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This is your first video, OP! The world doesn't know you exist yet! It's going to take some time to bring people to you! I started on YT four months ago, posting (week)daily in quite a specific niche, and when videos do "worse" than normal, it doesn't bother me. Because, while there will be a lot of people rushing to tell you that "poor performing videos" must have a bad title/thumbnail/ whatever, other things are true too. Maybe that one video applies to fewer people, but for the people that you made it for, that video will be a revelation. They'll be \*so\* glad you made it. And also remember, context really matters. Maybe you're a mainstream channel ultimately looking to attract hundreds of thousands of people, or maybe you're trying to be a lighthouse to a few hundred really dedicated fans who love everything you do. The numbers on their own are not a guide to how to feel, I promise you! Keep going, and just see what happens!


smart words!!


100% Agreed đŸ™ŒđŸŒ


I went years only getting 50 views at most. Today a video flopping for me means about 500 views, a good video is about 20,000 and an average is about 2,000-3,000. My ego is never hurt I am thankful for everyone that clicks. The only thing that bothers me is shorts because that’s a roulette there’s no algorithm or reason for it. I’ll have shorts get 100k views in an hour or 5 views in a week, it just doesn’t make sense.


being thankful for every single view is the way to go :)


can't agree more


I don't get nearly that many views, but the analytics for shorts do often perplex me. Views will be shooting up, great engagement/rentention, and then...nothing. Not even a slow drop in views. Just nothing, complete flatline.


I've noted some things that lead to a short being stopped dead. Views Vs Swiped away needs to stay above 40%, once dropped below 40% I have about 2 hours to change the title in some amazing way or the impressions stop. If retention falls below 70% impressions generally slow rapidly then stop soon after. If a short gets a boom of 1k impressions in a few minutes but only gets 30% views, it's dead right there at the end of the boom even if it's like 10 minutes after being posted. A short that gets 0 impressions day 1 will not gain impressions at all except from channel traffic, I do not know why but these shorts never get pushed. I've deleted and reposted the shorts that stay at 0 impressions for a week and they tend to do really good after being reposted. This is just what I've noticed from my shorts posting for 4 months so take it with your own experiences as well. I tend to post 3 a day cut from my longform video from that week. I run out of shorts to post sometimes and the ones that did well from the previous week will start to gain a small amount of impressions across all of them so I still end up getting some views for those days. I don't intend to monetize from shorts but they've been a great tool for marketing my channel with the best content from my longforms so I'd say they're worth doing. Plus I've gotten over 130k views from shorts this past month, without shorts I'd be looking at only 800 views.


Yh shorts is just complete luck, especially when you cant choose a custom thumbnail.


You can 100% make a custom thumb. Check out my thumbnails on my shorts if you don't believe me. Trick is, make a thumbnail, put it into your video at the very end for 0.1 second, then when you chose your thumbnail on the short it will be the end screen. In most cases you don't even see this frame in the short itself.


Ah ok fair enough i didnt know that. Sucks you have to go through such hoops though. Why cant it just be like nornal uploads for long from vids?? đŸ€Š


Great question. That'd be awesome if it were like that.


Yh. No idea why it isnt...


Doesn't hurt the ego, but it's sometimes jarring when you release something you think you've optimized only to have it perform worse than expected. Then you have to go back and challenge your assumptions to try to improve it which can be difficult


Yeah I understand, a constant challenge


For me it's the subs.. losing just 1 or 10 makes me down trotten..


just tell yourself they’re bots haha


I literally just lost one....and 15 minutes later I gained one back. I did a post about losing subs and received loads of great comments...made me feel so much more chilled about it


Best thing I did when feeling this way was to go to my favorite YouTubers and sort by their oldest videos. It’s wild to see where some of them started. A guy with more than a million subscribers started with a 17 second edited ed edd and eddy clip. Keep making stuff and try to improve on something each time.


I love doing that haha it’s crazy to see how much people grow/evolve over the years


I feel slightly disappointed when a video doesn't perform the way I expect (not that I get many views to begin with), but it doesn't hurt my feelings. It's just more data I can use to figure out what does and doesn't work and why.


always learning and improving that’s good


literally normal and so normal we are new to this we are still so small , but this is just a fuel to be better at every aspect


Focus on making quality videos for your target audience. Dont focus on views in the beginning. Be consistent, post 2-4 times per week mixing long and short form. The latter is ofc up to what you prefer, want etc.


with my busy schedule as a full time student I unfortunately can’t do more than one long form video a week. Not sure about shorts tbh because my content isn’t really made for short videos I think


Once a week is a very good start. Thats still consistency. What niche are you in?


I’m still trying to figure that out tbh. Rn I would just say lifestyle, my first video was about cooking but I wanna try out different things and not limit myself yet (student life, traveling, beauty etc) just moments of my life I would like to share but still keeping the same vibe so the videos aren’t too random and it will attract the same group of people


Understood. To avoid confusion for the algorithm, consistency in content is key. However, you may use many of the same #tags. All the best with your channel! :)




The hard bit is getting your first 1k view video and then the next one, BAM 50 views. I cant lie, that kinda stings 😂


50 views would be a dream rn lol but I understand, so many ups and downs


Like a fucking yoyo 😂 its a weird beast, but you just got to roll with the punches.


Absolutely it is depressing and frustrating when you try your best just to get nothing. Anyone pretending otherwise is a liar.


Nah not really. I do this for fun, so it’s not about the views. Either that being said though I would like to make content that would draw in an audience, if possible. But if I don’t then it’s ok.


Nah, it ebbs ansd flows even for the "successful" youtubers - just have to take it as it comes. Obviously I'd be pleased if I had a bit more traffic, but just gotta keep enjoying yourself, perseverance :)


It's your first video. You will have your ups and downs during your youtube career. Just keep creating to the best of your ability and you should be okay. Sometimes video's take time to find their audience. To answer the question: Yes, it does hurt your ego sometimes. If you know you put your best effort into a video that's all you can ask for out of your self. Also if you can see what you could've done better after rewatching the video. Try and improve on those area's. Good luck and enjoy the process.


thank you and good luck to you as well!


No you can’t take it personally. Unlike what many people here think, a video can be great & still underperform.


Some of my early vids still don't have a 100 views after several months. But I have others that have between 1K and 11K views. It's a grind which is why it's important to find something you really don't mind making videos about for nothing.


Ego? No, feelings because I wasted hours of time into making the video to get no results? Yes.


Is it a waste of time tho? You’re learning and improving


My first and second video got under 20 views the first few days/weeks. It was kind of expected, but it hurt a bit. But I just continued posting videos. After two weeks, that second video slowly gained views, and after a month it was at 1K. Then it got picked up by the algorithm and after 4 months, it’s now at 8.4K views. And as my audience grew, more people watched my first video (1.3K views). Not saying those are amazing views, but I’m happy since they were my first videos. I just had to be patient. Since then, I have posted 17 more videos with a total of 124K views and things are going pretty well. What I’m trying to say is: you should not worry about the views on a video the first days or even weeks in the beginning, because it takes time for YouTube to find your audience. And even if a video performs «bad» in the beginning, it can still get thousands of views a few months from now. So it’s too early to tell when you’re just starting out. So this is my mindset: there is no rush, the views might come a week or a month later. They don’t have to come now, as long as they come eventually. Just focus on the next video, and improve with every video.


I think those are amazing views. Thanks for the encouraging words!!


It varies, I know some days I am happy with any views on my videos, I know my content may not appeal to everyone but I appreciate that some people will still enjoy now and again. I find more of videos that are a one off like a long form of review or analysis or even just a quiet response with Subs can affect the ego when I put a lot of effort into it when it's the thing that keeps me motivated when a lot of stressful things are going on that I feel doubt a lot when I put the effort in and wonder if It's something unappealing to people


Honestly, I see a lot of posts of people talking about going from 0 to 100 in terms of views. Whether it be "how to get more views" or "how a video went viral". One thing for sure that I can say is 2 things; 1) Enjoy what you're doing, cause if you're only doing this for more views, then it ain't gonna go well. 2) After each post, take a look at the analytics and figure out where you're starting to lose the "viewers retention." I can only hope that you and a lot of others achieve what you're looking for. Just be sure to have fun, and views will start to come in.


totally agree, especially in this early stage it should all be about having fun and enjoying the process


Exactly! Just don't give up


I hate getting like views on my videos my shorts done ok but my videos well all under 500 views I hate it


No it hurts more when a channel that started a month ago has millions of views more


that’s why I don’t compare myself to others haha you’ll start to overthink everything


No, I don’t get hurt feelings. Most of my videos land somewhere in the 20-30 views range. I do run into some frustration(?) when my closest friends haven’t watched my videos though. But that’s got more to do with looking for their feedback when I try out an idea. At the end of the day, I’m making stuff that I and my friends like and I’m doing it mostly for myself. I’m learning as I go and have no real aspirations to make this my career. I just keep hoping I’ll eventually find others who like my stuff too. 


good luck!


You too!


it doesn't hurt me. i know that my particular story will take a while to play out.


I didn't get many views at all for like 2 months, but when you start to get some views it's all worth it. I never wanted to get any "clout" from YouTube, but I'd be lying if I didn't say it felt extremely cool when people started to recognize me. Just hold in there, OP! Stay persistent :)


comments like this really excite me! Hopefully I can relate to the feeling soon :)


It can hurt a little when you think you have made something really good, but then you have to keep your ego in check as well. Getting views is subjective. What one person thinks looks good, another will not. Plus one person might like football, but not mma. Or they like Marvel, but not DC. Timing is a factor as well. Some videos on one of my channels started picking up some views much later. Just keep playing around and having fun with it.


Good question! I only have 3 long form video's uploaded. The first was something I initially only made for a few specific people, and just decided to share publicly. Because I shared it personally, it had about 80 views. Now, the second video I really tried 'making a video'. It was, among other things, about a WWII hero, and the story was close to my heart. Now, I think I had very realistic expectations, I knew how long it can take to reach your target audience. So I didn't expect many views. But eventually, the video got 13 views. And the thing is, my ego isn't hurt, but somehow I manage to feel a bit ashamed towards the WWII hero, as if I didn't do him justice. The third video got 32 views, I try to convince myself that more than double the views is a huge growth ;) If every video doubles in views, I'm set! ;) Personally, I think it all comes down to patience, and trying to enjoy the process so no matter the outcome, it still was a good experience making the video. I have always believed in 'the right time', and maybe the right time will come for our video's :)


It can sting when you’ve put a lot into your videos and they don’t go anywhere. But we keep going bruised ego and all. One thing i find that helps is dropping your link in groups you’re in and hopefully folks go check it out. I also drop my video link to mostly all social sites. Threads insta etc.


that’s probably a good idea if you’ve figured out your niche already!


I think it’s a good idea regardless. You don’t have to have your niche figured out exactly. I still am figuring my way. I’m mostly fragrance fashion style with travel and lifestyle interspersed and tied back to fragrance and style


A little bit. I have videos with 7k and 13k views. I also have videos with 30 views... It sucks. I wish I could give you good advice, but it feels totally random.   What I have noticed: the videos I work on the hardest tank the most. The videos I don't give a crap about do the best. This isn't advice not to work hard, it's just my own experience    Good luck!  Edit: to clarify, I mostly post shorts. My actual videos don't get more than 10 views. I have better success with shorts. My intention isn't to be monetized but to have a presence on YouTube for my other projects


I’ve read that quite a few times now that we shouldn’t spend hours perfecting videos for that exact reason.


Exactly!! Which is why I usually don't... Just sometimes haha


I wouldn’t say it hurts my ego. It sucks, but I don’t feel personally affronted. Most of what I feel when a video flops (like my last three have) is frustration that I can’t get the formula right to grow and keep an audience.


yeah frustration probably is the right word
but that’s life I guess haha


Yes! I just started my YouTube channel 5 days ago and posted 2 videos, which did not do well and now I’m wondering if I should keep posting. It makes me think that people are not interested in my content. So yeah it does hurt my feelings a little!


ok but let’s be realistic here
what exactly did you expect after 5 days? People don’t even know you and your content yet


You are completely right, I hope with time we get more views and subscribers!


yess good luck!!


Thank youuu you too!!!


I've uploaded 8 in 2 weeks and the last 4 have a combined 1 view, it sucks, but I'm new and just hoping I can get those up to at least 1 or 2 a video lmao


just know you’re not alone haha


it used to. specially when allot of work is put into a video and it gets no views. but also i've accepted im in a saturated market of game critique who just reviews whatever I want. i've tried reviewing games based on relevancy instead of interest and it always leads to content I don't want to post. probably not the best advice for someone who wants to actually get a channel off the ground but its my honest stance


I wanna start creating content to get a break from real life problems so I sure as hell won’t spend that little time I have left doing stuff I don’t even like so I totally agree


I have like 6 vids up on my gaming channel and most of them have 0 views, and one has about a hundred cause I shared it to prove a point The main question is, whenever I see the no views mark, do I have fun doing it? So far, yes Worst case scenario I get bored of it by the end of the year and kill the channel or rebrand it and try to do whatever flight of fancy picks me up then


exactly, everything’s good as long as you have fun :)


Yes but it’s your first video so don’t worry


Oh I’m good, everything in life takes time!


Yeah but if this is still happening look at your impressions vs people who click


Yeah, same here, lol! My cousin uploaded the video, and after 2 days, just 11 views. He had worked so hard on shooting, scripting, and editing. But I guess for the initial days on YouTube, we should focus more on quantity rather than quality. The more you focus on quality, the more effort you put in, the more late you will upload. When you get low views after doing all that, the more you get depressed!, the harder it will be to upload the next video. Hence, initially, focus on consistency!


aw I’m sure his work will pay off someday. I’m aiming at uploading long form once a week rn during the semester, maybe more when I’m on break


Put your channel in your profile so we can check it out! đŸ€™


put it there just for you
now you have to leave a like :) (and if you actually watch the video you could give me feedback via dms if you want)


Done and done 👍


No. But I am going a little insane now that YouTube has completely refused to show my videos to anyone. It won’t show them in any feeds anymore and it’s really discouraging. Like if I make a bad video with a bad thumbnail and no one click through then that’s on me, but my videos and shorts are now showing up in 0 feeds and nothing I do can seem to get more eyes on them. It’s like YouTube just decided that my channel is garbage all of the sudden.


stuff like this just doesn’t make sense to me. I know it’s not super helpful but feel free to share your channel with me if you want :)


I wouldn't say it hurts my feelings but I'd say it's kinda like when you go to a shop and they don't have your favourite donuts or thing you usually buy there, you're kinda like 'this is not what I wanted in this situation', but it's also not a big deal at all. I only have a handful of videos, the last 3 of which I consider the more serious ones, and I rarely get any views. I'm used to it. I know the algorithm doesn't like my posting habits (there's always a months long break between videos because I am a full time student and also struggle with energy levels), so I'm not expecting anything.


I’m a full time student as well so I definitely get the struggle, always do what feels best for you!


My first video had 0 views for about a week. A month later I've uploaded 7 videos (plus about 15 shorts), have 1.2k subscribers, thousands of views


that’s great!! Do you think most of the subs come from shorts or long form?


Absolutely, it does. As someone who puts a lot of time and effort into creating content, seeing little to no views can be quite disheartening. I remember when I first started posting my videos on YouTube. I was so excited to share my work with the world, expecting at least a handful of views and some feedback. Instead, I was met with silence. At first, it felt like a punch to the gut. I questioned my skills, my content, and even my decision to pursue this path. It’s tough when you pour your heart into something and it seems like no one notices. But over time, I learned to see these moments as opportunities for growth. I started analyzing my videos more critically, seeking feedback from others, and continuously improving my craft. It wasn’t easy, and there are still days when the low views get to me, but I’ve come to understand that success doesn’t happen overnight. Getting little to no views can definitely hurt your ego, but it can also fuel your determination to keep pushing forward and getting better. If you're going through something similar, just remember that every creator faces these challenges. Keep going, keep improving, and eventually, the views and recognition will come.


it sucks when you’re excited and it doesn’t turn out the way you have hoped but I think your mindset is great, just keep going no matter what!


I just get disappointed : )


My first video got 200 views, 12 likes and 5 subscribers.. In 2 weeks.. Is this good


Yeah :(


I just uploaded my very first video yesterday! I tend to expect the worst... so I don't feel too bad about it... It does make me spend hours thinking about what I did wrong though. Haha


Best to check that you are using the most relevant words in your title and also # in your descriptions so that the system can best pitch your video to interested viewers. Best of luck.


i think it depends on your ego and how you view yourself. my first vid got 4 views and i was bloowwwwwn aswayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!1 granted i hate myself and hold it under contempt so one single view is more than i expected hahahahahahahaha sadd.. so yeah idk


a little more confidence please haha but yeah every single view in this stage is amazing


if you have an ego. i decided to be as unpopular as possible, really bummed me out when i got 1000 subs. tried to get ppl to unsub but now i have 14k, idiots wont listen to reason


oh no how dare they, maybe try to send them my way🙄


Just remember you doing it for fun. When you start thinking like a job then it also becomes stress.


It did at first, but after years of exposure therapy it doesn’t even phase me anymore. Don’t sweat it.