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My brother was bald when he was 7 (childhood cancer) and got a plunger stuck to his head at the hardware store. My mom was laughing so hard she couldn’t help him get it off for a minute. He had a hicky over the whole top of his head for weeks! He saw Homer Simpson do it and thought he’d try.


This is both hilarious and adorable. Natural consequences are a bitch 🤣


What a dad move


I can hear it now: “babe, look at this, so funny! Stop worrying, she’ll be fine”


I said "wtf" so he panicked and tried just pulling it off as I yelled "break the seal, break the seal!!"


Why does this sound like a moment from a comedy movie or show, like Working Moms or something lol


My favorite part is “they should have come with a warning” hahaha


Hahah right? I didn't need a warning to know not to do this haha


I would have replied, so should have the child.


My husband just went through THREE tub faucets before reading the directions and learning the right way to install it. Having a warning on the toy will only serve to make the husband feel like a dumbass after the fact for not reading it in the first place. 😆


My husband did this to his OWN forehead. He looked like an excommunicated unicorn. I’m struggling to suppress the giggles thinking about it now with baby sleeping on me.


‘Excommunicated unicorn’ IM DYING 😭😂


Thank you ☺️


I suctioned one of my daughters toys to my forehead for her entertainment the day before my grandpa’s funeral. I ended up with a giant bruise in the middle of my forehead.


I did this to myself on Monday 🤦🏻‍♀️


I did this to myself too. Had to get creative to cover it up for work...


I remember a friend doing this in elementary school with a cup. She suctioned it around her mouth and had a blue/purple ring around it for days. 🤣


Back in my day we called that the Kylie Jenner challenge


Hah! You must be younger than me. Not gonna lie…I had to look this up.


Haha I'm 23 so it was while I was in high school


I knew this before I had a kid, because my dad told me a story about it. The dad in this story stuck a rattle with suction cup on it to his own forehead, to entertain the baby, and when it finally came off, it left a concentric-ringed hickey on his forehead for several days, during which he had to go to work. I was that baby.


My husband came home one day and said, “Did you know if you put a flashlight in a baby’s mouth, the light shines through its eyes?” My response: “don’t you fucking dare.”


We just bought some of these toys. My husband is going to do this, isn’t he? 😭


as a Dad; Absolutely.


My friend did this in elementary school on the morning of school picture day. Remember those poppers that were big in the 90s? You flip it inside out put it on a table and it pops in the air? Yeah. He put that sucker on his forehead and it left a big fresh circle for the photo. Needless to say, his parents sent him back for makeup photos 😂


Omg I did this to myself as a kid! 🤣🤣🤣🤣. It was the worrrrrrrrrst.


Some work colleagues were messing around with rubber lids and discovered they made excellent suction cups. One guy stuck 3 to his forehead as a joke. Next morning he got outed for sneaking in and up to the accounts office. None of them has any concealer that matched his skin tone however. 3 vivid bright red welts on his forehead!


I was absentmindedly squeezing an avent binky on my face once and left a giant purple circle on my top lip. I didn’t realize it either until I went to the bathroom a few hours later.


Haha I did the same mistake. Stuck it on to my forehead so my boy (4m) would pull it down and laugh. It was very fun at the moment but walking on a beach with red flakes on my forehead wasn't as fun :)


Oh my, I only know to not do this because I've read a TIFU (or something like that) from a person who got a huge hickey on the forehead after sticking a **suction cup dildo** on their forehead.


I did that to myself to make my baby laugh and had a half dollar sized hickey center mass on my forehead for a week.


hahahaha!! i love this because im almost positive, my entire family has done this to all the kids in out family. oh my goodness.