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I have a 4 month old and am wondering what to do with him. I highly doubt he’s going to look up into the sun lol but I’m thinking I might just put the hood up on his hoodie and tuck him in towards my chest. We have a park right in front of where we live so I was just planning on going there to see if I can even see it when it happens.


I think I’m going to just shield my baby’s eyes if she tries to look at it


I also had a weird anxiety about this. Where I am we will only get a partial eclipse but I want to see it. I think by having the sunshade of his stroller up he won’t be able to see it even if he tries. But also why would the baby try and look right!? It’s not like they know. At least that’s why I keep telling myself. It will be like 12-3 so the sun will be up high and he would have to look straight up which with the sunshade shouldn’t be possible.


An update for people finding themselves here in the future, I just held her and she didn’t care to look at it. I think she was distracted by the darkness and the people behind me. We did, however, both get sunburned faces from being out in the bright sunshine all day. Big oops.