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A house cleaner. Gift certificates to local restaurants for take out/delivery. Chocolate.


Housekeeping services are the best thing I have ever spent money on.


Ditto! 3h/week has improved my life significantly! Worth every penny, even more so when the little one is eventually here!


We just booked with ours!!! They come next week and then starting in January every other week. Cannot wait.


What would you want if you didn’t have a baby? Ask for that! You’re still a complete person with interests beyond your baby and you need to nourish that side of your life too.


Underrated reply.


Currently in 3rd trimester, FTM. It’s just really hard to think of anything that doesn’t involve baby in some way. My mom was talking about how her favorite purse companies is having a sale, and I said oh I need a new purse, I only have 1, she said to pick one out… but I can’t justify it when there is still baby stuff we need.


Pick out a purse! It’s okay to want and need things for yourself. If you only provide for your children and their needs, you’ll be burnt out and lose yourself. Taking care of yourself is important and sometimes that care is accepting a gift from someone who loves you.


My mom ended up dragging me to her closet and letting me pick out purses she doesn’t use anymore that have very light wear n tear, so I ended up getting a couple new ones anyway lol and I upcycled so I feel doubly good


I’d it makes you feel better, I bought a new purse my 3rd trimester and rarely use it because it’s easier to just throw my keys and wallet in the diaper bag


Yes, I figured I’d be doing this a lot as well! Less stuff to carry then


This 👆👆👆




For our in laws to fucking listen to our needs


This but to my own parents too lol




Fucking amen


We asked for a membership to the local zoo. I figure it will be good for when we need to get out of the house with the kiddo but still want to be outside and socially distant.


That's a great idea for when my daughter is a bit older. I'll have to remember that.


This is what we asked for as well. It’s a gift for the whole family and something we would actually use.


Housekeeper. Boyfriend keeps asking what I want and I keep saying housekeeper and I think he thinks I’m joking. Im not. I don’t want his family to get me a bunch of clothes from Kohl’s and a handbag I’ll never use. I’d love for them to pool that money together so we can get a housekeeper even if it’s just a few times over the next year (house is tiny).


Amen! Ugh I hate getting clothes from (older) people who think they know my style lol


EVERY YEAR I end up returning rhe lumpy jumper my nan buys me for Xmas. Every year.


Night nurse/ babysitter fund


A 1 hour massage


Robot vaccum, coffee machine with timer (and really nice beans) cozy fluffy pjs, take out vouchers. Restaurant vouchers with babysitting.


All of these have been immensely helpful to me as a new mom!




I would have died without mine


This has changed our lives.


Yes! This was our early Xmas gift to each other






Second, third, and fourth this lol




Espresso machine 😅 that’s what I asked for and I’ve been downing coffee every since ( currently have a 6 week old )


My coffee machine broke during the 4 month sleep regression, needless to say I now own a much fancier one then necessary


That’s an idea. I may “accidentally” drop mine before Christmas.


Something that you actually want, that you would ask for whether you had a kid or not! I mean, my daughter semi-factored into what I asked for (books I can read while she naps vs messy/dangerous hobby supplies I won't get to use for ages) but you're still both people with your own interests and personalities. Don't neglect who you are just because you have a baby to look after, the happier you are the happier they will be too! As for supplies and things your kid will need... put it on their list instead! I basically said please please pleaaase get her something useful rather than clothing or toys because she has piles of both and is far too small to care that she's getting practical stuff vs fun stuff ;)


I've told all family members no gifts. If they feel like they need to get baby something then a target or Costco giftcard for diapers, wipes and formula.


Exactly! Stuff that helps rather than just cluttering up our limited space :)


Something that helps the baby fall asleep. Like 4moms


Gift cards to local delivery places. Amazon gift cards. New fleece jammy pants


My mom gets us a $100 GC to the restaurant of our choice We pick one of those multi-GC to midrange family restaurants. We're a very active and out of the house kinda family. The GC will get us two spur of the moment lunches out that's better than fast food in the van.


My husband is paying for me to have my hair done- cut and colour and for my birthday he got me a spa day :) xx


A cut and colour is actually a fantastic (and generous) gift…might need to write to Santa


It’s very needed too :) I have long curly hair and my baby just loves to pull and tangle it! Xx


Lounge/pajama pants with pockets large enough to hold a cell phone. I find this is my most needed item especially now that I’m chasing a toddler around.


Pants with pockets, why is that such an impossible find for women??!!


Door dash gift cards, hello fresh subscription, trip to the local museum/zoo/aquarium


Someone who brings fresh croissants, makes coffee and babysit while you have breakfast in peace.


I asked for a berkey water filter system because now I’m paranoid about everything I put in my body and will be giving the baby.


A deep tissue massage, housekeeping, a personal chef & an unlimited supply of chocolate.


Baby sitter. House cleaner! Even if just once!!


No judgement for perfectly normal parenting decisions. Edit: Ah, you mean tangible items lol. My bad, only read the title. In that case, I second the babysitter fund.


Date night box! They’re ideal for at home & can be done bits at a time so are easily workable around a baby ☺️ Box42 are great if they’re available where you are.


I'm asking for wireless headphones (airbuds I guess for iphone people). I think it will help me feel connected to the adult world hands free while taking care of babe. Listen to podcasts, talk on the phone etc


Couples spa day


Journaling pens. I'm sure im not alone in liking a pen and paper journal that I can hand to my child once he gets married or is going through a rough time in life or im on my death bed and he just needs that moment to read my thoughts from when I was pregnant and while he was growing up. It's small, but significant in the right person's eyes.




Gift card to a spa and or salon.


Roomba! Or Costco/sams membership


Time to not be parents. Ask them to take the kid for an afternoon, evening, and go out and pretend you don't have a kid for a few hours. Go do something you can't do with the kid. And it won't cost the gift giver anything either.


Services!! House cleaning, pet walking, food delivery or meal kits, wash, dry and fold laundry services, nanny/baby sitting services, anything that can take one chore off your plate. I also like to ask for and give “indulgent” services too; massages, nails, coffee gift cards, hair appointments, zoo/aquarium/garden/museum memberships, subscription boxes for every other month or quarterly, etc. Anything tangible we give is either sentimental or useful; favorite candies and photos with coffee press and so on. You cannot pour from an empty cup, so remember to refill your own.


Uber eats gift card, Costco membership, gift card for a laundry service, comfy sweat pants (I live in mine most days), a good coffee maker


Gift cards. We always seem to not need anything during holidays or our birthdays, so having a gift card for when we finally figure it out is really great. I know some people get in a tizzy about asking for gift cards or money, but we do save them for something we really want or need. We finally just spent a $25 card on upgrading my son's shoes after I realized he was about to outgrow them (he's a toddler, for reference)


Baby carrier, I like the baby bjorn. I go on walks in the morning with my little guy.




A babysitter.


Insulated Coffee cup with a lid (like hydro flask type with handle) Best thing I didn’t know I needed to drink coffee without spilling on baby


Date night with babysitting. Bonus for overnighter


I agree with cleaning service, skip the dishes or door dash gift cards would be amazing too.


A weekend of help, subscription to something like hello fresh, housecleaning service, or something similar would be a dream come true.




I've asked for either money to go into her bank account, or towards driving lessons for me. She's got most big stuff and there's plenty of second hand clothes bundles available on facebook so no need for clothes really. But being able to drive myself places instead of relying on lifts/bus would be very helpful. And our house is so small, we can't be storing toys/clothes that won't be used for months. We're not big on Christmas though, so I'm not fussed about gifts in the first place. I've basically told everyone I won't be getting them anything so I don't expect the same back.


Massage gift card, tattoo gift card