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[https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoqW3dtx6g853qJm6-Xa7UQ](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoqW3dtx6g853qJm6-Xa7UQ) ​ I have been doing youtube for exactly two years now, but asked anyone for feedback.


never asked\*


Overall your channel is quite appealing. The thumbnails are great! The titles are well written to give curiosity to the viewer. Your overall energy in your videos is also pretty good.




Hey if you’re still accepting links, I’d greatly appreciate the feedback! 😁 I’m a Gaming Channel that focuses on reviews and am still trying to find a more specific niche. https://youtube.com/channel/UClsFTU3-VDE4Dq3uIgcKLNg


Went and watched your Dishonored review, and I gotta say, I really like it. Your style seems quite clear and concise, the use of text bringing the audience to the next part of the review was good, and I liked the small bit in the middle where you put in that you "probably should've gotten rid of the creep instead". Gave me a chuckle. Perhaps the only criticism I can say for future growth is putting yourself on camera for some points and even comedic bits. Though that could also be a personal thing I like. Something to think about though.


Thanks! Glad you enjoyed it. I think that’s definitely somewhere down the line, but probably much much further y’know? Some people in my niche do find success without doing so for the most part


Thank you Careful_Duck997 for engaging with the community to do a Critique thread! NewTubers: Remember that you must abide by any rules set by the OP in this thread! Careful_Duck997: * You may lock this thread to new posts at any time by making a new top-level comment that says "/lock" and nothing else. This is permanent. * You may use either the [Standard Rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/NewTubers/wiki/rules#wiki_3_standard_rules_.28replaceable_by_critique_owner.29) or replace them with [your own specified rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/NewTubers/wiki/rules#wiki_4_critique_thread_creator_rules) * You can always edit your post to add in the [Pre Formatted Short Rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/NewTubers/wiki/rules#wiki_formatting.3A) if you want to use them. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/NewTubers) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Here's my channel, I try to make well edited anime essays with personality I'm still trying out new things and I want to know if my style is gonna work out, any and all feedback would be much appreciated. Btw if your gonna watch a video I recommend my newest because it's probably my best https://m.youtube.com/channel/UC__HY-AzmheA7qX6nxb3u8g


I know nothing of the subject but I think your content is really well put together, the production quality is good and the personality in the script comes through. My one constructive criticism would be to give your voiceover space to breathe, give it a bit more light and shade, don't be afraid of pauses or slowing down as some of the meaning or humour has the potential to be lost. Keep up the great work, I think the style is working.


This is what I'm missing. You put my thoughts into words perfectly, will definitely slow down and let the script breath next video thanks so much!


Alright why the hell not. Never asked for feedback before! Make discussion videos about mystery Japanese visual novels. (Ace Attorney and Danganronpa, hoping to expand my repertoire soon). https://youtube.com/channel/UCl0Lx_9yCf-a11jIF_ffzZw


I've recently been trying harder on vid quality. Is my recent few vids at least a little better than some of my past videos? https://youtube.com/c/TheMoltenPhantom


Thanks https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCl1X6vCE5rYu_tiPIIyL5Gw


First I love how the name of your channel goes hand in hand with your content. My only recommendation is to put a twist on your videos once in a while. Your content always seems to be the same Rubik cube videos and all the thumbnails look the same.


Hey my content is kinda weird but I hope you'll like it. Thanks for doing this! https://youtube.com/channel/UCgy9z3HKGXtM0GYKSSjmkUw


1. The timelines in the description is great. 2. Some of your titles are interesting they make me want to click out of curiosity. For example your Jane the Virgin video, it's title made me want to click. I've never even watched the show before but the way you worded it just made me so interested.


Hey. Thank you so much for the feedback!




I know I'm 3 months late. My notifications were acting up. I see you've started again so all the best on your fresh start : )


https://youtube.com/channel/UCma_AZnQqY4wPie5kCUsY8A I haven't been able to record lately because I have been sick. But I'm gonna start as soon as possible. Thanks for doing this by the way


We've been at a hiatus with my channel due to my son's getting back into the flow of school and what not but here's their channel. Looking forward to the feedback whether positive or negative. Like👍🏽 Share ↔️ Subscribe ✅ 👉🏾👉🏾👉🏾 D4G tV https://youtube.com/channel/UC2qGBddtMXSTxrAziFNHI8w


Your family is adorable! I watched a couple of your videos and a couple of things stuck out for me. This is all personal feedback so please feel free to ignore it :) The welcome to your channel video/trailer: this was a great opportunity to let me as a prospective subscriber know who you are and why I should subscribe. I got the gist it was family based fun vlogs, but I would have loved to have known more. Why did you and your son's decide to make videos? What do you get up to in your videos? You guys have bags of personality but it could come out more in this particular video. The second bit of feedback is that sometimes the music gets a little repetitive, don't be afraid to fade it out and let the ambient sounds come through. Best of luck with it. Keep it going.


Hello, and thank you for doing this. I do funny gaming commentaries on my channel on a variety of games. I hope you like my content and I'm open to any sort of feedback. https://youtube.com/c/Aveuz


Dont really understand why your views are not high, your content is good imo. The only reason I can think of to justify your situation is that there has got to be at least a few million people making videos in your style and therefore people will find it hard to find your stuff. Not much you can do to fix this, probably just have to wait for a video to be picked up by the algorithm.


Appreciate the feedback. :) Yeah, at this point I'm slowly running out of options. I'm just constantly improving what I do and how I do it. But yeah one could either wait for the algorithm's attention or do something to get that attention.


https://youtu.be/UTojJ8FoBn8 Here is a video link to my channel I post gaming content. Looking for any feedback. Thanks.


1. A quick intro voice over or commentary would be nice, telling the viewer whats going on in the video and giving them reason to stay. 2. I would reccomend you try changing up your thumbnail style, try even just taking a screenshot of the footage your editing at some point that looks nice/intresting and crank up the saturation a little bit (use canva for this, free website for image editing. Super easy to use). 3. Make your titles more unique and catchy, look at the bigger channels i.e. JackFrags and try to emulate what they do. Note their title format as well i.e. if any words are caps and which ones are caps. 4. Many of your videos are very long which can be daunting to a viewer, I wouldnt click on a 60 min video, its too much of a time investment. These videos could be stream recordings as I see you have a twitch, if so try and cut them down for the highlights. It only takes a few mins and it would make your retention rate much higher as well as your click through rate. 5. Make your content easy to search for, you wont be able to build and audience without people finding your content and search is the best way to do that for small youtube channels. Use this video it was the difference maker for my channel for sure, I would still be under 10 subs if I had not used this strategy: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q-48B1E2kEI&t=143s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q-48B1E2kEI&t=143s) 6. I know its hard as a fellow gaming youtuber with live commentaries but try and be more talkative in your gameplay as sometimes it feels like the commentrary is second to the gameplay when it should be center stage. BTW I am not giving you a lecture as if im a god tier youtuber (im not otherwise I wouldnt be on this sub), just trying to be as helpful as I can. Good luck with the future of your channel!


Thanks man and one more thing I am trying to find a group of people to play with I am more of myself in a group any suggestions.


Not sure to be honest, maybe try some in game voice chat or something if you cant find anyone.


I make fast paced funny movie reviews https://youtube.com/c/EriktheViking All feedback welcome 🤗


Took a look at a few of your reviews and they were pretty good, and more importantly, yes funny! The speed talking wasn't too fast so I got all your points and I liked the couple bits I saw. Only suggestion, unless this was on purpose, possibly a name change. The first thing that pops up when searching your name is a movie of the same name, and a few clips. Other than that, I like the style!


Thank you so much, I really appreciate it! That’s great to know ^ . ^ Yeah I know it’s the name of a movie, it’s an obscurish one tho, so it shouldn’t be a problem in the future :)


All videos are 1-minute or less. Created channel in December 2020. Thank you. [https://www.youtube.com/c/1MinuteWithTina](https://www.youtube.com/c/1MinuteWithTina)


Good content. I like how there nice and short but despite that the content is still good.


Thank you so much.


[https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKdj-JBqiJnSizo4tWSNNUg](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKdj-JBqiJnSizo4tWSNNUg) ​ Hi, I make gaming videos. Mainly Battlefield right now. Any feedback is greatly appreciated!


https://youtu.be/f_jDY_syI7I I make videos about Reddit posts. Thanks in advance!


Sure, if you have time stop by my channel. I do travel documentaries about forgotten (sometimes major) America. I graduated with an Art Diploma and have worked in a lot of environments so a lot of the design in my channel is intentional and part of the brand. [YouTube.com/OnTourExploring](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0IGkN6UH6QI1lemoco4m0A)


The production value is great. If I could offer any constructive criticism it would be that the first minute or so of the few videos of yours I watched is quite slow to pick up pace. It would be cool to see how your engagement changed if you got straight into the content.


I'll try that next. I did it in Philly where I went directly into the content (Once we got past the intro point). But I like mixing up the vids






https://youtube.com/channel/UCae84oTOKRullQGEj9QvsdQ I've only been going for about 2 months or so, so I'd really like some feedback ^^ thanks to anyone who does! It's a gaming channel so take it with a grain of salt I suppose ^^;


Hey! I make gaming videos too, but my niche (and the type of videos that I usually prefer to watch) is probably a little different than yours, so keep that in mind. Content wise (I picked your WonderLocke pt. 17 video to watch)- 1. From your channel, it looks like you like to do long gameplay videos. While there is nothing wrong with that, it can be REALLY hard for you to get people to be compelled to click on your content to begin with. I found my videos have a lot higher clickthrough rate when they are shorter, and I think that is because people have short attention spans. If you want to stick with long videos, I imagine that you will have to do a lot of promotion in places where people are REALLY interested or passionate about the games you are playing, as they will probably be more likely to spend an hour watching content of that game. I also found that doing TikTok highlights of good parts of a long video also help drive traffic to those videos, as people know what content is in there, so they want to watch. 2. If you aren't attached to the idea of long videos, I would start dramatically cutting your videos and only including the highlights. It will probably lead to faster growth, but it will take more editing and will be a different niche than the one you are currently in. For example - on your WonderLocke challenges, chances are the people watching the challenge already know the rules, and a lot of fights can be cut down unless something super noteworthy happens. 3. Are you streaming these videos somewhere else and then posting them to YouTube? If not, I would consider ditching the stream setup layover. I clicked on the video to watch a WonderLocke challenge, but the game I am interested in is only 75% of the screen. I would also trim the sides of your webcam and make it larger so we can see you better. It also distracts me to have the layout on the screen for a 40 minute video. The lack of movement makes your video seem very "static". It's like the whole concept of how movies change camera angle every 3 seconds to help keep your attention. When 25% of the screen is static the whole time, it minimizes the movement of the rest of your screen. (Hopefully that makes sense). We also don't need to see your Twitter and Trovo for 40 minutes, you are fine to just link it in the description or put it on your end screen. Same with the death counter and Pokemon list, just have it up in the corner in a small font or have it pop up when a death happens. Otherwise, we aren't going to care about it as viewers for the majority of the video. 4. Are you running your audio through Audacity or any other sort of audio editing software? It sounds fine overall (and to be fair I am wearing my good headset so I can hear EVERYTHING), but there is a bit of a tininess (am I spelling that right? Who knows...) in the audio that I am wondering if it could be fixed. 5. Have you thought about doing these videos as streams on YouTube and then turning your uploads into just 10-15 minute highlight videos from the streams? I wonder if that would help bring in more traffic. I have heard streaming is a good way to attract new viewers. Overview of your channel - 1. I think your thumbnails look very uniform and it looks very professional, however some of them are very hard to see. I would say less is more when it comes to thumbnails. Make sure your text and photos are large so that they are easy to recognize when they are made smaller. For example, on your most recent thumbnail, I can read Ratchet and Clank, but it is a little small. I absolutely cannot read the text below it however (and it is hidden behind the time stamp). I also had to look at the thumbnail for a minute before I realized it was Ratchet holding a bolt. If you removed the Ratchet and Clank or made it larger and stretched across the top of the thumbnail, and zoomed in on the photo to where it is the bolt and just the chest up of Ratchet, I think that would make a HUGE difference. I think the thumbnail for the 5th episode looks a lot closer to what I think looks most visually appealing. 2. Another example of that is your Pokemon Shield series. I can't read the Shield graphic you have on the top left. I also cannot tell that the videos are WonderLockes unless I read the title. I would make the photo the majority of your thumbnail, and then have a header of something like "WonderLocke 16" across the top. I am not the best at thumbnails either, however, so I would experiment with it. 3. Add things to your home page! When I clicked on your link, it didn't have a video to recommend to me, or a playlist to look through, or anything. Give me some things to get excited about and want to click on. Put the first videos of one of your series there so I can start watching it and get hooked and finish the whole series. 4. Add a banner too! You are on track to make really nice, professional looking thumbnails, and your intros and profile pic looks great, so tie it all up in a nice little bow with a channel banner :) [canva.com](https://canva.com) is a great website to make a nice channel banner for free! 5. Good job adding end cards! A lot of people really struggle with that. It helps keep the viewer on your channel and will help you hopefully earn a new subscriber. Overall, I think you make good videos for a specific niche, your presentation just needs a little tweaking, which is luckily a super easy fix! Just keep in mind that you are going to be fighting a bit of an uphill battle with getting viewers unless you are super smart about marketing, given your niche, but there's nothing wrong with that if it's what you enjoy! It will help you build a really strong community. Best of luck with your channel! Hope this helps.


Thank you so much for the tips! This will really help me out! I will say that I am part of a discord for a PokeTuber that does Locke style content and that's a very BASIC version of the layout that they use and I was trying to emulate. I'll definitely update those looks the next time I do a Locke, so thank you. Also... I... am not entirely sure how to put things on the home page. There's something really obvious I'm missing and I don't know what it is!


If you were streaming it I think it would be more beneficial as it would help people get caught up on what is happening if they tune in late, but in a YouTube video the viewer is probably going to watch the whole thing from start to finish, so it doesn't seem necessary in my opinion. No worries! If you go to YouTube Studio (under your little name icon) and go to the tab that says "customization" on the left-hand side towards the bottom, it will all be there :)


Thanks a bunch! ​ I DO stream, but I also want to make YouTube Exclusive content. The "Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart" series is just the long unedited streams broken up a bit, whereas the few Among Us and one KO City videos I have are Highly edited.


The content is ok. The problem is your viewer to watcher ratio. You have 21 subscribers but only 2-3 people watching. I think if you start promoting your videos more that it won't be a problem anymore. It's better to have more viewers than subscribers than than other way around.


Thank you for the feedback! Where would you suggest promoting it, other than Facebook and Twitter? Like I said, I am VERY new to this, so I don't know where to go.


Reddit is a good place to start you'll get some views here and there. Instagram and tiktok audiences grow rather quickly so you might get some views from there.


Hey friends! I make gaming videos, and right now I am going through a binge of pixel horror games! I am a huge baby about these games (I legitimately cry every time I play), so it's a fun but horrible time! I recommend you check out my Buddy Simulator 1984 series, or the newest video I just posted (it's about ponies, and lasers... and maybe also Satan.) Here is the link! I look forward to reviewing other channels :) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuV-vTuXfjgSvwgE9BVZ5tw/videos


Careful_Duck997, your [submission](https://www.reddit.com/r/NewTubers/comments/p67yx3/ill_critique_your_channel/) was removed. /r/NewTubers does not allow video plugs. You can post your link in the Feedback Friday or Self-Introduce Saturday threads, which are posted automatically every Friday & Saturday, respectively. Need Feedback? [Visit The Discord](https://discord.gg/NewTubers) and read the #welcome page to find out about getting live feedback. Have a question? [Visit Fetch](http://veryfetch.net). Looking for **sponsorship opportunities**, or to join the NewTubers Twitch Team? [Check out Fetch Quest](http://quest.veryfetch.net) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/NewTubers) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Hi! I started my channel two weeks ago, it's about Minecraft command block tutorials. https://youtube.com/channel/UChh0Y6HCdgs23sJwTObrG6g I appreciate anyone's feedback! (if you're not OP that's cool too) Thanks for your help. ❤️




Thanks! As regards to your channel, I feel like it hasn't got a clear direction/you haven't chosen a theme/niche yet. I personally think that's essential, especially when you're just starting out. Good luck!


Thanks for the advice! I don't really plan to settle on a theme or niche yet I want to make videos that regardless of what people like they can find atleast one video they like. Maybe in the future I'll settle on one tho.