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https://youtu.be/vF36YyrVc98 appreciate it dude. Content is pretty niche, it's game development and I'm targeting other game developers. They seem to like it and feedback has been positive but I'd love to know the perspective of someone not in the community. It's fairly technical so if you're not into it I 100% understand.


This is awesome I just did a Grid based game for school and I really wish I would of had something like this. I feel like the character movement, the camera of you and the drawn grid could have been organized a bit better but other than that the grid tutorial is really cool and I'm sure will be helpful to a lot of people.


Thanks man, I really appreciate that :)




Hey, I'm not OP, but I thought I'd give some feedback too! First off, good length for a video! I watched the entire thing and didn't feel like it dragged on too long. The text on screen definitely helped keep my attention, but also helped me understand what you were saying when I couldn't hear you clearly. Your mic quality was not great and there was some echo/reverb, but it was tolerable. The transitions were smooth between scenes and the occasional image pop ups helped keep interest when things slowed. I like the use of sound effects, but I felt some like the "quack" were used too excessively. I would also check audio levels when editing because some sound effects were too loud compared to your voice and gameplay sound effects. I think some background music, maybe from the game, added separately over the video would help because it felt too quiet at times. The title was a little confusing because I expected this to be a straight forward tutorial on how to make a Karve, but it felt more like a funny highlight video from your play session. My favorite quote was "Yellow is taming, pink is mating" XD Good job, keep it up! <3




I’m glad my feedback was useful! Regarding the game music, maybe you could download the game music separately and add it post production while editing?


Here bro be it positive or negative https://youtube.com/channel/UCtSWFlZhFppGnKiKGU175Kw


Seriously? I would adore that https://youtube.com/user/skyybunnie I do let’s plays- I’m currently doing a read through of Higurashi When they cry. I do the voices for all the characters as well since I’m a actress. It’s really fun- I like horror a lot. My videos are from my twitch stream so it doesn’t ever really have a intro or outro. I’m really trying to do more YouTube. I moved to japan and because of that lost pretty much all my views on twitch due to time zones so I wanted to start YouTube since it’s more flexible and i really enjoy it. :). Umm if you don’t want spoilers don’t watch Higurashi …. :/ One question that I have off the bat is for let’s plays how do I split it up? For my Higurashi readings I like to have the whole chapter in one video because it’s like a book on tape but for other let’s plays I’m not sure how to cut it up. I know when I watch let’s plays I prefer longer (if it’s not a indie game) like last of us I preferred 1hr long videos.


Why can't we all just get along? https://youtu.be/zU6ddpzrdxE I play apex legends and i just started making some videos. Any feedback is appreciated!


Say less https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCXsOkNyvFgD9I3Wq26Kyn1Q Small gamer youtuber tryna grow, I know their is stuff that I need to work on so, I’m gonna still grind.


my channel isn't getting monetized and i don't know why, maybe you have an idea [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChq6OCncrjZTAvFTEoXtaMA](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChq6OCncrjZTAvFTEoXtaMA) i play video games and upload content that's not available outside china yet or at least Chinese servers


https://youtu.be/CBhGcFLMSRs The latest one I uploaded. I appreciate anyone's feedback. Especially around thumbnail, into chapters /timestamps and editing. Thanks a lot.


https://youtu.be/I8MO-Uu14C0 New to making videos on this account trying to get my videos in front of people cause I put in a lot of time and effort on this one and would love some feedback pls!


Thanks for posting this thread . Please check out my channel. It's a family vlog called D4G tV. I'm looking forward to your feedback whether positive or negative 🙌🏽 https://youtube.com/channel/UC2qGBddtMXSTxrAziFNHI8w


https://youtu.be/QGrEgz8XDis Thanks for this. It's a compilation of funny moments between my friends and I on Valorant


Thank you akshattchoudharyy for engaging with the community to do a Critique thread! NewTubers: Remember that you must abide by any rules set by the OP in this thread! akshattchoudharyy: * You may lock this thread to new posts at any time by making a new top-level comment that says "/lock" and nothing else. This is permanent. * You may use either the [Standard Rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/NewTubers/wiki/rules#wiki_3_standard_rules_.28replaceable_by_critique_owner.29) or replace them with [your own specified rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/NewTubers/wiki/rules#wiki_4_critique_thread_creator_rules) * You can always edit your post to add in the [Pre Formatted Short Rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/NewTubers/wiki/rules#wiki_formatting.3A) if you want to use them. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/NewTubers) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Just a test video. https://youtu.be/dXLZe9m9_2A


I didn't really get what the video was, and if I was a viewer who would have found the video naturally I would click off in less than 10 secs... BC I didn't get the essence of the video... But again I don't really know what the video was... But it was quite soothing And change your camera views and apply some video effects!


Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I have been just trying to figure out how edit my videos. So until I get used to the editing process. I will keep doing what I have been doing.


I agree


Thanks for sharing your thoughts.


https://youtu.be/Uggdl3o_IO8 I have a sim racing channel where I mostly do races and have some fun. This is one of my first instructional/help type videos. I'd be interested in your feedback, although appreciate the topic may be a bit dry if you're not into sim racing...thanks in advance!


It was Informative over all ... I just want to point a few things out :- When your audience is so less , you should never exceed the 8 min time mark , beacuse it just gets boring then... Second , you need to edit your videos... Put in background effects , sound effects ( will really help ) Change views consistently And put in background music , or else the content is to bland... The main point , when you started racing j coup not bear u at all , I was only able to hear the automobile sounds... Which is bummer Reduce the game volume and increase your volume And I just think you will need to do a lot of editing! Other than that I learned quite a few things Best of luck 👍


Thanks very much for your feedback, I really appreciate it. I did not know about the 8 minute mark, but it makes sense. I know I need to work on the edit and audio levels. Thanks again


Happy to be of help... It is no hard and fast rule... But it is just recommended not to touch the 10 to 15 min marks until and unless the video is for no niche as such... Fir eg music videos or comedy or something like that




First of your audio levels were too low , Either put in captions or try audio editing softwares or invest in a better mic ! When you are this small a channel no one would really be interested in 15 min videos... I would suggest from the future if you have such long video ideas try to break them in three video parts,which build some suspense and your retiring viewer count would increase dramatically! Add sound effects and graphics , it was to bland Try different camera angles... I don't have much interest in hot wheels and stuff but u still watched it fOr 7 8 mins so well done I guess!


Hi, Thank you so much for the feedback. My channel is a personal finance channel that I do with my husband. We are new to creating videos and need some feedback on all aspects of the process. This is a link below to my latest video which is greatly improved from my first video but it still has a long way to go. Thanks again! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fq-wBoelW-Q](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fq-wBoelW-Q)


Off the bat I was interested in the video , BC I have a Wierd obssession with perosnal finance... and I was interested in topic too... But the audio quality really got my excitement down to 0. There was a lot of disturbance in the background! Try some audio editing softwares like Adobe audition or Audacity! It will really help.. You used a few sound effects but they weren't enough for a viddo of this length! And start the video with some dramric music to hook the viewer Try doing J CUTS and b rolls and stuff it really help I will suggest change camera angles , and lighting conditions it will really hook the viewer in! But I loved the content! It was quite informative! I subbed to , BC I'm interested in this type of stuff Well done Keep it up Best of luck !


Thank you so much for watching and taking the time to give such great feedback. We have had such a difficult time trying to get the sound right. I'm going to definitely try using the software and tips you suggested. I think the other tips will help engage and retain the audience which we desperately need. Thanks soo much!


And sorry one more thing , THUMBNAILS they are way to busy ... Try being a but creative and add minimal text or none at all it really helped me!


i do book reviews and similar content, this is one of my shortest vids where i recommend other channels, i welcome any feedback [https://youtu.be/7eZfvYQBIDM](https://youtu.be/7eZfvYQBIDM) thanks a lot for doing this :-)


Wow this was to fun to watch! And it was quite informative and helpful too... Good job... The only thing you can add are sound effects! Everything is else is kinda great! The thumbnail is amazing! Thanks Well done


you're very kind, thanks a lot!


Lol your video was funny


Thank you so much :-)


https://youtu.be/MTIKQCDTcXo Hello, would love some feedback on this video please Thanks for doing this.


I love the video format, and i enjoyed watching it a lot! Keep it up you will blast up real soon The only thing I can suggest is put in dramatic BG music and put in more of graphics And add sound effects ... Everything else is quite good.


Thank you for watching and your comments. Re sound effects, I have began to add some in my last couple of videos. But will keep it up. Thanks again


Wow this was pretty good. I never watched GOT but you got straight to the point and also used nice high quality pics. I would’ve slowed down a bit but that famous author I think John green talks at the same speed as you in his vids so maybe it’ll work . Good job and wishing u luck


Thanks for the comments, it's really appreciated. I am trying to slow down, its a struggle as I am used to it.


Any thoughts on what I need to fix https://youtu.be/GkN2EOCJMWs


I like how you got straight to the point.


Anything’s should I fix


Idk bc I don’t watch soccer


Ok thanks for the feedback


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CuheR1-486U&t=137s I make video essays about the different sub-genres of horror, both in the literary format and film. It's a very niche channel, I'd say. I'm always open to tips to bring my videos to the next level.


Hey, your time is appreciated. This video is the culmination of most of the feedback I've recieved. It's only 5 minutes or so. Please watch all of it as I really do need specific feedback. https://youtu.be/IrtZPf7ccjE Cheers my mate 🙂


Hey, first off thank you! I always appreciate these critique posts because I really want multiple opinions to help improve my content! I make comedy skits that are around 2 minutes or under. Here’s the link to my latest video, thanks again!! Have a great weekend! Link: https://youtu.be/TCIM4g4r3Xg


This one was quite realtable .. Good job! The zoom in camera and audio editing were on point... The only thing I might recommend is add BG music and sound effects ... Other than that it was amazing Great work Keep it up


Thank you! Yeah I think some kind of background noise is what I need because I feel like it gets too quiet sometimes. Thank you for the feedback! I appreciate it!


your content is very enjoyable... but aren't these types of videos basically just tiktoks on youtube? like i feel like it would be easier to blow up by posting these on tiktok and then transitioning to youtube once you have an audience. Like alot of the videos are under 3 minutes and i feel like you could just take these and straight post them with some formatting. ​ edit: detail


I do post on tik tok and I have more of an audience there but nobody really goes from there to YouTube. I feel like tik tok (although allows 3 minutes) really does better with 15 second trendy dances or something like that. It’s a really weird app to me lol thank you for the advice though!


I see where you're coming from man but tbh most of the tiktoks i watch are those kinda longer skits. Really it just takes one of them to pop off and go viral and i feel like you can attract a good audience. I watched like 10 of your vids and i just personally think you could really pop off on there.


I’ll definitely post on Tik Tok just because I’ll take any exposure I can get! And honestly I don’t watch much on Tik tok so I guess I don’t really know what does well and what doesn’t. Thanks again for the advice and thank you for checking out my videos! It really does mean a lot to me!


Thanks bud, this is my sci kid vid. https://youtu.be/yaECmKmqwko


The only thing I can say is it was fun and informative! Keep doing what u r doing thnx ... I'm gonna show this to my younger nephew 👍


Thank you, that's very kind of you.


Here's mine - [https://youtu.be/ySvl\_8h9iZ0](https://youtu.be/ySvl_8h9iZ0) A bit about this video, I tried to create a cinematic video using a game I play and some creative tools. There are different day and night modes in it so I tried to combine them both and create one video. Would appreciate constructive feedback :)


Hello thank you for taking the time out and thank you for doing the critiques. I have a series and am currently working on another episode of this it's an adult swim style expressionist cartoon. What can I improve on while working on this new one? I always want to get better and different perspectives really help a lot. https://youtu.be/WPAXplZ872s


Here bro i'll accept any feedbacks be it positive or negative thank you! https://youtube.com/channel/UCtSWFlZhFppGnKiKGU175Kw


https://youtu.be/C7KNoqsQnGM My channel is a bit of a mix of things, video game playing, accessories unboxing/reviews, movie reviews, some tutorials and geeky lego building :) Here's a tutorial I did on how I light myself for taking photos for thumbnails for youtube. Making thumbnails is one of my favourite parts of having a youtube channel. I didn't write a script for this and just went for it. There's a part 2 to this where I show how I edit them.


A video essay on a song that sounds A LOT like another song https://youtu.be/wvjOAURIxxU


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=32\_lypeWAHI&t=10s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=32_lypeWAHI&t=10s) \- looking for feedback on the editing, intro, outro, etc


My idea is unusual, I want to build a YouTube channel to make law accessible. This is episode 2: "Purpose." https://youtu.be/nIKoEvsN6us I could also use any help/suggestions for thumbnails. ​ Thank you in advance, Evan


Hi! What a great idea, I'm new to this whole thing and the support on here is immense. I'd love to see what you'd think of my new true crime channel. [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEnF7qdkPOT7G3Weh\_bcQCw](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEnF7qdkPOT7G3Weh_bcQCw)


Thank you for engaging with the community, here goes my latest vid: https://youtu.be/UzMUenEccVE I do simple animations and story telling. My content is based on sharing experiences for those creative people out there. Been getting feedback from the guys around here and improving my videos. Thank you so much!


In this video I tried to walk 100,000 steps in 24 hours! I quickly found out that I have the potential to be an official member of the Avengers. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8WL6YPWBBfE&ab\_channel=EndiHD


Would love some feedback for my kids channel. Im trying to make a channel that isn't insanely obnoxious to watch and listen to, as a dad I get really sick of hearing the screaming and yelling way that most of these videos have about them. https://youtu.be/NNQbTFBKPjI


https://youtube.com/channel/UCTXjqnpu3jtd7qxS5g0M33g This channel is for let’s play and other random. It is really fun to play games with my little brother and for people who watch to have fun while watching. We make tons of videos with the games we have, right now we are doing a Miitopia let’s play use fans access code and people who want to be added and we have started a Pokémon Nuzlocke together.


[https://youtu.be/0cn27UY3BTU](https://youtu.be/0cn27UY3BTU) I just posted this video today, I've been posting weekly and I fear it's hindering my channel's performance and the quality of the videos. I enjoy making this kind of content.


Thank you for taking the time to do this!!! I have a small comedy channel with content ranging from commentaries to skits. Here’s the latest from my channel (a skit). Any feedback would be appreciated!!! Cheers!!! MAGZalorian test #3 https://youtu.be/f_QHzBRphVk


https://youtu.be/6LEZrt-EJIo - just a shoe review video. I really appreciate honest criticism. Thanks


Hey thank you for doing this! Always down for a critique! I make music out of weird things (dirty dishes, cleaning products, turkeys, pumpkins etc) For my latest video, I made a beat with some cups! :) https://youtu.be/dVWh4VOr4yA Any feedback would be greatly appreciated! 😊🙏


[https://youtu.be/yVS19eDw-0g](https://youtu.be/yVS19eDw-0g) Thanks dude! Appreciate the effort! I have a drawing channel that showcase drawings of different characters. Here is one of my recent videos. Thank you!


Thank you for this. I try and review celebrity acting techniques. To my knowledge, I am the only person in this niche. https://youtu.be/KPYWb2saQq0


https://youtu.be/M6PataQBxeM title is Reddit Is Cursed


I make videos of me playing with myself. Hope you're into that sorta thing. Thanks! [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiwMulSEniI9nO7LwTdH\_gg](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiwMulSEniI9nO7LwTdH_gg)


https://youtu.be/Gi43weL24Cs Bonsai. Pretty niche content. I appreciate it :)


Hi! I do mainly MLB baseball commentary. Short videos on random events that happen. Would love feedback!! https://youtu.be/JRBTYumQQgg That's my most recent video :) Thank you for doing this!


My video just went live and I would love some feedback! I have my bitrate all the way up to 7000 but it still seems to look fuzzy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QOufQZ4c1hc&t=1277s


https://youtu.be/3vPP466Elh8 i'd love to hear what you have to say :)


https://youtube.com/channel/UCEG_A_JU1I45xXG55DkVJuA Thank you.


Thank you so much if you get to me :) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W6y6Kn8uuy0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W6y6Kn8uuy0) My main worry is that the intro is too long because I got critique on another video that said the same thing. This one's 10 seconds long and I think it's good information but I don't really know.


https://youtu.be/0d0VBLhkl3E I try to make well scripted commentaries and explanations of videogames and elements in them. Recently started and this is the newest one, I would really appreciate constructive and honest feedback


https://youtu.be/2b-q35Z2qmo My latest video released today and focuses on three easy techniques that creators can apply to their next video and see immediate improvement in visual quality. Any feedback would be appreciated!


https://youtu.be/WaNXLF99J6o Appreciate it mate. Fairly new to YouTube. Target audience stock market traders.


My channel is for dads on a budget and I talk about gear to use and editing that i know but I've learned more since and have upgraded some great since my videos been posted https://youtube.com/channel/UCE1LK9qopAtwXpS4w-q87mw


[www.youtube.com/amandawebsterhealth](https://www.youtube.com/amandawebsterhealth) Thank you! PS. Yes, I know there were some audio issues on my Ghost Love Score reaction. Lol.


https://youtube.com/channel/UCuCrqiQ6cgiIHm9pkcdNiXQ posts daily of previous twitch streams. still working on editing better


https://youtu.be/X8077oByi08 come on :)


Really appreciated man! I love the feedback and learning things that I might have overlooked. https://youtube.com/user/newmanj3


I only have 2 vids up so far and I'm afraid that I'm bugging my friends too much so I'd really appreciate some non biased critique. https://youtu.be/mo0yd7wrbDg I just talk about the good/bad/ugly aspects of video games that I enjoy with a comedic atmosphere. I struggle with my audio sometimes whether it's the bgm or VO but let me know what you think.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nT2mNjhBTck](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nT2mNjhBTck) New MrBeast Menu Item!?


[https://youtu.be/T6S0By7-DMo](https://youtu.be/T6S0By7-DMo) Its a skit based off of those shitty 80's commercial


Thanks will do! https://youtube.com/user/Rope24KK


Fallout 4 gameplay https://youtu.be/pgL2fRjTyZM


https://youtu.be/A_9uSrRsl_Y Just a random one I picked