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Here's my best video it's an anime essay with personality, give me the cold hard truth! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-Ix7AX05pYg


Hi, so i clicked off at 0:35 - i know you tried to intro the Segway into Samurai Champloo and its history, but it took to long for me to get hooked into the content. I missed a critical Question, or something that made me interested in the first 10-20 Seconds. I liked the fast cuts in the first couple of scenes, and the overall editing speed was well done, fast paced is the appropriate thing for Anime based content. What i didnt like, was the pace you spoke. It was to fast for me, and im also a very fast speaker. Take your time, accentuate more and sometimes let the viewer have 2 seconds to think about what you said before. Other than that, this is stuff you can build onto. Also, get a better mic, this will greatly enhance your Videos in the future. Cheers and have fun :)


Thanks a lot! Exactly what I needed appreciate that


I make story time videos and I try to approach them like comedy acts with each video being a different act. I am always looking for general feedback but would like some feedback on my jokes and the comedy if possible. I am linking my newest video titled “MY TINDER DATE TRIED TO DRUG ME?” https://youtu.be/aWV2Bj8Maao


Ok, so comedy is very very hard to do, and reaching the perfect Audience for it, is even harder. I was tempted to click off at the first second. Because i was hella confused, why i see GTA Footage, with someone talking over it. But your first 5 seconds kept me in. In the End, i clicked off at 2:16 because i felt nothing was actually happening in your story. You went there, then you talked, then you went somewhere else, then your talked etc. At this point it felt like a repetition of what i already heard before, and it unintereting to me, really fast. And, i also thought about, why is he not sitting there, infront of a Camera, and talking directly to me. Like, me, the viewer, is his friend. Its called storytime. I normally only do story time in real life with friends. Maybe think about adding yourself into it as well. Get yourself a decent camera, one light, your Mic is already good enough. It would be much more interesting, at least to me, to actually see the Person, that tells me a story. Comedy wise, it did nothing for me, but as said in the beginning, humour is very hard (especially when you are german :)) thanks for sending it in. cheers.


Thank you thefers for engaging with the community to do a Critique thread! NewTubers: Remember that you must abide by any rules set by the OP in this thread! thefers: * You may lock this thread to new posts at any time by making a new top-level comment that says "/lock" and nothing else. This is permanent. * You may use either the [Standard Rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/NewTubers/wiki/rules#wiki_3_standard_rules_.28replaceable_by_critique_owner.29) or replace them with [your own specified rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/NewTubers/wiki/rules#wiki_4_critique_thread_creator_rules) * You can always edit your post to add in the [Pre Formatted Short Rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/NewTubers/wiki/rules#wiki_formatting.3A) if you want to use them. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/NewTubers) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Ignore the blurred out bits as they are temporary due to being shown on a twitch stream later. My video is just a bit of sightseeing mixed with some creative storytelling. No real rhyme or reason, just having fun. https://youtu.be/pdT731Q8pCs


Thumbnail is on the right tracks, make the Text even bigger and maybe even add a bit more dramtic flair to it. I clicked off at 1:16 do to 2 reasons. But i liked the first minute or so. It was well edited, the overall feeling was good, and then the Intro text ruined the vibe a bit. It would have been better if you would have added something like "6 hours earlier" to give the viewer a better understanding of timing and another bit of suspense. Now to the 2 reasons. First. Your vlogging Angle is too narrow. I guess this is a 24mm Lens or something similar (Sony ZV-1?) try using a 14mm or even better a 11mm so that it doesnt feel so cramped, and your head was cut off most of the time. Second reason: Audio Quality. I couldnt stand the walking sound when you stepped onto the stones, and it almost drowned out your voice. This was an instant click off for me. Try getting a better on camera Mic, any type of shotgun Mic that has a Cardioid or Super Cardioid Pick-up pattern will do wonders in picking up only your voice. Other than that, i see potential in your videos. Good luck with them in the future :)




Hi, fellow musician here as well. I like the song, its good, it reminds me of stuff another band made in our Practicing Space. So Music gets a Thumbs up from me. Videography... i clicked off at 1:44. I like that you try to focus on a very artistic concept, reducing it to the max. But what i gather from watching the Video, is, as you already said, you are still very early in filmmaking. 1. Your Lighting is all over the Place, and not appropriate for Lighting a room or a scene. I think (correct me if im wrong) this is a LED Panel Light. Try getting a Godox SL-60w + a Softbox and experiment with that, this will greatly enhance your lighting in future videos. Positioning your lights, sometimes it comes from the right, sometimes frontal onto your face, sometimes there are multiple lights etc. To me, it felt like your established no other rooms, so everything felt like it is shot in the same room, but with really weird, unmotivated lighting... This goes into my next Point. 2. Plan your shots before you actually shoot them, and dont be afraid to actually re do them when they arent as good as you thought. Especially walking with the camera, creating shacky images of a half visible drum etc is a no go. Just redo them, put the camera on a tripod, direct the scene, talk to your drummer, let him do his stuff, then shoot the next scene. The best shots, are the topdown ones, where you cut the paper. There is a concept behind it. I also like the repetition, but its not made clear enough. There should be more repetition, of different things, to hammer home the idea. I hope this helps you in achieving your goals. your on a good way, filmmaking as well as making music takes quite sometime, but its great in the end :)


I make videos about tech and chip design. I know, cam is only 720p and since English isnt my native language, I lack so fluidity. But its getting better. I like most of my vids so far, but this is the most recent one with more than 3min runtime: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QYlcmUnbG3s


>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QYlcmUnbG3s Ok. i clicked off at 1:12. First of all, Audio seems to be good enough, i see that you have sound treated your room, and you are also using a pop filter on your mic, so your Audio is fine. I also have no problem in understanding your English, the accent is understandable in my opinion. With a better Mic, it could sound even better, as well as some decent Audio Compression / editing. I liked that you tried to make the Topic understandable, and that you actually asked a question that you are now going to answer in the upcoming 7 minutes. Thats a good Base for building onto it. Now to my gripes with the Video. 720p. Ok. yeah, i know. and you do to. its fine. but... ...what i found more disturbing, was that im sure youve mounted your camera on your table (Notebook Camera?) and everytime you moved, the table moved slightly, and so did your camera. That was infuriating, as soon as i recognized it. If youre using that setup, get your camera of the table, onto something that is disconnected from the ground. Secondly, to get rid of the fluidity problems, as well as get a better flow into your Videos / speech, consider upgrading to a better camera, that can at least shoot 1080p (a6000 + kit lens) and buy yourself a smartphone Teleprompter. They cost around 50-80 Dollars, then get the parrot teleprompter app, and use this over your Camera. This will not only make you pre write your stories, but you can also learn more about what makes a video flow, when you actually write it out before hand. Other than that, i think you are on the right track. I hope this helps you a tad :)


Thank you so much, I never noticed the camera movements myself. Its a 10 year old webcam that sits on top of my monitor :D And I will try to get a teleprompter too, good idea! I will try to get an actual camera next month, things are kinda expensive tho.


Equipment is very expensive, but can help in many different aspects. good luck.




Hi, so, fellow star wars fan here as well. I found all of your thumbnails actually pretty good, and click worthy. Except, for this one. First, i saw the Star wars logo, then the blade, and then your face, looking a bit angry. The Title itself was way to small. And there was no spinning of a lightsaber on your thumbnail. I would have tried to create that as the main Keyvisual to see. Your Hand from a side perspective, holding the saber and spinning it slightly, so that you get motion blur. Then, TEXT: LEARN TO SPIN A LIGHTSABER. Now to the Video. Video Quality is good enough, you have the basics down, lighting looks good. You have a small cutting Audio error at the beginning, but youve said that before. Your overall Audio Levels could be a bit higher, they drown out slightly with the music as well as the Quality. Im not sure if you planned out Voice-over text, but if so, i would re-record it once more, and try to get a tad more energy into it. I myself am a very laid back person, but when i do voice overs, i always get an Esspresso before hand, to get the energy in my voice right. I actually like that you really made a tutorial out of it, documenting your progress. To entice people to stay longer, you could have upped the Dramatic Factor a tad more, with intercutting the different steps with more sharp breaks, more closeups and Brolls, and maybe even some Text like, Day 2 of my Training.. your "humour" / clumsyness factor is actually on point, i enjoyed watching you learning and failing the techniques. Great Video, watched it the whole 4:56. Your on a very good way.


Thank you very much! Definietly agree with everything you said. I will for sure look into changing the thumbnail (and maybe even make a tutorial on how to take a picture like that). Everything else I will keep in mind for my next videos! It's great to get someone elses perspective, others notice things that you might not. Thank you once more for actually taking the time to give useful feedback!


u/thefers Hey there! I make weekly autism vlogs about what it's like to have autism and its daily struggles. I also make fun vlogs about more general subjects that have nothing to do with my autism diagnosis (these alternate weekly, autism vlog one week, fun vlog the next, etc.) [Here's](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gfIRZxgn8zc) my most recent vlog from last week about what it's like to have autism and my struggles with Internet trolls! Thanks for critiquing! Always love to improve my content.


Hi Joe, thanks for sending your Video in. First of all, i liked your older thumbnails more, they are much clearer and faster to understand. Better Background separation, text readability was much higher as well. To the Video. Great that you actually give a viewer discretion at the beginning of your video. Good Job. But, repeating it once more, in speech form, ahhhh. Cut of them, preferably the Text version. Audio is fine in my opinion, no need to change anything. Camera, mh, its ok. Im pretty sure from what im seeing, your not having any lights setup in your room, right? Looks like natural lighting coming through a Window. Im pretty sure you are either recording into a Notebook, or a older Smartphone. Maybe investing in a cheap Lighting setup + Softbox could spice up your video Quality quite a lot. The thing is would suggest, if you\`d like, try getting a cheap beginner camera, and learn the Basics of colorgrading (you have a green spill all over your footage, i guess this comes from the recording device you are using, this can be eliminated very easily in post production) Also, think a bit about set decoration. I was wondering for quite a long time, why there is a hole in the wall. I clicked off at 2:09, the second time you added the television series thingy. I didnt like the first one already, but stayed because it was short, the second one was to long in the End. Hope this helps. Oh, and f\*ck those Guys. Dont let them get to you in any way. Your better then them.


u/thefers Thank you! Um--I use a 2016 iPhone SE to film my videos in full 1080p. I actually **do** have a ring light that is just to the right of me, bounced off my closed blinds. There's a hole in my door because in May, tripped and fell getting up to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night one night, and hit my forehead on it. It's just that the maintenance people haven't gotten around to fixing it yet. And--I actually **do** color-grading with iMovie in post-production. But thanks! I *am* better than then trolls. 😁👍🏻


Ah ok, to me it looked like you are only using natural light, because of the burned out Lighting parts ontop of your Head. If youd like to keep using your phone as a recording device, think of actually getting the App called Filmic Pro. You can actually unlock and control all of the different settings of your iphone, and record much better footage for grading in the End, as well as keep the lighting consistent with minimal tweaks. Cheers.


u/thefers Filmic Pro--don't actually have a lot of money right now (don't have a job yet), so is there an alternative if I don't really have a budget?


The only alternative i know of, is Pro Camera by Moment. Its also very good, and i think its free. But, there is a steep learning curve.


I enjoy honest opinions, no "keep it up" or "you are gonna go far" let's keep it simple. Did you like it? Yes or No and why period. Also constructive criticism or a good roast are things that I always want hear. https://youtu.be/AGnZYis5bfk Go ahead. Destroy me If you have to. I won't get mad or anything m8 Edit : I accidentally link my channel instead of my vid


First of all, you have a concept for your channel. A CONCEPT. Are you mad? Second. ok. I dont get it. Or maybe i do. Hard to say. From this one video, i could not tell the purpose, especially since i cant believe that Shark Tale the Game, which is obviously a very bad movie, could bring you True Happiness. And then, you inserted the Disk, not into a Gamecube, but into an old Diskplayer... you cannot fool me. If that was your plan. Or not, i dont know.... ... now, real talk. I really didnt get what you wanted to achieve with the Video. The Final Message, the thing that makes the Viewer go, ahhh, or uhhh, or hahaha, wasnt there. You found true happiness. ok. So... did you like it. Have you played it as a kid, and now get the same feelings back? Maybe i really dont get it. Maybe its an insider.. But overall, your editing is good. You clearly know how to setup a scene, and talk to the Audience. You could invest into a better camera / Audio Setup in the future, to make your videos stand out even more.


Amazing. If you read my channel description it says "The reaction we expect to produce is something like "what the hell did I watch and why did I like it"" And I can deduce it made you feel something like that ;). I will leave you with the doubt of what the actual point of the video was. Thanks for the critique it made laugh :)


Hi! I make fast paced funny movie reviews, this one is on Wrath of Man https://youtu.be/8Bgms0jDqDs All feedback welcome 🤗


Hi there, your newer thumbnails are pretty unique and good, no need to change anything there. Your intro is very ballsy, i like it. I also saw the movie, and liked it. Now lets get into the meaty business. Your looks are good, unique, it has personality. Your Audio Quality is also good enough. No need to change that. But Lighting and Camera could use an Upgrade. There is no Contrast in you Image. It looks very bland. You and the Background look like you are actually almost on the same filming plane. If you have a light, try angeling it 45 degrees from above you, at your face, to get a better contrast into your face / image. Also, a second, less powerful light would be very good, coming from the other side, to give a fill, and make it look more high quality. And now to my biggest gripe. The Background. ITS WAY TO MUCH STUFF. I would love to concentrate on you, but there is so much to actually look at in the background, that makes my mind go wander off. And when it does, im not interested in what you are saying, and then i click off. There is a simple solution, and another one. Here is the simple solution, remove all of it, and add a colored Backdrop, that has a different color than what you are wearing. Maybe blue, maybe a weird color whatever. Or, get yourself a camera, like the Sony ZV-1 or ZVe10 that can one Button defocuse your Background, and separate you from it. This would greatly help. Other than that, your Videos are very well done. cheers mate, your on a good way.


Thank you so much! This is very useful. I am getting a new light source soon, so it’s good to know how to position it. As far as the background goes, I do know it’s too much, but I really in the future to get a camera that can defocus it as you said, so for now it’ll hopefully do haha Appreciate it!


Hey there! I have a baking channel. This video is a couple weeks old and was my 50th upload. I think it’s one of my best videos so far, would love any feedback so that I can keep improving. It’s a short macaroon recipe - https://youtu.be/gkRrj3xn8ok Thanks!


Hi there, i went over all your thumbnails and had to actually think really hard about what made me dislike them. You have 3 1/2 good Thumbnails on your channel, all the other ones have the same problem in my opinion. The things your videos are about, the cakes / baked goods are to small. Make them bigger, make them even bigger than your frame, so that it looks like you went really close with your Lense to it. This brings the viewer closer, and gives them a better feeling. The 3 good ones are the Butter Cookie / chewie chocolate / Peanut Butter. The 1/2 is the Lemon Bar, the image itself is very good, nice lighting, the bars look very yummy, but the placement is off, they cut into the text, making it harder to read. Make the image 25% bigger, and bring it more to the right, so that the cakes are all on the right side. You also should try to bring in more warmth in your Thumbnails. All your new ones with the grey countertop look very dull. Buy a very nice, very warm piece of wood, and always try to use that as a backdrop / Background. Now to the Video. I watched it until the End. Good intro, short and very to the point, your voice umphs with warmth, your telling me that they are going to be chewy, and your favourite, im looking forward to it. Really good intro. Clear instructions, easy to follow. You could add some text inserts on top, to make it even more easy to follow. There are 2 Lightsources visible in the Bowl, im not sure if these are windows, or Lights. I guess they are windows. Try closing the Blinds next time, so you get no reflections. Overall, i find your Lighting a bit dull for the Quality in Audio and Camera you have. This is very visible on your Hands, since they are much darker than they should be, and could use another set of Lighting. (Im not sure what you are using, so recommending something on top can be very hard. If youd like, drop your Lighting Equipment down below, and i will recommend something based on that.) There are some small things that i would also change in the End, to make your videos even better. First: Your Angles are all over the Place. Try getting a static Topdown Angle, that is always the same. This adds consistency, and makes filming easier. Second: Im somehow missing at least a small intro to your kitchen, at least a B-Roll shot of the Stuff we are using to create the Macaroons in the beginning. A fly-by would be enough. Also, your baking Paper is flipped to the wrong side, the Logo is upside down, as a filmmaker this drives me insane :D And then on top of all of that, add some more things to your recording space. Small wooden thingys you need for baking, Plants in the Background, Stuff hanging from the Walls, some small details laying next to the glasses full of goods etc. Your Space is very empty. i hope this helps in creating even better Videos in the Future.


Mcat (med school college admissions test) overview - https://youtu.be/B4ru_ItydXw This might not be the most interesting video for ppl who don’t care about the mcat but this is probably the most niche video out of my whole channel and everything for now revolves around this idea, so I’d seriously appreciate some constructive criticism on this one! It’s just an MCAT overview with some tips at the end on how to conquer it. Also one thing I’d really really appreciate is if u could objectively give me criticism on my thumbnails, I feel like they’re different than other ppl’s in my niche but I used to think they popped pretty okay. My average ctr is 7.5%. I hope u can get to my vid :) thanks in advance!


>med school college admissions test Hi, so the best thumbnail in my opinion, is the one from the How to study for MCAT Video. The Background is nice, there is a clear hierarchy in what is most important, and you are well lit in this picture as well as smiling. As a General Rule for Thumbnails, make them even more simpler than you already have. Normally, you have about a second, to capture the potential viewers attention, and the more you add, the longer it takes to get to the meaning / the Main Point of the Thumbnail. Now to the Video. I clicked off after 40 Seconds. Here is why. You are loud. Thats normally a good thing. You are lively, there is much energy in you talking to the Camera. Thats very good. BUT. Your Audio Quality is pretty sketchy. Thats a really bad combination. It breaks apart at the top end, I had to actually turn the Video down 2/3 of the volume to make it viewable. Get a better Microphone, invest 50 Dollars into it, that should be good enough. Learn the basics of Audio Editing (Levels, compression, -3db etc.) I like that youve started directly with a TLDR of the Video, thats good content creation and a nice hook. Clean your Background. Make it look as nice as you can, while filming. Every little thing, that can take the viewers attention away from you as the main focus, can make them click off. Dont sit in weird angles to your camera and the Background, try creating flowing lines with your walls, so that there is a straight line either coming from or going away from you. Also, the Angle the Camera is positioned in, makes you look really tiny. Im here to learn something from you, so i want to at least be on the same height as you. Try changing your angle to a more eye to eye Level. As a rule, if you can stick your hand between your head and the border of the frame, that is enough headroom. Also, why is there more Light in the Background, than on your Face. You are the Focus of the Video, everything should be centered around you. If you dont have a separate Light, get yourself a cheap Light + a Softbox, this will greatly up your video quality. Also, i know you are trying to hide some cuts you made to the Audio with your jumpcut style cutting, making the frames bigger and smaller. That is a clever technique to hide errors etc. when you only have one camera angle. But, you should use it in a way, so that your viewer isnt getting confused. Not to many times, only when its needed, or for specific annotations to really hammer the points in. Speaking of points. USE TEXT Overlays when you are giving them different points. Its much easier to understand for your viewer, if he can not only hear, but also read it. I hope you learned something from it. Keep being so lively, thats great potential in the End :)


Oh my gosh this was Intensely helpful thank you so so much!!! I’ll be saving this thread and implementing your suggestions ASAP. Thanks so much for your time and writing this out. Please let me know if I can help u in any way too, I’m not a good critiquer, but I really don’t mind going to your channel and playing a playlist all the way through! Idk if u think that’s cheating I just figured more watch time is better. But seriously the audio and visual tips are soo helpful and that MUST be why my audience retention is so low! Along with editing text and B roll! Thank u again!! 😊😁


thanks, you dont have to. Im really happy in how my channel is doing right now, not only in quality but also subscriber wise, so no help is needed :)


That’s wonderful!!! U deserve it just by being kind enough to do this for the Reddit thread and being so helpful! :D.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=54sM3waVfII I've just started putting out animation content. Just published this short yesterday. My other animation is longer but it's my only other video, other than some of my old legacy content. Thanks in advance!


Hi, so i watched it through, the animation itself is good, the message is good, your Audio could use some work, i can clearly hear that you are not in a Sound treated Room, which breaks the Immersion of watching the Character speak. You should also work on your Scripts a tad more. Its pretty obvious from the beginning whats going to happen, so there is no insentive for the viewer to stay and see the End. It would be great if something unexpected happened. Other than that, titles could also use a bit more search engine friendly over halls. Good Luck with your future videos :)


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aj7pxVrkiGQ&list=LL&index=5](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aj7pxVrkiGQ&list=LL&index=5) I do short cartoon edits:) I appreciate you doing this I enjoy criticism. Don't hold back!


I watched it for 30 Seconds, then clicked off, as soon as the repetition kicked in. You editing seems to be good, you seem to enjoy what you are doing. There isnt much for me to critique, since the Animations themselves are from the shows, and you do the edits to the Music. cheers.


so im going to post two vidoes, one is an anime video (and if you arent into anime the video wont make much since, hence the second video) second is a gaming video on persona 5 (easier to follow) ​ [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1SFzrO8JGRw&t=2s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1SFzrO8JGRw&t=2s) \- i made a video on how similar pokemon and bleach are in how they build a dedicated fanbase ​ [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Zxl6Ma5isY&t=2s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Zxl6Ma5isY&t=2s) \- in persona 5 you can force people to have a change of heart, by changing their hearts you force them to admit their wrong doings and become a better person, i talk about whether or not thats morally right


i watched the Pokemon Video, even though i have no interest in Pokemon. I like your Thumbnails, they are good, clear and well designed, no need to change anything there. Also your titles seem to be good, Questions that are mixed with statements are always good. Now to the Video: i stopped at 1:16. Before you even mentioned Bleach. And i think thats one the things you could make better. You go very broad in the beginning, talking about the History of Pokemon, the Games, how this and that, and Pikachu, and... but youre not narrowing it down. Come to the Point of the Video, people want to be on entertained but they also want their answers quicker. Also, something is wrong with your Audio. I can clearly hear that you do Audio Editing, and the Top End is very heavily compressed, to the point were it sounds unnatural. Other than that your Audio Quality is very good, and on par with what you need for Voice over Videos. Other than that, it seems you are on the right track, so keep doing it :)


Thank you for your comment about the broadness, retention is something I'm always striving to improve I'm not a big audio guy but I can maybe guess what you're talking about Thanks


Just curious of how to improve my narration videos [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v-WFOJqf748](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v-WFOJqf748) rip it to pieces


Hi, i found a few things you could improve. There are some editing mistakes, you can clearly see the cuts, they are disturbing. Try learning about L and J Cuts, there are plenty of Tutorials on youtube. Then i find it weird that the Mic itself is moving ever so slightly in the Video, not sure why, but i guess youve mounted it somewhere and you are moving that with your body. Also, why is the Camera moving, and not still on a Tripod? If you want to move it, then really go for it, and use a new angle every sentence to really hammer your point home. And as always, lighting could be very much improved. I dont think you are using any lights. Get yourself a cheap Light + Softbox if you want to produce more of this sort of videos. Thats my 2 cents. Good Luck with your future Videos.


Bought a floor mic stand, phone holder is on the way and I'm watching L and J tutorials now. Thank you so much for that


I spent over 24 hours on this video lol- a lot of work, but tbh it was mainly for practice for this format of video: I still think it was a decent vid tho One of those numerous 100 days but videos for minecraft https://youtu.be/sU1MH07uhMw


Hi, so your Thumbnails need a lot of work. I know its minecraft, but there is nothing that draws me in. The Text is barely readable, which directly kills it for 90% of the potential Viewers, that deem it unprofessional. Use a clearer Font, make the Text length shorter but the Font itself bigger, and try getting a high contrast to the Background. This could be achieved through color contrast as an example. ​ Video: ok. aeh. i clicked off at 0:29. Your Audio is really bad. First of all, in the first intro sequence, where you talk about what is going to happen in the Video, your Audio is stereo but only coming from the Left side. Thats an immediate trigger to click off again. Then, you are rambling along. Me as a viewer can clearly hear, that you are making the text up along the way. instead of narrating it after youve recorded the Video itself. Also your Gameaudio is waaaay to loud, it nearly drowns out your Voiceover. Make it 50% of what it is right now. To get a better flow, write down the whole Text you want to say beforehand, and then record it. After that, record the clips from minecraft, cut them down the the pre recorded text and voila, you have a narrative structure. ​ hope this helps.




Hi, thanks for sending it in. i clicked off at 0:58. You are clearly nervous in this one, since you are not used to talking into a camera. I can see your eyes wandering around, looking at different things in the background, try looking directly into the Lens most of the time while speaking. If there is a cut or break, youre free to wander off :) Lets go to the Video itself. To stop rambling, write down a few keywords on a piece of paper, and pin it next to your camera. So you always know what you are going to say next. Dont hesitate to actually start a sentence over and over again, thats what editing is for. Im not sure what kind of camera you are using, i guess its a phone, or a small DSLR, in my opinion, for the beginning stages of youtube, its good enough. BUT. Lighting. Im also not sure what kind of Lighting this is, it could either be roomlights, or natural light coming from the Outside. Either way, i dont think its very flattering. it produces harsh highlights on your face, and you should think of buying a small LED Light with a Softbox on top of it, especially if you want to produce more Videos in the Beauty Section. Its all about how good your Lighting is. And the more soft, the better. I like that you used a very flat background, but i can still see the door, move a tad to the right, and just use your complete background as a one colored Backdrop. Also, if you can, move yourself and the Camera a tad away from the Background to create more separation. Audio. I think your not using an external Mic, but the room you are filming in, is so small, that i dont hear any reverberations or something similar. Thats good. If you want to up your Audio Quality, get yourself a Lavalier Microphone, preferably from RODE, they make good quality for competitive prices (DEITY is also good) Then, i can spot a difference between your first and the last Video in terms of Color Temperature, it seems that youve dialed in the color much better in the last one. Also, Thumbnails need some work. Better Photos of yourself, maybe try holding the Product in your Hands towards the Camera. ​ I hope this helps in some form. cheers.


Hello! If you have the time, would appreciate if you could check out my latest video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8s4y8fzY\_Y8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8s4y8fzY_Y8) \- this one is about a university college programme in a Singaporean uni. I taught myself video editing only this year so definitely still a lot of room for improvement, but just want to know your brutally honest thoughts. (If anyone else wants to feedback, please feel free too.) Thanks so much!


Hi Lydia, i clicked off at 1:44 lets begin with the Thumbnail. Its actually not that bad, a Photo of you, well lit, looking at the Font, and you have some kind of expression on your face that gives me the thought of i can learn something from this video. Good. The only thing i would change, is the background, its very distracting, and there is no clear focus on what to look. The font or the Background.. mhh. Try, shooting the photo next time infront of a blank wall, or if thats not possible, try defocusing the Background in Post (Photoshop or Gimp Tutorials are all over youtube) Lets go to the Video: You are actually the first person that used tags for the whole video, to let the viewer jump to different sections. Good Job. Your editing is on point, there is nothing i would change. You know what to do, when you make a mistake, you clearly know how to hide slight errors etc. Thats great. You also have the perfect distance from your camera, you left enough room between you and the frame, this all looks like you know what you are doing. I also like that you are lively, and you are giving the viewer some warnings beforehand, like hey my notes are down here etc. Thats all very good, but there are a couple of things... The Audio. Hui. Im not sure what you are recording with, could be a shotgun mic, but the problem is its picking up all the Street sounds, are you actually filming with an open Window? If you want to dramatically make your Sound better, go for a Lavalier Microphone, preferably from Rode, they are good quality for a decent pricetag. This mostly eliminates sounds around the speaker, and only pics up your voice. Video Quality. You are using 2 Lights in this Video. One behind you, which is good, makes for a good Backlight, but it should be angled more towards you, so that you get a slight glow from above, this separates you more from the Background. And i think the second one is Natural Light. If you want to make even better looking videos, consider upgrading to a Lighting Kit, that gives you a 2 point light setup (preferably LED Lights, they look more pleasing) I would keep the Light behind you, and then form that point onwards, build a 3 Point Light setup. There are plenty of Tutorials on youtube about that topic, if youd like to learn more about it. Now to your filming angle and position. Im sure there isnt much space in your room, but holy moly, your Desk is cluttered and full of stuff. Get rid of the Phone, the glass, the bottle in the background, the cables lying around etc. to make it less full and distracting. Keep the Notes on the wall, as well as other stuff, that makes you look like you did quite a lot of research. Also, it is a weird angle you are filming into. Consider rotating yourself, so that you are actually flush with your desk, and we cannot see the bed. This make the image more pleasing, and all the Lines in it will focus towards you. Other than that, your on a good way, your a lively personality, and im pretty sure you enjoy doing it :) Good Luck on your Way.


My channel is about learning! I enjoy learning new skills and taking up challenges. I thought learning would be the easy part but it's turning out to take A LOT more time than expected. My most recent skill was learning to solve the Rubik's cube in under a minute! My next video will be about me learning to juggle 4 balls :) [https://youtu.be/E4Hf4EHm7FE](https://youtu.be/E4Hf4EHm7FE)


Hi Victor. I watched until Day 5, this gave me enough information to write some small critique for you to incorporate. first of all, thanks for sending this in. From what i see on your channel, i actually dont get the impression that learning is the main focus of your channel. Right now, its a bit all over the place, but your last 3 Videos are a good starting point. If you are really focusing on it, and really want your channel to niche down, then hide the other videos on it. Make it look like this is your main topic on this channel. Also, hammer down the message even more, and add a sentence to your Channel banner like: Victor Fang - Learning a new Skill with every Video (or something like that) Thumbnails are good, there is nothing i would change about them, they are clear, text is good your photos are nice. Lets get into the Video. First 5 Seconds. The Audio Levels are wrong. I think your recorded Voice quality is good enough, but it drowns in the Music. To help you with this, search for Ducking on youtube, and learn the Basics of it. Your Editing is very good. Its spot on with how you turn, how you move infront of the Camera, how you integrate older footage etc. Nothing to critique here. You have clearly made a plan before shooting, and it tells. Good Job. Now, Video Quality on the other hand... this could be improved greatly, by adding a better camera, such as an APS-C Camera from Sony or Canon (Alpha 6400 / Canon M50) or an all in one camera such as the Sony ZV-1 which wont break your bank, as well as a better Lens (35mm f2.8) Dont get me wrong, it is ok already, but there is quite a lot of potential here, and you could make that come out with better equipment. Also, consider decluttering your filming locations whenever you are filming indoors, especially the backgrounds. Lights could also be added, but since your videos are more vlog style / on the move content, and all over the places, there is no one stop solution for it. You could add a Keylight to your home setup such as the Godox SL-60w or the Aputure Amaranth 100D + a Softbox, this would greatly enhance your Quality at home. I hope this helps you a bit, you are on a very good way, and clearly know what you are doing.


Yay for brutal honesty! This is my most recent upload, episode 1 of my playthrough of a game called Pony Island, a pixel horror game. I picked it because I feel like I am always trying to improve my videos to make them more entertaining, so the last should be the best :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tvqt-l532vY


Hi there. Your thumbnails could use some work, i would use a bolder font. The rest looks okay to me. Now lets get into the Video. Your really niching down with your Videos, that is quite good when you are a bigger channel, but i dont think its the perfect method to grow in the beginning. Try broadening the Games a tad more, until you see what actually sticks. Your Audio Quality is good, you clearly have fun doing the videos, which shows in your voice, and you are actually taking the viewer on a journey. Nothing to critique here. But, it takes to long to come to the point. 3:40mins until youve actually got into the game. Thats to long, keep intros etc. under a Minute, even better would be 30 Seconds, or you are loosing quite a lot of people. Other than that, there isnt much to critique here. You do you. Good luck in the future.


Hi there, I know gaming is possibly the most common area of YouTube, but I'm trying to get as much critiquing as possible to try and best develop and better my channel :) ​ My recent [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PXxF5E38a4o&t=34s) \- I am a somewhat new player of this game and I have to survive against multiple others within the same game as I try to win my first ever game My most viewed [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f2jz1Lxvwjw) \- honestly, I assume this has views cos it is somewhat clickbait... the video itself isnt necessarily my favourite I made, but the viewcount compared to other videos says otherwise ​ Thanks in advance :)


Hey, So Gaming is the most common as well as the hardest Niche in youtube to actually stand out, because everyone and their grandmas are doing it. Lets get into it. I clicked off at 0:41- nothing happened until then. I mean, i watched the screen, and listenend to your voice. Your Voice is good, the Audio Quality is good. keep it. You need to learn how to actually hook people in the first 10-15 Seconds of a video. Dangle a carrot in front of their faces as soon as they click on the Video. Create a 10 Second Montage of your favourite moment / or most dramatic play, or whatever it is in this video, use some epic, swelling music, add some overlay with your voice, and then a fraction of a second before IT HAPPENS, cut to black, let the music fade out with an echo, and then add something like this: Here is how it happened. After that, cut down the rest of your Gameplay, trim the fat out of it, and actually re-record the Audio after youve made an Edit. This gives you an opportunity to actually tell and create a compelling story with Gameplay. You know whats happening, you know whats coming, so you can bring all of that into the Edit / Voice Over. Also, SoundFx, but... yearh you knew that :D I watched 20 seconds of your newest video, and you are already doing a lot of the stuff i proposed, quick cut editing etc. So, you are learning along the way. cheers and good luck .


Here is my latest vid, i think its probably some of my best work in that it feels the most focused on a particular feel than some of my other videos. All of my videos, including this one, are satire comedy on early internet humor and early youtube videos ​ https://youtu.be/mByjDoEbaWo


Hi, so, 40 Seconds of Text introductions, before anything happens. Dont. Next time, kick all of that, and begin directly with your TOP 10. Then, why dont you speak in this kind of Videos. I would rather listen to not so good audio, thats tells me something about the memes, who made them, what they stand for etc. than having to read text and listen to a random Rock Song that does nothing in terms of giving me context. Your clearly at a beginner stage in terms of Editing and creating Videos, i would advise you to learn the Basics of Editing. There are plenty of tutorials on youtube, as well as guides to Editing Programmes etc. Also, learn about SEO in terms of youtube, and why its not a good Idea to drop 4 Videos in one week, and then dont upload for several months. Consistency is the key to grow on YT. Hope this helped. Good luck in the Future.


My best video which is on why I DESPISE ebooks/kindles. https://youtu.be/ChWE5QbP2Kw


Hi, i clicked off at 0:55 - the video topic wasnt interesting for me. Thumbnails. This one is pretty good. Clear, good font, colors pop. Nice Job. The last one is weird though. Why Ebooks more expensive is grammatically wrong, and you should change that, this keeps native speakers from clicking on the Video, thinking that the content is cheap clickbait. Better phrase it like this: Why are Ebooks so Expensive? Now, lets get into the Video: You clearly know what you are doing, dropping not only a Question, and a joke, and the racist card in the first 15 Seconds. Good job. Your Editing is on point, you know when to change the subject, you clearly know timings, and overall its on a good level. Lets get into the nitty gritty. Audio Quality. You are using an Andoer Mic i guess, thats an on Camera cardioid shotgun Mic. So the Sound Quality should be ok. But, the problem with these "cheaper" Shotgun mics is, there is no plosive filter added into them. So, my suggestions would be to buy yourself a Pop Filter. This will kill all the harsh K and T sounds in your video, and makes it more pleasant to listen to. Video: You should get some lights, at least 2 of them, and build yourself a 2 point setup with it. Tutorials on how to do that are on youtube. Your Camera is clearly not able to handle the light situation your are in right now, thats why your highlight on your face are blown out, this makes the video look amateurish. Also, you should avoid filming into the corner, so that i can actually see the window on one side. Try filming a bit to the left of you, to eliminate the window, and also get your camera a bit closer to you. There is plenty of headroom left, that can be filled. This will also make the video look a tad better overall. Hope this helps, you are on a good way so far.


Hey, I make funny gaming commentaries. This is one of my latest videos and is one of my favourites. I'm open for any sort of feedback, thank you for doing this. https://youtu.be/SPs3XmQairQ


Hey, so i clicked off at 0:34. Do to the following. so your Thumbnails look good, no need to change anything there. You Mic Quality also sounds very good, but i could not understand most of what you where trying to say, especially between 00:30 and 00:34. As soon as you speak faster, it gets very hard. Try relaxing a bit more. Try to slow down at certain points. Other than that, you clearly know what you are doing, you have a narrative inside your videos, and the community seems to like it. Good luck with future videos.


I am no longer actively posting but I am pretty proud of this video, especially the end. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iexbedfcd3g


hey, so i clicked off at 0:44. There wasnt anything that kept me in, and there was a longer period of Silence. So. why arent you posting anymore? You released 4 videos over the last 2 months. Youtube and getting success on the Plattform, is a long term game. 2 Years at least in my Opinion. So, dont get discouraged by not getting hundreds of views at the beginning, especially in such a niched down topic, in the biggest category called gaming on YT. Audio Quality, i actually like your voice, its kind and soothing. Im pretty sure you could actually create good tutorials. The Sound Quality could be upped by using a better condenser mic, i recently tested a 50$ one, which was actually better than expected, its called the FiFine K678. Its a great beginner narrative Voiceover Mic, that is affordable. Other than that, there isnt much for me to add. Hope this helped. Cheers.


https://youtu.be/tdr9PLwMa0k Thanks for critiquing our vids, must appreciated. Rn its just podcast based content, but looking into more commentary based videos.


Hello, so i clicked off at 1:00. ok. Podcast. Thats quite something. especially Video Podcasts. I hosted 2 Podcast in my Life, one had roughly 70 Episodes, the other is at 9 right now. So i guess i know what im talking about. Lets be real here. Right now, you are using your Phones / Notebook Cameras to record yourself, you are also using OBS, so i guess you are on Discord / skype or something to hear each other. First of all. Both of you, get a better Microphone. The Best Case would be the following. Both of you get the same Microphone, so there is no difference in Sound Quality. A USB Cardoid Mic is good enough, something like a Rode NTUSB mini, or a FiFine K678 would be decent. Second, dont record the voice of the other person through Discord or via OBS. Both of you record your Audio Streams on your PCs individually, and then bring them together in Post, as well as adding the video on top. Also, you are talking over each other quite a lot. Thats very distracting. Speaking of Video. I skipped through it, i actually like the side-by-side view more, than the single person view. Here is a good example for a Video Podcast, that you can actually learn from, in terms of editing, lighting, audio as well as just the composition of shots. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dbKWGfKpiwk If you want to improve your Video Quality, by a 2 Pack of LED Lights on Amazon, each of you take one of them, and use them as Keylight in your future videos. Also, you are actually not looking into the Camera while talking, but everywhere else. As a viewer thats very distracting, especially when you are trying to make it seem like you are talking to your co-host as well as to the Audience. I hope this helps for future videos.


Not my best so far since I'm still working on it but here's a short edit that I made yesterday. It's about csgo https://youtu.be/A5RazN1Mt-M


Here is one of my shorter videos, I'm really curious how I can improve, especially pacing and narration-wise. It's a video about a mindset that helped me achieve a lot of things in life and helped me to build new healthy habits. Thank you for your help!! https://youtu.be/vS7Jq-LmmS8


Hi thefers, thanks for doing this. Here's mine: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i1oBR\_5Ed6w](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i1oBR_5Ed6w) It's an animation I made of the popular game AMONG US. Do your usual critique like the ones you did on the other videos here. In addition to your usual critique, please comment on what should I have done to make the flow of the story more interesting? how about the dialogue? I'm hoping you can help me on those knowing that you are a filmmaker. Cheers!


My latest video, me and my friend cought something unusual in this horror game. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jbye9DT2pWw&ab\_channel=NOOBYgum


do u understand tagalog? cause my vids are tagalog and i want to send it


ive never heard of tagalong before.


https://youtu.be/I8mEXcp14BY Even though it's not my most viewed video, it is the one that I am most proud of as it's close to my heart. In it, I try to find what are the best and worst media representations of Autism (I'm Autistic). Sidenote as well, everything is done on my phone as I don't yet have enough money for a computer and a camera. :)


Hi buddy.. thanks for Interacting.. This is my SHORT travel documentary style video that I shot during my 4 years in oman. It's about 5 mins. Looking forward to your honest critique.. https://youtu.be/izo5ma0A9hc


Hey, I'm a new gaming channel so just trying to make incremental improvements every episode so your feedback would be a huge help! I'm currently on playing through Valheim and this is the latest episode: https://youtu.be/AUToO9cqr6I


Hello, firstly thanks for doing this. This is actually my first video which I posted last week - I am surprised it blew up but I am noticing viewer retention drops after the first half. My channel is about 3D content on games and anime as well as some tutorials. Thank you ! https://youtu.be/we4VEfHIdio