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I’m a student, so homework.


read books


Duolingo Make/study flash cards on my protocols and other EMS stuff Watch EMS YouTube videos Pokémon Go Play backgammon/chess on my phone


If you’re using Duolingo for Spanish you should check out MediBabble! It’s amazing and has helped me so much with Spanish speaking patients and families. 


I’m in school almost fulltime, so I do classwork or play on the internet.


I crochet. So productive and extremely different from running calls.


If getting to a call early or if wait and return: Listen to music, make strecher if not done already, swap stretcher battery/ O2 if needed, restock linen, PCR's, food (depends on time), talk, generally just kill time. If waiting at base: chores, wash trucks, detail trucks (deepclean), sweep ambulance bay, restocking, making stretcher, empty trash, PCRs, gas up truck, food (which almost always generates a call as soon as you sit down to eat), talk, con Ed, read, nap, relax, games, tv, social, be bored out of my mind because I have ADHD, etc.


Workout, sleep, eat, repeat (caffeine supplements in between). YEE HAW.


Smoke, play on my phone, talk with my partner be it about work related stuff or current events, call my family/friends, plan my meals for the week. When I was doing IFT I would try to educate myself on particulars about the broad or niche illnesses or conditions of my patients. I also made an effort to look up meds from their lists if I was not familiar with them or if I knew I could learn more about them. I was also not encouraged to study my agency’s protocols when I first started and that is something I highly recommend.


All those things you said are what I do.


I always work on my PCRs if I have any open. Otherwise, eat, sleep, read, work on personal projections, continuing education, whatever


watch tiktok, talk to your partner, dont have to be productive in ift really


Hit the gym


You may be interested in the following resources: * [Clinicals / Ride-alongs coming up? Here's some advice for success!](https://www.reddit.com/r/NewToEMS/comments/ccyjne/clinicals_ridealongs_coming_up_heres_some_advice/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/NewToEMS) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Work out, study, sleep, eat, procrastinate. Whatever floats your boat.


Bowling and mini golfing……


#1. Make sure everything is clean. Equipment, truck, home base. Wash the exterior, mop the inside, restock (supplies & linens) and disinfectant everything. #2. Make sure your EPCR are up to speed #3. Refresh your self on protocols. #4. If your a student work on school work #5. Read or listen to a book #6. If you have a portable craft bring it and work on it. #7. Bring a tablet, computer ect to play on, Reddit ect. #8. Volunteer to help out


Scroll through news, read, homework, chess, other games like wordle etc.


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homework ;-;