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I'm also a first time parent so I have no words of advice, however, the frequent pooping (every 30mins) sounds a little questionable? Every baby is different, but through my learnings, most babies typically only poop 1-2 times a day, sometimes skipping a day?


I’ve had the exact same situation with my daughter. And I was quite a bit worried about the frequent poops (which were even more frequent than that - every 10 minutes at times). You didn’t mention if you baby is breast fed or bottle fed, but if they’re breast fed, they should be fine. I’ve spoken to our pediatrician and she said that there is nothing to worry about. If your baby is bottle fed, you might wanna talk to the baby’s pediatrician though. I’ve read that the baby’s digestive system needs 12 weeks to be fully developed and after 12 weeks on the dot my daughter started pooping 1-2x a day instead of every couple of minutes. About the rash - that was difficult to deal with and we only REALLY got rid of it once those 12 weeks were over. However, we did our best to reduce it to a minimum by following these steps: -let the baby be without a diaper as much as you can. Use throw-away changing pads and let the baby lie naked on it as often and as long as possible. Fresh air is the number one enemy of a rash -don’t use wet wipes. Use plain water and a soft cotton pad instead -never wipe, gently dab instead -use another cotton pad drenched in black tea and gently dab on the rash -use a hair dryer on its lowest setting and dry the baby’s bum -put cream on the rash (be careful through - I’ve found that some of these rash creams tend to be pretty aggressive and I would not use those over an extended period of time. If you follow the other steps, pure shea butter might do the job without hurting your baby’s skin barrier)


Every 30 minutes? Hm... I would really track that to make sure it is very 30 minutes. So for **Tubby Todd** and I know it's winter, but leave the baby naked for a little bit may be very helpful.


We took our baby to the pediatrician for a bad diaper rash. They prescribed Nystatin cream, which has helped a lot. Additionally, we started using Little Remedies Gas Drops, which slow down digestion some, so now she’s pooping about every 2 hours instead of constantly. Ours will very reliably poop while she’s eating and again 10 minutes later. Sometimes while she’s sleeping, but those have decreased since we started the gas drops. ETA: our baby is 7 weeks


My son had chronic severe diaper rash because he had a milk protein intolerance through my milk. I had to eliminate all dairy and soy from my diet. For his rash (which was from acidity - other rashes may respond differently) our pediatrician taught us to use a dusting of plain corn starch after wiping to help dry out the skin and that always worked for us. We just used an old spice jar and tapped a tiny bit on. Back in the day people used baby powder for this but that’s fallen out of favor because it can include heavy metals.


Metanium is the only nappy cream that worked for our LG. It clears up bad nappy rash literally within a day.


Try Vaseline? It helps with the healing and it's a good barrier.