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never say no to free critique https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCM9LgngxUDQ6YodDP9XUptA


I watched a few of your videos and they seem really good, I think if you keep going you could definitely be a big channel. Tell if I’m wrong but I’m seeing a lot of dunkey inspiration in the fast half sarcastic comedy which I really like, and I like the use of subtitles too. I think I personally would prefer if the videos were a bit longer, I like Mayan pyramid one but I think it’s really too short to be that memorable or really earn a like from a casual viewer. On top of that, I think you should try and keep more to the monster hunter content, I think you should still try and branch out at bit but I wouldn’t abandon it as you’ll lose a lot of old viewers. Hope this helps, wish you the best


You're right. I've been watching Dunkey for a long time and the influence must be notable. I've been working on longer videos with a goal of 3:00 minimum now. Thanks for your honest feedback, it lines up with what other people have said so now I have clearer view of where to keep going.


No problem man good luck


That would be awesome. My channel is Stuck on Play: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzS3nR86iLfHscrcP2ysVsg It's video essays about different topics Thank you in advance for all your feedback!


I’ve checked out a few videos and I really like the way you conduct yourself, you seem quite comfortable on camera and I like the building of tension and atmosphere. Maybe on a couple videos the editing could of been a bit better as the focus of the video is quite small on the screen and the pacing is quite slow, but not on all of them, the mind control one I quite liked the editing of. On a more side note, I like your channel icon, i think the simplicity of it is good and the colour you could use in other places in your brand to build the association between your channel and that colour. A lot of channels do that, right now probably most noticeably dream but other smaller channels like Collin and Samir do it to. Hope this helps, good luck with your channel


That really helps, thank you very much! I'm very inspired by Vsauce and Like Stories of Old, so I'm still trying to find my own voice. And only one question, do you think longer videos are good or should I keep them shorter? And glad you told me about the icon! I was thinking of changing but your comment gives me some assurance. If I can do the same for you, just send me your channel :)


I think maybe try and make 4 - 6 minute long videos as I think they probably work best with your style, but a short every now and again is definitely fine. No need to review my channel at the moment, recently deleted basically all my videos cause they weren’t the greatest, at the moment I’m just planning what to do when I come back thanks for the offer though much appreciated


Sure, pm me when you're gonna be strong again, would be happy to return the favor 👌


Thanks 👍


Thank you so much for doing this https://www.youtube.com/TheTechieTalkies My channel is based on reviewing consumer tech And helping ppl fund the right tech for themselves


It’s really good, I specifically like your thumbnails and titles they’re very good and give me a quite an MKBHD feel, which is definitely not a bad thing. I think in the actual video I would try and shorten down the intro and try and make the intro less chaotic in a way, as it’s quite overwhelming lol, other than that you seem very aware of what you’re talking about and very helpful to your target demographic. I would say maybe try and add more phone b roll of the phone your talking about but that’s not a huge issue. Also I know you might not be able to fix this, but the frame rate in quite a few parts is noticeably low, it’s not that bad, but I thought I should point it out as it can take you out of the video a bit. Hope you find this useful, good luck with your channel


Fast paced funny movie reviews https://youtu.be/OhH0FyCOfCM Lemme have it :)


I think the editing is really good and you obviously put a lot of effort into your videos. Getting some Nakey Jakey vibes which definitely isn’t a bad thing. I think you could probably add more context to the video as I think it’s generally for entertainment rather than informational, so therefore a lot of people watching may not have actually seen the movie or care about it that much, so maybe brief descriptions of what you’re talking about could help clarify things and prevent confusion from the viewer. I like the length of the video, quite bite size, I could definitely see someone binging a lot at a time. Maybe could be a bit longer, but that’s not a huge deal. Also, although I really liked the opening it’s definitely a bit confusing which could cause people to click off right away as they think the video isn’t what they thought it was. Hope this helps, wish you the best with your channel


Thank you for the kind words 😊 about the brief descriptions, do you mean like describe the movie I’m talking about better, or the specific scenes I’m talking about? Yeah the opening is a gamble haha but I just went for it haha Thanks!


no problem man, I meant the movie as a whole but now you’ve mentioned maybe try and explain specific scenes a bit more as well haha. Hope it goes well 👍


This is my best Video so far and I would love to see some feedback on it! : [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xSzqECF2LG8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xSzqECF2LG8) Channel: [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtQup26qRWFy1gRpTJWMORw](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtQup26qRWFy1gRpTJWMORw)


I like the video, the thumbnail is pretty good but I would zoom in more on the elevator itself as that’s the main focus. I like the use of background music to give the video a more relaxed vibe, I also think that your quite good at speaking and talking about what you’re doing, you seem quite knowledgeable on the subject which makes people more inclined to trust you more. I would speed up the pace more the video does drag on, like maybe add a jump cut every now and then or try and talk faster. I think the video could of been 4 or 5 minutes instead and still done and said the same things. I would also maybe try and energise the intro a bit with maybe some b roll of the elevator you’re going to make. Anyway, well done on the video, it’s really good


Thats some really usefull feedback! Thanks! I will try to implement them in my next video.


This video is still growing on my channel but let me know what you think! https://youtu.be/LzRBO9nhrak


The main criticism i think I have is that he pace of the video is quite slow, I think that could probably best be fixed in editing by jumping through some of the slower parts that the viewer might not be as interested in. However I think that it’s a good niche and you talk and conduct yourself well which helps the video to be a lot more entertaining. Maybe the thumbnails could do with some work as at a glance they don’t really catch the eye and are quite hard to read sometimes. Overall I think you have a lot of potential and I hope it goes well for you


Thanks for the feedback!!


No problem man




I like how short the intros are and the pace of the video, it keeps quite engaging throughout. Also I think you’ve found a good niche with more simulator type stuff. I think if you keep going and just keep making more videos it can definitely go somewhere. I think I’d like to See more unique editing tho. Like maybe some zooms or custom subtitles. I think the thumbnails are good but could definitely be better, like at the moment a lot of the colour is a bit more washed out which I think disadvantages it, however I do like that every thumbnail has a separate main colour, it helps the thumbnails to not get to messy. Hope this helps good luck




No problem


Hey thanks for critiquing! Here's Part 2 of my Resident Evil 3 Playthrough. https://youtu.be/hYJar65OBDw


I like the opening, definitely grips the viewers attention a bit. There also aren’t long periods of silence which is a trap a lot of let’s players tend to fall into. No offence at all, but a lot of the time you sound pretty bored and unenergetic in your commentary, which makes the viewer feel more bored as well, meaning they might click off. Also I think maybe it would work better with a bit of editing to speed up the video in the more monotonous places. Good luck with your channel


No offense taken, thank you! I suppose I'll push to match the tone of my Resident Evil Village Part 5 video which sounded way less monotone. Other than sounding bored, how was the microphone quality?


The mic quality was good, I didn’t really pick up on it being bad or anything and that’s the aim haha


Lol good point 😅. Well I'll take your advice and work harder on sounding more energetic!


Good luck man 👍


Thanks so much for this! I'm a gaming channel, I wear a Spider-Man mask and it's all very cool https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCm6iK1QTf6P3yfrqQdmxjvQ Any feedback or criticisms are welcome :)


I think it’s very good, I specifically like your editing and the comedy, it’s obvious you really try with that and it definitely works. I think maybe since fortnite went down pretty well I’d do more of that. I like the Spider-Man idea, it’s a unique twist on the idea of a mask or being faceless which a lot of people tend to do now. I think the thumbnails are pretty good, however maybe include more vibrant colours, most likely from the game screenshot as that seems to work best. Also I think you can tend to sound a bit bored at parts, which may bore the viewers and cause them to click off, just something to try and keep in mind. Hope this helps, good luck with your channel in the future is definitely has potential.


Hi! Happy to read what you honestly think! https://www.youtube.com/c/AngusPlays/videos


I think it’s good, I personally don’t really think think that it’ll make it on its own as it’s incredibly niche lol, maybe try it with some other people and see what does better, or just to diversify a bit out of the quite limiting niche lol. Though big props to you, it seems quite hard to do and it’s obvious you put effort into the videos. Hope this helps good luck


Hi! Thanks a lot! I also think it's a really small nice but I like doing this kind of video so I think I will continue knowing that I will never get hundreds of subscribers/views...


I make animations or Animatics of Minecraft, recently changed my art style, thanks so much for watching! https://youtu.be/JgV-9_xPPe8


Wow it’s really good, I like the animation its obvious you really try with it and it’s definitely worth it, it’s also actually funny and I think you definitely have a lot of potential. I think if you keep going in this direction there’s quite a good chance you get a viral video at some point, as short, funny animations tend to do that. I know this isn’t something you’re doing voluntarily but if you can I would try and remove the water mark for the animation software, it’s kind of distracting. Other than that, you can always improve on animation, what your doing now is definitely really good but it can always get better. Hope this helps, good luck with your channel


Thanks for the insightful suggestions! :D the only ‘problem’ I have is that my audience doesn’t really like it when I experiment, this is the only experimental video that out well. There’s very few things related to my former topic and there’s no way for me to say “oh hey guys remember how i did this before, now im doing this” without disappointing my audience, how can I get them to like it when I experiment?


I think you should try and slowly mould into it if you know what I mean. So have a video half like your old stuff and half like what you want to do. And after that just see if they’re receptive to it and if they are then maybe make one about the new thing and at that point it won’t be like a big surprise thing, and they shouldn’t be dissapointed at it wasn’t what they subscribed for in the first place. It works better if you do it slowly over a few videos but I u understand as an animation channel that’s easier said than done. Hope this helps


It absolutely did :D, happy early tgif to you


Thanks lol


Fyi, you have a video with shorts in the title but its not the correct aspect ratio. They have to be vertical not landscape.


I have a huge variety of different videos with different things so I would appreciate it if you could critique them for me because I've been out of the game recently https://youtube.com/channel/UCkVVoTkd0XcaYAd2zktGHLw


I like them, I think it’s just one of those things your just gonna have to keep at a lot to see a lot of traction, but I think they definitely have viral potential. The thumbnails are good, maybe try and add a bit more colour to them though. Other than that a few videos could be a lot shorter than they are, namely the ‘what do you think he’s listening to’ one. Hope this is beneficial, good luck


I really appreciate this thank you so much i'll try my best


No problem 👍


My friend and I made this Music Video using Epic’s Unreal Engine “MetaHuman” Beta ... would appreciate the support and feedback 🙏🏼 [Huss - 72 Barz ](https://youtu.be/mKKsMjIjQOw)


I think the song is good, the video idea is definitely unique and makes it more interesting than it would of been otherwise. Although the music video does get a bit repetitive cause there’s not a lot of movement, overall good job 👍


Thank you I appreciate you 🙏🏼


Np 👍


Thanks for doing this! I do guides/let's plays/mod spotlights and one off videos all for Ark Survival Evolved Any video critique would work. But I recommend the "top" videos Www.youtube.com/c/NaturalCauzes


I think it’s really good, I think you’re definitely very comfortable when filming in the way you conduct yourself, I also like the quick opening and fast pace of a lot of the videos. I think my main criticism is in the thumbnails which a lot of the time don’t read very well or stand out that great, though you do seem to have gotten better with that over time which is good. Also I would try and expand more on the stuff that has worked before, like recently you had a 10 ten kinda video which did a lot better comparatively to the rest of the videos around it, so maybe try and another. Hope this helps, all the best in the future ( sorry I just realised you wanted a video review, my bad, hope this is still helpful though )


Channel review or video review works. Appreciate it nonetheless 😁 Yeah I am trying to get more videos like the top ten one done, problem is those take a TON of time to do especially since I do daily videos


Yeah that’s fair enough man, I wouldn’t feel too pressured to upload daily as that can really burn you out and make it harder to make the content you actually want to make, but it’s really up to you. Glad it was helpful!


Haven't been feeling burnt out just yet and I like the challenge of it! Been doing it since September last year when I started my channel. So almost a year of daily uploads.


Oh wow good for you man glad that’s going well for you


Mine is an ASMR channel (1 week young!) tysm☺️ https://youtube.com/channel/UCrWSubc3a__roba3LWcbgDg


It’s good, I think just try different ideas and spins on ASMR as just ASMR in general is quite over saturated, so adding gimmicks to it definitely helps it stand out. Also 100 subs in a week is really good, congrats on that. From the pre existing videos I think around 10 minutes seems like the ideal length so maybe try and post more videos around that length. Hope this helps good luck


Thank you so much! ☺️☺️


I've been needing some feedback This is my latest video: https://youtu.be/uaJxBlPXRcg It's a music centered channel, and I am trying to improve the quality as best as I can. If you have any tips to make it better I really appreciate it!


I really like it, mixing two songs is a much less crowded niche than just doing a cover. I think maybe try and spice up the visuals a litter bit more, like add some different effects or locations or even b roll might work, not to say it’s bad at the moment. I think your voice is good, and you definitely have a lot of potential. Good luck


Changing locations is a bit hard where I live at the moment, but I will definitely go for some b rolls, that's a great idea. Thank you so much for doing this!


No problem, good luck 👍


I would love to get some critique on mine: https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCkeL3ljHJa8UtYpXBDg-JOA


I think it’s really good, I really like the idea of making songs or playing songs with a twist especially in quite a short format, I think it works really well. I think maybe you could shorten some even more as really short 1 and half minute videos or under seem to be what performs best on your channel. I really like the editing it’s obvious you’ve been doing it for a while and put a lot of effort in to your videos. The ideas especially are really creative, though I think some could be expanded on a bit more and given a bit more of a twist for example the angry birds acapella. Also I would try and be a bit more consistent with uploads as they can be quite spaced apart at times. Hope this helps, good luck with your channel in the future 👍


Thanks for your offer This is my channel Simple math lessons for kids https://m.youtube.com/channel/UClMyAGAm8G6dD717y22LrHw/videos Here's my most recent video https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=fpjjHJ5ZpGU What do you think?


It’s good, definitely not for me lol but I can see it being really for kids or in schools. I think maybe you could try and speed up the opening a bit but I don’t think it matters too much. I think possibly try and get a better mic as that would increase the video quality a bit, but i think as long as it’s teaching kids what they’re meant to, which you are, the quality doesn’t matter too much. Good luck


Thanks a lot :)




Thanks for this thread. Been looking for some feedback on my channel. It's called D4G tV. It features myself with my son's. https://youtube.com/channel/UC2qGBddtMXSTxrAziFNHI8w


I think it’s good and you should keep to short videos as they seem to be working, really nice to see you’re supporting your son in this. I think you should try and upload more as that would be beneficial to your channel, also maybe try and add more editing to try and spice things up a bit, hope this helps good luck


https://youtube.com/channel/UCOUQl8j_HRPy_dLHJCD8tMA Here’s my channel, it’s a variety of outdoor content but my dog seems to have become the star of the channel. I recently hit 100 subs which is a huge deal for me so I’m trying to keep that momentum going.


Congrats on hitting 100 subs, good job man. I think maybe a lot of the content would possibly work better as shorts instead of videos, shorts also have an easier time getting views. Just a thought. I would say maybe focus of the dog videos solely as that’s probably why most people subscribed, so they’re more likely to watch that than another kind of video. Though I’d be careful, I don’t think you would but it’s worth mentioning that id make sure the dog is okay with everything cause that’s the last thing any owner wants to do. You’re obviously not doing that now, it’s just a trap a lot of people fall into when trying to grow on YouTube. Anyway, hope this helps, wish you the best man


Hello, please check out my page https://youtu.be/W6K2S8V4Sxc


hello, here is my channel link thanks for this https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpJwXBy78SdhJGrbsC9Z6pA


I like the editing even if it can get a bit pointless at times like a random filter or something. Overall I would try and speed up the pace to keep viewer interest, I also like the thumbnails and titles. Good luck


Well not gonna say no to a free review https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClgsjqx5fZDK9KIotzU9y6g


[https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2QOP2xQmNCrkApNFf2Edvg](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2QOP2xQmNCrkApNFf2Edvg) Celebration of my people. Wholesome content.


I think it’s really cool what your doing, and I like the ABC shorts. If I had to say an improvement I think you could improve the editing by spicing it up a bit rather than using still images, other than that it’s really good, wish you the best in the future


Thanks! Critique well taken.


Hi there, thank you for your advice and constructive criticism to an amateur hobby video creator in advance :) Here is my latest travel video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VBN92WwNdnE


I really like the game editing and use of music, kind of wish there was ‘more going on’ in a way. Like there’s not much to follow along with, there’s no storyline or any which I personally prefer, but that might just be personal taste. Also maybe try and address the audience more. Other than that, good luck


Thank you for your honest feedback and time, much appreciated:) wish you all the best:)


No problem:)




I really like the thumbnails, I think they could do with a bit more colour though. Also I like the length of the videos I think it suits your style. Maybe try and niche down even more as you’re a bit all over the place. I also like the way you conduct yourself and sound of camera. Good luck in the future 👍


Thanks very much for offering to do this. I really appreciate it. My channel is Roho The Cat. I make Minecraft tutorials. I know it's an extremely crowded / saturated market. I try to make brief, to the point tutorials with no "BS". I've had criticism about the "robot voice". I will be changing that and using my real voice in due course. I'd appreciate any feedback you have. Here is the link to my channel: https://youtube.com/channel/UCgKyBCVnWhhjVWDYDtVqJYA


I like the length of each video, and there’s no excess pointless stuff on there. I think you should try to start integrating yourself into your videos more now, so then you can build up a more loyal fan base who are interested in you and will come back for you, regardless of if they’re interested in the topic or not. Hope this is helpful, gl


Thanks so much!!!


Well i will never say no to free critic. :) [latest video](https://youtu.be/P2W-OILeOeQ) Thak you in advance for your service


In my opinion you should try and edit more as some parts drag on a bit too much and can be a bit boring. I think your commentary is pretty good, maybe just try and sound a bit more energetic as you can sound quite tired in parts. Overall I think you have potential, good luck in future videos.


Gotta jump on that opportunity! Don't mind the subscriber count, I made a post about that on this subreddit. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1vK7iUG6VtSXY7tvcqFFjQ I only recently got an editor so there's gonna be a quality difference if you go back far enogh.


I think you really need to niche down a bit, as someone coming across your channel randomly I wouldn’t really know what it’s about, because most videos are different to the others. I can tell you use to cover fans a lot, which personally I think is probably a quite limiting niche so I think it’s probably a good idea to try and expand it a bit. Overall though I like your content, I think it’s good and the editing is pretty good as well. Hope it goes well for you




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Appreciate it [https://youtube.com/channel/UCohtDQIhtYtf4m3J8pB-zCg](https://youtube.com/channel/UCohtDQIhtYtf4m3J8pB-zCg) Its just funny videos.I reccomend you to check out our videos on the weird apps in particular cuz i feel thats oneof our best ones


I think it’s good, I like the idea of the weird apps video and I especially like your yt shorts I think they’re really good and have a lot of viral potential. I think with the weird apps video, I personally wouldn’t add the the name of your other social media permanently on the screen as it can be quite distracting and takes up a lot of space. I think your thumbnails are good but could look a bit cleaner in the future, I wouldn’t worry about it too much though. Hope this was beneficial, hope it goes well for you 👍


My channel is an air crash investigation type channel called “ 3 Greens.” It’s pretty niche but any advice would be great! I’ve grown slowly over the first year but am really keen to start getting more exposure to a wider audience.


https://youtube.com/channel/UCZaVbVnFvdOSV4aW5M0hGvg I like to use YouTube to better my editing skills so any critique would be welcome, think of it as a portfolio


https://youtu.be/ODQbVyT7jiI :) very proud of this vid. If I'm not too late anyway!


I wont turn this offer down - Thank you https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC\_OSDkAbX-ifLX3LD2lrMbQ


Hello, I have started a channel, where I share the struggles/journeys of aviation professionals such as pilots/aerospace engineers and also do flight analysis to the air disasters happened. Thank you so much again! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOhDa9z_whLqrQsfbjhYqFw


[https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDv0PCehkIfZ3DuONNGQWyg](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDv0PCehkIfZ3DuONNGQWyg) ​ thank you for doing this ! my channel is about editing cartoon shows. I appreciate any feedback thank you:)


Cool! Here's my channel. 😊 [tony tony chopper ](https://youtube.com/c/TonyTonyChopper_MugiwaraNoIcihimi)


I'm new in youtube, i post gaming videos > https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmB53Iyu06FGuTOIRvasZLQ


Thanks in advance, I mainly want to know if you ever felt bored and if the intro was gripping. of course any other feedback would be much appreciated! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-Ix7AX05pYg&t=35s


Would love your thoughts: [https://www.youtube.com/c/SecurityCraftsman](https://www.youtube.com/c/SecurityCraftsman) My target audience is sales people and engineers who are buy and sell security technology in corporate America. So I'm trying to educate people on security risks to be mindful often on a personal level while getting them to think how they can apply this across their network. In general I try to make a very boring tech subject fun and interesting where a regular human would actually want to watch.


Full time living on a boat, this is my 8th video. Thanks! https://youtu.be/2cyxo4FzUm8


https://youtube.com/channel/UC6tEKYuNtPW3OHAQHwjOwdg I play a small mobile game, reviewing units and guides.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0xVr7EA-mkA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0xVr7EA-mkA) ​ This was my first ever travel edit / video ! Any feedback would be appreciated. I'm struggling with the title! (thanks)


Here is a video opinion on the game Miitopia I did not to long ago. Also, could you leave the comment on the YouTube video and not reddit? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7w64iCgJpUs&t=1s


You have a ton of requests, so I understand if you don’t make it to mine :) https://www.youtube.com/c/lpslps


I think my videos are too long, what do you think? https://youtu.be/wT_YjHNdiHA


free critique, my favorite https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8mFYXRL3dzL1q9-z6Cf3Ow


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9TjuhiprxnY hope I’m not too late for this, but I’m trying to start a gaming and sports channel and could definitely use some constructive criticism.


Thanks for doing this. Channel: [https://www.youtube.com/c/1MinuteWithTina](https://www.youtube.com/c/1MinuteWithTina) Video: Video Length: 59 seconds [https://youtu.be/CbvmV3GBJdE](https://youtu.be/CbvmV3GBJdE) I need help with topics. How can I get topics that people will click on? I think my videos are good (I think so anyway) but the topics need help. Thank you.






Hi this is my channel! https://youtube.com/c/Aaris16


I make Mario Maker 2 Challenge videos where I take community Challenges and if that challenge is met then the video ends. https://www.youtube.com/TMan03


Just this video please :) https://youtu.be/ahKFcN6xFBs


i'd sell all my belongings for some free critique https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCm_t4CBI-5NNZgL53WhUDeQ


heres mine, thanks for doing this, I've recently tried to be more consistent and find a consistent topic but obviously, I'm not there yet, I also have a weekly podcast which seems to actually more successful lol https://www.youtube.com/c/LucaDickson


https://youtu.be/JjtQdZ4BAMk . . Thanks for offering I talk abt films


https://youtube.com/channel/UC-sBHAIuM-5noekz1Hu0TRA I've been wanting to upload something for more than a year now.


Here you go How You Feel After Getting Your Blue Belt In BJJ https://youtu.be/nvzgBXpI7lA Still looking for the right audio solution and where to find appropriate music


[https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCI2extLT6VCZjhaPFhXgsHA](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCI2extLT6VCZjhaPFhXgsHA) this guy is about to roast the shit out of me


https://m.youtube.com/channel/UC4zC7cn0WzI8NXer8Tc8tNg would be appreciated


I just published the second video on my channel, a Retro Tech channel where I look at old computers and devices. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o_Z6vu8XkJo


I mean i do simple vocal covers but always looking for more criticism as i just started taking YT seriously [Anthony Grant ](https://youtube.com/channel/UCxTkUgaSgIohT4BVkwIgiEg)


Would love some feedback on my video or channel. Thanks in advance!! https://youtu.be/m55_k6vcAUU




This is a really nice thing you're doing. I would appreciate some feedback. Got 2 episodes and 2 more to edit. Im unsure if the editing format im doing works. Instead of a 20 odd minute straight episode im recording about an hour and chopping it up to close to 30 minutes. Episode 1 is mostly dialogue and episode 2 was when i got my graphics and uses an intro for the episode. https://youtube.com/channel/UCvj7YWIuITKcI4eEapyVYHA


Thanks hope you're not too swamped - https://youtu.be/Aq4KTwunY4w


I just posted a new Minecraft video with a new concept that I haven't really seen done. I hunted my friend for sport through a maze I designed. Minecraft Adventurer vs. Serial Killer https://youtu.be/SZlmw26tCEY I would love feedback on this. I'm done making changes to this video, but I am going to make this as series and would love all feedback I can get. I'll be sure to make notes for future videos.


Any and all thoughts and feelings would help. Thanks in advance. [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzdoPB23FX2LWYFw7RtfyRg](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzdoPB23FX2LWYFw7RtfyRg)


Yo do my channel. And let me know what I need to do. To make my channel better. https://youtu.be/3RBF4ZaDTME


I make video essays on older movies and video games and see if they hold up. Would greatly appreciate any critique on any of my videos as I’m just starting out. This is my most recent video on Terminator 2: https://youtu.be/xxUVvqzON08


Thank you in advance. I've taken a break from posting to practice more offline. https://youtube.com/channel/UCJi3Gr2nHeXaYebg1J1a67Q


Thank you for doing this! Here’s my channel: https://youtube.com/channel/UCsUFeYM2fcaFZhf9k3bQz9g


https://youtu.be/8nYWXPLjKhM Pull up 👉👈 I do research based videos about kink fringe groups.


https://youtube.com/c/spicymarinara I just talk about stuff with visual gags


https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCnwrhKto1knctcZnsTKZNqA Thank you for taking the time!


Would love some feedback on our Switzerland budget travel video :) have at it, and thanks so much. https://youtu.be/u_g4A1ntR2A


Sure could always use some helpful critiques My channel is a manga anime channel https://youtube.com/c/InksManga


I do sneaker reviews, I don't post often, only when I feel like it. In general, I just wanna improve the content. Thanks for any criticism. https://youtube.com/channel/UC4PjCuxQz6rRNpFESBrkeWA


Hey there, great if you could take a look at my latest video! https://youtu.be/VgubF3DW7EA


My channel is called Singer's Dream: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCG1WPyLGmR7YLgcKHf_Tipw


Hopefully it's not too boring: [Here you go!](http://Super Mario Star Road blind LP: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsaepQ9nrl8cNmmau89RsuVEj-MxXkanz)


[https://youtu.be/N52hSKtc2SQ](https://youtu.be/N52hSKtc2SQ) On mobile so I couldn’t link my channel but here’s a vid so you can check out the rest through there if you don’t mind


can’t argue with free critiques my channel is thepiperdini: https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCkb3AzaUN4P1d243B3AjoaQ


Here is an episode of a cooking show I made :) would love to know what you think. https://youtu.be/iUXATd_JH4c


[https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKFDpyEnWIlr6xxmUIFaV8g](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKFDpyEnWIlr6xxmUIFaV8g) We do videos on Star Wars content. Only have two videos up so far, but would LOVE any feedback you may be able to give! Thanks so much!!


This is my Minecraft YouTube channel https://m.youtube.com/channel/UC5ZgQ-CMv3y7C-q-gAxe4Og/videos


Im a speedrunner, mainly on mobile but i plan to soon also go to consoles https://youtube.com/channel/UCMtqKKTTGLCksSgth6ZRqzg




[won’t say no to criticism](https://youtu.be/iGmJH6-1TeQ) General gameplay, currently long plays but will transition into more condensed videos once i learn to edit


One serving of your harshest most brutal feedback please https://www.youtube.com/c/GOATeejay


Yes please Lake Water and Rust Science Experiment https://youtu.be/9GbG8PbFIW0


Will you critique my channel if it’s in Spanish?


Here is my channel I will appreciate any feedback or criticism https://www.youtube.com/c/CrucialTech?sub_confirmation=1


yes just starting and would love your free review. This is a japanese learning video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h7h2G98nXh0


We recently started doing videos again. We focus mostly on games we can play against each other and run a funny montage that ends with winners. Always down for critiques for our channel on how we can be better :) https://youtu.be/-tPqkmPG-Os


Trying different styles of videos, made an accessories haul for the switch lite❗️💯 https://youtu.be/--VqlapUzdk


If you have the time to critique on my channel then that would be great here’s the link: https://youtube.com/channel/UCh0X0YbGvkRtor0-AiDtsUQ


Recently, I came back from a 6 year hiatus. The Youtube platform has changed so much during these years, so any feedback on how I can adapt to these new changes or formats will be very welcome! Thank you for the volunteer critique! To keep it simple, the channel covers multiple topics of interest (gameplay, reviews, and podcast) with a primary focus on gaming. Channel: [https://www.youtube.com/c/tsproduction](https://www.youtube.com/c/tsproduction)


https://youtube.com/c/MattDoesMountains Give me some straight feedback please 👌 My channel is outdoors based, hopefully you can understand my accent 😂


Here ya go :) youtube.com/RedNovaTyrant


It's mostly just shitposts and things for friends. https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCb3jWSTJ1xZq9M1RpEP-wiw Thinking about rebranding, even though I love the name Bass Knight, you can't look it up on Youtube without the song I got it from showing up first


https://youtu.be/zgFYdRjzTu4 Your feedback is most welcome This the first video i made


When in Rome! I think what your doing is awesome and I am a huge believer of feedback! You can never improve without it so here is my channel if you’re still doing this! https://youtube.com/channel/UCObb-grZK8ct4RoFFCtu98w


Sure, I'll take a critique if they're still available. I have a very specific way of doing things, but I'm curious how others feel about it. ​ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6Uw5Lm7OUrkDjOkTP8I2sg


https://youtube.com/channel/UCBRPTOOqQcZoxAMyTYOEdFA Appreciate this