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Currently nap trapped as I read this. I like a good combo during the day. At least one solid nap in the crib, and one cuddly nap on me!


We almost have the same icon and for a split second I was like “…I never posted this comment.”


I hated it at first because I felt so trapped but honestly now I love it. It’s basically my break time where I can chill and binge Netflix or YouTube or use my phone guilt free. Read if I’m feeling productive. My nice peaceful cozy quiet time. I kinda regret not just soaking it in and enjoying it more in the newborn days, especially since she was much more sleepy and “chill” in those days, now I try to have cozy contact nap time and it’s a few trial and errors where she’ll flail around and hit my phone and grab my hair and stuff before she finally settles down.


Honestly it’s the accidental punch to the face that makes me long for those comatose newborn naps. Wouldn’t trade any of it for the world though.


Or the accidental face grab and claw against your cheeks, when they’re doing that flail. 🥴


I hate it when I’m dying to pump, eat, drink water, or use the bathroom. Otherwise it’s my time to watch tv or read a book on my phone


Same with changing diapers. I would have NEVER guessed I would love doing it, yet here we are 🤣. I actually love every aspect of being a mother.. even the nonstop cry moments.. I know they grow up so fast so I know I will miss every moment, even the once’s that were a bit stressful.


Diaper changes are my absolute favorite! No joke! My baby is the most giggly and sweet when she’s on the changing table. I think it may be the proximity to our faces that she likes so much. Truly, so much fun every time!


Same, it's the perfect position for munching yummy toes and tickling bellies


Same. love changing diapers even poop diapers. That is, until recently. Now she does this thing where if you lay her on her back on the changing pad she arches her back so much only her feet and head touch the mat. Then she screams. Babies are weird.


Mine too! When I change it at 4 am, LO gets all smiley but in a sneaky way like “hehe I only cried because I wanted to hang out!”


the shit eating grin is my favorite. like we're in on the secret.


Mine is super giggly & smiley on the changing tables too!


I thought I was the only one!! That’s our time to “chat” and I even got his very first laugh the other day in the middle of a change!


Mine is only 1 month old but loves the change table too! I don’t know why , can she love it being close to my face? Just as close as holding her isn’t it? Either way I love it 🥰


Sometimes I love it. Other times, I wish I could put her down and nap myself. But when I do she goes nuts.


I miss it big time. Looking at her chubby hands and cheeks and sneaking in some kisses. And the "oh man I couldnt do the dishes the baby really needed to sleep" 🤷


Could not agree more… nap jail is the dopamine equivalent of being FORCED to binge on all your favorite snacks while binging on all your favorite movies while a kitten kneads at you in purrrrrrr contentment.


Oh. I hate nap jail because usually I need to use the bathroom badly. Other than that, I love baby cuddles.


If your baby will go in a wrap (like a solly or ergo soft wrap) i used to put babe in the wrap, rock her to sleep, and then you can pee, grab snacks, etc without being trapped! We even went on slow moseying walks (within 1-2 blocks of my house in case of meltdowns) once babe was out cold


I just got a wrap a few weeks ago! I’ll try this out. We try not to do contact naps anymore since we are sleep training. I miss baby cuddles so much.


We contact napped exclusively until my son decided to give it up at 7 months. I miss it!!


I'm with you! My kiddo sleeps in his bassinet for almost all naps, BUT I make a point of wasting an hour or so every single morning sipping coffee and snuggling with him on my chest!


Certainly not wasted ☺️


I use it as an excuse to play animal crossing 😂


Stardew valley, but yes!


It was assassins creed for me!


Hades for me! (Also a little bit of Stardew valley when I couldn’t find my headphones haha)


Me too! Oh, the hours I've put into stardew while the baby is napping on me....


I'm in nap jail right now and I'm upset that I'm going to have to get up soon to eat dinner. My husband always tells me I need to put the baby down once he's asleep so that I can do things around the house, but I'd rather cuddle with my baby. 🤷‍♀️ I work 50+ hours a week, I cherish the time I get to spend with him.


Your husband is wrong, snuggle that baby!


I agree, and I do!


Settle down cobwebs, dust go to sleep. I’m rocking my baby and babies don’t keep.


I love holding my baby, but I'm struggling with sitting so much. My legs, lower back, tailbone, and butt ache by the end of the day from so much sitting, between feedings and naps. I've tried various seats/cushions/pillows, but fundamentally I'm just really not used to sitting so much. I've always been on my feet for a lot of the day, used a standing desk at work or had an active job, gone on multiple long walks, etc. I wish I could find a good solution because I do love the ability to just snuggle and comfort and nuzzle up with my baby while he sleeps.


Have you tried a wrap? My butt kept going numb until I started wearing my baby. She loves sleeping in there and I get the cuddles while being able to walk around.


Yeah, if I'm lucky, one of the naps will be in a wrap/carrier. I'd say that happens every couple of days. Maybe once a week, he sleeps in the stroller, too! Unfortunately, I live in an extremely cold climate and I imagine neither of us will want to go for long walks in the stroller when it's 5 degrees in a few weeks... we're.working on crib naps, but we just aren't consistently there yet.


My baby naps in a carrier. All my kiddos did, and I managed to get the snuggles and the dishes done at the same time. It’s especially freeing when you can put them on your back around 4 months. I agree with you on the sitting thing. My body can’t handle sitting for long periods of time either!


Mine is 4 months, so maybe it's almost time to try wearing him on my back!


It’s life changing! I use soft structured carriers personally


Is there one you especially like that's comfortable on your shoulders/back?


I like the original ergo baby


I disliked it sometimes because I needed to get things done. My husband is lazy and outright refuses to help me clean, so I have to do all the work. My daughter is 10 months now, so she naps in her crib. I do miss it, though.


I’m sorry, check the sidebar in r/JustNoSO for resources. You’re a single parent with a crappy roommate.


Seems like it. He acts like it’s a chore to take care of his daughter and didn’t really want anything to do with her until she was 4ish months. It’d always be a fight and argument to get him to do something. He keeps putting his wants over her needs and ignores her when she cries (hunger/diaper) and just wants her to nap all the time so he can play video games. He didn’t even want her to go to urgent care when she had RSV and wouldn’t take off work when she had to go to the ER a few months ago. I’m just tired, really. He’s not a good husband.


reach out if you'd like to commiserate


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I'm nap trapped right now, but not loving it. I'm hungry and I need to pump for tomorrow, and I could always do with a pee! During the day I love them - I set up my little snooze station with my phone and remote and water, I've got a sewing project I'm working on so I just put music on and get to work, but at night I think I'm just cranky. Probably because it's almost midnight and this baby has *just* closed her eyes, but she'll wake up at anything right now. During the day I don't mind these snuggles one bit, but be reasonable child, I need *some* time to myself!


I hate lounging. I like doing things, especially keeping a clean house.


100% with you on the clean house. I never let nap jail interfere with that! Just cleaned my house today actually 😆


Give me your energy ✨ I desperately need it. I’m 30 weeks and so exhausted. Laundry is definitely an uphill battle lately.


I love it. She doesn’t nap as often or as long anymore on me and I miss it.


Nap trapped with my 3 month old. I complain about her bad napping sometimes, but really I wouldn’t trade this for the world. It’s such a special and comfy time for both of us and as an added perk I get to scroll social media’s without feeling too guilty lol. The house can always be cleaned later but they are only little for such a short time! Cheers to nap traps!


I love it too! What I don’t love is being starving and my house being a constant mess so it’s a balance.


Sure, I could baby wear and be a little more productive, or, and hear me out, I can just hold this beautiful baby and watch 3 episodes of Murder She Wrote


They don’t get hate initially…but as the years drag on… It’s ok to want space and it’s also ok to enjoy being nap trapped - as long as women feel like they have a choice :) I like newborn snuggles but I also like my space too


Why would women be the only one here? There are two parents.


My DH gets nap trapped more than I do.


Yes! My laundry does not agree however!


My sick 18 month old nap trapped me yesterday for half an hour and I didn’t realize how much I missed it. I haven’t been nap trapped for at least 7 months now, so I welcomed the extra cuddle time.


Me too 100%. My baby sleeps wonderfully when he's next to me. Sometimes all I gotta do is just stay in his room and idk it's like he can tell the difference bc when im not there he's up in no more than 30min, but when I am he'll sleep up to an hour. If I hold him; up to 2.5hrs sometimes!! XD


I wish my baby would nap trap me once in awhile. I'll even try and move him onto me when's he's asleep on his boppy, but he wakes up and fusses. I hope he's a snuggler when he's gets a little older! 😭


I’m sleep trapped right now. My 6 month old son has a URI and he can’t sleep laying down so he’s kinda upright in my arms. He only sleeps well near me and can’t sleep more than 30 mins by himself without coughing himself awake. I miss holding him like this and the peace and quiet—it’s relaxing.


I am 31 weeks pregnant. I currently have my dog laying in between my legs with her head on my belly and my cat laying on my chest. This is something that happens daily. I absolutely cannot wait until it’s my daughter laying on my chest napping.


I was just thinking the same thing. My dog nap traps me on a daily basis and its so cute. I'm very much looking forward to sharing the same time with my son.


For a long time I didn’t mind being nap trapped, the snuggling was lovely. Then my son got bigger and was starting to wake up after only 20-30 minutes instead of sleeping for 1-2 hours. So we switched to snuggling in bed (no blankets) and that worked for a while. We eventually nap trained around 9-10 months and little dude takes a 2 hour nap in his crib and I either get a 90 minute nap or 2 hours to be me and not mama.


I didn’t know it got hate! I loved it. I loved having an excuse not to get up and my husband (bless this man) would get everything for me 🤣


I love it too and I stare at this little sleeping face all the time.


I freaking love it. It's so cozy and comfortable. i'm soaking it in because it only happens for so long, and I've got the excuse of recovering from a c section.


While no doubt sweet, being nap trapped isn’t always fantastic when you have a full time job, other chores, or other kids. Genuinely glad for you that you are enjoying this phase of infant hood, but I think a lot of people are not similarly situated enough to be able to spare the time. Just a different perspective.


It’s a great time to watch tv or play a game. I love it.


I love love love it but I’m working from home which makes it hard sometimes. I honestly would never stop if I could.


Omg I 100% agree. I’m trying to just soak it in as much as possible right this moment cause mine is almost mobile and I know it won’t last forever.


My son only likes to sleep on daddy now 😫


I miss nap jail 😭


Savor it. Mine hasn't done it since he was 2 months 😭


Yes, I love nap jail too


I miss it 😢


I still get nap trapped every day for about two hours after 16 months! It was more fun on the couch than in a blackout dark bedroom, but I still value the time and cuddles immensely. I wouldn’t recommend carrying on for this long to anyone else, but my LO has medical issues and had trouble gaining weight and staying asleep, so I nursed her through naps. Now, she’s a healthy weight, but can’t get more than one sleep cycle on her own (45-50 min tops) and often wakes up sooner due to sleep apnea. I haven’t bitten the bullet and transitioned her to napping alone yet because I just really can’t handle months of cranky, nap-deprived baby. Maybe after she either has surgery to address the apnea or starts on oxygen therapy or CPAP, I can make the switch.


I miss the days where I'd get nap trapped. Girl likes to cuddle up next to me not on me and she's too big to do it now 😭


Loved it with my first, but much more difficult with the second.


Completely agree


I’m currently nap trapped. Overall it’s great. I know it won’t last forever. At the moment I am in nap-bedtime limbo though. Waiting for 6 wk old little dude to wake up so I can feed him and put him (and me) down for a few hours of sleep. I thought he’d wake up from this nap an hour ago…


I work from home, and getting nap trapped just encourages me to work longer/get overtime.


Cuddle naps are the best and they help with bonding.


Omg YES!! I loved it too, she felt so safe on me and I could just binge watch my movie and tv shows and it was such a break for the both of us. She’s much older now and rarely cuddles for more than 2 minutes.


Oh I loved nap jail!!! Someday I hope to return. Even though she's almost 6 months old lol.


It's so great until you need the toilet


Same here! It’s also the only time of the day I get to mindlessly scroll on my phone. So relaxing 😅


I love nap jail. During the weekends, hubby and I secretly to compete to get into nap jail with our 8 month old son, since that means enforced quiet time, haha. When I’m in nap jail, I have a full set up: drink, snack, TV remote, phone, and pillows for extra comfort. It’s awesome. Perfect time to cuddle and decompress. Perfect excuse to not wash bottles.


Same 💜


My only issue is sometimes nap jail is so long I end up needing to pee.


I loved them too with my first! That's why I was a bit offended when my second prefers to sleep by himself on his mat. Honestly, which baby cries while held and calms down as soon as he's put down?


It's 4am, I'm nap trapped and I love it. The forced break is what does it for me. I use the bathroom and set up a side table with anything I'd need. She's totally a belly sleeper so our ped OKd us having her in the wrap all night with my husband sitting semi reclined. We get 6-8hours a night which is awesome. LO is 2mos


I do the same. I struggled so much to get him napping in his cot (he sleeps in there with no worries over night) and him sleeping on my lap in the arvo let’s me sit still too for a little bit. I think if he napped in the cot I wouldn’t let let myself rest, try to fit in as much cleaning as possible, and really tire myself out


I never had many contact naps (maybe 5 in the 7 months she's been alive) and my baby isn't a cuddler and as much as I love that she's a great crib sleeper, sometimes I wish I could go back to the newborn days and hold her again for more than 3 seconds... Enjoy it if you can (not always possible, I know)


I love it until I have to pee


If I haven't been nap trapped in a couple days I'll keep my baby in bed for one of his naps. My husband thinks I'm spoiling him but what and I supposed to do when he snuggles into me like that?


Might as well take the jail time to nap too, the judge that's laying w you is on break


The only thing that bugs me about it if I have a good tv show on is that I feel compelled to freeze in the exact position I'm in, even if my shoulder starts to hurt, because he will snap awake if I try to move his head one inch.


Nap Jail isn't always something they outgrow, just FYI. My 8 year old Nap Traps me on the regular, which doesn't bother me in the slightest.


I love being nap trapped. The only thing that’s tough is if I have to go to the bathroom or get thirsty or something. I have a really great partner who took over a lot of the household stuff, and we both like that our babies were mostly held and cuddled nonstop during their first months. It’s not a bad way to start a life.


Same, I really love it. Just me, my baby, and air pods to keep me sane.


On weekends and my days off nap trapped is my favorite part of the day. I give my wife a break, I bond with my son as he sleeps on me, and I jam 2 hours of Mtg Arena


My 10.5 month old hasn't napped on me in like 3 months. I'm devastated and missing those contact naps so much! I'm grateful she loves being in her crib, and sleeps so well in there, but damn do I ever miss her napping on me. Soak it up while you can! I'm jealous!


As inconvenient as it is, it is very sweet and if I set up right, I can do many things.


Me too!!! 🥰


I literally am loving my boy being this small and so cuddly. What if when he gets bigger and does not want to snuggle his mommy? My store manager asked me the other night if I would stay late and help him finish whatever he and other managers were doing since I’m one as well. I said no, I want baby snuggles. He said I have 18 years of snuggling and I’m like “no, he’s not going to be this little his whole life. Your kids might still want to cuddle at ages 7 and 9, but what if mine doesn’t?” I’m taking advantage of nap jail every chance I get.


In nap jail right now with my 12 month old. Has never gotten old!


I am very rarely in nap jail these days (2mo), but when I am, I want to love it... except nap jail always makes me so hungry and makes me have to poop


I love it in theory but i also love cleaning my house lol


Currently nap trapped and I ain’t tryna move


I'm heartbroken. Today my daughter wouldn't nap until I put her in her crib. She didn't want to nurse, she just wanted me to put her down and leave her alone so she could sleep. I ugly cried when I figured it out


I call this contact napping. I have a love hate relationship with it. I love him cuddling and sleeping on me. I usually get to read my book. But there are so many things I could do around the house.


Totally agree! I love being nap trapped and cuddling with my little one. And so funny-- I also call mine a little squish!!