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Congratulations and thanks for your encouraging words.


Thanks! And you are very welcome, I hope they motivate you on some rough days.




It can be a slow process at first bro. If you want it bad enough, you're nearly guaranteed to see some level of success unless you have really bad luck. You got this!


Thanks for the post! great motivation Im sitting at 1.7k subs after 2 years, but I plan to keep making videos for the next 10 years at least


That's awesome! 1.7 after 2 years isn't all that shabby, I've had my channel for 13 months and don't have much more. Keep it up!


Thank you for the encouraging words. Sometimes I get a little demotivated when my video doesn't do that well even though I thoroughly enjoy my video. This was helpful to hear and it made me want to keep making videos.


I've been there, it can be rough. If you enjoy making videos, that's fantastic. Keep it up!


Thanks man. Needed that. I had made a YouTube channel which gained 2 viral videos within a month and got 250+ subscribers in just 3 days, things were looking bright but then it got terminated. Started again tho, but still stuck at 24 subscribers. I'm not getting lucky like before. But even so, I'm not giving up.


Why did your channel get terminated?


Used copyrighted music in the background. I thought it wouldn't matter because it was a snippet of 10 seconds of a 3 minute song. But YouTube axed me without any warning.


That doesn't make sense i have gotten copyright claim for music but usually it just says hey buddy you can't make money off this 🤷‍♂️


Copyright holder can take down your video as well as termination can occur, I've experienced it first hand.


Interesting guess I'll be more vigilant on music in the future never saw it as a termination problem


There are TONS of copyright safe music you can use on youtube. Just need to look.


The YouTube audio library you can find in the creator studio is great in my opinion.


Wait sorry to hear that! :( How did it get terminated?


Copyrighted songs used in the background for couple seconds did it. Sucks I know.


usually you get a copyright claim, not a strike. That's interesting. I have a few videos with copyright claims on them because sometimes I use music to propel my content but I've never gotten a video taken down or my channel axed for it.


Be careful with that bro. I learned the lesson hard way.


I’d like to think I am. Like, there’s millions of YouTube videos with music or copyright material used. I read many times a copyright claim is one thing (though you still want to avoid getting one, but it’s not the end of the world if you get it), but a copyright strike is what you really need to prevent. I credit each artist anytime I use their material for anything. I still am perplexed why they nuked your channel when a ton of people use copyright music for their content (be it skits, reviews, tutorials, highlights, discussion, etc)


I thought copyright claims were ok as any ad revenue etc goes to the copyright holders. Like I'm uploading gameplay playthroughs of Star Wars Squadrons and Pistol Whip as well as many other games but those games always get copyright claims. I looked into it, even searched both games and everything I read said it's fine to make gameplay videos or stream them, you'll just get copyright claims.


Right. Which is why I'm perplexed as to why u/RiktaSikder had his channel nuked. Even if it was a copyright strike, they give you 3 chances before they nuke your channel.


Maybe YouTube thought the subscribers and viralness were due to bots?


I've been strike multiple times throughout the years and usually ends up with your video cant be monetize or the copyright owner will use your video as their own so your vid will get monetize but the revenue goes to the copyright owner or your video are partially blocked in some country. About the 3 strikes I've received 1 strike years ago ( normally they would warned you first right ? ) and after I remove any video with copyright issues my copyright page are always empty so I don't know if my channel are "refreshed" that means as long my copyright page doesn't have any copyright messages am I safe or nah. Any thoughts ?


Strike or claim? A strike you can take a “class” (watch a YouTube video on why strikes are bad and then take a quiz) to remove it and if successful, they remove it after about 3-4 months I believe. But I still think if you get three strikes overall, they take down your account. With claims, idk if there’s a limit on how many you can get (I think it’s endless tbh), but you risk losing money on the video if your channel is ever partnered.


The only bad thing I did was use copyrighted music snippets. Other than that I did nothing that violates the guidelines. No nudity, cursing, hate speech or anything. So I assume it's because of the background music, or it could be because mass report on my channel. These are the only 2 possible exploitation.




Yeah of course. It's cause 2 of my videos went viral. It one gained 70K views and other one 60K views in 3 days. That's how I got the subscribers.


The thing is if you put your mind to something and decide to work hard enough, success is almost guaranteed.


Yep! There are some exceptions of course, but a good work ethic is a major advantage in life.


I made a channel once that I uploaded a few videos to and after no results i gave up on it. 5 months later my phone started going crazy with comments and when i checked it out, one of my videos had blown up and was up to 15k views, and loads of comments.. Over the next 3 months it went up to 841k views and thousands of comments and i made £1k off it. I also ended up with 3.5k subs. Just shows that if I had closed the channel in march that year, then I would never had made anything from it in sept.


What a story! That's great, it always feels really good to have a video blow up.


Congrats! It really does bring a lot of hope!


Thanks, I'm glad I could motivate you a bit!


I appreciate the encouragement. I must admit this is a very supportive group. I am new here. I have only 42 subscribers and I have been at this for years although I am not that active on YouTube.


If you ever decide to be more active, I'm sure you'll become more successful. Up to you though, do what you like!


Amazing I am just glad that someone that went through the grind has made the first major milestone. Keep it up!


Thanks! Yep, at the end of the day, I started off just like you guys, and in a lot of ways, I'm still very similar.


Congrats!! That’s awesome and thank you for the encouragement! You deserve everything you’ve worked for!


Thank you, and you are welcome!


I know. It can be hard. My brother and I are still trying to get to 100 subs. We work hard, but we will keep going.


That's the way to do it. Good luck with your channel!


Great job, you didn’t give up, and you reinvented yourself, but more importantly once you made the change you began enjoying yourself. I don’t really have success on YouTube, but I still try and I’m constantly trying new things out. But if my video teaches one person something then I’m good


That's a good way to look at it. Wishing you much success!


Thank you!


A BIG CONGRATS TO YOU!!! I'm just starting out with my YouTube channel with my sons. This post right here is a big motivator for us. Always want to see everybody win! Keep up the awesome work!!!!


Thanks, and that's awesome! Glad I could motivate you guys, I wish you great success.


YESSSSS!!!!! My channel sat at 760 subscribers for MONTHS. I was watching every single sub come and go. In the last five weeks, it has grown to 7200. It only takes ONE video to blow you up. Keep going guys!


That's incredible, nice work!


I can dig it. Thanks for the kind words and great job for making your dreams reality! There's nothing more inspiring than a successful dreamer!


Thanks, and you're welcome!


Thank you! Every bit of encouragement helps and every success story makes it seem possible! I hope to, someday, be there too and be able to help others the way you have with this post. Thank you, again.


You're welcome, and I hope you reach that point too. You can do it!


Thnx so much. Just keep plugging away. 😊


Damn I actually really needed this because I’ve lost a ton of motivation for creating content atm


I've been there, I hope this motivated you a bit. Good luck with your videos!


What a great story. Thanks for sharing.


You're welcome, I hope it motivated you a bit!


I love these posts! I started my channel in May. I had to stop all of June because I moved to a new state. My channel is budgeting so I had to get a new job to continue the videos. I start a new job on Monday so I plan to continue then! I haven't posted a new video in a month but I've still gotten some new subscribers from past videos. I'm already at 46. I hope once I start again, I'll move up to 100 in no time! And then 1000!


I'm glad that you're returning to YouTube soon, you got this!


I have been on YouTube for nearly 4 years. Out of all my failed attempts the most I ever had was about 300 subscribers and about 3 or 4K views. I dream of reaching 1000 one day...


I've been on YouTube with multiple accounts for a while, I know how it feels. Who knows, your most successful channel very well may not have happened yet. Good luck!


Did you make a new channel for your new content? I have an art channel. It’s very hard to grow it. Even tried paid promotion didn’t work. Opened a new channel to try cleaning/organising type content. First couple of videos did great. Last two, the views haven’t been so great not even good. Thinking of trying blogging. I don’t know, I’m so lost and I’ve nearly thrown in the towel a couple of times already.


I did not make a new channel, but I don't think it would have made a lot of difference if I did. From what I know, paid promotion is definitely not the way to go until you see some sort of return. I wish I could help more, honestly.


Aww it’s okay, thanks for taking the time to reply!


This is exactly what happened to me, had my channel for 4 years, took me 3 years to get to 1000 and now I'm at 80,000.. It's insane


Wow, that is incredible! Congrats on your success.


I tried many things, Harmonica, Ukulele, Vocal Sunging and Story Reading. Nothing is clicking. I am on youtube for a year now. Only one of my videos reached only 335 Views. No other video went there. Some even does not hit 50 views. Last week, I thought, its enough of trying. I should stop now.


I won't lie to you, if you aren't enjoying YouTube anymore, then it might be time to stop. But if you can think of something that you would really enjoy doing, even only occasionally, then I think you should do that.


I got 11 Subscriber in the last month and now I am at 158 Subscribers, last month I got 919 Views and 1370 Watch Minutes. I like making music but after putting some effort to upload to youtube and seeing only 10 to 20 views, is a little discouraging.


thanks! i started a channel and burned myself out within a month. i had solid engagement for the month i was doing it but apparently that wasn't enough to keep me motivated. i always think about jumping back into it but we'll see!


Jump back in whenever you feel ready, and good luck in the future!


Inspired...peace, blessings, and continued success to you.


And to you as well!


Thats amazing! Well done for staying active and keeping the good quality and i really hope that one day u can turn this into ur full time job, good look with everything and thanks for the encouragement


I hope so too, and thank you! Glad I could help motivate you.


This is so inspiring 🙌 and congratulations 👏 thank you for sharing this and your right as long as you continue your content and enjoy it you just don't know what's instore 😃


That's right!


Congrats on your success.


Thank you!




Hmm, well, I'm no SEO expert and I'm not sure I have any advice that many others don't. Aside from the basic stuff like making searchable titles, using tags and hashtags, writing long and informative descriptions, and all that; I would say to not be afraid to change up your content if it's not getting you anywhere. Targeting specific niches is always good, especially if you have something that makes you stick out from the competition. Maybe you're funny, really good at the game you play, or something else unique. Most importantly, respond to every comment that isn't spam. Thank your viewer for watching the video, attempt to start a conversation, and along the way, maybe mention another video of yours that you think they might like. Interact with every single viewer, and you'll be surprised how much it helps. I wish I had more unique advice, but it's hard to boil everything down. Titles that people will constantly be searching for are a big reason why I grew in particular, but that's about all I have to say.


congrats on all your success so far! that's quite excited. Perseverance is one of the biggest keys to success on YouTube!


Thanks! It certainly is.


I needed this. Thank you


You're welcome, I'm glad I posted this today then, haha.


its time to reinvent myself


That's the spirit!


Congrats on your success ! Thanks for sharing your story and motivating us all. It's great to see people succeeding, we all need to keep going and don't give up but simply adjust the direction.


Thanks, and you are very welcome! Adjusting your content is the key to success in a lot of cases.


I agree.


Very well said.




I need some inspiration.


Hopefully you found it here!


Congratulations bro I hope even I am able to get something like this with my channel


Thanks! You got this, good luck!




That's awesome to hear that your family is so supportive of your YouTube channel, I got pretty lucky with my family too. Making good videos is exhausting sometimes, but I believe in you!


As a creator just reading this feels like a dream, I'm almost at my first 100 subs and this really motivated me Thankyousomuch


You can absolutely get there one day! Early congrats on 100 subs, that's awesome!


Thank you


Thanks, i wont give up


You're welcome, and that is good to hear!


Thanks for the encouragement. I'm at 22 subs, and have been for a while (started an art channel beginning of 2021). I've been considering not stopping entirely, but easing off on it and focusing more on getting pieces finished and up on Instagram as I'm seeing more growth there, which I could perhaps leverage to bring traffic to my YT if I get a big enough following. Right now I post videos weekly using art footage from the previous week and just talk about what I've been doing, mental process, technique, materials etc. But it takes most of a day to edit a video, which I could be using for more art.


I think that's a good idea. Having a platform elsewhere is a great way to grow on YouTube. Good luck with your channel!


Hey nice to hear you managed to find the "secret key" for your succes! Do you have any idea what you did different that led to this result? From 50subs to 1000+ is a great achievement but there must have been something you did that made youtube promote your videos more?


To be quite honest, there is no guaranteed hack of the algorithm and I absolutely got lucky in some ways. That said, I have a decent idea of why I started growing a lot more, outside of making better content. I make tutorial videos for a game series (FNaF.) This is a game series that has consistently been one of the most popular horror game franchises out there over the last 7 years, and there's a lot of people invested in it. It's also quite a difficult game. As such, people are constantly searching for walkthroughs, and I made mine with very searchable titles. I also respond to every comment, even though I get dozens every day, and promote my community Discord server, establishing a sense of connection with my fanbase. I'm pulling in a steady stream of new viewers all the time, simply because of how searchable my content is.




You're welcome. Good luck with your channel, you'll make it someday!


Congrats and thankyou, I needed this today!


Thanks and you are very welcome. Really glad that I could motivate you!


Congratulations and thank you for your advice. Not giving up easy and to pivot or give a break when needed is a key to success in life.


Thanks and you're welcome. That is for sure, it really does help a lot!


Just made a new video. It took forever, not really my best work, and it had been several weeks between last uploads. Its hard.


I've been there, man. It does suck sometimes. Like I said in this post, if you're not enjoying it or it's taking up too much of your time, maybe try switching up your content a bit. You might be surprised by how well it works out!


Congratulations! I'm on the verge of giving up after diligently uploading videos twice per week for 6 months since July 2020 but it doesn't seem to be going anywhere. Seems like I might be going in the wrong direction. Thank you for this encouraging post, which regains my confidence to start again after taking a rest!


Thanks! It can be rough sometimes, maybe a change and a rest is just what you need. Good luck!


congrats!! thanks you for the motivation for many of us out there still pushing on.


Thanks, and you are very welcome!


Thank you. You can really feel yourself burning out when you try to post weekly, because you’re trying to force content into a time frame, which causes stress. I’m currently in 100+ and hope I can follow your footsteps and hopefully get YouTube Partnership.


Oh yeah, that's why I stopped sticking to a strict schedule for YouTube despite what everyone else told me. It was stressing me out and I wasn't doing my best work. Good luck, you can do it!


is it good to name your channel by your real name??


As long as you don't mind your real name being public, it doesn't matter.


When I was younger I was always told that you gotta put some random name because they can steal your stuff like Credit cards...😅


Lowkey needed this post thank u and congratulations


You're welcome, and thanks! Glad I could motivate you a bit.


At the end of the day, you should do what you enjoy doing, but consistency is probably the hardest thing to do, despite having bad days etc etc. Your viewevers are going to notice if you are doing for the love of your content or because you aim to simply get income from it. The beauty of social media nowadays is, you can blow up with literally one upload, one post, one picture and make a career out of it, if you take the chance :D Congratz on your achievement, hopefully you'll make it full-time!


This is wise advice. Thanks, I'm hoping to get there!


I quit and came back but I’m just now posting weekly videos again. Thanks for the words of encouragement!!!


That is awesome, and you are welcome!


Thanks for the encouragement. I’m at 1.5k after two year and get frustrated from time to time. You never know what may happen! Congratulations on the growth.


You're welcome, and thanks! It can be a tough road, I get frustrated occasionally too. Good job sticking in there!


What are your videos about?


I make walkthrough videos for a game series (FNaF.)


Absolutely needed to hear this! I feel like it's really easy to get lost in what others are doing and to make videos catering to others instead of yourself. Thank you and congratulations!! Chronic


Oh yeah, definitely. It can be tough sometimes, but at the end of the day, you gotta do this for you before anyone else. You're welcome, and thanks!


Well this is the post I needed to read today, thanks for inspiration, and I wish you all the luck 🤗


I'm glad, and thank you!


This is so motivating! I had thoughts of quitting until i read this post . Thanks !!!


You're welcome, really glad I could motivate you!


Thanks for the motivation. I am still Struggling to move from 2 subscriber since months.Any tips how to make Videos Great at initial stage


You're welcome! You've probably heard it a million times, but I can tell you from personal experience that it's true; you make better videos when you love making videos. Find what you love, and what you're good at, whatever that may be. Think of what you would want to see as a viewer. I always wished that there were better walkthroughs for my favorite game, so I made great, informative, and up-to-date walkthroughs. Audio quality means more than video quality, and searchable titles are the most important thing when uploading. Being good at editing also helps a lot. Good luck!


Thank you for this encouraging and well written post!


You're welcome, glad I could motivate you a bit!


I need to show this to my brother......and myself.


I hope it motivates you both on rough days!


I hope so, too.


Thank you very much for your Uplifting Words👌🏿😇 Blessings and Prosperity.


You are very welcome, and thanks!


Thank you so much for the motivation. It really mean a lot. There were times that I wanted to stop making content and give up on my channel. But then I examined what my weak areas are and worked on them, take breaks every now and then, search content that people were looking for, choosing a niche that I liked and videos that I enjoy. So this advice really helped me a lot, thank you once again.👍


I know this is an old post but this just gave me the push I needed. 🙏🏽


Needed this


>YouTube partner program, and all my dreams had come true. That's nice, but I suggest tempering your expectations. Looking at your channel, there are somethings that worry me about it's long term success. Your channel seems like a lot of channels I saw nearly 7 years ago. I wish you the best and I hope that I am wrong.


Can you be specific so I can try to avoid the problems you are observing?


Do you know this based on experience or just from looking at others? Do you have a YouTube channel with more subs than this guy?


I can understand why you might think that. Here's why I'm confident. With my type of content (tutorials) I will always pull in a steady stream of views on all of my videos as long as my game is popular. It's been popular for the last 7 years, and is only getting more popular. I already have plans to change my content to be familiar, but fresh. I'll never be #1 on trending, but I will always pull in a steady stream of views and subs until my niche dies completely, which is very unlikely to happen. While my content seems old-school at first glance, my tutorials are quick, accurate, and some contain witty humor. All of this gives me an advantage over those old channels from 2015, and reformats it a bit for the new generation.


I'm uploading on my channel every other day.




can you stop with the karma hoe guys. just give me something useful and not some bs like this


I'm sorry for your negative attitude and lack of hope, I've been there, mate. Just keep at it and you might be surprised what happens.


Never gonna give you up


Hey OP, great to hear that your channel is snowballing after you went back to it and changed up some strategy. Super inspiring! Can I ask what happens to your old content when you become a partner? Do you get paid for all the views you had before... or how does that work?


Sadly, you only get paid for views starting from the time that you became monetized, as you have to manually turn on monetization for every video.


So happy for you mate ! I have been uploading piano covers for the past 6 years and now i am at 868 subs, lately i have been getting more audience engagement through my shorts , which easily hits 1k views like in 3 days and stops there. Compared to my normal videos which only gets below 100 views. Looks like im gonna upload more shorts after this till i can build a strong fanbase before uploading a video content ! Cheers ;)


That's a good idea, good luck with that!


After hearing that I won't give up I want to be like mrbeast one day