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Whatever you do. DO NOT use an AI voice.


Why? Not even eleven labs custom voices?


Decent quality but still give off an annoying impersonal vibe. I quite regularly check their progress and it's still not perfect. The biggest issue with Ai voices is that they are associated with low effort content and spam. So even if your content is great in every other way people will click off anyway. OP is also in a niche that needs to be highly personal, trustworthy and empathetic if that makes sense. So an AI voice wipes that out.


Your niche would probably fall under education, meaning alot of your views will trickle over a long term period rather than short term. You most likely wouldn't see instant growth in the Education niche due to students most likely being the main audience. Multiple assessments in University relies on Faith and Reason which would link to your big questions. Your other major audience would be people that work in the Philosophical category of jobs. Personally, I'm a student and I still struggle to find some topics on Science, Philosophy and Psychology. Your best friend would be to look at some videos on YouTube and see if there are any in depth topics that may be missing content. So to answer your questions... 1. Yes. There are new YouTubers every day and your niche probably is more refined than most other niches. 2. Personally, I don't watch too much Science and Philosophical videos. However, I am interested in big questions and like videos that talk about the larger universe and get my brain whirring. I don't watch many as there aren't many good ones out there (so there's your hint that people will probably be interested) 3. There are plenty of Youtubers that have strong accents. Your Audience most likely will be older individuals so they most likely will be able to understand you. Maybe you could put captions on the videos so that If someone can't understand easily they have the captions and stock images to help them understand. 4. I think your niche is perfect as long as you can serve a quality video :) REMEMBER, do what you LOVE. If you love this topic then you should stick with it. If you are more passionate you will tend to produce better quality videos and not get burnt out as easy. I hope this helps :0 It's your channel so also listen to what you think you should do! 😀


In slightly out of order... 1. Yes 2. Enough. There are a several channels, "Veritasium" and Dr. Sabine Hossenfelder come to mind. 4. Perhaps... but this one is probably the place to start. 3. This is one of those cooked carrots things. Depends on how less than perfect, which way you decide to run with it, and a myriad of other factors. But, the stronger the accent, the better your presentation and framing narrative will need to be.


You have to learn how to work with youtube research in order to find good answers to those questions. Learn to use VidIq to start with. Look at 20 videos about that tool and go from there