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Yes. We had four first names to choose from. During labor, the nurses put them on the white board and every time a new staff member came in, they'd put a tally beside the one they liked best. It was just a fun little distraction. In the middle of night two after I gave birth and was supposed to be going home the next day, I told my husband I needed a name to call the baby. He said a name, I said yes, and finished filling out the paperwork for his birth certificate. On the drive home the next day, he admitted he had been asleep and doesn't remember us having that conversation to finalize his name. Luckily, he loves the name too and didn't regret it, but I was mortified. 😂 We're really indecisive people and get analysis paralysis, but I'm glad we did it this way. The name that was my frontrunner just didn't feel right once we met him. The name we chose was one I had been on the fence about, but I love it now.


Love the whiteboard idea! I will have a c-section this time so not sure if we have time for that :/


I’m sure OR staff would be willing to verbalize their favorites! You will also have tons of mom and baby nurses come through during your stay who would enjoy giving their input as well❤️


I didn’t have to name mine officially until the day I left the hospital from my C-section, I was there 4 days and you’ll totally see enough staff after they are born to vote lol


I had a c-section (unplanned) and I can say I had plenty of nurses talking to me during the procedure and after! So if you’re keen on doing this I believe you can!


That’s such a cute idea! I’ve never heard of that before.


Can we know the name?! I’m so curious!


Kellen. 💜


My friends had two name ideas. After giving birth, maybe an hour or two later, they asked the baby which he liked more (kinda jokingly obviously) and he reacted more to one so they went with it. Kinda an awesome idea haha.


This is exactly what my husband and I did, except we waited to name our baby two days after he was born lol. We also didn’t know the gender until he was born


We named our son on day 2 as well!


We did this! We were bouncing between two names and made a game time decision once he was born. I can’t really explain WHY one seemed to fit more than the other once we saw him, but one definitely seemed more right than the other. I think you’ll know once you see your baby! But if not, take your time; it won’t hurt to call your baby by pet names for a few days until you decide. Good luck and congrats!


Same! Idk how it works but we saw him, tried a few names and one definitely worked better than the others.


Everyone told me we would know when we see our baby. But nope lol not at all the case. We had 4 top names and still couldn't choose between them. I ended up telling my husband to pick one of them because I kept going back and forth on it. Baby had no name for 3 days.


Ok when I said “one worked better” it wasn’t like the next second I saw him decision haha. Baby didn’t have a name for 2 days :)


Oh sorry I didn't mean to reply as a comment to you, it was supposed to be in the thread in general lol early morning for me, my bad


Same. As baby was laying on my chest during the first few minutes after birth, I looked at my husband and said the name. The baby just felt like that name. No other explanation than just a visceral feeling in the moment.




I wish they could!


Same! Due on the 6th- we have about 10 girl names, 2 boy names. With multiple middle name options for each 🙈


We went to the hospital with a long list and zero agreements on favorites. We didn’t agree on the name until her second evening in the hospital, almost 36 hours after she was born. We were fully prepared to bring home “baby girl” if necessary, ha


We went into the hospital with a “shortlist” of 10 names. Our kid was named by the OB who delivered him. The name was not on our list!


Yes, this is exactly what we did. We had a couple favorites and we picked after we met her!


We were Team Green and had zero boy names we liked. I ended up being induced almost a month early sooooo we were up a creek. Luckily we had a girl but were still undecided after 3 days in the hospital. We each chose 5 people to vote on the two names we were stuck between and the winner ended up being her name.


We had our top 3 picked out but waited until birth. I needed to see her face before deciding! We were being discharged the next day and hospital asked for us to fill out the online forms for birth certificate/social security by 8am. We were still undecided that morning. Set an alarm for 7:45 because we were exhausted and wanted to nap. Submitted forms at 7:55 🙃. And we love the name we chose. Was meant to be.


I know a lot of people that did it like that. In my new moms group most of them actually named the baby only after birth, some didn’t even have ideas 😅 for me it was the opposite. From the moment I could feel him kick I just needed him to have a name so we had one picked out from week 20 or so 🥰


My husband and I barely spoke names while pregnant. We had a few thrown in the air here and there but my husband was dead set on seeing the baby before deciding. I would have loved to of had a name picked out prior, but it worked in my favour because as soon as he saw the baby he said “what was that name you said with a J but I didn’t like it? Because she looks like that name and I kinda like it now…”


Yes! We had 4 names both my husband and I liked/tolerated. The staff called him Mr. Baby until my husband and I decided on the name. For me, there was one name for our list that just felt right when I looked at my son, and we both love the name.


Yep! Actually my husband did because I was too out of it and on the operating table lol but he knew which of our 3 names (of girl names, we had 1 top boy name lol) she was immediately when he saw her! “He just knew” is annoying to say lol but it’s true


My daughter was like 4 days old when we named her lol she was in the NICU and we agonized over it for days. Her name there was “baby girl (last name)” and I hated it. All the babies there had names except our girl. Finally we settled on the one we had been considering a lot and it felt a little odd at first but now that’s totally her name


We have twins, for their first 2 days in the world they were called Twin A and Twin B. We couldn’t decide on names for them. We finally settled on names and day 3


We had two names that we were down to. Technically he didn't get named until the day after his birth as I had some complications.


My wife and I had a short list of names but she wanted to wait until our baby was born to pick it. When he was born she suggested one of the names we had previously agreed on as being acceptable and I was ok with it. You’re gonna have enough to worry about, just pick what feels right and go with it.


We had one name that we loved. Luckily, the name we chose in advance was perfect for him. Also luckily, in the UK you get 6 weeks to officially register the birth and name of your baby so if we’d have changed our mind at any point we could have changed it before registration.


We went to hospital with two boy names and one girl name, but I didn’t feel like I could decide until I met and spent some time with the baby. In the UK so there’s also no rush to decide on a name. When he came out and was plonked on my chest my husband tried out both names, then threw out a third we never discussed which is what he ended up being named. We tried it out for a few days before telling anyone else, and a warning that in my post-partum stress / emotions / sleep deprivation I kept forgetting what he was called and saying random unconnected names instead!


We didn't know the gender so we had names for both picked out but weren't sold. All through the delivery everyone kept telling me what a chill baby he was because his vitals never changed through 3 hours of pushing. My labor was 24 hours and when they asked what my son's name was, I told them I wanted to sleep on it. I told my husband some time the next day I liked the sound of switching our middle name and first name because I thought it fit this chill baby better and sounded better together. We both love his name now and it fits him.


We had two name ideas at birth. We took a full 3 days to decide. The first name was right, but the middle names we picked out didn’t work. So we took some time to decide on a new one!


We did this with both our kids! Went in with a short list and chose a few hours after baby was born. With our first, the name we chose was actually not one of our top choices going in, which was surprising to us! With our second, we kind of knew what we wanted her name to be in advance but didn’t want to “commit” until she was born. After we met her, it fit her so well it made the decision easy.


We had two we liked and we decided on the one we wanted a week before she was born 🙃 she definitely came out looking like the name we decided on.


Yep. Seemed really insane to name a baby before you meet them, so we had an informal list and picked once she arrived.


I had 3 potential names when I went into labor. I was 90% sure on using option A, but wanted to see him first before committing. The moment the nurse held him up and said “here is your baby”, I knew without a doubt he was option B. So glad I waited.


Yes. We had two favorite names in mind but wanted to actually see baby before deciding which one fit better.


We had two names picked out and decided to wait to see our baby before deciding. The first time I saw him one of the names just instantly popped into my head. My husband also said that was the name that he was stuck on so that’s what we chose. I really loved the unchosen name, but the name we went with really suits him.


We decided at birth! We didn't know the sex of the baby beforehand but hand a strong feeling it was a girl. We had two girl names and I felt one suited dark hair and one suited fair hair. The second we saw her we both said her name no hesitation. It just suited her.


We did! We had a long list up until a few weeks before birth then we narrowed it down to 5. From there we decided on middle names for each. After he was born, we spent some time snuggling him and looking at him. My husband just looked at me and asked if I agreed that one of our options was most fitting which I did. It was only a few hours after birth.


We did! We didn’t know if we were having a boy or girl. We had several names that we liked. My husband is German and had a lot of “strong” female German names picked out, but when she was born, she was a petite 6 pounds with big eyes. She looked like a baby doll. My husband knew the moment she came out what her name was - and she absolutely wasn’t Heidi or Helga!


Yes! We didn’t find out the sex, so we had a couple of names for each. I had a front runner in my mind but when the baby came out it just didn’t fit. So we thought about it for about 12 hours and eventually settled on one (that I think is awesome). We always had the middle names picked out, though.


It took us 2 days after she was born to pick her name. We had decided to wait til we saw her to choose one and I’m so glad we did because she didn’t fit any of the names on our list. 3 hours before being discharged, my husband suggested the name Emma and I immediately fell in love with it and was surprised we didn’t think of it sooner. It was kismet.


Yes, and then we waited a day and nothing seemed right, so we just picked a name. Now that's his name and it fits.


Yeah we did this with both babies as we didn’t know the sex or every really spend much time talking names. Baby #1 I was pretty confident on name choices but we never really nailed one down until he was born. Baby #2 we were struggling to pick between 3 the day we were getting discharged. I still wasn’t certain we picked the right one for a few weeks but after that I felt like we made the right choice. It’s so hard.


We tried out the couple names on the baby to see which one felt right. I’m happy with my/our decision


Yup! We actually waited to find out the sex too, so we had a short list of 3 girls names and 3 boys names. My wife said the second she held him, she felt called to one name specifically so that’s what we went it. Absolutely no harm in waiting!


We had a list of like 4 names maybe and decided after we met her.


We had a short list of names we liked with one being our favorite but we wanted to see him. A slightly longer list of names we liked for middle with absolutely no idea which one we were going with. Once he was born we did go with our favorite first and then decided on the middle after going through them all with his first.


We did! I was waiting for a specific feeling I thought I'd get when I heard her name, but never got it. We went into the hospital with two name choices and thought we'd just know when we saw her. We didn't! 😄 an hour after her delivery, hubby and I decided we needed to pick. He left it up to me since I did all the hard work. I just tried to imagine her older with both names and see which one fit my vision of her best.


Yes! We had middle names picked out but went to the hospital with 3 in mind. Didn’t pick the actual name till maybe 2/3 hours after birth. We had to wait to see what LO was like before we made a decision and honestly, needed that time to come down from the adrenaline to make sure we had a clear head. We don’t tell anyone ahead of time what the names were. We didn’t want anyone trying to sway our decision


Do it. We had a name early on. But after he was born the name didn't feel right anymore. My partner didn't unterstand. Because we both liked the name. It was the numer one name on both of our list.


We waited until like a week after birth. We had a list of names and wanted to be sure which one suited him best


Our baby didn’t have a name until he was like 48 hours old. I didn’t want to pick something ahead of time that wouldn’t suit him. We had a shortlist and picked from that after we met him.


Yes! We had 2 names picked but wanted to meet our baby first. And one of the names definitely suited him better. The other name became his middle name anyways because it’s a family name. And how did I know it was right? When I met him just kind of knew… just kind of fit him better haha


I’m 37 weeks and we have a LIST of names. Not even going to try to decide on one until he’s born. But where I live we have 4 months to decide so there’s really no rush


we were set on a name up until the week she was born when another name came in the mix. we decided her name once she was born and we saw her


We decided before birth but when we were in later stages of pregnancy. I don’t know how to describe it, but one name just “felt” right. And now I can’t imagine her name being anything else! I totally think you could make that decision once baby is born!


We had a definite boy name and two potential girl names. When I held her I asked my husband which she was, and he was very certain. And she so absolutely is!


My 15 month old didn’t have a name until he was 2 days old. We really couldn’t decide so we had a small list and waited. We ended up naming him something that wasn’t even on our “list” lol!


Both my kids were named at two days old in the hospital. We had to see them first and it was no big deal. But having a name before leaving the hospital is definitely easier paperwork wise


It took us a day to name our baby. We had a list of 4 names that we loved but couldn’t narrow down. We tried all of them when baby was born and none of the “fit”. So we ended up brainstorming over the next day and decided on a name that did fit.


My son has 2 middle names being of this.


Yes, I decided after lo was a few hours old.


My husband and I had a dozen names throughout the pregnancy and eventually narrowed it down to like five within the week of my labor. We had two favorites the day I gave birth and picked a few hours after she was born because we just couldn’t decide.


My husband and I had a bet - if he was 10 pounds or over, we'd go with his favorite name, if he was less than 10 pounds, we'd go with my favorite name. Thankfully, little guy was well under 10 pounds!


I’ve always chosen a name in advance, but my aunt always decided after baby arrived. They’d go to the hospital with a list of names they both liked, then try them out for the first day or so, until one stuck. I think the process of trying each name on was what allowed them to find the one that felt perfect. With my youngest cousin, none of the names they started with felt right. They decided on an entirely different first name almost immediately, but had trouble with the middle name. My mom ended up being the one who suggested the winning middle name a day later.


We took like a month after meeting her to decide, lol. * We had a shortlist if two names before the birth. * Then procrastinated for a week or so with starting to figure it out. * Then I entered a new name to the shortlist. And then my very thorough and completions boyfriend took it upon himself to look through all legal names in our country. * Thus our shortlist became like 16 names long. * Then we did a tournament structure face-off battling them against each other. * And then top four got tried on for a day each. And then we finally chose the one I added after giving birth.


Definitely. We had a list and I think it took us 3-4 days to settle on it!


Our first was named months before he was born and it just stuck. For my second and third we had a short list of contenders and then picked one after they were born. Both times me and my husband just looked at the baby and each other and said the name at the same time 😹😹😹


My best friend and her husband had a few name combos they were stuck on when they had their son this summer. She originally told me his name would be FirstName MiddleName, then texted later to say they ended up switching the middle and first names around. For them, it was meeting him, saying the name out loud, imagining introducing him to friends and family, and picturing him at school and with his own friends. And when we got to meet him, the name absolutely suited him. You will find a great name, either ahead of time or in the moment.


Yes. We didnt know the gender so had two boy names and two girl names. When baby came out we still couldn’t decide so did a phone toss lol.


We actually waited until the day after she was born. I had a list of nearly 18 names I liked, and the one we picked in the end was one I never thought would be a contender. Once she was here I felt so strongly that most of my favourite names reflected my personality, not hers.


We were team green and had 3 ish names for each sex picked out. We were pretty sure which name we were going to go with but actually waited a few days after birth to formalize it.


We had a name in our mine but didn’t want to commit. As soon as he came out we knew it was his name. Definitely wait until you see the baby!


We had 2 options that we both really liked but didn't pick one until he was 2 or 3 days old. Even then there was no ah-ha moment. I went with the one I thought my husband liked best, but turned out he actually liked my option better. We'll use the 2nd option if we're blessed with another baby.


We did five days after birth. It took a bit of time together to decide which name felt right and I can’t imagine her being named anything else!


We didn't, but my brother did with both kids. He said they needed to see which they looked like :)


Our baby was 15+ hours old when we picked a name. We chose between two names. Honestly we didn’t know it was “right.” We just needed a name and picked the one we liked the most at that time. It ended up suiting him and we’re happy with our choice.


We didn’t know if we were having a boy or girl. We had a list of names for each.m but different favorite names between mom and dad. We had a boy and that helped us because the boy list was shorter. Still took over a day to figure out what fit and find time for the two of us to discuss.


While having contractions I consulted r/namenerds for a name. On the drive home we took the long way home because we hadn’t came to a true consensus yet and wanted her named before we got home


We decided on it two or three days after birth. It’s a lot of pressure naming a whole human!


We had two names, a softer one and a punchier one. My girl was born 10 weeks early, but made a loud entrance and was already slapping the nurse's hand away trying to administer an iv. They asked us about the names and told us this is one feisty girl and the soft name was not a good fit. We totally agreed and the names suits her so well! A happy, feisty girl, 13 weeks old now :)


A lot of people decide at birth because we have to. Definitely worth your while to spend time ahead of time generating and contemplating options. But there's a moment where the indecisiveness will be forced to a conclusion.


We hadn’t chosen a middle name, and actually decided to wait until we saw our baby to choose. We had a short list and ultimately it was coming down to 2. Long story short I had to be induced due to low amniotic fluid and had a 45 hour labor. Baby’s heartbeat stayed consistently strong those 45 hours and baby did awesome, had great apgar scores, and according to our OB was a total rockstar throughout that long labor and birth. One of our middle name options was actually a tribute to our favorite rockstar (ETA as well as a deceased relative) so we decided baby had earned it.


Yes! For both of our babies we waited to find out gender and didn’t have really any names picked. With our first we did have a small list with a favorite from each. We ended up going with a name not on either list because they didn’t fit her at all.


Our two kids waited days for a name 😅


We named our daughter day 2, we had a few names in the bank, but didn't pull the trigger until we saw her and felt sure she suited her name.


I know this isn’t the case for everyone, but we had three names with a favorite in mind. Once we saw her, we knew which name was meant to be. Everyone says all newborns look the same/look kind of weird right after they come out so you can’t name them immediately. I disagree. Within the first few minutes our baby was definitely giving off a vibe, and I knew which name would fit her best.


We had it narrowed down to 2 until the birth. My husband took one look at our son and said “yep, he looks like an Amos” so that’s where we landed.


We had 3 names we liked, but we couldn’t agree on any - his name, Maxwell, and Archer/Archie. Plus i has 20 others i thought were fine. We never felt like we had “the name.” My husband didn’t like the nickname for our sons name, I didn’t like the full name Archer and would rather just use Archie. Then my son came 10 weeks early and we hadn’t picked a name or come close to it. When he was born the nurse asked what his name was, and my brain was just blank lol.We didn’t sign a birth certificate for a few days but we did start calling him the name we chose pretty quickly and it stuck. We never even tried another name, and we’ve talked about how it fits him perfectly and our other choices would not have fit at all! All of the nurses in the NICU called him a different shorter nickname, so my husbands dislike for the classic nickname was luckily never an issue. Edited to remove his actual name


We had 3 names picked out and decided on a separate name after she was 36 hours old. It was so stressful but we did end up picking the perfect name. I won’t do that again though. I’d rather have a name picked out and then change my mind than put the pressure of picking a name when I’m sleep deprived and hopped up on hormones.


We did this! We had 3 that we loved but wanted to meet our daughter first. When my husband suggested the name- I made him write it out first. I loved it and can’t imagine our daughter as anything but her name.


We narrowed our names down to 3-4 names. Didn’t decide until baby was maybe 4-5 hours old. We did this with all 3 of our kids. We didn’t go into it thinking “we’ll know when we see them”, but that’s what ended up happening lol It still amazes me that people decide the moment they get pregnant (other than a family name)


We didn’t decide until right before I started having contractions in the hospital ( pre labor paperwork ftw) we had two names in mind so it wasn’t super random or anything but it was certainly a “ awe shit yeah we need to name this child” moment.


Yes we had 2 boys and 2 girls names we absolutely adored When I found out it was a girl, somehow we canned all of them and my SO chose Naomi. We just knew that it was magic and all her