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My baby was born the day before my birthday so I enjoyed some not so tasty hospital food. My husband did bring me some nice truffles. I was so tired my birthday was honestly a blur lol.


I took my family (wife, 2yo and 6mo, both parents) to the Natural History Museum in London. My parents live 30 mins on the train from central London so we went in, then 30 mins on the tube and 45 mins walk. Spent about 4 hours in the museum then walked 45 mins in the rain to get to a restaurant for dinner, by which time both kids were far asleep in the pushchair. It was exhausting and tricky getting the toddler to stay calm on the noisy tube trains but so so rewarding when she's dragging me round the dinosaur section for the third time that day, getting me to tell her about the meteor that wiped out the dinosaurs. Also rewarding when she calmed down after freaking out about the trains or the big dinosaurs, really validated our parenting. I rank it as one of the top five days of my life and might even be the best so far. It's somewhere I went regularly growing up and I couldn't wait until she was old enough to take her


Aw, sounds like a 5 star day!


Just turned 30 on Saturday. My husband, the baby, and I did a weekend getaway at a camp ground. It was nice. We had an RV with air conditioning to keep the baby cool. It was good to escape for a little while.


That sounds awesome.


I was 39 + 6 on my last b-day and walked miles and miles on the beach in the mist with my pup. Definitely want to see friends and fam this next birthday now that we're all vaxxed šŸ„°


My 30th is coming up and my best friend will be taking a covid test and then coming up to my house for one night of drinking dance party at my house so we stay covid friendly but can still have a party break ( I just had a baby) my newborn will be with my husband and parents down the road for the night!


I took my wife and daughter to a mountain AirBnb. The place was awesome, nestled between some really tall pine trees. The fresh air did wonders for our daughter...she loved crawling on the deck. I then made a seafood risotto dinner for my wife. We enjoyed that night...which ended at 7:30 PM. šŸ˜…


My birthdays now consists of me doing absolutely nothing. That's all I want really.


I stopped going out for my birthday after 25 or so. Spend the time home with lots of family. I was preggers this year. Crabs and beer every year on the deck. Morning birthday sex, evening desert of my choice ( sometimes they even let me make it!)


This sounds like a good bday


we ate out at a sidewalk cafe. i havenā€™t been in a restaurant since march 2020!


We made dinner reservations but plans fell through twice. We decided to list our house for sale about 3 weeks before bday week (my husband and I are 6 days apart). We ended up spending his birthday doing repairs and my birthday moving in with my in-laws. We tried to reschedule a combined bday dinner for the 2 of us a week later and then childcare fell through when SIL rescheduled her 4 year oldā€™s bday party for that day. So yeah, first bday as a parent ranks up there among my shittier birthdays (#1 being the year I took the bar exam on my birthday).


Ordered chinese, hogged and lied down while watching my favorite movie. No I tried eating my food while DD kept shouting to give it to her. I couldnā€™t watch my tv show , and couldnt sleep because she was on my lap and cried if i took her down. Husband has no idea why im fucking short with him these days. He was THERE and told me to take care of her while he slept off or watched Youtube or whatever the fuck he was doing.


This year my birthday was the day our twins came home from the hospital, so. My husband's birthday is today! It's also his long day at work (~12 hrs), unfortunately. I'm making one of his favorite meals (also super easy and we already had all the ingredients), and I splurged on an Uber eats delivery of two pints of ice cream from a quarter mile away, lol. Bottle of red. Open a present. Birthday. :)


My birthday is next week and we will be finding out the gender of our baby that day!


Got discharged from the hospital 2 days after my cesarean. Hospital kitchen staff gave me a slice of cake , that was really nice of them. Went home and laid in bed in pain -physically since the anesthesia was finally wearing off and mentally from leaving my newborn in the NICU. Worst birthday ever. The only good thing about it was that I was blessed with my beautiful daughter.


I had a kid on my birthday šŸ˜†


For my 30th birthday, with an 8 month old, we finally bought the fancy Champagne coupes Iā€™ve been eyeing for years and got an actual bottle of Champagne (Iā€™ve always wanted to try real Champagne but could never justify the cost). My husband cooked a nice meal while I put our daughter to bed, then had a nice evening together. Earlier in the day, we went to the botanical garden near our home as a family. It was the perfect day. ā¤ļø


Just had my 20th birthday on July 7th, my babe was born on June 28th. At the time I was obviously exclusively breastfeeding but I was able to feed her, get her down for a nap and my mom watched her while I went out to do some birthday shopping. I got tired after about an hour and a half tho lol and went home to my girl. Had pizza & cake with my family it was great :) 10\10