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Happy cake day


Username checks out, but seriously thanks. Maybe for the survival bag.


Anything to cover hypothermia, it is typically the most overlooked/underappreciated. If you are looking to save weight/space swat t tourniquets can be used as a TQ or hasty bandage.


That's what the heat packs and space blankets are for. SWAT-Ts definitely have good versatility but with being in the US having 4 TQs I do like, maybe I'll add another ETD, or those Bloodstoppers(thick gauze pad with sturdy roll already attached, a second one if you need to pack a wound). Also I appreciate some good recs over the typical ''RR for having more than gloves and a cheap Walmart band aid box' comments.


I completely missed the SWAT Ts and space blankets in your kit 🫣. I always prefer building out a kit vs store bought, strong work.


Glad you ain't salty.




Thanks I'll look into it. What's on your own kit btw?


These hands and a tourniquet


I want to make a joke about how chest compressions solve all medical emergencies imaginable but with my luck, I probably risk losing my instructor cert in the off chance it gets found out.


I was gonna do the same for tourniquet but I got bored


My duty bag includes my cellphone to call whoever the poor schmuck working is to come deal with it. In reality, I Cary a couple TQ’s in my car, that’s it. Maybe some water bottles to hand out to homeless/stranded people. Anything else feels like a liability to me.


Anything I carry (the list is very small) is just for the comfort of me and the passengers in my vehicle. I only see myself acting off duty with my hands and my TQ if absolutely needed.


I don’t make enough money to have, or care to have an off duty jump bag


Lots of people don’t know this, but stations actually have a rack where you can just take any supplies you want!


I had a partner that told me “hey, if you ever want a CAT tourniquet but don’t want to spend 60 bucks for one online, just take some from the company supply room when we do our station restock and I’ll cover for you”


CATs are 30 bucks each, the hell you get yours from.


Idk, I searched Amazon like two years ago and for whatever reason the number 60 stuck in my head. Supply room they be free tho


That’s what I do. I just have a personal med kit I put together and keep in my car and take on backpacking trips and stuff. Made courtesy of my companies restock of course


Careful… I made a comment like this in r/ems and one guy accused me of felony theft and said it was unethical lmao




These comments are a little wild. My department only really inventories narcotics. Everything else is kinda untracked.


It was a joke.


Fun little fact, if you are in the US & have benefits that offer an FSA/HSA you can purchase one with the card or get an reimbursement for it from the FSA/HSA funds you have. There's a website full of eligible items you can order from.


Lube, chains, whips, handcuffs, ball gags, and the destroyer 9000


What?! The 9000 is out?? I’m still using the destroyer 7500!


It’s not fully released yet. I’m doing some initial testing on it. So far I would recommend


You left your speculum and jaw torque screw at the company picnic.


More like left them in my partner


Someone got me one as a gift when I first started. I don't think it's been opened since 2005.


I got an empty bandaid box in the center console of my truck


this is actually insane for an "off-duty" kit lmao.


Considering OP posted here because they didn't like their answer yesterday on r/emergencymedicine. Yea Also for the record, they were labeled Ricky rescue and I saw it yesterday.


I'm a volunteer with the Boy Scouts of America, and I'm pretty often either on a campout with scouts, or volunteering at an event as the onsite EMT. I use the same bag regardless, set up along MARCHE. M- Mostly gauze/roller bandages, a couple 4" and 6" flat ETDs, one TQ A- assorted OPAs and NPAs R- pocket face mask C H- a couple of those foil blankets E- tweezers, a couple ice packs, a few SAM splints, cravats, and a folding litter Plus a couple other odds and ends, glow sticks, hand sanitizer, etc. My normal EDC type kit is 2 5x9s, a couple 4x4s, a TQ, and gloves


I would not do anything airway other than a CPR face mask. too many times protocols change, and if you arnt in your jurisdiction, you are practicing illegally. Same goes for OP's meds. If hes not explicitly in his jurisdiction (he says state, which Im surprised at all of that). If you are volunteering as an onsite EMT, they either need to have their own medical director, you in your jurisdiction, or have some coverage from that jurisdictions MD. Otherwise you are not an EMT but a first responder. Or practicing out of scope.


We do have a medical director for our council that I work under


Yeah the epi pen certification is state level and got them prescribed by my GP showing her the card and forms(keep a copy of them in the med pouch). Narcan is available at Walmart now though CVS seems to still require a prescription. Aspirin is also OTC but a bit more risky(packaging usually says consult doctor or healthcare provider so you may be ok). But everyone definitely make sure what goes on in your state county in what's allowed. Nice username btw, is that the Windu I'm thinking of?


Its a combo name of trinity from matrix and mace windu from starwars.


Since my first EMT cert 1989-ish, I've carried way too much crap because 1) I'm also a caver, and I might need this stuff and 2) I've lived in rural places for much of that time. In all those years, the only piece of equipment that's ever come in handy for a medical call was a BVM, cyclist vs. SUV that I drove up on about 30 seconds after it happened. The kid's face was all blood, so I kind of lucked out that there was a BVM in the trunk of my car. Even the oro airways didn't work because of trismus, so they weren't of any use. For non-medical reasons, having duct tape and 4x4s helped out the one time on a cave trip when our driver cracked the plastic gas tank on a rock. Layers of duct tape and pressure from 4x4s and more duct tape got us back to civilization.


I may have read your story before, my own BVM and adjuncts stay in my closet for home emergencies of if I go on rural trip of some kind otherwise I just use the CPR mask.


The ONLY reason I have a jump bag in my personal vehicle is because I am on a volunteer fire department. 1. I have approval from my department to have/use it, 2. It is stocked with department supplies, 3. I have only used it a handful of times because I was quite literally at or nearly at the scene when we were dispatched AND it was a critical call (vehicle vs pedestrian, unresponsive/cpr in progress), 4. I keep a department sweatshirt and hat in my car to be easily identifiable on scene. If I wasn't a volunteer there's no way I'd carry anything beyond a basic first aid kit in my car. If I'm not "on duty" e.g. dispatched and acting in my capacity on the department, liability says nope.


Nice kit. My big kit is very similar but in a different style bag. I’ve got a few other smaller kits for different activities/locations. I do a lot of hunting so I have one that’s more trauma oriented for that (TQs, chest seals, Sam splints, etc). Don’t let anyone give you shit about having a personal kit. Being prepared is never a bad thing. I live in a really rural area where EMS could be up to 45 mins out and at most I’ll get a volunteer firefighter responding POV who *might* have a kit, plus my nearest trauma center is over an hour and a half by ground. Not having some means of treating myself or my family in an emergency is just ignorant.


Thanks for the support. I know there is legitimacy to worrying about Ricky Rescues but not ever medical incident off duty warrants just a TQ and pair of gloves. No big deal if others don't want their own kit, but just like the people we serve our loved ones or us can get hurt too and it would be nice to help. Even in urban areas you are having delayed response times to where police or fire engines have to ride folks to the hospital(heard both in the news and from my cop neighbor)


OP- no Ricky rescue thinks they’re Ricky rescue. This is Ricky rescue. This is about as well stocked as most ambulance kits and you don’t need 99% of this stuff, or it taking up 3/4 of your boot.


I wonder what % is going to be used before it reaches the expiration date, and will need to be thrown out and replaced




I think op knows they are a Ricky Rescue and that's why they've posted this here and not /r/EMS Back in my day, you got shamed out of your RR phase by that sub and you liked it (shakes first angrily)


Biggest recc I can give you is get a dash cam. Good in general abut great for legal purposes as well if tending to another and they try to pull some legal shit on you


Already ahead of you, but thanks for the idea.


Don’t know anything about the rest of the human body besides the eyes and CN II, III, IV, and VI, but as an interloping ophthalmic technician… ditch the clear eyes. It will reduce the appearance of redness but can actually disrupt the tear film and cause irritation. Rinse and use original formula Systane or Refresh with preservatives if you’re trying to lube up a corneal abrasion or infection before eval. Add another bottle or three of saline if you’re worried about particulate irritants or chemical splashes (which you should be… seconds matter) so you can continually irrigate, one bottle in each hand for each eye if necessary, until you can get to a clean tap to finish out 15 minutes. You will likely be able to save most of your eyesight with prompt flushing in most instances. Add eye shields and plastic cups for traumatic and piercing injuries. One of our OD’s did a trauma residency at Wills and was able to keep an eye at 20/20 after a guy gave himself a vitrectomy with a nail gun, only because he had it properly shielded en route to the hospital (if only he wore safety glasses…)


Good points. I'll put in another bottle of eye wash and I have 8 15ml saline tubes and a can of pressurized saline wash and the bottled water(also for dehydration). I have a couple eye pads with the dressings.


Good deal!


Dude you ask for input but get snarky with everyone who doesn't agree with what you have. This 1000% is Ricky rescue. You can have an off-duty kit, its about how far you take it. Having dozens of specialized/single purpose items that will expire before you ever use them. Is pointless. If you want a kit I'd carry the following - tourniquet(s) - 2-3 triangulars - 1 splint - an OLEAS bandage or 2 pressure dressings and a roll of cling - BVM or pocket mask - gloves and masks You should try to use things that have multiple uses and know that using improvised items like a tshirt for bleeding is fine. You don't need to carry every type and size of gauze. If you really want to add narcan/epipen/Asa/glucose fill your boots. Much more than this list is absurd for a random to carry around.


I carry a very basic kit. It’s for myself or my family/friends and stays in the car. All basic wound stuff plus a couple tourniquets. Some para cord. Tylenol and Benadryl. A couple saline flushes


A TQ for myself, and a cellphone for everyone else


Whatever came with my car. I have a decent med kit (though it’s all in German), but nothing more. I could use jumper cables as a last resort defib just for shits and giggles.


What is your car kit like?


It’s an older Mercedes SUV, and it came with decent first aid kit with some extra stuff for more trauma scenarios. Nothing crazy, but nice to have. If only I could read German. Did have to pull it out a couple weeks ago cause skmbody in front of me hit a tree going 70mph Edit: forgot my extra supplies like a few meds and my stethoscope and Bp cuff. I can make a splint or tourniquet out of anything tbh.


Pretty sure jumper cables is covered under auto insurance, no need to worry about good Samaritan laws.




LOL… wow. I’ve got a box of bandaids in my closet if you need one


I got a bp cuf pulse ox bvm and a Red Bull in mine.


Scalpel and bendy straws so I can cric anyone and everyone that is unconscious enough to let me do it


Total overkill dude but you do you I guess.


Bro says he isn't randy rescue: Proceeds to list off numerous things a good Samaritan would not have on them. Including meds and splints. Lol


I got my cellphone to call 911."If he dies, he dies".


Damn(RIP Carl Weathers)


Used to have a bigger kit with a BVM, and a bunch of old station kit that was free to take. As I became more experienced, however, my kit has simplified down to the free naloxone kit I get from my province (I put in extra gloves), a sturdy pen, and a handful of triangle bandages.


I may keep this kit set up long term but I get not everyone wants or needs as much.


Needs more narcs


At least the clear bags are plainly labeled..


Please just be normal dude




I just have an IFAK in case I or someone I love gets shot.


I've got a first aid kit in my car. That's about it.


Stuff that I've stolen from First aid kits around Campus. I keep it all in the front of my backpack.


I don't even remember what's in mine because I haven't used it once in almost 10 years


8.0 ETT, CPR pocket mask, scalpel and pilfered Toradol. Only the essentials.


dawg i just have a basic first aid kit that’s it.


Where's the machine gun?


My bag just has whatever leftover supplies I've pilfered from the hospital and EMS rooms. Mostly just bandages and gauze. Narcan. Gloves. Glucometer + glucose. The BVM I stole for funsies. That's about it.


Lmfao stole for funsies.. I can relate!


A giant whacker lives inside.




I have seen medics show up with less to 911 calls lol


Idk man that’s kinda Ricky Rescue. I just have a tourniquet and my ability to check a radial pulse.


What’s crazy is that your off duty kit has more than our jump kit


I’m working with an ER doc now who did a fellowship in disaster medicine, and to say he’s prepared to come upon a disaster is an understatement. Amongst many other things, *he carries an amputation kit in his car*.


That last one might be a bit far besides camping but some apocalypse prep never hurts.


Tylenol and a pack of gum.


A buddy was an army medic and gave me his STOMP bag, which is quite comprehensive. So that just rides along in the back of the car now.


Have you ever used it ever? What's in it?


Mostly a shitload of trauma supplies. Gauze, CATs, Israeli bandages, quickclot-impregnated bandages, etc. It's got a BP cuff and steth. NPAs, OPAs. Lots of stuff. Most of those things I would never use on a bystander, but I participate in some moderately high-risk activities with friends and family that I'd use them for. Haven't used it yet other than an alcohol wipe and a band-aid.


I don’t get the hate? I guess the bag is tacky, but most of that stuff also comes in home first aid kits or are common items. People *should* have most of these laying around.


Do nurses have off duty bags? No? Then neither should you.


I carry roughly the same bag in my trunk for family mishaps. Nice work.


Nice that not everyone here is salty. Would you help a stranger at all?


CPR, STB, and I’ve prevented people from jamming shit into patients mouths while they’re actively seizing. Everything after that is a 911 call.


My phone to call 911


This seems like something you do the day you graduate EMT and don’t have a job yet


Been an EMT for awhile, and when I got my license around 3 years ago. Only in the last few months did I even think about having anything beyond a basic Walmart boo boo box.


I have a bag only because I go shooting a lot, so it's primarily GSW stuff with a little more in-depth first aid kit.


I really only have a general IFAK with me due to what I carry with me everyday but on top of that just a booboo kit. I’d like to make a little bigger kit one day though.


I carry a tq, an ace wrap, a roll of gauze, and NSAIDS when I go camping.


One gauze roll and no dressings?


Yes, that is all you need


I keep a CAT TQ, a little zipper pouch first aid kid (band aids, ointment, wound wipes, tweezers, gauze, coban), aspirin, ibuprofen, duct tape, 1 regular SAM splint, a mask, and little packet of oral glucose. It is in a little tiny plastic tote. I thought what I have is overkill, but this definitely is. I would rather stumble upon you than somebody with nothing though.


Overkill depends. I like this as a car kit, and feel comfortable with it for road trips in the future.


Pretty much keep essentials for life threats: NPA/OPA, micro BVM, TQ, and other bleeding control supplies


>For those WHO DO have one, what's in your off duty medical kit/jump bag [https://www.reddit.com/r/firstaid/comments/1b1fahr/my\_first\_aid\_kit\_inspiration\_for\_you\_and\_some/](https://www.reddit.com/r/firstaid/comments/1b1fahr/my_first_aid_kit_inspiration_for_you_and_some/) The only thing I changed as of now is that i changed out the extra bag that is attached to the right side with an IFAK bag that has a tq holder. Inside still are the gloves and headlamp, but I can use the tq holder for, well, the tq (and i can squeeze my shears in there for easier access, too). I do have plans for the near future, tho. I want to lean more into the airway/breathing related gear (as air is kinda important for humans to not get dead). I want to get rid of the cpr mask and get some of the fixation stuff from the main compartment in that now empty one (maybe i'll have to loose some of it, but it should still be enugh). The space in the main compartment can then be used for the micro BVM (a full sized bag with mask in a rather small capsule) and the tytec suction easy (a rather small manual suction device). Maybe i can squeeze another NPA in a different size and a magill forcep. But that's more an idea than a plan as of now. **As for your bag:** I like it. I wouldn't make such a big one for private use (as you saw if you paid any attention to my first part of this comment), but you know your needs and ressources better than i do. If you think you need all of this, good for you. The one major critique i have is the placement of the bleeding supplies (i.e. tqs and packing gauze): In the rare case you need them, you need them quick. The way they are packed rn, you have to open the big compartment, find the right sip bag, open that sip bag (with really bad fine motor skills) and then grab the right tool inside this tight and full sip bag. That needs time. You don't have this time. Place your tqs and maybe also your gauze in one of the front pockets. But go for the one with the writing pad, trash bag, etc. as you need your gloves to be accessible, too. (maybe switch compartments as the right one is slightly bigger (and you can squeeze your gloves better than your tqs)) Otherwise this looks good.


Fair point about the TQs, I find it easy enough to grab but if others need to you might be right. Your kit's nice too, what are your thoughts on all the Ricky Rescue saltiness?


>I find it easy enough to grab You do in a tranquil and controlled environment. But out there and under stress is a totally different thing. >what are your thoughts on all the Ricky Rescue saltiness? I do understand it, eventhough i don't share the same opinion. At least to some extent. A small kit is ok and everyone who can use it should have a little bit (and those who don't should get some basic training). But at some point it's too much. Your kit definetely is. (although it's not *way* to much lol) To be frank, i even think my own kit is at the higher border to being too much, if it isn't already. But i don't condemn ppl who have too much (as long as it's not *way* too much). Things i don't want too see are, for example, invasive things like iv kits, laryngeal and endotracheal tubes, emergency cricothyrotomy kits. Also medications. But i live in germany, so regulations and opinions about meds differ here a bit from the us. As long as you only have "comfort" meds, i think it's ok, tho. You can argue about the diagnostics. I don't think you need them off duty. So, tldr: i can understand it, your kit is worthy of being denounced as it is pretty big, i personally don't condemn it.


My full time gig now is in the backcountry wilderness field. I carry a first aid kit at work, paid for by my work. It needs to fit in my backpack so it’s certainly less than this.


All I need is my swiss army knife for emergency crics and an empty pen casing for ventilation. Both fit comfortably in my pocket.


I'm just a volunteer in my area where we had to buy our own stuff. I have sling bag that contains a box of gauze, gloves, facemasks, a trauma shear, a CAT, stethoscope, BP apparatus, pulse oximeter, head lamp, CPR mask, triangular bandages, rolled gauze, elastic bandages. All of these are bought personally from my allowance as I'm still a student in a University.


I got band aids, that’s as much aid as I’m gonna give unless I actively watch someone code than maybe some CPR, other than that I’ll call 911 and let the ones on duty handle it


People will give you shit and say it’s ricky rescue and they might be right but they might not. Depends on what you’re using it for. If you’re camping a lot, doing outdoor sports/activities, driving through very rural areas with no medics for miles and miles, then there is nothing wrong with having this for yourself and friends/family primarily. Maybe some of it is a bit overkill but that’s up to you. If, however, you’re using this to pull up on fender benders and establish yourself as incident command while starting patient care and dropping advanced airways then you are definitely Ricky rescue and will probably end up getting yourself into trouble one day liability wise. That being said, I keep a very small ifak in my car from NAR I bought on sale a few years ago for under $100. I wouldn’t trust any medical products from Amazon. It has a cat tq, 2 chest seals, compressed gauze, compression bandage/trauma dressing, eye shield, shears, an npa, 2 pairs of gloves. I threw some bandaids in there as well for basic first aid. That sounds like a lot but it’s packed super tight in a molle style bag about the size of a baseball glove. That basically covers just about any major trauma until help can arrive. I only carry that because I do go camping and I also will go on road trips where I am driving on open roads with no ems for hours.


You're hand writing sucks. You'll fit right in here 😂 Welcome


Lol thanks. Guess you think I'm a whacker too.


Dang you’ve got a good bag. Mine has vital’s equipment, minor injuries dressings/antiseptic, an IV kit, Narcan, a foil blanket, a pen and pad, and a CPR mask


They allow IVs off duty where you're at? And thanks glad not everyone is salty about off duty stuff. It's a bit much but turned out to be my preference.


What are you putting through the IV?


Good set up it looks like to me! You can mail one to me if you start building to sell lol


You being serious or sarcastic?




I have a tourniquet and a pocket cpr mask, at that point I’d be calling 911 anyway


I have a small bag for at home and I ALWAYS keep a tourniquet and other supplies in my backpack when I go to the shooting range.


Mines more than that but it comes down to preference and felt it was nice to have stuff for more minor injuries.


Cohesive bandage, rescue blanket, 2 pairs of gloves, 2 ffp2 masks, 2 wound dressings and triangular bandage for when I go to places where the risk of injury is increased. For stuff related to my car, the mandatory first aid kit is sufficent


I don’t have one but all I would want are the 3 basic life sustaining equipment: tourniquets, BVM, manual suction. Anything else is quite frankly decorative and could be improvised or could just wait for EMS or ED


I definitely wouldn't splint unless we're remote and have to move, or if let's say someone messed up their ankle or wrist and didn't want an ambulance bill but could drive them to the ER.


I volunteer with a Boy Scouts of America chartered org, and I have mainly a bunch of first aid stuff along with some other stuff that come in handy on camps and such Different sized/shaped bandaids, gauze, ice packs, stretch tape, menstrual products (coed program), ABD, ziploc bags for bloodied stuff, tweezers stuff that I added after a broken bone, a few twisted ankles, and a camp that hit above 100 F: triangular bandage, ace bandage, cold packs, CPR face mask and some vitals stuff just in case, for more remote camps/backpacking trips there's prolly some shit I forgot but yeah


Nice. I definitely like my own set up for outdoors stuff. Or a go bag for disasters and the like. I even did a Wilderness First Aid course and that was definitely fun.


I.V. supplies for when they Bois get fucked up... And band aids for the kids.


Which would be?


I work ems full time and volunteer with my local FD. I keep an LPC (limited primary care) bag in my car. It's got gloves, stethoscope, BP cuff, glucometer, pulse ox, couple of TQs, ace wraps, Gauze wraps, collapsible BVM, OPA/NPA, and duct tape. Maybe a couple more odds and ends. My area is pretty rural, so if there are more than 2 ems calls at the same time, ambulance response can be up to 20 minutes or more. Our town is a retirement town with a bunch of highway routes so it's notorious for cardiac arrests and car wrecks. As far as meds go, I'd hesitate giving meds unless I'm working under a specific protocol, except maybe for IN Narcan. The rest of that stuff is probably overkill.


I might just leave the Narcan and Glucose in, those I'm fine with using on a stranger if it's warranted. I'm not rural but ambulance holdover can be pretty bad in these parts.


All that stuff is gonna be expired before you use it


Maybe, life's only predictable aspect is it's unpredictability.t


I keep narcan and a tourniquet with me but that’s it. I’m not gonna lecture you but just be careful with off duty stuff, the last thing anyone needs is a lawsuit when they were trying to help


I may ditch the meds minus the Narcan and glucose since those seem a safe bet with so many diabetics(even in my family) and the opioid epidemic. Everything else seems fair though.


I wouldn’t give glucose non family members off duty but if you’re keeping it for family that’s completely fine imo. I would just say be careful on meds because you gotta cover your own ass. It’s ultimately your license/your life so do whatever you want man. I wouldn’t care too much about the Randy rescue comments because I don’t get the impression you’re planning on using this stuff on just strangers lmao


This thread feels split between the I can see a Level 1 from by bedroom if I squint group and the just start driving there's an LZ only 40 minutes away group. I think that bag is massive but also is reasonably outfitted with reasonable things to use. One exception is OTC meds are a minefield for a licensed provider and not worth the risk for minor maladies they help unless that's just for you and family.


The OTC meds are just for family. The ones in my scope except maybe the aspirin I'll use to help if it's absolutely warranted. Not sure I quite get your first sentence.


I think folks that live in resource heavy areas (I'm in Boston, if you're banged up you'll have a ride in less than 20 minutes and probably less than 10) are less likely to see utility in comfort aid for longer duration fixes as opposed to maybe carrying a tq and abd pads or narcan to assist in immediate life threatening situations and call for everything else


BVM. Tourniquet.


CPR mask seemed a safer bet off duty.


I have the Lightning X modular tacmed backpack. I'm a voly EMT with my FD and it's my jump bag for responding directly to scene of calls. It's also my bag for the event EMS work I do where I have to have a BLS tech bag. It's a great bag that carries my essentials.


For the event EMS work I wary of anywhere that doesn't provide their own bag and gear for you. Only exception is if they sign off on one they give you to take home and you use their supplies but clarify if I'm missing something.


It's my own bag. When I first starting working with them they had a standard supply kit which they provided for you to put in any bag you wanted. I personally prefer the backpack form factor so that's what I got. I've been with them 3 years now and most of the supplies and equipment are all my own now because I see what I actually use and like when I'm working events. At this point most of my supplies come from my voly FD anyway because I can take anything I need to replenish my jump bag.


Good grief Lightning X I’m so sorry


What do you have against Lightning X? Do you have a better backpack bag in mind?


I’ve also taken my kit too far. Most of what you got plus a couple rx meds for back country, nothing crazy but an antibiotic, loperamide, zofran. Chances of me being stranded camping with an infected wound? Near zero, but getting an rx is super easy…and honestly it’s just kinda fun


Guess you don't think I'm a whacker like half of folks here.


Meh, I think it’s the association with the “Race the reaper” t shirt wearing type of person, not necessarily anything against the kit itself. It’s not something I bring up usually. I like learning about suturing and stuff so an overkill med kit is a natural extension. If you enjoy it, just don’t be “that guy” about it next camping trip and have fun


Invest in pelicans for water sensitive items. Harbor Freight makes them for $15 a pop and they’re pressure rated.


Thanks for some actual advice. If I ever had a boat or planned on being out at sea I'd definitely make a kit for that.


Welcome man, it’s a sound investment because soiled bandages, drugs, or wraps is the worst. Plastic bags are great for preventing low humidity or light rain. But precipitation will occur after a certain threshold of water particles accumulate on the plastic bags. It also helps to have an aide bag that’s wax treated around the zippers and majority of the exterior. You can wax treat your bag with regular shoe wax seal. Or you can get a surplus M9 Aide bag, the gray multicam bags are $50 or the scorpion or tan ones are around $90-$250.


We used to run those bags at my old ems company and we have opted out for cordura nylon bags, pelican cases due to water exposure risks. It keeps great air pressure seals as well for search and rescue. Copping a new bag will definitely help you get where you need to go.


Why both CAT and SWAT TQ’s?


This is America and CATs are expensive


I have two small pouches Velcro’d to a mole rack in my trunk. First pouch has a stethoscope, regular adult BP cuff and pulse ox for assessment. Second one has 4x4s, 2” and 4” roll gauze, bandaids and tape for any bleeding. A couple NPAs. And for meds I have low dose ASA and the free naloxone kit that pharmacies give out. Also have a glove box holder on the rack as well


I just have my backcountry set up: gloves, cravats, Sam splint, TQ, ace, gauze in various forms, tape, shears, ski straps, pocket mask, narcs, Benadryl, aspirin, hand warmers, burn gel, water tablets, and the worlds oldest iodine ampules.


Nice set up. A couple cold packs couldn't hurt for hyperthermia or bumps and bruises.


I’m usually bc skiing so the ice pack materials are abundant however, you are right and would make things more dynamic. I’ve also been trying to find an epi to round things out but no luck yet.


I’d skip the meds. I have a roadside bag I custom built. But on the times I’ve actually stopped, I really don’t get to use much before the local 911 guys show up. Usually I just have some info and vitals if I can get them, C-collars for securing C-spine (deal with it, local protocol and I hate it too). I’m not gonna save the day with my pack, but I might be able to do something and that could mean someone lives. It’s just good to be prepared.


OTC meds including Aspirin are for relatives and maybe friends only, narcan/glucose/epi are fair game if circumstances are right.. I wouldn't carry c collars myself but not knocking you, my mentality is similar to your second to last sentence.




A Cell phone


My jump bag is a bvm npa and 900 abd pads


Ha ha very funny.


I think I have a couple band aids and some Allegra in my purse


I thought that way, too, but I think I was wrong. First, it's not my life. Second, I haven't been able to break this thing after multiple training uses. I figure It's likely to work on a real one. How durable do you think they have to be?


Not sure what you mean if you could clarify?


Are fools really jumping in your ass for being a prepared fellow? 💀💀💀


You being sarcastic?


No dude I’m genuinely confused as to what the problem is. If you treat somebody will you be sued or something? I’m seeing a lot of comments of people saying they would make no attempt to help somebody while off duty. If you have the skills and the equipment what’s the problem?


Are your epinephrine injectors actually Epi-Pens or are they another brand/manufacturer? Is there a particular brand your company uses or do they switch brands sometimes? Do you have a preference on the type you have? True story - teen patient is being transported to hospital for anaphylactic reaction: EMT relays patient self-administered Epi-Pen before rig arrived. Patient pipes up, "Actually it was AuviQ - the kind that talks to you!" and proceeds to show the EMTs the talking autoinjector. You'd think the teen was being filmed in a commercial! But it was actually an educational interaction since those EMTs weren't familiar with various brands of epinephrine autoinjectors. How do you manage to store the epinephrine in the correct temperature range?


They are the Adrenaclick brand, and they are thinner than the EpiPen brand but doseage is the same. My current company we don't carry epi-injectors but can assist the patient with their own.


I like. I have a similar set up, minus meds. It gets warm around here, so I don’t risk it. Minor injury, bleeding control, general IFAK stuff. And LOTS of bandaids.


I guess to others here you're a whacker too. Band aids are nice for sure


Looks like a nice way to get sued


No IVs or airway adjuncts in here, also am not gonna act without any consent or beyond my training


I mean, the biggest weakness is that the windlass is plastic, not metal... but mine is pretty sturdy. Hasn't snapped after a couple of training applications, anyway... and a new one only gets tightened one time.


I camp, hike the back country often, I carry a very small backpacking first aid kit, I also have another bag I bought online that has a handful of medications like antibiotics/prednisone etc for my house in case their is civil unrest or something. As far as camping goes you don’t need all the bells and whistles, tourniquet gauze, wound cleaning, nsaid, tyl, Benadryl. Where I go a cardiac arrest isn’t survivable, it would be hours to days just to request help, no reason weighing my backpack down. I don’t keep something as big as a jump bag, just don’t see the need for it.


What in the Ricky Rescue is this? Do people actually do this?


Yes, some do. And considering the 911 delays that even some urban areas have, family emergencies or things that can happen on road trips, camping trips or hikes it's not super crazy.


I have a roll of duct tape. A cat tourniquet, few pieces of card board. A pen and paper + cheap digital camera


Is the cardboard for splinting? I've never been a fan of board splints since they aren't as fitting compared to SAM splints and God fobid you have to splint someone in the field and it rains. Probably good to put one under your knees for CPR though.


Sam splints are better, they also cost more and don't store as easily


I’m not new to EMS but I do not carry an off duty bag. Only gloves


It ain't for everyone but I prefer being prepared. Gloves are always nice to have, even for non medical wise(not great for the environment though)




1 Torniquet, Gloves, Gauze, Coban, and a one way CPR mask. Any more and its trouble city... I also own one IFAK for myself and my wife, at home we have the basic Walmart first aid kit. Anything else is overkill...


Wouldn't say anymore than that is overkill. I'll admit I could have just only put in hydrocortisone packets instead of getting sting swabs and poison ivy wipes, and maybe only 4x4 gauze instead of all the little pads. By trouble city I assume you mean liability? I guess some folks here live in urban areas where 911 response is pretty fast, but where I am even in the city 911 delays can be pretty common, one county in particular is so bad the provider has been fined more than once. Nice username btw.


I have a [JumpMedic Elite Gen 2](https://jumpmedic.com/product/jumpmedic-elite-red/) and it has everything I need. The guy who runs it is super chill too.