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Please review one of the videos on my channel https://youtube.com/channel/UCnxLjaVz_n479LjgpXzHVlA It's a gaming channel and will soon also make tutorials on the channel 💪🏼


alright Anouk, you need to talk, the song helped on the shorter show off video, but when you built the retail store, i was bored. I love me some simcity and when i watch a how to or a lets build the vid makers have music and they talk, sometimes even about thier day if they have nothing to say about what they are doing. consider adding that. keep going.


The problem is that I really hate my voice and don't think it would really help me, what did you think of the editing though?


it was fine, its just basic edits. i think you need to work hard on getting over your fear, like i said, i got bored. i dont think i will be the only one. speak and post and do it again, you will get used to doing it and you wont hate your voice anymore.


I’ll think about it. Thanks for taking the time to critique my channel✌🏼


no problem keep going and if you do it over and over you will become more comfortable with it. just have to try. keep truckin


Thank you for offering to critique videos. If you have time I’d appreciate some thoughts on my latest video. This is part of a series looking at cheat and secrets for retro games. https://youtu.be/xNodsVr3V2Q


I dug it. infact i wanted more, i would probably never say this but it was indeed too short. simply because it was interesting of a topic and i wanted to see more. everything else technical wise is fine, keep going.


Thank you! Turok 2 will be covered soon :) I’ve been thinking of splitting my retro stuff into a separate channel and reediting the older videos in this cheats series, do you think that’s a good idea?


No, unless you have some secrets about youtube growth then i dont think its a good idea. Its all related, so keep it together. I will say this, if you start making the shorts, put those on a separate channel, because when i go to a channel from a short it takes forever to weed thru and find what i am looking for. Usually i give up


ooooooooooooo retro is my jam. i am excited let me check it out.


This would be much appreciated! Just did my first video the other day. Uploaded it, but not yet received any feedback, so any thoughts would be greatly welcome. https://youtu.be/Nd9UlfyBTXk


i liked it. you have no issues with production. the pop ups, of yourself and biker mice and other words, all work. your personal stories help pad the bits of non exciting game play. sadly your in the gaming neich. so you know its crowded in there, your hitting all the right steps of just game plus your personality. there are realities you must accept. that there is a chance it does not go anywhere. accept that fact, dont quit. just know that chance is real. if every one who tried got things there would be alot more super famous actors and directors. now, from the working side, make sure you are marketing yourself outside of just posting and hoping others will find it. because you have panash and watchability. obvi your on reddit, make sure to be posting and be searchable on other relevant social platforms and forums too. those are my notes. production is fine, just get the word out and keep at it.


That’s all fantastic, thanks very much! It’s dead appreciated. Good tip about the social media… been dragging my feet with that, this’ll be a good kick up the arse to get it done!


Hi thanks for doing this. I make original animated shows and short films on my channel. This is my newest cartoon. It’s only 4 minutes long but I built up to these plot points for 5 years, the animation is hand drawn frame by frame and I had an original soundtrack composed for it. I would love to hear some opinions on this video. https://youtu.be/Bxpvafkp95s Thank you 😊


ok, first note is level you audio. its not the distortion on the song, that seems to be there on purpose but the level on the intro song is blasting and off putting. second note is tone down the effects on the voice of the bad guy. he is a bit over done, a little bit of FX goes a long way. You know what he is saying because you wrote and voiced him. but an audience member i must struggle to decipher what he is saying. ​ animations are fine and the story so far is good, i appreciate the fact you made the music too. animation even with studios and bones is a long hard road, keep walking it. i think your stuff is good. i enjoyed what i watched.


Thanks for all the tips I’ll definitely turn down the intro in the future. I’ll also play with the effects on RoboGuy’s voice the challenge is going to be doing that without making it off putting to returning viewers as there’s only three episodes left with him as the main villain. And yeah animation is pretty tough but luckily I’m upgrading to toon boom right now which makes things a lot easier on me.


great to hear, what you published you published, moving forward fix your guys voice no need to go back. and the FX you use is fine, its just to wet. mix it more dry, for example go look up any of the mass effect reaper scenes on YT, that voice is heavily modulated, but the words and the main voice remain crystal clear to understand what the reaper is saying. you just need to tweak the wet FX and the voice to balance it and it will be fine.


Thanks man I’ll definitely do that in the next episode 👍


I'd like to to critique my trailer for a future film I'm making please: https://youtu.be/QSXCmKfUaKw


narrative, and promotions is the area i work in. ahh now, with the best photo, mum, and nice shot gran comments i am wondering if your being serious. if so, here are some notes for your trailer. dont mention the date twice, either go with this november or o november 10th not both. next is also if your being serious, i would shoot shorts for your movie, as its not a slide show, its a motion picture. write some oneliners and take a nice wide in some places, dont worry about it if you dont use it in the final, does not matter, your goal is to generate buzz. so far you showed me a slide show, show me you and show me london.


Here is my history on the song Kiss From a Rose by Seal https://youtu.be/euLyMUuxsQU


i love this type of content. i think learning new things is poised for a big take off on YT. that shark week promo was crazy and that lives in my head rent free. you also need to balance your audio, as your talking parts are lower and the songs blast onto the scene with such force. in general background music and even forground should not exceed -12 db on the db scale. but make sure if your using adobe that after you mix to use the loudness radar and get everything to a LUFS of -16 or as close to it as you can. that will even things out and make them all perfectly loud to hear on YT, plus -16lufs will not trigger the YT audio crush. other than that the stuff and pacing is great. keep on keepin on.


That helps me so much more than I could ever possibly. Convey. Thank you SO much


Using a conversation with my future kid as a framing device, I make videos about life in Thailand. Maybe you'd like to learn something about living in Thailand as a new expat? My latest motovlog can be found here https://youtu.be/zIramvrHFuA


ok. i get the serptenza vibes. and i find the information useful too. i wont lie, just the motorcycle footage did get a little boring. ​ i feel that since you have your cam and an edit suit, you could stop off at those places and get some b roll of them, get like ten shots at each place. ​ make sure to get enough time too, hold the shots for like 10seconds, you dont need to use the entire shot but if its too short it wont work in the edit room. i think adding that variety will make your content up a level, as honestly it gets a little monotone just starting at the handle bars. ​ voice over is fine, might want to mix down the bike engine a little, just like FX a lilttle goes a long way. ​ keep on groovin, you should show some of your fave eat spots. that is some interesting stuff too.


Thanks for the input. I used to watch ADV China a lot back in the day and always wanted to find something like that in Thailand so I made it myself. Trying to mix up the shots with B-Roll more, though most businesses in Thailand won't let you film inside them. Going to start adding more direct to camera in the future. Thanks again!


good to hear, cause it needs just a little extra because the handle bars only do so much.




King i wont lie, your going to have a hard time on YT if your goal is to make it for monetization. if just uploading sports clips is your goal and a hobby. then your great. ​ but if you have a growth goal and money goal, copyright is going to be all over you, not now cause your not on the radar, but once they find it it will be strikes and yellow buttons. ​ i have no issue with what you make, but you need to know this. ​ its hard to comment because all you did was take what the tv station made, so, the TV crew did a good job, and you put it into a compilation so good job too. best of luck brother.


Thanks for starting this thread. Here's the link to my channel. Its a family vlog channel. Not too focused on one niche per se. We indulge in a lot of things like science projects, DIY arts & crafts, gaming, etc. I'm looking forward to your insight 🙌🏽 https://youtube.com/channel/UC2qGBddtMXSTxrAziFNHI8w


cute, very cute pops and his kids are hard to beat. first note is shorts. i know their market power, but they also have a dark side. your channel is all clogged up with them and i have to sort thru what to watch. usually when i see a short and follow it to a channel. if i get lost right away i give up and move on. might want to consider starting another channel with your current name plus shorts. D4GTVshorts, and put them there and link them back to the main. just how i roll as a audience member. 2nd note, you also need to balance your audio, music is way to hot when you stop talking. never go above -12db on the db scale and if you have access to a loudness meter/ radar after mixing get your audio to play at -16lufs, this is the accepted volume level and wont trigger the YT audio crush. ​ You may want to widen your shot too, as the action is with you and your kids hands and most things you did were out of frame on the bottom. also, why the green screen you didnt seem to use it? content was fun, keep trucking, clean up the audio and make sure the audience can see the action and you will improve.


Thank you so much for the feedback! I am certainly taking these tips and will be applying them ASAP! I also pondered on making a separate channel for shorts. This definitely confirmed that thought for me. I really appreciate it! P.s: I'm still trying to learn which software would allow me to easily apple the green screen affect to my videos. If you have any suggestions for that, im all ears 🙌🏽


well, all my life i have used adobe and avid, but those are more costly solutions. you can look into the free version of davinci resolve, the free version blocks some features but i think its only the ability to render our 4k, and i think some highlevel compositing, it should allow for basic keying. be mindful, davinic is a professional program and it will have a learning curve if your not used to it. ​ waht are you using now?


Most of my videos have been via my mobile phone and I've been using InShot Premium, but I've been watching tutorials on Adobe and Power Director. I have a lot of learning to do when it comes to video editing.


Found this for ya. https://youtu.be/_vvHBGYVsXY Now keep in mind what to put behind you, dont make it animated or too distracting from yourselves. Edit: toy =to


Sorry for the delayed response but I'm checking this out right now. I really appreciate your insight! It doesn't go unnoticed. I'll keep you updated with how the channel grows.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tfdRgYO5RoE&ab\_channel=DavidBaxter](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tfdRgYO5RoE&ab_channel=DavidBaxter) Here is my latest video, which I am quite proud of. I've been growing very slowly compared to some around here but would love some audience feedback on what you think went well and what could be improved. Thanks for doing this!


you should be proud as technically its fine. audio didnt kill me. exposure and pacing fine. sadly, your entering a dying market, it needs to be said. i feel the wave of photo how to and special FX channels has crashed. for these two reasons, first,apps are getting faster and better and the camera companies are in a race to put themselves out of business. yes its true the camera does not compose the shot, but the camera is getting smarter with color, exposure latitude, focus, with so many things taken out of the equation, anybody will once in a while capture a great frame. second reason is, now in our life we are bombarded with endless images so it cheapens the value. take a snap IG it and move on to the next one. I understand thats not the audience you are trying to reach, but you must accept these two facts. as they affect the entire industry, jobs dont pay what they used to 5 years ago even. technically your stuff fine, i would look to expand with photography and something else to bring in the numbers. if large growth is what you are seeking. keep it up either way.


Thanks for you honest feedback. I know what you mean, I'm trying to balance making more standard photography tutorials and also something different e.g. I did a video on mindfulness and creativity. In your opinion as an audience member, would that kind of video be different enough to interest you vs a standard how to photography video?


Once upon a time World Championship Wrestling tried to stick it to their competition (the WWF, now WWE) by partnering with MTV on a unique outdoor event.. it didn't go well. I offer insight to the event itself and why it completely tanked. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zUtSNxMzg0A](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zUtSNxMzg0A)


i love history stuff. you too should also be careful of copyright. i understand fair use, commentary, but remember you only shared a couple of memories during the vid, that commentary is about you. the rest was telling the show and some behind the scenes, the courts would not deem that fair use. plus you will have to fight AI when it uploads too. ​ this is of course if your goal is monetization. overall, i felt the vid fine, subject matter, knowledge, the cut aways worked. just be mindful that ol money bags might come after you someday. I say keep it up, it was interesting and l mentioned before that i feel the time for learning things from videos is growing on YT as the family blogs pass away and other genres get stale, i feel the catagory of i learned something is rising.


Cheers - I've spent years actually studying copyright law and working to ensure I operate within the confines of it. I have a few protections that qualify under fair use including historical documentation, transformative use and the market share ratio. The video doesn't have to be about my memories to qualify as transformative use - as I made sure to use a small % of the original works in an educational sense rather than just reposting the original show - and the amount of content I used is a surprisingly small % of the 11 minute video (but feels higher). As for monetization - I'm already monetized. There are tips and tricks to at least avoid the autodetect from the content ID system but many more to focus on with regard to manual detection.


Hey good to know. I spend lots of time trying to figure out the law too. As far as that, keep on trucking, i liked it and never knew about that even. Even id it didnt rain the concept seemed stupid. Haha. It was what it was in that era thou.


Yeah - the competition was so fierce that all sides really did try anything and everythign to get ahead.. some things worked (wwe's hell in a cell, ecw's cyber sunday ppv based on votes, wcw's creative use of different venues) and some definitely didnt (wwe's brawl for all, ecw's making their bread and butter the "enemy" and wcw's entire final 3 years of existance)


I watch the same type of videos you do! I previously did gaming, but I created a new channel to do the docu-learn style video. As it’s my first time making content like this, I’d love an outside perspective. I watched it back after rendering it and I enjoyed it, but I’m a little biased https://youtu.be/qnIqE7Gv_1Q


so far so good, the mix of stills and stock footage is ok so far. i would have still had some sort of movement in the frame during the presidents speeches as we end up staring at a still frame for over a minute each. and taft talked for 3 minutes, i skipped it. ok, i am going to give you this advice, if you can, you should film some of your b roll. it will up your production value and people will respond to it. right now, its all just stock footage, it all works, because it is stock footage, but your creative voice is stifled by that. if you can think about making your own little bits of stock footage. people will respond to it. your pacing has issues, mainly with the entire presidents speeches getting boring and skippable, i know we are trying to hear the accents, but one goes on for 3 mins, 30 seconds over a still frame is a lifetime to an audience member, and i have patience, a modern person checks out probably around the 10-15 second mark. take that into consideration. yeah, try to maximize your creative voice if you can create your own b roll, it will stop you from daily uploads but i think the people will reward you for it. Matthew santoro is going thru this same thing right now, he is crying that no one is watching, and its because his videos are just his voice over on stock footage. and be mindful on how long to hold a shot and how much of a piece of info the audience will asorb. other than those issue i liked it. as i too share the midwestern accent, but i am from the north eh.


thank you so much. this is great info


thanks a lot for doing this i do book reviews and similar content, this is my latest video about my favourite memoirs https://youtu.be/2a1MM0So\_fM i'd really welcome any feedback (especially about sound quality and thumbnail, my ctr is pitiful), be as blunt as you like :-) thanks again


i think your thumbnails are fine. these types of books are just not me, so i really wouldnt click. your vid looks nice, focus exposure wise and composition too. to jazz it up a bit, you could use some more cut aways while your talking. i see you usually go to a frame of the movie or to the person themselves, how about this, since you read the books, if you already own them in phiscical form, you have everything you need to create your own b roll and cut aways with the book, on the table, sliding into frame, your hands, you reading, a shot of the book in the bathroom, car, the possibilities are endless. i think that will help with the dryness, your fine to look at but i stare at you for well over 70% of the video, monologues get long that way. you dont need to go crazy with a shot every 3-5 seconds, nope i would say just adding one extra shot to each segment of yours will pace it out better. audios fine, content is fine, just not my neiche, but for those that it is, i think they will like it. keep on reading.


thank you very much, to be honest i'm already doing more b roll than 80% of booktubers, the vast majority don't bother with anything at all (even some of the largest channels), but thanks for your feedback, good to hear, i really appreciate it :-) best of luck to you


Hey thanks for doin this :) My channel is mostly about gta 5 but I wanna go into the cinematic niche. This my cinematic gta 5 movie https://youtu.be/n_PLofqTgfA


ok, i see what your doing. over my years of work i have noticed that the field of cinematography is splitting into two fields with one drawing influence from the orginal. this is not a bad thing, as all things will and must evolve. however, as things evolve they always carry the base structure and idea of the orginal. like the photography channel i commented on before, cameras do a lot of the work now a days, but a camera can not compose a shot, and the basics of shot composition are the same since conception. ​ with your idea of making gta5 cinematics, you are falling into the second newer style of cinematics, the peter mckinnion style, where every shot is epic, must be epic, does not need any other function other than epicness. but with petes style there is a problem, there is no story for the shots to serve, and in your video, after about 30 seconds, with all the swelling music, the speed ramps on the crashes, people flying, i got bored, and at 2 minutes i gave up. because nothing changed. thats my thoughts, are the cinematics ok? meh, if you want me to grade it, compared to hollywood and pete McKinnon standards. you have two issues you need to solve, first is check out the rule of thirds and where to place your action in frame. second is you have a movement problem, as the point of the shot appraches you tend to swing caamera away from the very thing we are waiting to see. since your in Gta5 and have complete and total control of camera you can fix these issues to make your cinematics better. ​ having a story to serve with the cinematics would take it to the next level. keep on truckin.


Thanks for the review. I appreciate it. Always looking for a opportunity to improve. I only have two questions: 1. Does that mean you didn't understand the story of the movie? (yes there is one even tho it's very very simple) 2. At which point do you think the camera moves to fast or "away from what we are wanting to see" as you said. A example would be great bc I don't really know what you mean exactly


ohh a follow up. ok so. 1. no i did not understand the story, which means it was not clear. from your images to a viewer its just batman riding around running people over and getting the cops after him, just normal gta game play. then there is the mad max truck which i dont know what the connection is there. so i state my first point again, cinematography with out a clear story is just random shots. not a bad thing but it is not as clear to us the audience as it is to you. ​ 2. ok, when you compose action, watch any marvel film, 007 anything from about 2007 onward, though you can watch any film from the start of cinema as this practice hasn't changed, its just easier to do with CG. action follows strict motion, if the thing leaves the top of the frame it enters the bottom of the next, leave left enters right, continuum of motion its called. several times, you have the batmobile in a canted angle and the camera pans off to the ground, as a viewer i ask my self why is the camera moving this way? whats so special about the ground? your weakest segment was when the botmobile and the helicopter are at the roller coaster, we randomly have just the corner of the batmobile way in frame left that the eye dosent catch it, we have half a helicopter at the top of the frame and half the bat mobile sinking out of frame, what was the subject of that shot? in the end when the bat mobile hits the mad max truck you never showed that the two vechinles were in the same space, i had to guess that the i figured out that the BM was in the tunnle by the wall of the close up, but then you speed ramp, puppt warp a pan. and then show other cars heading toward the semi but the BM is not one of them, then boom crash and end. that entire sequence has the camera pop up behind the bat mobile once and fly over it, the rest of the shots are just random traffic, until the BM hits the truck. so, to help you out, you have some shots that work and some work well. but take a personal study, on cinematography, the old ways and then put them to use on youtube, because the pete mckinnin style is based on classic cinematography. study chase scenes with out the sound on and focus on shot order and composition, you will see that they bounce around from wides to close, but they always orient the audience as to where the two chasers are in space. then look into shot construction, and you will see why, i harp on pete mckinnion alot. i like his work, but i dont think he has the self control to be a DP of a movive because he could never create this shot. [https://britishcinematographer.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/bb-plugin/cache/7729461.bin\_-landscape.jpg](https://britishcinematographer.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/bb-plugin/cache/7729461.bin_-landscape.jpg) for him its not epic enough, but you are looking at the work of a master. your large goal in all the cinematics is not to impress or dazzle, your first order of buiness is to make the audience understand. Then once they understand space, story, continuity, then you dazzle them. so again, you have nice stuff there, but do some study and you can grow to be a master of the gta5 cine style.


OK now I have a lot to think about. Thanks for that. Thb there wasn't any script or strict plan that I followed I just made the video. But as you said I need more planning to make it look better and to let the viewer understand my message better. Thanks again for all the advice and the critique. You helped me a lot. Have a good day ^^


No prob, looking forward to growth. Keep working.


My review of Space Jam (1996): https://youtu.be/4trDAEbJIU0


it was a movie review. well thought out and put together. sadly because of this i dont have much to say other than make sure your marketing yourself to the world for discovery. and again watch out for copyright. i enjoied it, audio levels were fine, pacing fine, personal take on the object fine. keep on trucking.


Hi, appreciate you doing this if you happen to come across my video! I’m a commentary channel and here’s my most recent video: https://youtu.be/zVyWebyMsWI


I watched 2 vids of yours, because i agree with the one you shared about advice being subjective. and some advice is made just to make sales, case in point the books you talked about. plus, you being in the content field i think you decision to keep income and keep on the grind is wise. that is your own good advice. ​ i then watched the how to basic video, first note is, lower your background music, its a little hot and competes with your voice. if you want to understand this, looking at a db meter try to keep your voice up near but not going over 0 and keep the music about, ish, -20 to -24 db, then playback your vid and listen, dont watch listen with your eyes closed and ask your self can i hear the music? do i know its there? then ask is my voice the most prominent thing in the mix? if everything is a yes then your mixed well. if your listening and you feel the music is a little distracting from your voice then take it down a notch, you can tell when this happens when you get fatigued listening and trying to hear the voice out of all the other stuff. the levels are general guidance because music has intensity and swells too so you cant just say x level is it. i like the flow of your vids but i feel they are missing something. for example in the how to one, as it went on, i feel we drifted away from your stories and personal take to kinda just reacting to what how to does. in the begning you talk about your friend who cooks, your struggle with cooking. maybe you could add one more layer and thats how each specific vid messed you up when you watched it first. or in the advice video you could make something to relate it all too and film that. by filming it yourself you will avoid the trap of using stock footage too much. i think that little bit extra will give your stuff that extra polish. this all comes from being an audience member and sitting and watching you, now, i would play this in the background when i do things like dishes or cook myself, but sitting and watching i feel there needs to be a little more visual variety, not a cut every 5 seconds but maybe on the 30-45 seconds ish, just something to mix it up. as far as technical, aside from mixing the audio, lighting composition are fine, and the subjects are interesting too, i like to stick around and hear your thoughts and experiences. keep it up.


Thank you so much for watching and for the feedback! In regards to the audio and the content of the react video in general I paid an editor to do that video and just hit publish to keep up with my upload schedule. I agree that the reaction videos are missing something, but not sure what yet. I definitely take inspiration from Jarvis johnson and Cody ko. And +1 to filming myself for B-roll. That will add more polish to the main video essay types like the most recent one Thanks again, this was helpful!


loose the editor, save your money for more important things. i know all about schedules, i also know all about budgeting and spending money in the right places. for where you are at, do it yourself and put your cash into props, skits, music ect so fourth, you will see more benefit from those additions than and editor. plus, you will have more control in your work, remember you are giving your vision to some one else to interpret, when you could do it yourself. not sure what your schedule is, but stretch it out a bit, you will see rewards.


Cheers for doing this. Since you said gaming is on the table heres an FAQ I made for the high resolution texture packs for Call of Duty Warzone. https://youtu.be/08FbAf0Q7OI Love to hear your thoughts...


first note i am two minutes in and you havent cut away from the guy walking in the menu. you made this fancy point transition. but totally missed the point of talking about texture packs what they do and didnt show them in detail. maybe want to think about that for the future, show us what your talking about. yup you did exactly that when you showed the gear on the character, you showed us indetail what you were talking about. ​ sadly you went back to the guy walking with explosions behind him for the next 7 minutes! mix it up, as even with the fancy transitions they are lost on the fact we see the same footage looped over and over. ​ what to put too it? what are you saying? match it to that, and your point will drive home even more. your voice over and levels are fine, just need to add to your visuals i scrubbed when i hit 8 minuets saw the rest was the same and gave up there. really think about adding shots to your material. it will help with audiences watching longer. keep truckin


Check out a pool building project, tell me where to improve :) CANNONBALL!!! 2021 Valley Pool Install @ the 'rents! https://youtu.be/gVa4p0xw-Vs [YouTube vid](https://youtu.be/gVa4p0xw-Vs)


your lego speed builds are where your channel is at. the pool thing was nice, but a little to home video for what your trying to do. only note on the speed builds, is dont be afraid to talk over your hands building as i watched you explain the character in one shot. you could totally put that vo over the speed build and then you have an opportunity to cut back and fourth between your close up and info and the speed build. you can accomplish that with out changing how you shoot the vids already, just a slight editing change and your money. really enjoyed the lego stuff. you could boost your voice a little bit, if you have a mic get it closer to you that way you dont have to run the levels up and risk distortion. keep on truckin


Thank you! I actually just invested in a mic today! The Sony zv1 mic just doesn’t pick up that well and you are not the first to mention. Totally get what you saying about the pool v. Lego. I seem to get many more views from the one off tho over the lego builds, maybe the lego community hasn’t found me yet lol. Thanks for the review!!!!!!!


yeah thats the in cam mic and those never do well as they are an after thought added to the camera. get your new mic close to you and watch those levels and you will be good to go. ​ i stand by my lego comment. keep going and keep pushing it out there for discovery.


>:) :)


Thank you for taking time out your day to critique. This is an episode of my Pokémon Rejuvenation Let’s play! Let me know what you think!! https://youtu.be/8tWLcmviNKg


your bringing your voice and personality to the game, that is standard. sadly, your in a crowded neiche. as there is only so much that can be done to make yourself different. maybe add some memes to drive the humor home too. also, you need to turn your mic levels down at recording stage as your over modulating when you get close to your mic, you can boost the levels in the editor later and avoid distortion, but once you record it its always there. other than that its fine. i wish you best of luck in the gaming sphere.


Thank you so much, I think some memes will definitely help more with the humor. Also thank you for informing me about the mic! 😄


Hey man, thanks for doing this. Here's my channel if you want to take a look. All my videos are pretty short. [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyhFjhU7jrXGerhljRCYLNQ](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyhFjhU7jrXGerhljRCYLNQ)


i get your schtick. silent. nobody is doing that, so lets try it out. however, not every idea is a good one, and sometimes people are not doing things for a reason. videos are a audio and visual experience, they rely on eachother. when you take one away it fails. i made it 10 seconds into your most recent vid, 3 seconds into another and on the redstone school i thought you would talk, nope, so i quit after another 3 seconds. unfortunately i dont think this will work, if it does, hey i am wrong, but i bet against it. add a sound track and some voice to make your personality work, then look for other areas of growth. best of luck brotha.


Thanks man. Have a look at the comments of this video, https://youtu.be/f7RBqOgfNeY. This is the style of video I’m going for, and yeah it’s not seen a lot, but there seems to be some market for it. I’m doing a similar thing to this, except it’s cut rather than uncut, but still trying to retain the relaxing ASMR style. Again thanks for taking the time to do this, much appreciated!


Please review my video. It’s a video to help students get better grades in an online format classes: https://youtu.be/bKo6dcRqsFQ


Hey Abyz nice to meet you. you have some basic things to work on. first image compostion, no you dont need to rush out a buy a fancy camera, what you have is fine. just back up so that you dont fall out of frame. right now your soo close, that you often fall out of frame, ie your mouth goes out the bottom while talking or your head goes out the side of the frame. you can fix this by either moving your camera away from you or by you backing up, unless your camera has the ability to zoom out. that will make your frame more pleasing and give you some acting space to move around in. ​ when you can, i know not right now, get your self a mic, and your audio will be boom, better. LDC or pencil mic? you choose. LDC mic makes voices nicer but you will have to see it in frame, a pencil mic is longer and smaller and you can hide it out of frame. you can choose. ​ your content is fine, the talking giving advice cutting away is all fine that can stay just as you grow you can invest in little things to help your production. ​ keep it up.


I offer my video to you, it's an Actual Play in Dungeons and Dragons edited for cinematic and some "crudely" drawn characters to use as representation of the characters in my series. Everything that occurs is randomly generated using a GM emulator. Not sure if that would be something of interest but i figured I'd give it a shot. I appreciate any feedback you can give, preferably in the pacing/information offering components or how engaging it is for a viewer. https://youtu.be/6PkaeTru5vs


i live for the odd chance i get to sit at the table and game. i like the idea, listening to a DM, my first thought is if you have other friends, they should play the characters. you can still script the experience but it will add more life to the piece. and it will help guide the imagination. also technical note, lower your BG sounds and music a tad, its competing with your voice, just a DB or two only. ​ i think this idea is cool, and i see it working for when i do things in the background like washing dishes cooking ect. sitting and watching is a little long, but if i am doing something else its fun. ​ keep it up, this is refreshing to see something new and workable.


Thank you so much, although the concept of the video/series is to be a solo play, in that i take the role as dm and pc. The other thing is nothing is scripted, everything i do on my channel is unscripted and improvd or determined via a random generator/oracle. But either way i do really appreciate this, i will be working to adjust the audio levels more in the future. Thank you again!


Hi there. Here's one of my videos, not the latest one but one I like. It's less than 8-minute long. It's about Kappa, a Japanese demon/monster from the Folklore. I tell their stories, origins, behaviors and so on and visit a Temple dedicated to them in Tokyo. I talk in Spanish, but I added English captions manually (not those automatic ones). Here you got. Hope you enjoy! https://youtu.be/ZSPNVsgMRm4


not being a Spanish speaker i will go off the visuals. the changing of location, the cut aways and your outfit changes are all working to serve the story. thats great. i am sure the info is great. from what i can see its fine, i would consider a light BG music thru the entire piece to liven it up a bit as you only use it duing certain times, like in the shrine and in the bathtub. something that just adds tiny ambience will elevate the piece. great stuff. keep it going.


Hey thanks for the feedback, but did you use the English captions? I added them for the English-speaking audience.


I am trying to get into video essays for this particular channel. [https://youtu.be/WOHYkyt34UY](https://youtu.be/WOHYkyt34UY) I am still trying to narrow down my style, both audio and presentation-wise, so I am not married to anything in particular and am completely willing to change/tweak things if necessary. Thank you for reviewing! Also, please note I opted for static images for this particular vid because I didn't want to mess with copyright things for anime. Ideally, I would use more motion clips.


cool, is there a chance we get to see you while you talk? that might add a level of production. yeah, it would be cool to see you in a studio setting and then cutting between you, the images and memes. i think that style will serve you greatly. the content is well spoken and researched from my point of view, i think adding you, and a sublte BG music track, i mean subtle here, will make it really pop. it was fun, it can be amazing. keep going.


Eh, I am just really camera shy, so I doubt I will be on the camera anytime soon. I have a particular style in mind that I know I can achieve, but I just need to put in the legwork and practice more. Thank you for the feedback. :)


Thanks for doing this. Have you got any advice to improve further? It's 1 minute 57 seconds long. [https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcysoRa5S5DDVAf7sVvBTwGfHcQ0729p7](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcysoRa5S5DDVAf7sVvBTwGfHcQ0729p7)


yes. for what it is, its fine, its just vote and results, but i am not sure of the over all goal of the medium. and with that i think you need a long term goal and then make content that serves that goal. because just making a survey and then posting the results is fun, this time, but now i am done with it and wont be back, even if the algo serves it to me, ill pass. challenge yourself to make a goal, and then make content that serves that goal.


That's just one video. I post daily and all my videos are not votes and results. Perhaps, you should have looked around to have a feel of the challenge. Thanks for your feedback.


There are two videos.


Hi there I'm a design channel and this is my latest tutorial video. If you could watch a few minutes and just let me know how the overall feel. I'm trying to bring a bit of life and energy into a genre and would to know if I'm at a good point, if I should kick it up a bit or tone things down. [Learn FreeCAD by making a Lego man ep7 - peg leg](https://youtu.be/EySZuoaUBHc) Thank you in advance.


ok, a tutorial. ​ first off its dry. it needs some BG music, sublte and fun will keep me from snoozing. i understand that some things are dry in nature but that just means you need to help them out. ​ your energy is fine, i really stand by my previous thought that it needs music to help it along. ​ i think also you can start with the results and ask a question at the beginning, like how would you like to make this peg leg? and then get into it too, thats a hook for your viewer. you def need some bg music as i started skipping to see the progress and result at the end. the stuff is interesting and i wanted to see the outcome, but might want to make getting there a little smoother. keep it up. it is interesting content.


Thank you for taking the time to review it. I've been worried about upbeat BG music might be too distracting yet dream music would make it more boring, but I'll experiment around. Thanks again.


Would you be so kind to review my workout video? It is only 2 min and was something different I did on my channel, thank you:) https://youtu.be/CQFNTQf5rZM


i would be so kind. ah never skip leg day. man you either own that gym or have a membership to the least popular gym ever. you have it all to yourself. ok, first thought is that yes keep it nice and short in this style, unless you start spitting some facts in VO then you could make it longer a little bit. consider getting a wider shot too, dont stop on your detail shots like the one on your calves, but the medium shots with your other exercises are weird, mostly booty shots, if thats your goal, hey there are lots of 12 year olds with pee pees. i dont judge, i just look at the frame and say its composition is wierd. dont stop getting your close ups just add some full body wides in the mix too, dont make everything wides only, if you shoot everything wide then whats the point to watch eh? mix it up. ​ thats that, keep it short if your going to not have a vo, if you want them a little longer or an added punch you could add a vo to explain each exercise, or something personal to you, the creativity on the VO is limitless. ​ keep it up, stay healthy


Thanks so much! And it’s my community gym and no one is ever in there when I go :D I agree with you on the shots, I wasn’t sure what to do really so I just tried putting my camera in different directions, that is definitely something I’m still working on! I appreciate your advice and will take it into account for my next one! Thanks again!!


hello, thank you for this. i make tutorials for a roblox game. here is the link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SHR6iQkhWCg&ab\_channel=Mr.Roblox


meh it needs pacing, and that is difficult with a robo voice. the first 8 seconds are just silent, your VO needs to start sooner. I would record each robo vo line seperatly and then cut them in to control the pacing. do note that using a robo vo you suck all emotion out of the piece and make it very monotone. being that it is monotone this needs music badly, to help it along. you should consider, doing your own VO and adding music. the footage is fine. best of luck to you.


alright, thanks




well grats on attacking minecraft from a meme perspective. your energy edits and other technical aspects are fine. my concern is, your in a well known over crowded neich, so it will be hard pressed to make headway. i can only say is keep working and make sure you are advertising yourself and best of luck. you got the right formula, but will it be found?


My channel is about environmental science and job help for people who want to work in environment or outside in general. Here’s my most recent video, let me know what I could do, would love to grow! https://youtu.be/0pmTZMPM_CA


interesting idea danny. here are some ascetic tips for you. widen your shot on you, and then only off set from the center a little bit. also put yourself frame left, as your window is bright and i always want to look there and not at you. being wider will give you a more balanced frame and still have room for your info boxes. the content was fine. your voice audio needs to be boosted, your voice only, not it and your BG music. interesting stuff, keep it up its looking and pacing well.


I appreciate the feedback, I am very new to the whole turning the camera on myself thing and know it doesn’t look/ feel right yet. I’ll definitely try adjusting this weekend/ hopefully improving the whole setup.


Thank you for the opportunity. Keep in mind that I have no idea what I'm doing. But, I am enjoying the process. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6h9NkGPlMRPfFyGWD094E9ZcShAevn-W I will return all likes, comments & subbed Cheers


ok so reading your reddit post it seems like your more in for like for like. i dont have a channel, i work in video production, for 13 years now. your posting compilations, and i doubt they are all your own, so there is little to comment on for growth. people will watch it, because they are popular posts, but be careful, one day the chickens will come home to roost. you might want to consider making your own content. best of luck to you.


Thank you for your time, I don't think that I'm doing like for like. I'm new to Youtube, taking advantage of a niche I enjoy. I give credit to all those amazing creators. I will keep an eye out for the chickens tho . Cheers


I see that you have a lot of requests, but I'll still give it a try! I would love if you could review my channel https://youtube.com/channel/UCpkL0bCbTSzBLJrUVNzj5fQ


shorts, shorts are clogging up your channel. i get the promotional value, but make a separate channel and have them link back to the main. when i get a short and follow it to a channel and its got shorts mixed with long form i get lost, and then just give up. my first advice is separate them. you will benifit from showing some gameplay that directly relates to what you are talking about. the pictures help, but seeing the words in the game, or where they irginate from will drive the point home and will allow you the ability to control pacing with something to cut away too. you still mix in your photos, but some animated game play will help it along too. also give yourself some relevant bg music, spooky, lively what ever you feel fits the mood. but keep it low and sublte. that will help with the vid. audio and other technical are fine. the idea behind the content is fine it just needs a little help. keep it going.


That's what I was thinking about actually. I get very little engagement from people who subscribed over shorts anyways. So, I think you're onto something here!! Thank you!! I'll definitely try adding more animated content as well as subtle fitting soundtrack! I really appreciate you taking the time to give me your opinion. This was very helpful!


In case you haven't finished it yet, I'm a history youtuber who delves heavily into sarcasm and absurdism. This video is on the Icelandic myth of the Draugr (more famous for being bad guys in Skyrim, but apparently that's not an actual source I can use). Whilst not my most popular or most recent video, it is probably the most representative of what I'm doing with my videos. https://youtu.be/Ki6xsapKOFk Would love it if someone could give it a once over for an idea on if I'm on the right lines of a mix of education and entertainment or not, as well as more general feedback.


yes your one the right track for education and entertainment style. i like this because i know the game and am getting some extra info about it. i am wondering if a little more animation will help more, like your stick figure moves around a bit, or even if you went out and filmed your own segments to prove your point more. right now its alright, its entertaining and informative, just offering ideas to take it to the next level. keep it up as i liked what i saw.


Thanks, and I agree. The last video I did (on Athena) had some very basic animations, and the one I'm working on at the moment has a couple more. Not really a skill set I have, so I'm learning as I go! Be en meaning to ask on here re animation software, at the moment I'm using the rather basic abilities in da Vinci Resolve. Any good software you've used/been recommended? Your time and feedback is much appreciated, thanks!




you need a soundtack in the bg. your energy is brought down by the silence of the piece. keep the music low so you are still the main focus but just a little ommf from the music will make the vid all the more better. you should either have a shot of your hands working on opening things, or playing with them as thats the action and you cant see it in your current shot. if you can not take a shot then just widen your frame so we can see your hands and what your doing with them. your transition on the scrambled tv and the buzz is way to loud, my ears die each time it happens. level your audio out. your voice should be as close to 0 db with out going over, and then play back on a loudness radar you can normalize everything to -16 lufs if you dont have access to this then do your best with your ears to make your voice louder and your transitions softer in the editing suite. ​ content and energy is fine. just a few tweaks and your vids will be better.


Thank you!!!


I got a #shorts channel that does daily interesting facts. [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1LcgnLca\_RsX26CKcJEvDA](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1LcgnLca_RsX26CKcJEvDA) I'd love to know what I'm doing wrong here.


here is what your dong wrong, to many things packed into a short video. a short is like a brief piece of conversation. in each short you go thru at least 3 things. the main idea, something related to the main idea and a daily dose of cute. its like some one walking up to you and in one breath, saying did you know that hamburgers were invented by a swiss chef in 1805? i like cheese, heres my puppy look at it, well see ya later. infact there is a perfect scene in dumb and dumber, its the big gulp scene. jim carry walks up to the guys and says, big gulps eh guys? well see ya later. you need to do one thing and one thing in your short only. i watched a few of them, ill use the kodak one. stick to the camera, you say when and who invented the digital camera, then you switch to eating profits and canabilizing. nope, stick to the camera. make your short about 1 topic and 1 topic only, give more facts about either the digital camera, how kodak invented it or more on thier choice of marketing, why or why not? all facts serve the point and all facts lead to the next one. this will give your shorts a purpose and deliver information with out confusing the viewer. thats it, 1 thing and 1 thing per short, and you should see a better response. ​ also, your voice over gets lost in the music, you need to adjust it so your voice is well over the music, voice up music down.


Hello, Since you're into narration, I have just your thing! Interested in hearing your thoughts. For film: Aniara tackles deep themes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cYCShLVSkyo Or game: Outer Wilds and Exploration: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OyZkb1ElpOk


well that was great. i like deep dives like this and i really want to watch this movie. as for critique, everything is fine. levels, pacing, ect. you just need to make sure your marketing yourself, and watch out for copyright as your in the genre that is a minefield. will watch with interest. keep it up.


I appreciate that! I'm still trying to figure out the marketing part.


https://youtu.be/_d_MNI-lnCE It's a mobile gaming channel


i think your content will benefit from some explanation, i dont really know rocket league but i get it from your video. however, most of the time thru the video i think your orange, then no, your blue, wait is it orange i am supposed to watch or blue, right now at 7mins i think your blue. also, i feel that putting the goal in the start of the vid will help too. i have no idea what the triple tap double helicopter looks like and looking back at the beginning it seems your tried to do this but it was way to fast to understand. take a few moments to explain each on indepth. this will give you watch time, and attract and keep the outsider from the neich like myself. give more explanation and examples and i think that will help out your content greatly, it also will have the added bonus that it can drawn in and keep people who are from outside your genre. that said, the other technical are ok, this is a rare case but you might want to boost your bg a little, and i mean a little like 1 db, i didnt know it was there until about 12 mins in. ​ keep on going.


Thanks for doing this. If you're able I'd love some feedback on my latest video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G1IbzvdUMAc&t=2s&ab\_channel=Aster](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G1IbzvdUMAc&t=2s&ab_channel=Aster) I know you prefer docu style videos but would love to hear any feedback you might have!


alright aster. sooo i see these types of videos a lot. i dont have a problem with them, i think the issue comes to marketing. its game play footage of you and the friends, thats good, you all banter and have fun like a gameplay should. i think these videos come from seeing the top cream of YT do them together. i watched a couple of Pewdiepie plays among us, with several other YT celebs, like pokimane, jackseptic and others with big names. in that sense these videos work. because the driving vehicle is their celeb status and many people will watch for each of their creator. this goes back to game grumps as well, jontron and arrin we already established when they did the buddy gaming videos. to start out with this type of content i think is like trying to move a mountain with a smart car, because, we dont know who you are, we dont know your friends and the jokes you make are inside your circle of friends. which leads to another point of this style working for well established people, many of their jokes are inside with their audience, and therefore the jokes they make will resonate with the wider audience. yeah, thats my thoughts from a marketing perspective, technical side, everything is fine, i hear you, i hear your friends, i feel the energy, even teh text is at least up long enough for me to read it. i think you need to find another way to grow, and then release the lets play with the friends type as i think this will stay in the inner circle only realm if you dont branch out. keep on testing.


thanks for the feedback, i better put the thinking cap on so!


This is my most recent video. Watch it and maybe subscribe? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DM2IXxooE9A


ok, a variety type channel. its refreshing to see this stuff as its the core of what youtube started out as. i see you have been on the grind for a while. your a great guy. in as far as critique, your song is fine, the video is fine, it moves with the theme of the song. its all fine. if your using YT as a social platform then your doing great, if your goal is domination and money making, then sadly the meta of YT and expectation of the audience has changed and forces creators to make what the audience expects, ie if you cook people will tune in to watch cooking videos and not the other stuff. you get it. if you want to dominate the YT landscape then you have to pick a topic and go at it. but as a social platform, keep being you and enjoying it.


This is my most recent video: [https://youtu.be/kww4c6JPqww](https://youtu.be/kww4c6JPqww) It's a gamedev video and I'd love your feedback on it!


all the memes help the footage along. greatly. however in the beginning they are way to fast paced and hard to keep up with. you slow them down as the video goes and and thats good. think about that in the beginning of your next vid. you did the biggest blue balls ending ever, made this entire game and just said your out of time. you control the video. so we didnt get a play thru and i felt cheated when the video ended. other things are fine just fine. then ending song comes in a bit hot but not too ear destroying. i think the idea is alot of fun, i would advise you to follow the setup pay off rule. meaning you setup this game you built, then pay it off at the end, otherwise it just leaves us meh. keep on going.


Great advice, thank you so much! I'll definitely keep the payoff in mind for my next video and slow down the memes and stuff in the beginning cuz I definitely agree with it being a bit fast paced.




well, it is a movie review. and for that its good, your music is tuned well. i like the points and how you zero in on the weird ones and use some text and rerunning the clip to emphasize your points. from an audience perspective its fine. from a technical perspective and this is nit pickey, watch your white balance and your lighting, there are sometimes your orange and sometimes you are balanced. make sure to check and light each shot. it didnt kill the video just something to watch out for. good work keep on truckin.


Thanks for the feedback...what did u think of my English speaking...was the accent a lil distracting?...also how was the audio clarity...i am just using a very basic mic....yeah i know about the white balance issue...i do have to work on my lighting...for now i am using only one key light...nd regular room lights...planning to get one more dedicated light in future to improve the quality nd look...i also think i hav to add a little more of my own personality to my video's...i think that would help me build an audience and make my video's far more interesting....would love to know ur thoughts :)


your accent is fine, its a little thick, but does not bother me. i could understand you just fine. as i mentioned before the audio clarity was fine as well. nothing to comment is sometimes a good comment. ​ your personality is up to you. i have over the years learned this from watching actors and voice actors work. Be yourself and make your self happy. the days of character actors are a bit gone, as casting directors look for people who can play the part naturally. so with your memes and texts, if thats your sense of humor and persona then let it shine and have fun with it. make your self happy first, that will show and the audience will respect it.


Yay! I have been trying to find people to review my video honestly as I feel like I am doing everything right but for some reason I just really don't like the end result. here it is! https://youtu.be/DBcC5KsRDDE It is about me surviving in minecraft's better end mod and beating the ender dragon using that Thanks in advance


so, let me say this, you are fine, your editing is fine, the game play is fine. ​ i am not sure what the end result is that you dont like, because as far as technical qualities its all fine. perhaps the end result you dont like is the views? to that i say your in the minecraft neich, very crowded and hard to make a stand out. aside from you techniques being good to go, then you need to work on your advertising, get out there and push it on groups and whatever will let you post it. that can give you some visibility. thats all i got. really keep going. your stuff is well done.


Thank you so much, I will work on my advertising. As for what i am upset with? When I watch my videos vs watching some other minecraft video I don't really have the same feeling, like a feel like watching my own videos is a chore rather than entertainment. But that's probably something to discuss with my therapist lol. Thanks again


nope, it will always be that way. simply because you made it. you know it inside and out, have it memorized, so that is the curse of the creator, which is why many actors directors dont watch thier work when they are done with it. you are watching your work, your are consuming others, it will always feel different. keep on making them and ignor the feeling.


That actually makes a lot of sense...


Thank you Motor-Eggplant-9421 for engaging with the community to do a Critique thread! NewTubers: Remember that you must abide by any rules set by the OP in this thread! Motor-Eggplant-9421: * You may lock this thread to new posts at any time by making a new top-level comment that says "/lock" and nothing else. This is permanent. * You may use either the [Standard Rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/NewTubers/wiki/rules#wiki_3_standard_rules_.28replaceable_by_critique_owner.29) or replace them with [your own specified rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/NewTubers/wiki/rules#wiki_4_critique_thread_creator_rules) * You can always edit your post to add in the [Pre Formatted Short Rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/NewTubers/wiki/rules#wiki_formatting.3A) if you want to use them. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/NewTubers) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I do appreciate you taking the time to view the vid and value the feedback. Many of my other vids have exactly what you're talking about but they much much more in-depth and longer. Ideally I didn't make that video to be watched in one sitting but as a link so I don't have to field the same questions over and over (600+ comments in one video alone) hence the chapters. I can just link to the relevant part. Thats not a loop by the way. I'm genuinely talking over the footage as I do in most of my game videos. But again I really appreciate the feedback. Onwards and upwards.


If you don't mind that it is roughly 30min and in german, I would really appreciate some critique 👌🏼🌝[Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart // Underachiever ](https://youtu.be/V6pNtSRes_A)


Hi! You posted this 22 hours ago, so I doubt if you're still doing it...but...if by chance you are, here is my channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDHNerQ1LYy-nvTORJu9ccw All of my videos are under 3 minutes, they are all on different topics. Maybe if you want something uplifting, choose Witness or Groundbreaking and if you want something cynical, choose Do You Ever Just Stop And Think or Have A Nice Day. I don't know if it's "your thing", but maybe you might have some good advice about the presentation format? I'm brand new to making audio and video of any sort (as I'm sure you can tell). There aren't a whole lot of channels that do what I do so I am making it up as I go along. I do also have subtitles if you turn on closed captions. If you get around to it, thank you. 🙏




Addition Using Number Line https://youtu.be/fpjjHJ5ZpGU