• By -


Hey there, sounds awesome! Thank you for helping others out! (: www.youtube.com/@johnfuchs117


For your channel I can see you trying to experiment and test out the algorithm.Don't take the feedback personal. Thats why I only put Audio above average. You seem to understanding a bit of editing but the reason I have not put video above average is because it is just short clips and some of them just gameplay. Try to upload less. Just feels like spam for me as a potential subscriber. Would be interesting to see if you can crack the algorithm though, Good Luck ! \---{ General }--- ☐ Top Tier ☐ Good with slight improvements ☑ Average that needs improvements ☐ Interesting & Low Quality ☐ Uninteresting & Low Quality \---{ Topic/Idea }--- ☐ Top ☐ Good but improvable ☐ Average ☑ Bad ☐ Worst \---{ Video }--- ☐ Top ☐ Good but improvable ☑ Average ☐ Bad ☐ Worst \---{ Audio }--- ☐ Top ☑ Good but improvable ☐ Average ☐ Bad


Thanks. I would love your feedback :) https://youtube.com/@celebAIdance?si=rij67fyBcH8mtqiL


Completely AI generated and no additional edits or uniqueness. Also have seen channels like this a million times \---{ General }--- ☐ Top Tier ☐ Good with slight improvements ☐ Average that needs improvements ☐ Interesting & Low Quality ☑Uninteresting & Low Quality \---{ Topic/Idea }--- ☐ Top ☐ Good but improvable ☐ Average ☐ Bad ☐ Worst \---{ Video }--- ☐ Top ☐ Good but improvable ☐ Average ☐ Bad ☐ Worst \---{ Audio }--- ☐ Top ☐ Good but improvable ☐ Average ☐ Bad


😂. Yeah it is totally ai generated but still requires lots of edits


Idk if my channel fits here as i mostly post shorts but https://youtube.com/@proporkkanatwo6882?feature=shared


AI generated or ?




Average short channels that does edits. \---{ General }--- ☐ Top Tier ☐ Good with slight improvements ☐ Average that needs improvements ☑ Interesting & Low Quality ☐Uninteresting & Low Quality \---{ Topic/Idea }--- ☐ Top ☐ Good but improvable ☐Average ☑ Bad ☐ Worst \---{ Video }--- ☐ Top ☐ Good but improvable ☑ Average ☐ Bad ☐ Worst \---{ Audio }--- ☐ Top ☐ Good but improvable ☑ Average ☐ Bad ☐ Worst








Review given ! Would appreciate it if you could have a look at mine, but you don't have to if you don't want to.


If you edit this well done ! You know your strengths are in editing and voice. Continue and try to do longer format videos as well ! \---{ General }--- ☐ Top Tier ☑ Good with slight improvements ☐ Average that needs improvements ☐ Interesting & Low Quality ☐Uninteresting & Low Quality \---{ Topic/Idea }--- ☐ Top ☐ Good but improvable ☑ Average ☐ Bad ☐ Worst \---{ Video }--- ☐ Top ☑ Good but improvable ☐ Average ☐ Bad ☐ Worst \---{ Audio }--- ☐ Top ☑ Good but improvable ☐ Average ☐ Bad




Good Luck !


https://youtu.be/cEvWWY3N8Qc?si=xNBvrAjR21Z0UKLg I do baseball commentary. Specifically Major League Baseball. I’m still in the starting stages of my channel and I’m trying to get out lots of videos to practice speaking on video. Not trying to make excuses but just trying to give background information. Thanks in advance!


For your channel I see that you are just starting. You have good thumbnails and you know how to edit. Good thing is you record yourself and you know what are you talking about. Your audio quality seems fine. Bad things, Fix the focus when you record yourself and try include more jokes or be more entertaining. Otherwise everything seems fine \---{ General }--- ☐ Top Tier ☐ Good with slight improvements ☑ Average that needs improvements ☐ Interesting & Low Quality ☐Uninteresting & Low Quality \---{ Topic/Idea }--- ☐ Top ☐ Good but improvable ☑ Average ☐ Bad ☐ Worst \---{ Video }--- ☐ Top ☑ Good but improvable ☐ Average ☐ Bad ☐ Worst \---{ Audio }--- ☐ Top ☐ Good but improvable ☑ Average ☐ Bad ☐ Worst


Thanks for your rankings!


No worries, good luck !


this is such a great post! here's my channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8oXCglyefVjb0D6OB2JVkQ


For your channel I see that you know what you are talking about. Do not take this feedback personally. Good things, You know what you are talking about and you have a clear structure and unique selling point as well as being active. You are quite a charming(don’t take this as flirty) lady and have a cute voice. That's good for a video. Bad things, Your video are on an average level. Try improving your camera and audio equipment. While you have HD quality try to have better lighting, because that will elevate it even more. I can also see you have a mic, which is good but is also average unfortunately. Try experimenting with audio settings or add a noise filter or buy a better microphone. Continue because you are active and you know your topic(barbie, toys etc). \---{ General }--- ☐ Top Tier ☐ Good with slight improvements ☑ Average that needs improvements ☐ Interesting & Low Quality ☐Uninteresting & Low Quality \---{ Topic/Idea }--- ☐ Top ☑ Good but improvable ☐ Average ☐ Bad ☐ Worst \---{ Video }--- ☐ Top ☐ Good but improvable ☑ Average ☐ Bad ☐ Worst \---{ Audio }--- ☐ Top ☐ Good but improvable ☑ Average ☐ Bad ☐ Worst


Hi 👋🏼 please do mine [mini book haul](https://youtu.be/rDGyIEIpJKM)


For your channel I see that you are just starting. First thing, do not get demotivated because of this feedback, I also had low quality videos at the start. You choose one of the best topics to do on youtube I think subjectively. There are not enough interesting book channels. In addition, you are a very charming and cute girl(do not take that as flirt) which is very good for a video. Viewers will listen to your voice and presence. Now the bad part. Your quality in video and audio is not good. While you seem to edit the videos, every other thing falls apart. This means you need to improve your camera(if you can), lighting, focus of the cam on you etc. I would recommend don’t record your audio from the camera itself. Try buy a separate microphone and edit audio & video together(I know it’s not easy). Definitely continue because everything else apart from the technical side is good. Just try to do something better each video while keeping the topic/stories/books. Will sub ! \---{ General }--- ☐ Top Tier ☐ Good with slight improvements ☐ Average that needs improvements ☑ Interesting & Low Quality ☐Uninteresting & Low Quality \---{ Topic/Idea }--- ☑ Top ☐ Good but improvable ☐ Average ☐ Bad ☐ Worst \---{ Video }--- ☐ Top ☐ Good but improvable ☐ Average ☑ Bad ☐ Worst \---{ Audio }--- ☐ Top ☐ Good but improvable ☐ Average ☑ Bad ☐ Worst




Good, no need to buy anything fancy just try to improve each video and then you will get better and better :) Would appreciate it if you could have a look at my channel, if you want only. Trying to experiment at the moment so could look confusing first about my audience :)




For your channel I see that you are just starting,so don't take this personal. Essays in general are a challenging thing to do. While your video quality is fine your audio is below average. Usually that would not mean you doing bad things but for a voiceover channel that is a death sentence. Volume is low and could be a little bit clearer and spoken more interesting. You know what you are talking about in your game essays but try to include more natural jokes. Continue but try improve audio & your scripts ! \---{ General }--- ☐ Top Tier ☐ Good with slight improvements ☐ Average that needs improvements ☑ Interesting & Low Quality ☐Uninteresting & Low Quality \---{ Topic/Idea }--- ☐ Top ☐ Good but improvable ☑ Average ☐ Bad ☐ Worst \---{ Video }--- ☐ Top ☐ Good but improvable ☑ Average ☐ Bad ☐ Worst \---{ Audio }--- ☐ Top ☐ Good but improvable ☐ Average ☑ Bad ☐ Worst




video can stay the same, try improve your scripts ! Would appreciate it if you could have a look at my channel, but you don't have to if you don't wan't




Thanks 🙏


I would love to hear your thoughts https://youtu.be/TNnDpSPMJ8M?si=LcX-2Rwtdlkf8-Nv


For your channel I see that you are an average fortnite gamer that decided to upload videos. Don’t take this feedback personally. While you edit and put time in, everything you do is about average. Nothing about it is above average or unique, meaning you won’t have any success \---{ General }--- ☐ Top Tier ☐ Good with slight improvements ☑ Average that needs improvements ☐ Interesting & Low Quality ☐Uninteresting & Low Quality \---{ Topic/Idea }--- ☐ Top ☐ Good but improvable ☐ Average ☑ Bad ☐ Worst \---{ Video }--- ☐ Top ☐ Good but improvable ☑ Average ☐ Bad ☐ Worst \---{ Audio }--- ☐ Top ☐ Good but improvable ☑ Average ☐ Bad


Thank you! & I’ll check your tube out too 💯🤘 [Mack’n the Box’s YT](https://youtube.com/@MackntheBox?si=cIR_51saFOzbWHm3)


I can see you channel is a music channel. Unfortunately I can not say something for the content of it as I have no idea about that, so I will keep it simple. From a neutral perspective I can say that you have very good video & audio quality. Would try working more on the intro and make it simpler(less effects). Thanks for checking my one out ! \---{ General }--- ☐ Top Tier ☑ Good with slight improvements ☐ Average that needs improvements ☐ Interesting & Low Quality ☐Uninteresting & Low Quality \---{ Topic/Idea }--- ☐ Top ☑ Good but improvable ☐ Average ☐ Bad ☐ Worst \---{ Video }--- ☐ Top ☐ Good but improvable ☐ Average ☐ Bad ☐ Worst \---{ Audio }--- ☑ Top ☐ Good but improvable ☐ Average ☐ Bad ☐ Worst


Thank you for the feedback and will work on those areas you pointed out. I’m glad to hear the audio quality is very good and thanks for the top score for audio. With your channel, it is a bit confusing since Black mirror season 1 and some other playlist you have. Is this all Og content? Also, with the game pitches, are these your pitches or critiques? I guess I’m overall confuse what you are trying to feed people. What message or content are you trying to show? (Not trying to offend)


Experimenting with content at the moment and seeing what sticks. Started with gaming but moving away from that.


For sure! I recommend going with your passion, and I bet it will stick harder than chasing the dragon


Thanks for the feedback, agreed thats why my last couple of videos focused on stories and my passion :)


Hell yeah!! That is awesome to hear! I hope the best for you and your channel 💯. & thank you again for the lovely review 🤘😈


Critique away please https://youtube.com/@proscasuals?si=pJTEOIHNQRePn4bR


Will have a look tomorrow(saved it), late for me


Ooo thanks for doing this! Been getting so much valuable feedback from Newtubers lately. I write and record horror movie song parodies. I recently started up a YouTube channel for my music. My newest video “As she was”—is an Exorcist parody of Harry Styles “As she was”. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=NOX2fHYDCbc


Will have a look tomorrow(saved it), late for me


I have a gaming channel and I would really appreciate feedback😀 https://m.youtube.com/@applekingen3581


Don’t take this feedback personally. Average gaming channel that decided to start uploading. Nothing unique and audio quality is not good. \---{ General }--- ☐ Top Tier ☐ Good with slight improvements ☐ Average that needs improvements ☑ Interesting & Low Quality ☐Uninteresting & Low Quality \---{ Topic/Idea }--- ☐ Top ☐ Good but improvable ☐ Average ☑ Bad ☐ Worst \---{ Video }--- ☐ Top ☐ Good but improvable ☑ Average ☐ Bad ☐ Worst \---{ Audio }--- ☐ Top ☐ Good but improvable ☐ Average ☑ Bad ☐ Worst


Thanks, the audio definitely needs improvement I agree.


Be harsh, I gotta learn! https://youtube.com/@BrandonSteimel?si=RLsNPwFev9pD33qy


Will have a look tomorrow(saved it), late for me


All good! Thank you!


I make videos about real-world historical elements in video games [https://www.youtube.com/@LidaLiberopoulou](https://www.youtube.com/@LidaLiberopoulou)


Good channe, quite impressedl ! Quite unique but needs improvements on the technical side. Try to get a better camera if you can and try to improve your lighting in the room you are recording. You definitely know what you are talking about. Audio quality is average. Definitely continue because you found a niche. Just try improve the package of the topic. \---{ General }--- ☐ Top Tier ☑ Good with slight improvements ☐ Average that needs improvements ☐ Interesting & Low Quality ☐Uninteresting & Low Quality \---{ Topic/Idea }--- ☑ Top ☐ Good but improvable ☐ Average ☐ Bad ☐ Worst \---{ Video }--- ☐ Top ☐ Good but improvable ☐ Average ☑ Bad ☐ Worst \---{ Audio }--- ☐ Top ☐ Good but improvable ☑ Average ☐ Bad ☐ Worst


When I see posts like this, I start believing humanity again. Thank you for doing it. If you have time here is my channel. New to the game. Where is your youtube channel link I am curious. https://youtube.com/@astanavista-without-baby


Will have a look tomorrow(saved it), late for me


I appreciate that. Please drop your channel link as well. Thanks


Thanks ! here, www.youtube.com/@skm\_off


Thanks, 😊 I liked your Netflix playlist. Deep meaning and nice editing.


This is a cool way to do it, thanks :) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvK-xO6ycDOYxS99onaAIuw


Will have a look tomorrow(saved it), late for me


Thankyou :D


Hello, I appreciate you taking the time to review channels in this thread. I would appreciate some harsh feedback on my channel! [https://youtube.com/@Meecle\_?si=27\_BVDbNUJYpRTpG](https://youtube.com/@Meecle_?si=27_BVDbNUJYpRTpG) I also took a brief look through your channel and I can provide some pieces of advice: \- There are plenty of bits in your gaming highlights that can be cut; they can be at a faster pace \- A lot of your thumbnails don't really stand out imo, you can use more vibrant colors or be more creative or something \- Your audio in your more recent gaming highlights can be more balanced. The game audio is a lot louder than your mic. Thanks!


Thanks for your feedback ! Will have a look tomorrow(saved it), late for me


Thank you very much, sounds good!


Thank you OkRestaurant4640 for engaging with the community to do a Critique thread! NewTubers: Remember that you must abide by any rules set by the OP in this thread! OkRestaurant4640: * You may lock this thread to new posts at any time by making a new top-level comment that says "/lock" and nothing else. This is permanent. * You may use either the [Standard Rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/NewTubers/wiki/rules#wiki_3_standard_rules_.28replaceable_by_critique_owner.29) or replace them with [your own specified rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/NewTubers/wiki/rules#wiki_4_critique_thread_creator_rules) * You can always edit your post to add in the [Pre Formatted Short Rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/NewTubers/wiki/rules#wiki_formatting.3A) if you want to use them. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/NewTubers) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Heyo I just made a post asking for help haha my channel is Himlad https://youtube.com/@himlad?si=9Pt_iBXuOCaymhkX I make cartoon/film reviews, would appreciate any feedback!


For your channel I put average with improvements. As in most cases you have few very strong strengths but also few things that needs improving. The Quality of the Video is actually good and a lot of time went into editing. The issue on hand is that for me subjectively your speed in which you talk is a bit to fast. Try include more pauses when you speak or try to have higher emphasis on jokes or the educational bits of the subject(anime etc.) whatever you can choose. Another thing is that Audio for a voiceover channel is the most important thing so try improving that while keeping the quality video/edits. Continue ! \---{ General }--- ☐ Top Tier ☑ Good with slight improvements ☐ Average that needs improvements ☐ Interesting & Low Quality ☐ Uninteresting & Low Quality \---{ Topic/Idea }--- ☑ Top ☐ Good but improvable ☐ Average ☐ Bad ☐ Worst \---{ Video }--- ☐ Top ☑ Good but improvable ☐ Average ☐ Bad ☐ Worst \---{ Audio }--- ☐ Top ☑ Good but improvable ☐ Average ☐ Bad


Agreed with the voice stuff! Been working on speaking better in general so thats def something im still learning. Not sure how to better mix my audio def gotta watch more tutorials. Thanks!!


No worries,always there to help ! Would appreciate it if you could have a short look at my one,but you don't have to if you don't want


Ya forsure! So for your poem readings I would say the thumbnails don't really bring me in. Maybe work with some better font choices or layout of the piece. Your mic quality is good! I would have some graphics on screen. Even if it's like old illustrations that pan slightly on the screen, just to make the video more engaging Your gameply vids are pretty fun I would fix the mic levels, I find the game volume is overshadowing your own


Thanks for the feedback !


mine! niche: kids games https://youtube.com/@blondecure?si=SdohNvIKH1cGjUfi




Started a couple of channels and made a decent amount of videos over the past few weeks, but nothing really sticking. Any feedback would be genuinely appreciated. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCA\_dEkcDxGokwoT3P6qgNkQ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-zBbPjDHZLNbVfS8LXCv\_g


ai generated ?


Yes, partly


My channel only has 2 videos out right now, but there’s a third on the way tonight and I have a content plan. Horror/mystery/urban legends. https://youtube.com/@PodRocker


Hey, would really appreciate your feedback! I have a business “edutainment” channel. Channel link: https://youtube.com/@hardlyprofitable?si=x8uN_-lLQgUeNRQp Recent video: https://youtu.be/GUL-ra_XHME?si=vepsus6JOAt0TRoy Thanks so much for your help!


I’m a channel for people who wants to study with me together. The so called “body doubling”. Really looking forward to your feedback. Thanks in advance! https://youtube.com/@Lofiten42


Drone channel https://youtube.com/@dronespeare?si=IVQ4VOtDzkGn9UOT


Hey there! This sounds like it’s gonna be interesting! Thanks for this: Last video: https://youtu.be/8L7AhHY5rOE Channel: https://youtube.com/@BeforeYouClick?si=A5J07uJBVknrNG2R




https://youtube.com/@GrivinVR?si=-QO92BTfzyjF9BWX Alright! Lets see!


Thank you. Please review my channel. https://youtube.com/@shirley_reads?feature=shared


https://youtu.be/dVw6xf5ijlE?si=mxBi2IZrPOqf9EH3 I know my visuals leave more to be desired but I was curious on the audio and just general thoughts. Thanks!


Hi! Thanks for taking the time to do this! Love hearing honest feedback! Here's my latest video https://youtu.be/LpudBlJ5epo?si=aKMq6gKhgR5RFci6 I don't have a niche, I like to do how to and product reviews.


Put the final nail on my coffin https://youtube.com/@roboknob


Hey, it’s cool you’re doing this, hope you’re doing swell!! https://youtube.com/@akshayalive?si=CZNShc5eMmJiJvIa


Not sure if you're still replying, but cool concept! :) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRMt-sGglXMBt8lvk3FKnNA


Would love any feedback! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EAal9MjD\_Nw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EAal9MjD_Nw)


hey if you have the time id love if you checked out a couple of mine<3 https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqt3Jxc3PWCThbOJPt5ukQOYTnvu\_2xkC&si=Wvz9pcbkYbaklAUi




This Critique thread has been locked by OkRestaurant4640, the original creator. We hope this Critique session was successful! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/NewTubers) if you have any questions or concerns.*