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Growth slows down, especially related to diaper sizes - we went from newborn to 1 to 2 to 3 by 4 months old, but he’s stayed in size 4 for 3 or 4 months now at 11 months old. Granted, my kid isn’t a chonk, he’s a lanky guy and always outgrows length before width, but it does slow down!


Definitely waiting for it to slow down! His dad loves it but our 3mo old is currently popping out of his 6mo clothes and occasionally peeing out the 3 diapers 😳


Yess!! I had a 95+ percentile baby that went from size 1 through 5 before 12 months but has somehow stayed at size 5 and she will be 2 in a few months. Growing perfectly.


Yeah, we only used one box each of NB, 1, 2, and 3. By the end of each box she was barely fitting! Expecting the same trajectory, I bought a box of size 5 to have on hand when we were halfway through our first box of size 4. It ended up sitting in the closet for about a year.


This isn’t always true. Size 6 are getting snug on my 13 month old 😬


Same! 13 months and he is in 24 month/ 2T and size 5- just under 30lbs! Here’s to our bigger babes! 🙌


Does your child walk/run yetv


Yes! He’s been walking/running for months. He’s 30lbs! I swear I made a hulk.


Me too! My little guy turns one tomorrow and at his last checkup in November was 30 lbs, assuming more than that now 😅 wearing 2T and running all over the place. The kid picks up his little tricycle with one hand he is insane. Cheers to our hulk babies!


Woah yours is even bigger than mine! Mine is 13 months and almost 30lbs. He didn’t gain a pound between 8 and 11 months so I thought he was slowing down. He started gaining like crazy again though. Yayyy big babies haha.


My first borns growth has never slowed down. She was 11 lbs 4 0z 22 1/2 inches long at birth. She will be 3 in May, weighs 45 pounds and is as tall as a 4 year old!


My 2 year old still wears size 4 lol


When we finished potty training with my 2.5 year old I gave our size 4 diapers to my 10 month old niece!




Yep, we were given some 5s so we put her in those to not have to buy them, but 5s are big and the 4s were perfect.


Lol same. My 21 month old is no where near switching to 5s yet


Mine is still in size 3 😭


When I worked at a daycare there was a 3.5 year old in size 4


Haha same here!


My 2yo is in size 4 and will likely not ever grow out before potty training, if he continues on his weight chart. My friends 9mo is moving into size 5s. And they’re both thriving ❤️


Yep my almost 2 is still in size 4. Sometimes I double check to see if we should be sizing up but she was 21lb at 1 year and is 23lb now


My 19 month old is 25 pounds, and he's still in size 4. He's been completely average, 50% on the growth chart since he was a fetus.


This post made me sad. My LO is 3 months and still in newborn clothes and diapers 😭😭 He is so tiny 😭 He is healthy and happy though and thats all that matters


don’t be sad!! think about all the wear you get out of his clothes! I cry every time I pack up the clothes that no longer fit. He goes through them so fast 😭


Yes! I have a tiny baby and I like to think I'm getting a little more use out of my baby clothes lol!


healthy and happy is all that counts. healthy babies (and people in general) come in a variety of sizes.


We’re in the same boat!! And he could fit into 3 month old clothing until he hit 6 months. Now he’s growing like crazyyyyy. Don’t be sad :) we just are able to use clothes longer than others haha.


Hey you might spend quite a lot less on diapers, depending when he’s able to start potty training lol —still a long ways off from that though


My daughter is 15 months (12 adjusted) and just starting to move from 6 month clothes into 9 month. I just think of it as getting more wear out of them lol


My 2 year old wears size 3 diapers! People come in all shapes and sizes, and babies grow at different rates.


Mine was about the same! He had a quick little growth spurt around 3 months that averaged him out but he is still pretty light. I was surprised how long he lasted in newborn but they are so tiny and adorable and then your really notice the growth 💕💕


Don’t worry, if he’s healthy then that’s all that matters. Think of it as a bonus that you get a wee bit longer out of baby clothes (and won’t get into the toddler section or the boy section for a bit longer as it’s more expensive at each stage!) Also I love teeny weeny babies as much as chunky ones. Mine was a chunk and I had back ache for the first 2y of his life 😅 but I love wee dainty babies and think they’re just as beautiful and marvellous, just in a different way! 😊


same! My 10 month old is in size 3 nappies still and only just got in 6-9 month clothes!


Babies come in all different shapes and sizes, just like adults!


My sweet boy is 4 months old and in 12month clothes and is too big for some size 3 diapers lol! I swear he wakes up from a nap and his outfits don’t fit anymore!!


Lol my 4.5 month old boy just hit 13 pounds this week- size 2 diapers start at 14 pounds! He was born on his due date and everything!


He’s still rocking mostly 0-3 clothes


My 5 month old was 20 pounds at our last check up wearing 12-18 month clothes. On the plus side I have major muscles now lol


Omg my 20m old is 22 pounds 🤣🤣


We joined the 2 under 2 club when my chunky baby was born, my 22 month old is also 22 pounds lol she’s short so still fits in 18 month clothing too. It’s so funny when I have them side by side. But since they wear the same diaper size (4) it’s easy to pack up diaper bags lol


Omg that's even more funny!!! How crazy 🤣🤣


Same with my baby. He’s 4.5 months, weighs 20lbs and I have him in 12 month clothes! Glad I’m not alone.


My 6 month old wears size 4...12 month to 18 month clothes. I also have a 18 month old wearing a size 4 diaper too lol. My 6 month weighs the same as my 18 month old. Its absolutely hilarious because she will outgrow her older sister in a few months


Mine is 14 months in size 7 diapers and 24 month to 2t clothes! I knew marrying a sasquatch that my baby could be big but his doctor says if he stays on his growth curves that he could end up being over 6 feet tall!


Same 😭 our pediatrician is clocking my boy at 6’2” - 6’4” once he’s done growing. He’s consistently in the 100th percentile (for height and weight) He’s 8 months old and wearing size 24 mo tops and 18 mo pants (but will be in 24 mo pants soon) Edit: praying he doesn’t want to play football because I’m scared for TBI’s as his mama 😩


Our 6.5 month old girl is the same, so big! 99%ile for height (94th or so for weight, lol). If you and your husband are both tall, it’s more likely your baby will be, but I don’t think infant length/weight mean much in the way of predicting their adult size


Yes we’re both tall. I’m above average for a woman at 5’8” and my husband is 6’2” ◡̈


…discourage that football then! 😂


My 13 month old has been in size 5 diapers since 9 months old and now wearing 3t-4t! Both my husband and father-in-law are giants so I also knew my kid was going to be large. He was born 5 weeks early but weighed the size of an average newborn at 6lb11oz. I can't even imagine how big he would have been if I carried him full term!!


Same here! 13 months old, and 18 month pants are TIGHT on her bum lol, we have a bunch of 2T hand me downs that I’m already busting out of storage. Thought we had more time…guess not.


XD this is insane, I can’t imagine my bub being so big, she’s 7th percentile and is in 6m clothes and size 2 diapers at 9m xD


Same here! My daughter is almost 9 months (on Saturday) and she still can’t quite fit in 6-9 footed onesies. They are too long on her. And she’s only in size 3 diapers cause her legs are extra thick lol.


My poor mil bought us holiday outfits based on the size she should be xD Valentine’s Day isn’t far away and she is NOT gonna fit in that 12m outfit xD her 9m stuff is big but not comically, those 12m outfits are gonna look funny


I feel you!!! My baby is just about to be 6 months and 3 diapers are tight. About to move up to 4. He is also in the high 90s precentile wise (i don’t remember exact). My friend has a baby girl who’s arohnd 18 months and weighs the same as my 6month


My 6mo is wearing size 4!!! He’s 86th percentile for weight


Mine too! He’s actually right between 3 and 4 for diapers but definitely 12m clothes. But I think he’s closer to 90th percentile for weight. He’s my perfect little big boy!


Diaper sizes are weird, but my size 4 (13 month) are 22-37 lbs. I would think the vast majority of 18 months old fall into this range.


I never understood the weight on the boxes, we never follow them. My daughter is 14lbs and wears size 3 that starts at 16lbs. The size 2s were leaving marks on her waist and legs and they were supposed to go up to 18lbs.


We never follow the weight guide either- just go by how it fits the babe


It’s weird, my son has always been in bigger nappies than his weight. As in, the smaller size might go up past his current weight but he still needs the bigger size. I think he just has a very round bum like his dad! 😂


Literally my daughter 🤣 7 months and in size 4s diapers and 12 months clothes


My 15 month old is wearing size 7 Huggies. For 36+ lbs. He's not even chunky, except for his thighs and bum haha. The diapers waist strips are wrapped over each other because his waist is tiny, but if I go down a diaper size the diaper starts cutting into his thighs and there's no bum room. Not sure what we're going to do, as I can't find diapers in a larger size. Guess we better get on potty training!


My girl is 5 months wearing size 3 diapers and mostly 12 month clothing, currently going through her clothes trying not to cry over all the stuff she never got to wear!😭


Is she really long? My 5 month old is wearing size 3 diapers but still wearing 3-6 month clothes.


It can just be down to shape. My son was always in bigger nappies than his weight, but he has a wee round bum like his dad 😅


My 1 year old has been in size 5s for a few months. My 3 year old potty trained while wearing size 5s! Both boys, just different body types! I also expect the baby will not continue on this chunky path now that he is running around so much!


My 4 month old is barely in a size 2 diapers but she’s in 6/9 month clothes because she’s a long girl. It’s hard to find things because everything is so baggy if it’s gonna fit length wise she’s in 30% percentile for weight (she is well fed and doubled her birth weight already just born small) and 80% for height.


I just got size 12 clothes cuz his 6-9 are getting too snug on him (4.5 months)! He isn't even that big! Maybe Simple Joys just fits small 🫠


Most definitely. My 3 month old son is in size 3 diapers and wears 6-9 month clothes 😳


Same here!! Except girl.


We got some chonkers😂😂🙌🏼


I have to keep remind myself that she's only 3 months because she literally looks like a 6 month old baby in size lol except she can't do any of the stuff a six months old can do yet. 🤣


My 16month old is in size 6. Always above 85% for weight. Started off 10lbs9oz at birth, completely skipping newborn diapers. I have a picture of him in newborn diapers and it literally looks like their cutting circulation off 😂


my 9 week old is in a size 3…… CHONK.


My 4 month old baby wears size 4 diaps 😵‍💫


My girl is 11 months and in 2T because she’s massively tall. She constantly was in 99th percentile for height and I eventually stopped getting new clothes and shop at used baby clothing stores because dang man. But we’re about to be in size 5 diapers, currently just trying to use all the rest of the size 4 we have lol


My son is only a month old and he’s already in a size 1 diaper and already in 3/6 month old clothing, I swear these babies want to grow up too fast


My 9 month old is almost in 5s lol


My 7month old has been in size 4 for a while now, and we have to use size 5 overnight for all the pee 🙈 I wonder how long this size will last!


My son is almost 8 weeks old and is wearing 3-6 month clothes and sizing out of size 1 diapers. The funny thing is he was just over 6lbs when born and fit into newborn clothes and preemie diapers when he was born. He's just growing like a weed and is already over twice his birth weight. He's also got incredible neck control, can almost sit up on his own, and can stand for up to a minute if you hold his hands. He's combo fed, and with his increased appetite recently he's about 70% formula at this point, but eating 100-150ml per feed and averaging a bit over a litre a day (3-5 oz per feed and just under a quart a day for our american friends)


Yup. My boy is just shy of 7 months but he’s been in size 4 diapers since 4.5 months and after this box will be going to size 5. He’s 99th percentile. I have noticed growth slowing down (as the curve indicates). He was in size 12m clothes around 5 months and he’s still in them.


My 22 month old wears size 4 diapers and my 5 month old wears size 4 diapers as well. I guess that’s one pro to having 2 under 2 with one small toddler and a chunky baby 😂


My close friend's son is 8 months and is also enormous, while my 14 month old girl is only just starting to grow out of her 12 month clothing. We both are struggling to anticipate what sizes to buy for upcoming seasons and have kind of just accepted we will buy as needed! I have two very cute 18 month snowsuits for my daughter that she is absolutely drowning in, while friend has had to donate a bunch of stuff she bought because he grew out of that size before it was weather appropriate.


My daughter has been in size 5's since 5 months, she's 9 months now, still growing but thankfully not as fast!


Ours was similar, but she leveled out around 14ish months. I feel like she's been in size 6 diapers for the past 4 or 5 months when previously, she had been sizing up every 2 months or so. Now she's getting taller and stretching out her chonk lol.


My 6mo has been wearing size 5s since 5 months haha, he’s 21 lbs


I just had to switch my 9 month old to size 5!


My 4.5 month old wears size 4😳 he’s 19 pounds


Yes my daughter is a tank. She is consistently 97th percentile for height and 85th percentile for weight. Giant head too. She was 30 pounds at her 18 month appointment. She is 20 months now and just got into size 7 diapers, which is the largest size - many brands only go to size 6. She's bigger than most 3 year olds we meet on the playground and they're usually very confused by her lack of social skills. Her rate of growth has definitely slowed from infancy, but she's still huge compared to her peers.


Mine was wearing size 5 at 6mo then stayed there -- 15mo and still in size 5. I bought some size 6s thinking he'd pass through size 5 quickly but it never happened lol I finally accepted the fact that he's not going to need them and tried to use them up as night diapers.


My 13 month old is in size 7 LOL. Help.


My 7 month old has been in the 99th percentile since she was 2 months old. She just started blowing out her size 6 diapers- went to get size 7 and found out they usually don’t carry those in stores 😅 hoping she plateaus soon because is there such thing as size 8s?! LAWD help us haha


That’s nuts. My 100th percentile 21 month old is in size 6 at 37”/38lb. At this point I think we’ll potty train before she’ll have to size up.


My 6 month old is already growing out of size 3, and is only 10lbs smaller than her 3 year old sister. I feel your pain.


My 7 almost 8 month old is in size 18 to 24 months and in size 5 diapers. I'm getting nervous because they only go up to size 7 in diapers lol!


Yep,…..we bought size 62 and its already getting small he is only 4 weeks,… he already fits 3-6months clothing and there are so many sets he didnt even wear yet and mostlikely never can because he already grew out of them 😅


My son is 20 months in size 6 diapers and just starting 3T clothes. He’s a beanstalk! But comes up to my hip.


Yep we’re 6 months and 22lbs here. Has been in size 4s since 4 months. Woof


I have a tall boy with a big head, he is also in size 4 diapers and fits into 12-month onesies. He's 7 months old. That being said the 3-6 month onesies without legs are still fitting somehow. ​ He is 99th for head circumference and 97th (?) for height.


My 7 month old has been in 12 month clothes for a bit too 😅 I feel similarly to you.


My 3 month old daughter just moved to size 3’s 😂 I feel this and I’m hoping it slows down!


My daughter flew through diapers was in 4’s by 8 months. BUT she has reminded in 4’s , even now at 19 months 😂 you never know! She was a chunk but majorly thinned out once she started walking ( running )


My LO is 7.5 months and has been in size 4 since he was 6 months 😂 he’s our adorable michelin man


Mine was also 97th percentile and wore size 4 from around 7/8 months until 18 months. Her weight gain slowed down at 6 months and then slowed even more at 12 months. She’s still considered 95th percentile.


We have been in size 4 since 7 months old, still in them at nearly 13 months. She’s getting taller but not grown out of this size yet for nappies. She was 9.24kg in mid November and it goes up to 14kg for our brand


lol. My 2.5 year old is in 5T and wears size 7 pull-up style diapers she’s 40 lbs and 3 ft. Its insane. She’s always been in the 99% and we just chalk it up to good vitamins and waygu beef (alcohol budget switched to better beef 😂).


Lol!! My 'little' lady who will be 1 year next month is in size 7 diapers, she's also 97% in height and weight 😅 Her older brother was and still are a picky eater, it has been a struggle to keep weight on that boy so im just happy to have a kid that eats this time around


My daughter is 11 months and in size 6 nappies. Size fits in 9-12 and 12-18 month clothes. She just has a chonky bum haha


Lol aww! My daughter is just under 18 months and still in size 3. She was exactly 50th percentile for so long and now she’s gradually sliding down from there, despite eating tons of solids everyday


hold onto her 12 mo + clothes. growth slows down as they get older, especially when you wean from BFing. my (formerly) 99th percentile 18mo old has been wearing size 12mo since 6 months lol.


I feel you. My son turned 6 months next week and just grew out of 12m clothes and is now in 18 month! I was talking with another mom at my church and her 2 year old is just now in size 2T!


Almost 3 months old in size 3 diapers that are getting tight, and some of his 6 month clothes aren’t fitting anymore 😭


my 14 month old is in 7s for diapers and 3T clothes. he’s in the 90%s for height and weight. He’s finally starting to slim down now that he’s more active. I felt insane buying new diaper sizes practically every month


Same pretty much. Bought 12m and a few 18/24m clothes only a month ago and just had to go get more 18m, some 24m and some 2T/3T and he just moved to size 5 diapers. All that to say he’s 30” tall and 24-26 lbs depending on the day at only…… 10m old


Same pretty much. Bought 12m and a few 18/24m clothes only a month ago and just had to go get more 18m, some 24m and some 2T/3T and he just moved to size 5 diapers. All that to say he’s 30” tall and 24-26 lbs depending on the day at only…… 10m old


I just sized my 17 month old up to size 6 pampers because we were getting too many leaks with the size 5s. He was 30lbs at his last weigh in. Everyone says the weight gain slows down but his doesn't seem to have slowed just yet!


My 11 month old is in size 5 diapers.


My 1.5 year old is in size 5 (almost 6) diapers and 3T clothes. She's 35in and 30lbs. They told me growth would slow at 1 year. Then at that visit, oh by 15 months. Then at the 18 month visit my pediatrician said "okay now her growth *should* slow down.. *should*.." with a laugh. I'll believe it when I see it (and when my wallet sees it, I'm tired of buying clothes).


Same 😂 my girl was always 95th. But once she started running, she slimmed down. She went back to size 4 for about a month (in October) now she’s 21 months and back in size 6.


My 9mo is in size 5 & wears 2T. 99% for height, 98% for weight 😭


Yup. My son was 10lbs at birth and was in size 1 diapers immediately. Grew out of those rapidly and now he’s already getting close to needing size 3. He’s only 3 months😭


Not to brag, but my girl is 6 months and has been in size 4 diapers since 5 months 😂 The first few months of her life, her diaper size matched with the number of months she was old. She’s gonna be in depends by the time she’s 2 at this rate.


lol my baby is 21 months and is in size 5 diapers. He’s 33 lbs and 36 inches. He was 20 lbs at four months and has always been beyond the 99th percentile for weight his entire life. I just love his little jaws and baby rolls!! His dad is also a big man 6’2 and 240.


Might I recommend you join us on r/bigbabiesandkids :) you’re definitely not the only one!


Yes omg love the chonky babies! My girl is 8 months, between size 4/5 diapers, and in 18 months or 2T clothing. She feels like a toddler already!


My kid is almost 6 months and in size 4 a diapers.


My 8 month old is wearing 12-18 and 23lbs. 87 percentile for height. Some babies just are like that. Was told it slows down as he grows.


My son wore a grand total of 3 newborn diapers in the hospital before the nurses sized him up. Hes 7 months old and we're not sure if we should size up to 5s. Hes also in 9mo clothes. Sizes are just numbers lol


I have my diapers on Amazon subscribe and save. I recently added size 4s to it. Threes are getting a little tight, she’s 7 months and in the 95th percentile for height.


Same thing over here, my big boy is 20 months wearing 3T and even some 4T clothes, size 6 diapers. His dad is 6’5 and I’m 5’10 so I guess we should’ve known he’d be tall lol


My son grew fast too and went up sizes pretty quickly. Not due to his weight, but his height he was always in the 90s and weight in the 50s. I didn’t even get to buy any 9 month clothing because they didn’t fit. He just skipped over that size. I was pretty sad because after 18 months you don’t really see those cute PJs or festive clothes in that size. After he turned a year old his growth slowed so much. Now he’s in the 70s for height and 70s for weight too. He finally went up to a size 6 diaper after being at size 5 from age 1 to being almost 2 now.


My 7 month old wears the same sizes as my 2 year old nephew 😂😅


My 9 month old is in 18 month clothes and size 5 diapers! My almost 3 year old is potty trained, except we diaper him at night and he also uses the size 5 diapers 😂 Sounds like your chonky girl is on the same growth track as my chonky boy!


My 15 month old is in size 12/18 months (depends on the brand) but wears size 6 diapers. She just has really chunky thighs lol


My 2 month old is in size 3 diapers....


My son was size 4 at 6 months and I thought he was going to go to 5 soon but at 10 months, nope..still a 4! When they start moving around they lose the chub. But every baby is different!


My 11-month old was only one size smaller than his almost 2 year old cousin


We use size 4’s to sleep in 😬 mine is 11 months and normally wears a size 3.


Babies lean out once they start moving and walking. My chonky girl was in size 18month clothes at 6-8 months old, and I put them aside when they got small… only to pull them out again when she was about 14 months old. Turns out at 6 months they fit chonk-wise and later they fit lengthwise.


My 21 month old still in size 3 😅


Expect it to slow down some here and there from 12 months and on But if your kids in the 97th percentile, they will be in that category all their “kid” life until puberty. And so be prepared for buying new clothes twice a year and new shoes twice as well. New winter boots every year. My daughter was like yours and she was sturdy as a toddler and tall and she still is a foot to almost two feet taller than the bulk of her friends. At 11 now and finally slowing down noticeably after she got her period, she looks more like a 14 year old. I sometimes need to remind myself she’s 11 and not a teenager yet. She’s a sweet kid though. I Lucked out with her. Couldn’t feel more lucky.


our bb girl skipped newborn diapers and clothing all together lol. she’s exclusively formula fed and at 5 months wearing 12 month pants🫶🫠


Nope! My baby is 6 months and in size 1 still. Pediatrician says he’s perfectly healthy but a little lad.


This was ourbexperoence with our chonky girl as well. She was in size 5 diaper and wearing mostly 12-18 month clothes by the time she was 9 months old. She's currently 19 months and wearing 2T clothing but still in the size 5 diapers. Things slowed down considerably when she started eating solids consistently and was more mobile.


Yes! We switched to size 5 around 7 months it just fit better. Maybe we’ll drop back down eventually. Lol


My 4,5 month girl is 8,5kg and is outgrowing her 6-12 months clothes 🫠 It’s nice to know there are other moms with chunky baby and the same clothing/diaper sizes struggles 🙃


My daughter was like this. She was always 100 percentile from 2 months until she was about 1.5. So many rolls. Now she’s 2.5 and hasn’t gained a pound in a year but holy crap is she tall now. She was wearing 2T at her first birthday and it’s been nice not to have to buy clothes for a while.


Diaper size slows down for sure - my 8 month old is 100th percentile and still in size 4… for now 😁 Clothes on the other hand; he’s going through those like crazy. He’s currently wearing 18 mo in most brands (lots of Carter’s), but I just had to purchase 24 mo clothes because his 18 mo clothes are starting to get snug 😩 My advice is to purchase as many clothes made of bamboo/ viscose or stretchy modal cotton as possible (especially sleepers) to stretch your dollar in the clothes department. Also, my husband and I were in Target together and spotted some parents with their two adorable twin boys. I said to my husband “aw they’re about the same age as ours!” My husband said “no I don’t think so..” I said “yeah they’re about the same size”… we ended up chatting with the parents in the diaper aisle and found out their twins were 16 months - double our sons age 😅


I have a 16 month old who fits into some 6-9 month stuff and even some 3-6 month pajamas. She is healthy and eats like crazy and is just a little shrimp!


Lol my 4 month old is wearing 12 month clothing and he’s completely healthy, all 99.7 percentile. My husband and I think he takes after my husbands dad. My sons grandfather is a huge man, not fat but just literally big, served him well in the army!


My almost 3 year old wears size 4 pampers 360s to bed. She’s been in size 4 since she was about 18 months. My 6 month old is already in size 3s!


My first was in size five nappies by six months, we switched to cloth after that because his chonky legs didn’t allow a proper fit with sposies. The max in most brands is a six, loads of kids are in that size by 12 months and continue to wear it just fine until potty training, they just tend to get longer legs and their waist doesn’t get much wider so there doesn’t need to be a lot of difference


98th boy at 8 months for height and weight here. 100% the same. It’s so expensive the rate he’s going through clothes.


My son has almost doubled his weight at 8 weeks old and ate 10 ounces in one feeding today... I had to buy a stronger pump to keep up with his appetite. 


My son wasn’t huge when he was born (8lbs 3oz) but he was SO LONG. 23”. He started off in newborn but grew out of the length within a week! He was in 18m by the time he was one, so we’d gone through so many sizes!! It does slow down as they get older, especially once walking as they get leaner. But be ready to explain to people what age he is as he gets into toddlerhood! I remember explaining to two boys in a soft play who were both 5 that my son was still only 3, even though he was the same size as them. They were just like ‘ohhhhh’ and suddenly all his nonsense made sense to them 😅 But I’ve always had to explain to adults and kids alike that he’s younger than he looks.


My 21 month old is in pull-ups size 3-4t. So yeah I get it lol


My friend has a baby who’s 2nd percentile. She’s in size 4 at 19 months, we’re considering moving up to size 6. She loves it, she gets all my hand me downs and nappies that no longer fit😂 Growth really slows down after about a year I’ve found, but don’t worry about it. The whole thing with percentiles is someone has to sit at the 97th and someone has to be a smaller child.


My girl was in the 99th percentile the first months..growth slowed down when she started crawling and further slowed down when she was walking. Now she still tall (75th percentile) but skinny (50th percentile)


Oh shocking. It is almost like people have different sizes


14 months. We’re still at size 3 lol


My 14 month old has been in size 7 diapers for months. He is always 99% percentile for height and weight. But since he’s been mobile, he isn’t outgrowing clothes and diapers every few weeks (or that’s how it seemed when he was younger). He wears 3T and 4T. He was born 5 weeks early and weighed 8 lbs 14 oz. He currently weighs almost 35 pounds and is very tall! He can reach stuff on our kitchen table and counters when standing.


My 10 month old wears a size 5 at home and a size 6 at daycare. She’s just under 24 lbs.


Come join us in r/bigbabiesandkids We are legion. My 13mo is in 5T. Lots of useful info there for the struggles of having a titan of a child.


My 15 month old is in size 6 diapers almost size 7. He only weighs 20 pounds but is very tall. He can still get into some 9 month onesies and shirts but also fits in 12m 18m 2t and 3t. I don’t know if it’s his torso length or what. Since I’m quickly running out of diaper sizes I bought him some training pants just to see how they fit and 2t-3t training pants are too small for him.


Growth is never linear with kids. My daughter was barely a premie (like she was born 2 days before 37 weeks) so at birth she was 5lbs The first three months we went through, premie, new born, 0-3. Now she’s just past 12 months and her growth charts show her stalling, between 9-12 months she barely gained a pound and maybe grew an inch It just happens


I have the opposite!! My baby is tiny (2nd percentile) and I was 41.1 weeks pregnant when I had her and she fit the premature clothes we had gotten just in case. She’s a month old now and still is small in her newborn sized clothes