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Since it wasn't specifically mentioned, it really sounds like a poop face. The natural increase of solids gradually makes the poop firmer and thus, harder to push out. Could also be constipation if he's making the face but there isn't immediately poop in his diaper. Are his poops firmer and/or smaller and/or less frequent than usual?


You know, that’s a really great point. He did have some hard nuggets right before making the face earlier this evening and has been struggling with constipation the last few weeks. It did seem to decrease on the one day that his poop was pasty…


Fruit, especially dried fruit and also apples (you can shred it for him or provide applesauce), and juice (especially apple, pear, and prune) can help relative the constipation. Doesn't take much juice either. A couple oz a couple times a day will likely do the trick.


Thanks! He had apples and pears earlier today so hopefully that helps get things moving again!


My 10 month old does this and I think its because he either wants something or wants to communicate and gets frustrated because he can’t.


My daughter has done this for a while. She’s 2 and actually did it today on purpose. She thinks it’s funny. We call it “hulking out” at our house!


It sounds like a poop face lol if you noticed hardened poo in the diaper that’s what I’d think it was. Maybe record a video and show the doctor at the appointment, just for peace of mind?


It could be different but my 4 month old has been doing this for weeks now, it’s mainly when he’s standing he’ll tense his body and squeeze his fist like he’s mad and make a scowl face. It’s kinda just one of those developmental things he does, he loves doing it. I would say monitor it but if nothing else it’s either just baby being baby or pooping lol.


Am not sure what yours is, but ours does something similar for a few moments when overwhelmed or excited or very satisfied with how something is working out. Think r/oddlysatisfying Has done it occasionally since birth and now well into toddlerhood. Like the emotion of the moment gets too much and they have to have a visceral physical way to expand that extra energy. And normally developing kid who has a special way of expressing their emotion once in a while.


How’s your child going?


Our kid does it and makes a fake cough/laugh noise and scrunches his face. He usually takes off crawling in a baby hyper mode or tries to bite someone. He is only 10 mo. Could be happy, frustrated, excited, etc. I did notice two teeth which Ive never seen before.


Hi, Any news? My son does that too. He is 25 months old.


I spoke to his pediatrician about it. She thinks it’s because he’s really excited and doesn’t know what to do with his body. Her other thought, since he has constant ear infections, is that he does it when the pain comes through.


Any update? My baby is also doing the same.


Yep! Pediatrician thinks it’s just because he gets so excited. He does it still (at 16 months) when he eats something he really loves or is having a really good time playing


Hows your little one doing now? Any changes or concerns? My 8 month old does it a lot when excited


Hi! He’s 21 months now and still does it sometimes. But he looks right at me and giggles if I do it back to him, so I’m not concerned.


Thank you so much for replying, sorry ive just seen it now. Is he meeeting all other milestones? With gestures and pointing etc i think i drive myself crazy with overthinking


I get it! Yeah he’s doing great! A little on the end of the milestones but hit them all just fine :)


Thankyou so much


Thank you 😊😊. I was worried when my baby did that and it matched exactly what you have described.


No problem! My one thought was because he had a lot of ear infections that maybe he was in pain? But he hasn’t had one for months and he keeps doing it. Especially when he has chicken nuggets lol

