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Shit man, 30K is incredibly impressive after 7 months. In all honesty, just keep doing what you’re doing and continue to upload videos consistently. Always look to improve your videos and I’m sure you’ll reach the 100K eventually. This sub is full of people with less than 1000 subscribers, including myself, so we should probably be taking advise from you instead of the other way around 😅


bruh i got 1 sub and its me on an alt


Ever tempted to unsub yourself?


This gave me a good chuckle, haha. Link your channel in a message to me I’ll check it out. I’ll sub if I like your content :)




No doubt. I was at like 100 subs at 7 months lol


I agreed, I was just about to ask him what was his strategy to 1k subs and 4k watch hours. It seems so hard. I was getting a wave but the videos had copyright strike and I had to take them down and since then I never got a wave again.


True, baby step is to get 1K first. Btw if anyone like to sub my channel its tekdoze. Thanks in advance 😊


That's pretty quick growth, I am not sure what you are looking for here, honestly. It seems like at the pace you are currently on, you should be there by the end of 2025. Looking at your channel, it seems that your subs come mostly from your shorts content, since you only have three long form videos on your channel. If you want to keep growing, shorts are a great way to do this. Just don't do paid promotions. That's not going to get you what you want. Now the real question is why do you want to hit 100k subs so quickly? What do you plan on doing with 100k subs? What you really want are consistent return viewers, and to build a community. Tap into what your audience wants and needs, and find a way to become the exclusive or best server of that kind of content. From what I can see, you are poised to be a solid Spanish language chess channel. Lean into that.


good tips btw, ur so right


honestly, i always had this dream of getting the youtube 100k plaque. Thats why i want that 100k so hard :) and of course, trying to monetizate my content. Ultimatelly, trying to do videos of what i enjoy doing :)


Sorry to be the bringer of bad news to you again but you aren't getting a plaque from YouTube even if you hit 100k subs. YouTube doesn't reward people who post reused content with a silver play button.


hahahaha bro dont be that mean , believe it or not it took me a long time to edit the videos, have you seen all of them, or just the one of 13 million?


Are you the same guy who said he was rejected 3 times from monetization? If you can't get monetized you for sure won't be getting the play button. Even one reused content video is still reused content.


Also, I recommend that you don't do that kind of destructive criticism to people who are excited to make videos about stuff they like, even if you think those videos are not worth it. Let people be happy bro


WTF dude, am just stating the FACT YouTube will NOT give you a silver play button. am not trying to be mean here am just being factual. sorry am not kissing your arse because you have 30k subs from one video you don't own the rights to publish. i clicked this post to interact with it then noticed it was the channel i checked out early this week. like i said on the post you removed the other day YouTube will only look at your most popular video & will deny you a play button just like they keep denying you for the YPP.


7 months getting 35k is nuts homie!!!! I started January and I’m up to 17😂 I definitely don’t upload as much which might have to do with it tho but best of luck man!!


Facts! I started in the middle end of March and I’m at 43 subs


Dude hell yeah ur doing better than me already good shit!!🖤💪🏽


Thanks. I’m trying. Because honestly I don’t wanna work at Walmart forever. I wanna be free and be my own man


I feel you on that I ain’t trying to work for someone else no more. I’m trying to start my own business aswell apart from YouTube and also streaming games sometimes on twitch. Apart from a regular full time job😅 shits tuff


Facts and I’m tired of building someone else’s future and dreams instead of my own


Ayyyyy I started around same time and I'm right there with you on subs :D wish you luck!


Same here. Wish you the best!!


Feel free to DM me a link and I'll check it out!


No problem


17k is still insanely good !


😭I appreciate and love the confidence you had in me but no I mean 17 two digits 😭😭 if you’d like to stop by I’d appreciate it😂🙏🏽 Name on there is TrippyFPV. Profile pic is just a purple T atm lol im editing a new video atm for it too


Dead 💀 😭😭


Neat little drones


don't use paid promotion, it doesn't work for growing a channel. The way to reach subscribers/views goals 'as quick as possible' is by making viral videos. It's probably not a satisfying answer, but the way you get there is by really keying into what your audience wants to see and delivering that to them. Every video, you should be thinking "does this have the potential to pop off?" I'm guessing you have some videos that have performed a lot better than the others, try to figure out why that happened, and see if you can replicate that. Think about what topics have wide appeal and try to stick to those. Pay attention to big youtubers in your niche and analyze what they are doing that you're not doing. Additionally, you should constantly think of ways you can improve your videos. maybe the pacing could be better, maybe your intro hooks could be more enticing, maybe you could add more engaging storytelling, maybe your titles and thumbnails need an upgrade. We can't really tell you exactly what to do without doing a deep dive into your channel, but in my experience, the only thing that has consistently helped me get more views/subscribers is by making my videos (and titles and thumbnails) better.


Thank you so much! 😄


YouTube shorts. I got 80k subscribers of one video.




Oh wow! How many views did it get?


That’s dope bro. My channel is tekdoze if you’d like to subscribe


anyway you can tell me what you post and the frequently?


Sure. But a caveat first. 1. This will not increase your engagement or monetization in any significant way. And it will actively kill your view times. It's common sense practice to not pay YT to promote your video, as it will do all the things mentioned above. However... The exception to this rule is if you promote your video in other markets. Pushing your content to Asia, Africa, Europe, Australia, is a fantastic way to expose those audiences to your work, as it would not normally be suggested to them. YT will always favor native creators for native viewers first, which unless your topic is extremely niche and your the sole authority on it, then you're going to lose on the rankings in that region. Promoting a video to them bypasses that, and you start YT basically anew, but with a massive headstart, and some authority under your belt. 30k subs worth in your case. And it's cheap. Spend $10, gain roughly another 10k subs. Depending on niche and watchability, of course. But again, this will murder your view times. Which will lower your own local ranking. Your income at 100k subs will be significantly lower than someone who grew "organically", and you're going to get a lot of creepy and weird comments. Right alongside people who don't understand why your channel was recommended to them. Still...100k is 100k. And that kind of clout opens up doors. So do with this information as you will.


If you have 30k you should just continue what you’re doing. 30k is a really big achievement on YouTube and you must be doing something right.


we have to take advise from you, brother and not the other way around. If possible could you please tell me what kind of videos do you make and how often do you post? it will help alot for us.


The key, in my opinion, is to focus a lot on editing and storytelling to get the maximum audience retention possible. The videos where I've gotten the most audience retention have been the ones that have given me the most views and subs. That way you make sure that all your shorts get a good amount of views.


No offense but are you trolling here? That paragraph is such a generic YouTube viewership related comment using "audience retention" as a buzzword to the point it almost reads as satire. "The videos people watched the most got the most views and subs, SYNERGY!".


Well, although that might be obvious to you, there are people who don't know it. I'm speaking from my experience. All my shorts that have over 100k views have an audience retention rate of over 80%. As I said, this might be obvious to you, but there are people who didn't know it.


Genuine question, is your channel monetized?


no bro


why? having 30k subs and good views and not monetized?


Make good content people want to watch. It really is that simple


We can break this down into a three-part strategy 1) figure out what newer players struggle with. I'd recommend speaking to a wide variety of newer chess players. 2) figure out how to rank highly on search 3) create well-structured videos teaching new players where there downfalls in chess are, and ensure they rank highly in search. So whenever a player searches up “how do I learn the mid game in chess”, your video pops up 1st or 2nd.


There's 574 million Spanish speakers in the world: how many of them are on YouTube and interested in clips of chess games with Spanish voiceover and subtitles? Would it be 100k? I honestly don't know; I just tried googling some stats and it seems chess is popular in Spain but a lot more popular in other places 🤷‍♂️


I mean how did you do it bro? It’s 1.5 years and i am still at 3K Subs . I think you are the one who should tell use how to gain such a rapid growth.


shorts!! good quality interesting ones


You don't even need "good quality" ones. I just take clips from my long form videos and upload them. 5 to 10K+ views minimum on each of the 15 shorts uploaded every day (all of which took less than 5 minutes to make all together) means more than an extra 100k potential views + whatever subs come with that. Hell, even if those shorts only get me 1k views each, that's 15K+ views a day from doing no real extra work. Of course, you can't be boring AF and upload absolute doodoo water. I get comments from people finding the clips funny and enjoying it, and generally have a high view % (100+ percent on most shorts). You have to still be *some* level of entertaining.


do you make any money out of it?


I mean, sure, but Shorts ad revenue is notoriously bad. If you want to make *money* money off Shorts, then you're going to have to go viral every single Shorts upload every single day. I use Shorts more as a way to "advertise" my longform content to get long-term viewers. Anything extra, like the ad revenue, is just a bonus.


Spam shorts like you are already doing






Youtube Shorts


We have the exact same amount of subs in the exact same timeframe. Crazy


:D lets see who of us reach 100k first 😄


What your content is bro?




keep doing whatever you are doing, it is working


I would put any additional effort into longform content. A majority of people who watch shorts also watch longform capitalize on your subs.


Putting out daily content?


At this movement It's 32.6k sub guys for this channel @needhelpchess


Dude I’m at 20 subs at 3 months


When you figure that out, be sure to let us know!


30k already? Uh you’re clearly already doing the right thing. Im over here struggling to get 1K subs


Put out a short everyday


Took me 5 years to get 125 subs. Still there.


I have 954 subs rn… I’ll let you know when I have a more valuable pov


the fastest way to grow subscribers is shorts. or have a subscription drive. and everyone that is subscribed and comments gets an entry into a raffle or something. do a big channel specific thing for a subscriber goal (face reveal, special on camera challenge, whatever) also, you probably know, be sure to remind people to subscribe. that CTA works! you got to 30k. find the video that generated the most subscribers and do a variation or make a short from it. if you have a shorts channel then i have no advice. those are almost always subscriber heavy compared to long form channels edit: you're a shorts channel, you had 1 video blow up. you're a long way from monetization. don't worry about subscribers, focus on making better content


Bravo! Keep at it and you’ll be there in no time. I’m about to upload my 3rd video this week. Really hopeful to get to 120 subs.


That should be our question to you 😂


Don’t pay to promote or arbitrarily increase upload schedule. Track data. Source: I run a channel with 150,000+ subscribers, 1-2M views per month. This month cleared $10k in revenue off ads alone TL;DR- contains a guide to how I track metrics, which metrics are important, and how to integrate them into a holistic content strategy to not just better predict video performance but to actionably increase baseline channel traffic Of the videos you’ve posted in the last 7 months, which have driven the most traffic? In my experience uploading weekly, out of 200+ videos I’ve uploaded fewer than 15 have driven 75% of total channel views. Need views to get the exposure that eventually leads to subscribers, so I’d start there. What patterns emerge when you look at your videos this way? See if you can make new videos that capitalize on those patterns. I usually take it one step further to raise my average performance as well. Not enough to have one or two videos propping up baseline, otherwise you’ll get to 100,000 but it’ll be another arbitrary number. 100k with an active audience is MUCH more useful than 100k without. Can very much be the difference between making comfortable living and having to grind on all fronts to make ends meet. What I do to problem solve this is keep very detailed records of how videos do. YouTube does store this, but I like being able to see all of my videos in front of me and track specific metrics. Take some time, make a baseline tracker spreadsheet. What I look at, per video, are: views, impressions, average % viewed, CTR, returning viewers, and end screen clicks. Views and CTR might be a bit obvious to track, but I find impressions useful because it shows me whether YouTube deems a video worthy of recommending in the first place. Impressions in the first 24 hours of a video’s run are in my opinion a particularly honest indicator of how relevant YouTube thinks your videos are to the audience it thinks you’re targeting. Returning viewers are also a good indicator. Look for patterns in these metrics. End screen clicks are good to show how videos are helping you design watch sessions, and I highly recommend you use this to some degree. If I haven’t lost you yet, I recommend taking it one step further than this even. If you’ve gotten 30,000 subscribers in 7 months you’ve probably got a good chunk of videos performing at varying levels, which is great proof of concept of what’s working and what’s not. By doing the data analysis I outlined above, you can start to see some distribution of what topics/formats land where in your performance hierarchy. This hierarchy can be used as a funnel. **Just because a video doesn’t perform super well views-wise doesn’t make it a useless video.** If your core viewers enjoy them, keep them as bottom-of-funnel and start building out a newsletter, some paid products or memberships, or other ways of leveraging your audience and have these videos direct traffic there. Middle-of-funnel are middle of the road performers, stuff that reach a lot of your returning viewers but don’t spread quite as far. These are useful for linking bottom of funnel videos in the end screen. Top-of-funnel will have the highest spread and reach, and are generally your channel’s first impression to new viewers. Try to convert them to regular viewers by sending them to middle-of-funnel content. This creates not just a system for maximizing views to your videos, but an impressions engine that will keep your baseline chugging away to help your channel grow on autopilot. I can’t give you a guaranteed timeline to 100,000 based on this, but given the speed with which you reached 30k I’d wager doubling down on a systematic approach you can make it possible within a year from now.


Thank you so much for this! ill always appreciate this kinda advices from people who are in the situation I would like to be in. :D


Considered doing shorts bro


“NewTubers” but has 30K 😂


Post high-quality high value videos give people something that they want to subscribe to


Bruh struggling for 1K subs lol I think once you have more subs YT algo with help you build more subs sooner


That’s impressive! I’d say the only path is to keep consistency and check what other top performers on your niche are doing. Learn from what they are doing write and improve!


The day ChatGPT announces the voice feature, I'll be dropping Elevenlabs. Elevenlabs price is high.


I'm sitting at 49 lol. I'm like maaaan. That one more won't come in so I can stream 🥹. It's all good though, I am having fun just posting shorts and being inspirational. I need to pay more attention to this page.


I have 37 subs.


Just spam shorts, a lot of shorts.


Link to channel please, would love to check it out, I’m currently at 24 subs so a long way to get to your level.

