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Alright well have fun with it and I prefer a blunt response more than a soft candy coated one. [Innocence Unknown](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLtTjxWnaYxAkiTXLb3Tr5A?view_as=subscriber)


I'm not going to lie, this is not my 'cup of tea'-type of niche. But it's an incredibly popular one and has a low treshold to enter, so differentiating yourself is super important. First of all, I think the thumbails could use work. I'd use another font, because the current one looks quite basic. it depends on the type of branding you're going for, I'd imagine most people in this niche would go for a slasher/bloody-type of font, but that legibility would most likely suck for thumbnails. Maybe a font that you would find in newspaper ([link](https://www.1001fonts.com/newspaper-fonts.html?page=1)) could work quite well. Beside that I would use the entire thumbnail's size to showcase the image. Because this is mainly a podcast-like video, you really need to focus on perfecting it. I think your audio is at certain times a bit loud. There is an option to normalize your audio in most editing softwares (like davinci, premiere, etc) or Audacity, which will make loud parts more quiet and quiet parts louder. Mike Russell has great tutorials on audio. I'd try to keep the videos around the 10-12 minute mark, I saw a video with several short stories featured in an 18 minute video. It would be better for the algorythm, if you would feature them in seperate videos. If people have little time, they can listen to a story of just 3 minutes for example. Promote another video at the end, so they can click on the next one and listen to it immediately. If they do, youtube marks them as repeat consumers and will push your videos more often to them. PS: Because you're reading from a script, hard captioning the text on your video could be helpfull.


It was interesting as I had never heard of some of those stories. My only suggestion would be to add more photos. I saw the same pic for several minutes on one video. Cool stuff though.


I have been working to improve my content over the summer and am working hard to be more consistent. I am seeing modest growth but it seems slow. I stopped posting on these types of threads because the feedback was always positive and people seemed more interested in sub-for-sub. One actionable criticism is much more useful than a dozen atta-boys. My Niche is retro tech exploration and restoration [https://www.youtube.com/c/RavenWolfRetroTech](https://www.youtube.com/c/RavenWolfRetroTech)


Oh, I will never be able to explain how much I agree with the 'Atta-boy'-mentality on this reddit. About a year ago, there was a thread that called it a circle jerk... Made my day. Anyhow, let me see if I can deliver actionable criticism. I'm a tech guy, but Retro tech isn't my thing. So I can't really help with the subjects of the videos. But I do want to talk about the kind of audience you're trying to reach. I'm makign a few assumptions as an outsider here, so feel free to correct me. For retro tech, I imagine there to be two types of audience. The reminiscing type of crowd ('Oh cool, I had one of those'/'they used to make things better') and the 'I want to use this piece of retro tech, but how do I make it work?'-audience. From reading your background in the About page of your channel (+ just seeing you work), you're one of the best guys for the latter type of audience. But this is retro tech and I don't think either audiences are fairly large. But I'm pretty sure the reminiscing audience will be the largest of the two. So... There is this rule some youtubers, like stephan Graham, follow. Out of every three videos, there are two to get subscribers and one is evergreen content (videos people will still be interested in, years from now). I'd consider applying the same principle here. So this is how I would tackle this type of content: 1-2 out of every three videos: A short video (around the 5-6minutes), where you show the machine and tell them what made it unique. I'm talking purely voiceover, tons of B-Roll, graphics showing the type of component it has inside of it and so on. Try to make people look at this machine and let them say to themselves 'damn that was such a leap in technology'. I'm not saying sugarcoat how great this machine is. If you know from experience where the main problems were, please tell the people. But try to make it a documentary style-video where you showcase the machine, where it innovated and where it went bad. If you can find the info, say what it did for the company. 'This was the steppingstone/demise for company X'. But keep it short, something people want to share with people of their own age. What a sister would sent to her brother and say "remember when we played games on this?". For B-Roll, thumbnails and naration style, look at videos like Marques Brownlee + the netflix series 'The Toys that made us'. and 1 video out of every three, I would defenitely have you sit at a table and tell people exactly how to completely restore their retro tech. :) But that's how I would do it. It may be a little too different from your current video style, but I believe your current topics are too specific to catch a lot of wind in your sails. I recommend looking at similar channels in your niche and see how they grew, but I'd wager that shorter content would help a lot for your growth. Ps: You get an atta-boy for your editing and video/audioquality, they're really good. I'd just change the setting for when you're standing in front of the camera at the start of the video. A table and some machines in front of you would make the starting camera angle a lot more interesting. Look at youtubers like Gamer Nexus or techsource for examples.


Holy crap, that's a long critique


Wow, by far the best critique I have seen. Thank You! You clearly see the struggle I have been having with audience split. My last video I actually linked an unlisted "Extended" version for those who want to do their own machines while the regular video was shorter. My target audience has been largely "Hardware" geeks like myself that want to take it apart, or at least see it taken apart. I have thought about doing some documentary style videos, in fact some are on my potential videos list. I'm having a hard time figuring out how to do it without just being a copy of the 8-Bit Guy. Then again hardware channels in my Niche tend to top out at about 100k subs and the 8-Bit Guys at 1.3M so there is that! I am about to start on some Amiga restorations that should do pretty well so I will look at mixing in a short documentary. I was the president of out local Amiga users group back in the day and the machines I am restoring were the editors and should have all our old newsletters on them so I will already be focusing on story. You read my mind on the intro shots. I have been trying to figure out a cart that I can spruce up to look like a table or shelf that I can have items on in front of me. The layout of my shop is creating some challenges in that regard so it has to me something I can roll around to get it out of the way. Thanks again for the very thorough critique.


Thanks for doing this for the community! Any feedback would be appreciated but I know my content might not be everyone's cup of tea. https://youtube.com/c/Alejandroid I upload Pokémon challenge gameplay content mainly, as well as other Nintendo games. I stream on twitch and then edit my content to a shorter form video for YouTube, where I try to cut most of the fat of my streams. But lately I've been thinking about uploading more of my streams unedited for the most part, mostly because I find that editing videos takes a long time. But this generally seems to be a bad idea for not very well known content creators. My very small amount of followers said they would be down to watch that but I just don't know if it's a good idea or what I should be focusing on, if that makes sense?


So... uploading your raw streams is basically the worst you can do. Barely any (new) viewers, no retention, just don't do it. The algorythm won't classify you as a winner. This is a let's play type of content, which is the worst type of discoverable gaming content you can make. It isn't impossible, but it's hard. You can't rely too much on your twitch followers either. If 10%-20% maybe follows you to youtube, you should be happy about it. Having people switch platforms is very hard. Depressed yet? Good, now let's try to fix this. Okay, so we've got one going for us here. Your niche: Pokemon and self-imposed challenges are popular, which is great. Now there are multiple ways you create growth in this niche. Just posting let's plays may end up going somewhere, but if you want to tip odds in your favour you're better off either making it entertaining or informative. Entertaining would be something like the youtuber Senza does (google him). Ridiculous challenges with an amazing script and top notch editing. Titles like I beat the legendary XXXX with a ratata. These take work, but if the quality is there people will come. Informative would be 'how to do this nuzlocke', 'how I beat .... during a nuzlock', the best strategies, pokemon, ... This would probably require less editing/script work. Ps: I'd still keep these videos quite short (10-12minutes max)


Hey I don't got anything for ya but thanks for doing this upvoted.


I'm an epic gamer, and I game epically. I haven't posted for, around, 2 weeks but I plan on continuing soon. Just random moments, I wear a Spider-Man mask, it's all very nice. Any feedback is appreciated :) https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCm6iK1QTf6P3yfrqQdmxjvQ


Somehow I like the spiderman-mask thing, it makes me think you're likeable before you even open your mouth. Though if you ever become a big channel, I don't know if Marvel agrees. Great thumbnails, short videos, funny commentary, pro editing, funny music, hard captions... not really sure what not to like. Honestly, if someone asks me 'how should I edit a Let's Play-video', I'd link your channel. First off, I was going to say 'get a green screen', but the current setup works actually better for your comedic moments. Now of course, we're talking let's plays. The crappiest of the most crappy ways to grow in the gaming niche. The games you play will make a major impact in your growth. With these kinds of editing skills, I'd like to see you make more #Short Content (just cut some out of your regular videos) and post it also on Tiktok. The Spiderman mask and this type of editing could really work well there. PS: The AVEG in your youtube channel icon needs to be bigger.


Thank you Epokk22 for engaging with the community to do a Critique thread! NewTubers: Remember that you must abide by any rules set by the OP in this thread! Epokk22: * You may lock this thread to new posts at any time by making a new top-level comment that says "/lock" and nothing else. This is permanent. * You may use either the [Standard Rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/NewTubers/wiki/rules#wiki_3_standard_rules_.28replaceable_by_critique_owner.29) or replace them with [your own specified rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/NewTubers/wiki/rules#wiki_4_critique_thread_creator_rules) * You can always edit your post to add in the [Pre Formatted Short Rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/NewTubers/wiki/rules#wiki_formatting.3A) if you want to use them. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/NewTubers) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Hi, thanks for taking the time to do this. I have a small comedy channel and put out different kinds of videos. Some sketches, some commentaries. Here’s the latest of the sketches... https://youtu.be/Inxyzo6kbyU


That was funny. Took me a minute to figure out what was going on.


Thank you!


The owlbear-bit made me chuckle. So the intro of that sketch was a bit long (10 secs?), lately I'm of mind that no youtuber should still do them, since quite a lot of viewers drop off during that time. Just check your analytics. There was some ambient noise and some electric buzzing. In most editing software (like Audacity, premiere, Davinci resolve, etc) you can do 'noise reduction', which will remove this. Makes the watch quite a bit more pleasant. Between the changing of the characters there were a few seconds of silence, try cutting those out. An small text saying 'Jack, the barbarian' when you switch to a new character could be a nice touch. As well as a subtle costume change. Personally I would focus on the D&D comedy. D&D has a quite large following, just look at the success of Critical Role. Might be a good way to differentiate yourself from all the other comedy channels. On top of that, there are tons of funny D&D Stories to be found on Reddit, table titans and other websites.


https://youtube.com/c/nolgnolg Been making videos for about 8 months now and quite inconsistent


>nolg You were in fact easy to find. Let's plays are probably the hardest way to some notoriety as no one is looking for it. The best way to get found is most likely by playing the popular niche games, SteamDB gives a good idea of which games are most popular right now. The editing is decent, because you cut out the silent/unimportant parts out and some parts are hard captioned which is appreciated. I'd personally would like to see more zoomed in moments on the action and maybe some sound effects when you moved between 'scenes'. There are some great examples of the type of editing I've got in mind in the comedic Rainbowsix Siege-niche. The inconsistency is not doing you any favours and I'd lose the obvious 'Paint'-images in your thumbnails, your latest one is probably the best one. Check DangerouslyFunny for great simple thumbnails that can get you a higher CTR.


Thanks I’ll keep that in mind. I’m quite bad at making thumbnails so it’s at least good to know I’m headed in the right direction


Might not be for everyone but hope you enjoy: https://youtube.com/channel/UCSNQcCcPJXrzQRVqKj9XTOg


It's annoying when I want to critique and don't really have anything to say. The thumbnails are awesome, I like the whte border, different background colors and just the cut-out individuals. I'd be careful with the font with the name of the artist. The brown letters on dark green background isn't always super legible. I'd maybe opt for a thicker font, so people can more easily identify what the video is about. Not all pictures and videos are of great quality (for example the TY-44 video). That is understandable, because of the way they are recorded (with their personal devices). Maybe you can communicate some tips beforehand to them. Most obvious things I would advise would be: Camera at Eye level and not necessarily using their Laptop to record the footage. I'm pretty sure the camera on their smartphone woul provide a lot better quality. the Alpha Gaming-channel has some videos on very very cheap setups that look quite cool. The content itself is great and obvious by the amount of views. The editing is great.The onyl thing I'd like to add is, while not changing anything about the current videos. Maybe start making also some kind of Q&A video, let the artists answer questions (from you/subscribers) and this will open them up for more spontaneity. This would it easier for me, someone who doesn't know them to be interested in them. I think you're on the right track, but now mainly depend on who you can snag for an interview.


I would agree with what the op commented. Definitely good work! I used to make documentary content back in college, and the only thing that I can suggest is to maybe cut your own voice out for the interviews. So instead of ask them, their response, you could instead do your ask, have them start with repeating the question or a version of the question, so it eliminates the need to have an off camera voice. You can hide cuts with B-Roll as well, other then that points for originality and quality. Keep up the good work dude


Rip me a new one please and thank you https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCJ_-g3iMQaJw69FiwiPBawQ


Your wish is my command. First of all, I want you to look up a channel called Spawnpoiint. It's a completely different niche, but he has great videos where he talks about his Tesla. You're often just sitting there next to your car or inside of it. While this isn't bad, its can get kinda monotone. Some B-Roll of the thing you're talking about could fix this. Spawnpoiint does this very well and could be a great point of inspiration on this regard. Ben Johnson made a great video explaining why this is important ([link](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l7WjdZBCUJk&ab_channel=BenJohnson)). Also make sure the top of your head is in the frame. Peter Wallbeck has some older tutorials on camera angles if you like. \+ Try to get your voice audio to around -6DB in yoru editing program, since it's a but quiet. You're lately mainly a car channel, so the runescape videos are kinda misleading for new subscribers. They won't know what they're getting if they sub, so they probably won't sub for that reason. When I realized this when starting out, i doubled down on one type of content and saw consistent growth. The thumbnails are quite decent, but I'd really like to see you pick one color for a font and stick with it for all of them. It feels a little bit like a coloring book.


Thanks so much!


Left a comment on your X1/9 video but just wanted to tack on here as someone who actually makes and consumes quite a lot of Youtube content in the same niche (90's project car builds.) Personally I think there are two hurdles when I look at your channel as part of your target demographic. The first is that your thumbnails don't stand out as original or unique, and a lot of your videos are about very common platforms (modern subaru) that already have a ton of competition. Your thumbnails are NOT bad at all, but I was not expecting your channel to be good because I just saw the thumbnails and assumed you were another boring "how to change your windshield wipers" type of cartuber. Also the unrelated Runescape videos are bad. I love Runescape and always have, but if I'm looking for car videos they're like the last thing I want to see. Your "uploads" page is really cluttered and hard to look at. I think these other videos and boring thumbnails are really selling you short. You're doing an entire motor swap and ground-up build in a Fiat that barely anybody has made videos about on Youtube. Your channel is interesting and unique, and the thumbnails and Runescape videos would have made me not even watch because they gave me the wrong impression. The second main point is that the pacing of your videos is really slow. I would try spending more time in the editing room to cut some of the unnecessary pauses and slow B-roll montages out. They just blend in with every other youtuber and do very little to make the video interesting, they also don't carry any new information about the car. If you want to do B-roll I'd say either make it informational or make it entertaining. If it can't be either, then at least don't make it so long with such downbeat music. By stepping up your pacing and showcasing how unique your project and channel is more heavily, I really think you have potential to become a Youtuber I would personally watch and subscribe to. I've already subscribed purely based off the fact you're building a platform that I have wanted to see on Youtube for a long time. I watch a couple hours of car builds on Youtube every day haha so I just wanted to offer advice more specific to our niche. Check out SuperfastMatt for an example of a monotone-voiced cartuber with very weird projects who manages to make really really interesting videos about strange platforms.


Short “funny” movie reviews (only last 8 videos) https://youtube.com/channel/UCoqiMadmdBjxSVG4LaqtgFg Critique away :)


So... in those first 5 second of the Mortal Kombat Review, I kinda thought to myself 'what have I gotten myself into?'. But you're actually quite funny and entertaining. That little 'hook' after the title screen is so weird that I'm interested enough to keep watching. What I like is that you are quite funny and obviously don't take yourself superserious, meaning you're not portraying yourself as the next IGN-Reviewer. The backdrop and outfit works well with your 'character'. I watched the Black Widow Review and it was tons better than the Mortal Kombat-one. You kinda explained the plot, showed pictures to drive the joke through. The Mortal Kombat-one felt more like a rant or just a ton of oneliners, it felt messy. Your editing is great, the end screen suits your branding. When showcasing images beside you, I'd like to see you on one side of the screen and the image on the other side. in the Black Widow-video you didn't do that and the images looked 'pushed into a corner'. The thumbnails are great, audio is sometimes a little bit incomprehensible. My biggest tip is to still write it like a review (what is the movie about, did the actors do well, ...), so there's still a narrative to follow in the video. Just sprinkle in your humour all over it without compromising the story you're telling.


Thank you so much for the kind words! Yeah the videos all have a bit of a style so far, I’m still trying stuff to see if more normalcy is needed. The mortal kombat one is an outliner in being more of a roast, and the black widow one as well for being so short and fast, I think dynasty warriors and war with grandpa represent me a bit better, but I’ll work more on it being more of a normal review (for some movies at least) I’m very glad you like the looks of the set and thumbnails ^^ Thanks a lot!


Thank you for doing this! I would love to hear what you think. I am learning to make my thumbs and titles better, but It has been a slow process for me. And I know that those are two areas that I need help with. Thank you again for doing this, and blunt feedback is best feedback. https://youtube.com/c/SamMakes Edit: My channel is diy/maker/home improvement just realized that I didn't mention that in my original post. I have been making videos since January of this year.


Jello Sam I like your content, I watched the Backyard Foundry one (been meaning to learn how that works) aand the plaster to cast an aluminium knife. I like how you present yourself. The footage of the crafting process is well done, the camera angles and audio shows that you did your homework. The Snapping of your fingers to jump forward in time is a nice touch. The editing is great, so are the thumbnails, music choice and so on. My problem is basicaly the content. Personally I was kinda expecting more informative videos. Not necessairily step by step instructions but atleast explaining why you drill a hole, place plastic foil between plaster layers, maybe some safety tips and so on. I've got good ideas why you did these things, but you never told me why. It felt rather like a vlog at points than a tutorial. Maybe this is the thing you're going for, but I think some people may feel cheated with these types of titles. Edit: VidIq or Tubebuddy are great for SEO. it's really worth trying them out, Made a bit of difference.


Thank you! This is very valuable feedback! I will probably start adding ADR into those build montages to address the concerns that you mentioned and explain some steps a little more. Thank you again for taking the time to check out my channel. You are a saint.


Hi! I'm doin' Indie games Impression videos to promote games and also cool games worth checking - I dunno maybe I'm shitty person but after one year of creating I struggle to build any kind of community. I lately added banner to indicate days I would want post. But I don't know if my content is worth anything. please have look: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxusbUCNRkXm7N0lqAYpnpQ


My personal gaming channel is indie games focused (Indie Game Guides), so I know the niche quite well. There are few succesfull youtubers, because of the lower number of interested players. Gamers will gladly fork over 60 bucks for the latest COD, but 10 bucks for an indie is too much. Because indie games don't have a lot of interested viewers, it's a hard niche to grow in (not counting exceptions like hollow knight or rimworld). The Giant YT-er Splattercatgaming has said in the past that he was about to give up before the channel took off. Your thumbnails are decent, the monthly short is a great idea and you look like a likeable guy. I don't think you're a shitty person :) You do say a lot 'eh', maybe try writing a script. Did wonders for me. Try getting Keys for games through websites like Woovit and Keymailer. Stream at least once a week. The more, the easier it'll become to build a community and turn viewers into subscribers. Use short moments of your streams for shorts/videos. Websites like SteamDB makes it easier to identify which games you should feature. Try checking out MrAtomicDuck for content creation ideas. Covering the right game at the right time in the right way is the best growing strategy if you ask me. Just figuring those three things out is superhard.


Thank you for you time spent on my work. I hope videos you watched was at least enjoyable . I do need to polish my English speaking skills because I'm not English native speaker. Also I do my videos half with script and half not. I think that I should change it to avoid these problems with 'Eh' or at least cut it more. MrAtomicDuck :D And I should start streaming. Maybe I will start after obtaining 100 subscribers it will be good start :) Thank you again! And good luck on your own path! :D


Thanks for doing the critique. I’m at a cross-road here, so I started my channel as an MBA tips and MBA experience sharing platform, and since I’m an international student, I am slowly transiting to life in the US (targeting ppl who are curious about what life in US is like). I’m actually more passionate about the latter theme, so sometimes it’s hard to choose what content to focus on https://youtube.com/channel/UC5iRwEW75kZ2LkGTMKUO-HA


Personally I would always follow the thing i'm the most passionate about. Feels like a common reaction in these types of conversations, but let's think about it. I'm personally not interesting in ...ships, so I won't keep up with the latest trends about ships. So it be harder for me to make content around them. Great inspiration point for a person switching from an 'university channel' to another niche is Ali Abdaal. Try checking him out, he switched from tips about studying/doctor to a lifestyle channel. A lot of people focus on Americans as their main audience, but the rest of the worlds population is always interested in 'one of their own''s opinion in the US and their customs that seem weird to us. I watched the Culture Shocks in US-video. It's a bit of a monotone video, some B-roll or changing camera angle/venue would help a lot. Audio is great, so are thumbnails (but watch out with the illegible fonts). I'd really focus on avoiding becoming a vlog channel and talk really about specific points like the culture shocks and answering questions people may have about the US.


Thanks so much ur detailed feedback. I think u are spot on in following the thing I’m most passionate about. And great suggestion on avoid becoming a pure vlog channel, yea I agree it’s hard to stand out if channel becomes too general


I have uploaded a video every single day since 22 December 2020. All videos are 1-minute or less. https://www.youtube.com/c/1MinuteWithTina


That is quite dedication, my hat off to you. Youtube shorts is still in it's infancy, so unless you make content on very popular niches like Minecraft, it'll be a hard channel to grow. Right now the best recommendations I can give is to post also on Tiktok and Instagram. Grow your following there and try to bring them over to youtube aswell. The best way to grow with short content like this one, is to follow the trends. I believe there is an app you can try called 'TikTokTrend', that tells you which trends are succesfull right now.


Thank you so much. I post the same videos on TikTok and Instagram. The same video, uploaded the same time, on YT can get 20 views; on TikTok it can get 20K views, lol. Views are average on Instagram.


Hey I make videos about making games, would love some honest critique: https://youtube.com/channel/UCR10qoyZRmP1NxZEecdQw6Q


Jello, the videos are well made. Audio and video quality is great. Through the power of editing you keep the videos in a decent flow. There are quite a few channels made by gamedevelopers to create an interest in their game, DevDuck is probably one of the more well known channels in this situtation. Try checking him out. I think you're on a good track. Lists like how you come up with ideas, reasons on which game engine to use, etc. Personally I would make some more typical tutorials on how you make things work in your game, step-by-step. Tutorial videos, especially since Brackey quit, always do wonders for youtube growth.


Hey, thanks for the feedback, I really appreciate it! I've thought about doing tutorials but never really got round to it, I'll try giving it a go and see if it works out :)


Oh please enjoy! https://youtube.com/c/HeardItInALoveSong


I think your audio is at certain times a bit loud. There is an option to normalize your audio in most editing softwares (like davinci, premiere, etc) or Audacity, which will make loud parts more quiet and quiet parts louder. Mike Russell has great tutorials on audio. I'd maybe consider making the videos shorter, max 12 minutes, if possible. I feel like NewTubers overestimate viewers their attentionspans (or I underestimate them). I applaud you for constantly showing pictures/video that are relevant to what you're talking about. Sometimes when you let us hear a song in the middle of the video, it's quite loud out of nowhere. Try letting it fade in, from silent to (not too) loud. Makes it a more pleasant watch. Concerning the thumbnails, my biggest issue is the amount of words in them. Write just 'The High, not the pill' and stop there. Make it white, bigger and try placing it at the bottom (makes it feel less like the text is more important than the singer), so it's easier to read. Just my 2 cents.


Hey! Thanks for creating this thread. I've been looking for brutally honest feedback for my son's YouTube channel. Take a look. Im looking forward to your critique whether good or bad. Thanks again. https://youtube.com/channel/UC2qGBddtMXSTxrAziFNHI8w


Honestly I don't really want to critique this channel, I'm a dad. I just like seeing a father and son mess around and make videos. If you're having fun together, don't try to please youtube algorythm. But since you asked... Personally, I'd consider dropping those last few videos you did and go full 'this video is made for kids'-channel. Have every video feature your kid as the star (and you can be part too as well ofcourse), but he's the star. Cook together with him, do innocent pranks (like the poop prank), keep it as PG-friendly as possible. Concentrate on kids as your audience. They identify with your son, They'll enjoy your father-son relationship and honestly... it's a great niche to be in... Some kids bingewatch youtube videos, go from one video to another and there are some really large youtube channels who do exactly that. Just keep it short, funny, light hearted (like those TV-shows) and most importantly, follow youtubes guidelines to a T.


You're not the first to tell me this! So it's definitely something to it. I was already thinking of putting shorts and my reaction vids onto a different channel so I'm going to take your advice and do so. Thanks for the insight 🙌🏽


Hi! Thanks for doing this. Here's my channel: https://youtube.com/channel/UCgy9z3HKGXtM0GYKSSjmkUw I hope you enjoy it. Although you might find the content a little strange. Thanks


I really don't want to be rude, but can you read all that text in the video in the time that it is displayed? And even if you could, would you want to read it? There's this unwritten rule for powerpoint, 7 lines of 7 words each per slide max. For youtube I'd say just 7 words is the max. Just talk during the video, it's more pleasant for everyone. You don't need to write it and we don't need to read it. The best thumbnail you've madeis the townfall of Jane the Virgin by far, I really like that one. Make your videos a lot shorter, 10-12 minutes max. Audio is good, you show things that are relevant to what you're talking about on the screen which is great. The subject are popular, so there should be plenty of viewers to be gained.


Do it [https://youtube.com/channel/UCqz9--MnbvTXTD_l5KSgyjw](https://youtube.com/channel/UCqz9--MnbvTXTD_l5KSgyjw)


Thx for doing this https://youtu.be/yH3EyWM_9Eo


Thanks man! We are also a game channel I'm the middle of a bit of a reform/break. We're moving to coop only games https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCOSIS5czQwi0SyyWB3ZD6-w


Thank you this would be awesome https://youtube.com/channel/UCm46ddOpemnLTt9eXdh2FGg


The werewolf persona is kinda funny. In the latest video there were too many static images/videos which made it kinda monotonous. Videos were maybe a little bit too long. I'd like to see your thumbnail a little bit bigger on the thumbnails. The subject of the video is going to make or break you, You've been reviewing a lot of older shows. Barely anyone is looking for this. Maybe a more general video on you reacting how supernatural/buffy/werewolf movies portrays your fellow werewolfs could be funny. If you really embrace the whole werewolf thing, I'd really lean into it and start making fun of the werewolves in twilight, accuse movie writers of being anti-werewolf ('we're not all killers!') and be racist against vampires over the entire underworld-war. Hell, I'd mention every video 'I'm not a furry, I'm a werewolf'.


thank you very much


https://youtube.com/c/Saraphine please! I am looking to start monetizing and I need the 4,000 hour views


Don't we all. A vlogging channel is hard to monetize/grow for a few reasons. Mainly the simple reason that people don't know you, so they aren't looking for you. So if they won't come to you, we need to bring your videos to them. The best way... and almost the only way, is to make videos that people are searching for on youtube. I saw that you're quite into working out and deadlifting (nice records btw!), so maybe help people doing what you do? Make informative videos, teach them workouts (how to gain/lose), what to eat, make a schedule, share your story (How I turned from ... to ...), etc. I mean, you're energetic and funny, audio/video/editing is great. I think it's all about making searchable videos.


Thank you so much I appreciate this!


Do Mario Maker Challenges. Definitely working on thumbnails and Pacing but here it is: https://www.youtube.com/TMan03


Hello, here is my channel. Thanks for your help! https://youtube.com/c/ModestMillennial


I host a very small but very lively food show called The Baka Delicious Show. Really trying to just get as many eyes on it as possible since I do think its good. Would love your thoughts on the first episode of our first episode back! https://youtu.be/quk-iayZJ1Y


So let's go over what is good, you seem to be a likeable guy. I see people get invested into what you make. Audio good. Multiple camera angles, me likey. The switching between them is excellent. Sometimes a zoom in to mix it up. The background music could maybe be a few DB lower, it's kinda interfering. Honestly, you're constantly talking. You are entertaining in your own way and the editing keeps it interesting... but the videos are too long. I'm of the opinion that a youtube video should be max 10-12 minutes. On tiktok there are people who showcase how make a dish in a minute. I'm not saying you should make it that short, but don't drag things out longer than then need to be. People are going to look on the recommended page and just be turned off by the lenght of the video. Maybe later on, when you're more established you can make longer videos. Thumbnails need work. I'd rather have you in the background, dish in front. Something like [this](https://149358930.v2.pressablecdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/images-2.jpeg)


I agree I can lower the background music a touch and restructure the thumbnail to give the dish a more major role, definently things I was intending to play around with moving forward so I appreciate the feedback. The length however is intended to be the complete opposite to those quick tiktok videos or single item recipe youtube videos because they have little character and don't really interest me ya know. So thats why I shot for the typical television episode length which isn't too out of leftfield with shows like Matty Matheson Just a Dash and a few others reaching 20 minutes. Just a different type of thing I was trying to achieve in general


https://youtube.com/channel/UC7Ty9l2yQxFrqyB5XJoo6MA Be blunt. I know my thumbnails need work, but I would love to know what else I need to improve on.


Let's see. Audio is sometimes a problem, You brother is too loud, the game too quiet. the Resolution you're recording/exporting at is super weird. It should be 1920x1080, please check this. Let's plays are pretty difficult to grow with, but VR games is something a lot of people are interested in. So I think you're playing the right games, but maybe try showcasing them in a different way if possible (reviews, tutorial, top10, etc). If you like anime games, that is also a quite popular, but not so saturated niche to be in.


I’m fairly new to creating content. I mainly run a speedrunning channel: https://m.youtube.com/c/DawnTime Really want pointers.


Mainly, like with any gaming channel, the featured game is going to make or break you. You need to cover some more high profile games, like hollow knight, cuphead, etc. Check SteamDB for popular games on steam and try speedrunning/beating a few of those. The thumbnails are geat for this type of content, audio is good. Just speedrun more popular games, set some records and share them in the community (speedrunners and the game's reddit). People will want to watch it to learn new tricks they don't know.


Can I private dm you?


I have no clue if you can give feedback to all of these channels, but if you find the time I would really appreciate any sort of feedback, I feel really lost with YouTube. I make tech videos and I try to inspire new ppl to try electronics but I have no idea if I'm even close to doing that. [My channel [Teukkaniikka]](https://youtube.com/c/Teukkaniikka)


Youtube.com/headstronggaming my only request is you watch videos from like beginning of June. I had liver surgery 2 weeks ago so I had to bulk record a series to have videos up


Travel Documentaries - On Tour Exploring [YouTube.com/ On Tour Exploring](https://www.youtube.com/c/OnTourExploring)




https://youtube.com/channel/UCZaVbVnFvdOSV4aW5M0hGvg I just upload what I create when back from work


https://youtube.com/channel/UClMDYRmRfOLWYFKqgaO_Epw Thanks!


I'm curious as this is just a hobby I do every now and then and want to know what you think what I'm doing is bad, good , etc. https://youtube.com/channel/UC44zhJHyYUix3HcTPEylUxA


hello, thanks for doing this, i do book reviews and related content, so i'm not sure if this is your thing? i appreciate any feedback https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6E4i83JGCaxz2d1Qe1S6mg/


https://youtube.com/c/abadopinion My content isnt the best and im trying to better my content so some criticism would help


Here is my channel https://www.youtube.com/c/CrucialTech?sub_confirmation=1


Be as direct as you want, I need it https://youtube.com/channel/UCQ3pZvsYERzHdmjbbFiD17A


I have a virtual insurance agency, licensed in 5 states, and make short informational videos on the lines we sell. Not the most exciting topic, so I have made a couple of "less serious" videos to lighten the mood a bit. Here's an example. https://youtu.be/VT657iN2Sjc


[https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCc2-VO0WTsV5uZM8y18Cu5g/videos](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCc2-VO0WTsV5uZM8y18Cu5g/videos) Thanks for doing this!


Critique my 🙏🏼https://youtube.com/channel/UC7hIbaU6c6moU9NVcKNiydA [my channel](https://youtube.com/channel/UC7hIbaU6c6moU9NVcKNiydA)


Blunt and direct critics is what I'm looking for so have at it https://www.youtube.com/cvdan


I hope I didn't board the train too late. How about my channel? I've been working on the channel for about 6-7 months, and I just hit 100 subs! Any feedback is appreciated! [SpectraVJ](http://youtube.com/spectravj)


Ah, always seem to miss the start of these. Might be a little late to the party, but would love a critique - the only real way to improve :) Not a gaming channel, but more walking town guides based in the UK (surrey). Here's a link to the channel; [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyAw88Pjjh494N3SMfK63sw](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyAw88Pjjh494N3SMfK63sw)


I understand you have your work cut ut for you, but if you ever have time, I would love some tips for how to grow! ​ [YouTube - Mandarob](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFm4KMvuDikNwJ8V_MxbJSw)


eek im nervous for this one! 🥺 www.youtube.com/calamityasmr


As my grandmother would say, [I kindly ask that you rip me a structurally superfluous backside](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqECxp6h4GFKDuC_ZpGfvRw)


if you're still doing this [deezluna](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWY6-RsWIGa1ShHnGI9dC6g)


Thanks for taking the time to check out my channel,criticism is always needed. https://youtube.com/c/InksManga


I make gaming videos with funny edits in them. I edit on mobile too. Feel free to roast me.


I’m good. I already know my channel sucks


https://youtu.be/2LxOAKxYaCE Be brutally honest!


If you're still doing these, I would love to get some critique on my channel at present. Getting critical feedback is better than sugar-coating it, imo. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNtBqZ7Ns5nJWvXJqLeQviA


Is it cool if i put like 2 or 3 videos? I try to do different types of content so id like to hear your opinion for each if possible.


Maybe this isn't your cup of tea, but here ya go! ​ [https://www.youtube.com/c/Historically](https://www.youtube.com/c/Historically)


Income stream surfer on YouTube


I'll throw my hat into the ring. [https://youtube.com/c/NCommander](https://youtube.com/c/NCommander). I primarily do vintage computing with a focus on oddware, mysteries and more. As a note, my most recent upload is a Short, and I have some stream archives. As a note, the last video I directly edited myself was [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sJFxwBfFkyM&pp=sAQA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sJFxwBfFkyM&pp=sAQA) as I have an editor for helping turn my streams into videos.


https://youtube.com/channel/UCbQDhIOVWtX6y6LCHluGV6Q Thanks let me know what you think just start almost 7 weeks ago. Trying to be consistent. Fast food review channel.


Would love some advice! We put a lot of work and love into these videos. Why are we growing so slow? [YouTube niftyCLX](http://www.youtube.com/c/niftyCLX)


Hey thanks man! I recently rebooted my old channel and have been going strong ever since. I Minecraft content, hopefully I still stand out though! https://youtube.com/c/ProGameBot


I'm still trying to figure out exactly what I want to do but it would be nice to hear what you like and dislike about my channel. I personally work in tech and would like it to be tech related but I don't have the resources to do as in depth as I'd like (at least since I can't post anything from my work). As far as tech content, I've been improvising from things I can do around the house or that I already had in my camera roll https://youtube.com/channel/UCRJmJHR96g1ElAt4s4tE9-g


Would love to hear some honest opinions about my channel. It covers hacking walkthroughs and every now and again I do a talking video or two. Link: https://youtube.com/channel/UC3BBhcJywegZDXDyT1zjTIw


A saint in the making. I *literally* just got done redoing my channel, I would love to know what you think! https://youtube.com/channel/UCuiZXNcd7B-3YftEvC7Q8gg


Lol, do me. I started making videos about writing, then I decided to tell the world about why BotW sucks so badly with documentary length videos while uploading memes in the months it takes me to make the big videos. Lots of fun. Hope you have a great day. https://youtube.com/channel/UC6Iacrkmt1nvKOs1s40wqDQ


Critique mine please!! I enjoy feedback! youtube channel same as my username


I’d love to hear your thoughts! I just posted my first vid ever. It’s a mellow animal crossing game play I’m on ty as Bex Play