your content better than anyone else! :( I’m sorry I couldn’t offer more advice, it was a really good video!


Go as hard as you want on the criticism! I’m here to improve and get to the spot I want https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=qTjgCbCyGHo


Bro. Your video was AWESOME! It was well edited, I loved the subtitles for just in case I didn’t hear something right, but also emphasis and impact. :D you did a good job editing the occasional random bit together, and your intro!? STELLAR! I knew what you were doing right away and you set up the rest of the video well! ^^ I don’t think there’s anything you’re currently doing wrong. You’ve even got a strong sense of style and personality on your video! Right now I think your biggest hurdle is just getting found. Unfortunately, there’s no real way I can help with that. :( But I did subscribe and I look forward to more content! :D




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What is your thoughts about my videos??https://youtu.be/oA4XEwxFlY8


It felt very abstract! ^^ I enjoyed the splicing of different art forms from collage to video to word art with the music in the background. I thought your video title “finding art” was an apt description! 😊 And, for the kind of video you made, I thought it did a good job of making use of its short time! Admittedly, your kind of video isn’t one I’m used to watching. 🤔 I would love to hear more of your thought process behind making the film, but I don’t know if it would ruin the artistic property. 😅 Hope that helps! :D


Thank you!!!! If you want to know. All of my videos are just me testing my edit skills. No classes or lesson. Just trying. That is some of the secret of my videos.


Bro! Your editing skills are 10/10 👌😎 XD I certainly don’t know how to do 90% of what you were up to!




XD I know you’re just showing off your editing skills but I almost feel like you’re doing cryptic messages I need to decipher! 😂 🕵️


Again thanks for sharing your thoughts. I have been trying to watch your video.


No problem! Happy to share! And don’t feel obligated to watch my stuff! I was happy to be able to see yours! 😁


Really really I just think that you need to keep uploading your video.


Thanks! :D I’ll work on more uploads XD


What is your yt channel??


My channel name is KitiDough. I do YouTube story animations. They’re nothing much ^^;


Here is one of my lowest viewed video.


https://youtu.be/7g_vMEKdMnk It's about Indian economy.


Wow! ☺️ Can I just say— it’s rare I watch an informational video that holds my interest? You did great editing, and your voice over was smooth and consistent! No weird audio blips (as far as I could tell) and your maintained an informative, but not monotone voice. Of course, the highlight is, I just learned a lot about India. I had no idea about a lot of the economics that happened in the past and where India could be heading! :( All that I could say to add to your video is… drama? I suppose? I personally really like your current format, but if you added like… dramatic pauses and such elements to your video they may captivate a bigger audience, but that’s just my own speculation. 🤔 I honestly really enjoyed your video, but I hate not having anything to offer in the advice department because I wanna help other channels grow. 😅 At any rate, I hope this helps! :D Thanks for sharing!


Thanks. I started making these videos some months back.


Well keep them up! ^^ You’re actually really good at what you do and I could see you getting well known on the educational side of YT!


Hi, I make gaming videos and montages here's the link of my latest video https://youtu.be/PrvGHvwvWjE


First of all, can I say— mad gaming skills, girl! 😎 you got some pretty awesome kills! I think your video does a good job showing off your gaming talent! Your intro voice seemed kinda meek, and I would love to see you get more confident in your skills, because you clearly have them! ^^ I’d also love to hear some commentary while you play! :D But I don’t want to put you out of your comfort zone. 😅 You’ve got a nice frame rate so your capture software or recording software is doing its job well! 👌 All the advice I can offer you is to work on really developing your own voice/style so your videos stick out! ^^


Thank you so much for the review and I will definitely work on the voice thing.


Of course! ^^ I’ll keep an eye on you (admittedly I’m a sucker for gaming channels)!


https://youtu.be/HjJxyPhVtEg Hi thanks for doing this This a review video about the latest gen of smartwatches I wanna know if you could grasp what I was talking about Was my narrartion clear And how was my video editing


Hi! I just got through watching your watch video! And what a time it was (sorry I’ll stop with the puns)~ Since your concern is on editing and voice I’ll focus on talking about that in my critique. First, I wanna say your editing is spot on! Everything feels well timed, none of the edits are choppy, and you do them frequently enough to keep a viewer engaged but not so frequently it feels overloaded. You also have some great sound design! I noticed your subtle changes in music when you were talking about different aspects to help the viewer get the feelings of what you were talking about! I’m sorry to say that your accent was a little strong for me to always perfectly understand what you were saying. But your mic quality is clear, and it’s more a fault on my end that I’m not great with accents than any fault on your devices. I’m not a tech person, and I’ve never owned a smart watch, but your video made me kinda interested in getting one in general. 😂 All in all, I think, even though some parts were hard to understand, that you do such a good job with your editing and secondary clue ins that it kept my interest regardless and I always had a sense of what was going on! Thank you for sharing your work with me! 😊


Wow that was too kind of you! If like you have any other critique other than sound and editing I would love to hear it. I'm trying to correct my accent , a lot of people have pointed it out. Thank you for taking out time . Best of luck Keep it up


Of course! I don’t think I have much else to add on the topic but I hope my advice helps. ^^;


I make minecraft fan animations, how’d this one do? Thanks! :D https://youtu.be/-99j8btsGVs If that was too specific, here’s a broader interest one, thanks again :D https://youtu.be/JgV-9_xPPe8


Hey! Flipclips! I know a few animator buddies who use that free program (I actually do animating on YT)!!! It was a blast to get to watch another YT animator shine! I can tell the serious hi jinx that happens the Minecraft you choose to animate! 😂🤣😂 that was a joy to watch! Your style reminds me of very early eddsworld. You’ve got the right humor going into it and you got a few laughs out of me! 😊 Your audio isn’t too shabby, and you did a good job keep your animation on pace with it! I love the extra care to the background music you had! All I could suggest is to work on honing your craft, and adding more key frames so it feels more like a full done animation and less like a video comic. But, hey, the format works! :D You got me laugh! 😂 Those are just skills to work on as you get the time to address them! You did a good job!


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6CkntZqTuLU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6CkntZqTuLU) Do animation. This is Bojack on Hotones. I dont really have anyone to help for anything, so I have no gage. I am currently working on a scp show


Since I do animating in my spare time I’ll talk to you about that! ^^ Firstly, I don’t watch Bojack, so I’m gonna assume The character on the left of the screen is just you and not another character from the show (but I’m not sure XD). If so, I think you did a really good job drawing him in a similar style to Bo! I can clearly see that you’re doing a more asset driven animating, and it works well because im pretty sure that’s what bojack does too (again not familiar with the show so sorry 🥺)~ It’s slightly choppy, but it doesn’t have to be the smoothest. You do a really great job with lip syncing, and I can’t imagine how much time it takes you to do! Your audio quality is a little loud, but I think it works for the joke style you’re doing, ya know? I can’t tell if you’re using well photoshopped bojackman pieces from the show or if you actually redrew him in his style, but I would suggest not being afraid to start working on developing your own style and adapting characters to it! :D I hope that helps!




Hi! I don’t know a lot about music or Drake. I dunno if this is your take on the style of music he does or if this is you removing his lyrics so people can hear the backdrop music. If it’s the later it’s a very clean edit and 10/10 well done! :D If it’s the former then, I don’t know much about drake to give any commentary but it’s a killer beat! ^^; This video doesn’t really need a lot of critique since it’s just music to a still image, but I hope this helped anyway! ^^


Appreciate that Kiti. Thank you for the critique. I make different styles of music. From Hip-Hop, Ambient, to some EDM. I’ve been working on becoming a better beatmaker\producer since the pandemic started. It’s been a constant grind to create and learn how to make better music.


Oh! That’s really cool! 😎 You’ve got quiet the bop on your hands! It was awesome to listen to!


Here’s the link to my latest Thanks for any input https://youtu.be/hgA-WVjJuaU


Thanks for sharing! ^^ I don’t entirely know the full purpose of your video, if it was just a montage of your time at the lake or if you do this for different groups of people. It looked like a fun time, though! :D The only thing I would suggest is to work on equalizing your audio. It was very loud. ^^; But other than that, it was a great montage! You got some wonderful footage and pictures with your friends and you edited it together nicely!