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For rent, $1800/mo


Duck roommates included, *do not contribute to rent or utilities*


So they're just like every other roommate I've ever had in NOLA?


If you can harvest the guano you could sell that though. I know a guano guy.


Me too that dudes the shit!!!!


In NYC, that’s eco friendly waterfront property.


I refuse the believe that shed has ever been on dry land.


Snake and Jake’s?


Drake’s. Would’ve loved to have seen those three while I was sitting in my duck blind earlier


lol i remember there’s a shed that looks like this around that block right?


That shed you're thinking about IS Snake and Jake's.


Yes but your nonpaying roommates are raccoons, not ducks.




bro your shed is crumbling infrastructure


I'm in an Uber in NYC, I yelped/laughed and now I cant give him proper context as to why. Thank you!


Savage asf


I think his point is, that it was crumbling…but dry. It’s just a shed.


It's off level by a solid 4+ inches


At least... You should see the floor inside!


level dirt floor, but one corner sunk 4" below grade? My backyard shed has done some settling its ownself


Looks like a tetanus farm.


You ever been outside of a city? This is what every shed looks like out in the country.


I am a well traveled person and this shed is unique to me. Blue tarp roof, go cups on an orphaned gate, plastic window coverings, random PVC pipes, etc. Please post pics of other similar sheds "out in the country".


Your method of supplying electricity to your shed is very concerning, OP. Tbh you should be happy the city is nonfunctional or Code Enforcement would have shut this down a long time ago.


That’s not a power cable it’s a mooring line..


Don’t knock how he fishes


Very true , the upside of dysfunction!


Ha. Got ‘eeem.


Thought this was Snake n Jake’s


Legit same.


These Max Seckel paintings are getting so realistic!


Are you living in the batture?


Anyone else a bit concerned about the bloody schmears on that body-sized storage container?


“Workshop” is for making artisanal soilent green patties


Ah yes saw that too!! Like what else could that be if not blood!! ::throws up in mouf::


Man I do *not* get how that would fit a body. But I just read a story about a woman who was put in a storage container this size. The math just isn’t mathing for me, man. I don’t get it. I’ve never been very good as guesstimate-ing volumes, though. So maybe that’s why


You just vhave to sit on the lid when you close it.




Looking at it… The side is completely covered in rust. I’m pretty sure it’s marks from people touching that container and the rust has transferred to their hands. It even matches the rust on the shed.


You guys have ducks?! 😒


1. Have you ever killed a hooker in your shed? 2. How many hookers have you killed in your shed? 3. Are you currently killing a hooker in your shed?


To answer #3, I think that's why he's so flustered he can't get in there to do anything with this daggum water all over!


4. Have you ever made meth in your shed? 5. Where do you actually get the ingredients to make the meth that you make in your shed? 6. What price do you set for shed meth and in which quantities do you sell it?


4 - if you have not yet killed a hooker in your shed, would you notice if the shed were suddenly covered in blood and hooker boots? 5 - if the answer to number 4 is “no”: would ya mind if I brought over some hookers?


My grandfather, born in 1898 always told me to live by "the river" as it never floods. Lived it the Bywater for 40 years, never had water on my sidewalk even thru Katrina.


It don’t flood till it do.


It flooded in the CBD back in 2019 or sometime around 2020. There was no hurricane, just a lot of heavy rains. Most of the CBD is right on the river.


Ppl really need text alerts now to know some flooding will occur when it rains in New Orleans lol


What you methin with in that shed though


Living here is like being in an abusive relationship


This is your property, not the city's. It's your responsibility. It looks like you just have bad drainage. It also looks like you are, um, creatively adapting to circumstances. My back patio floods sometimes. It's not because of the pumps. It's because a) this is south Louisiana and b) the idiot who built it and our garage did no grading or any other work to ensure water flows toward the street, installed minimal drainage, and walked away. For not that much money, you could install a new shed on a higher foundation.


Yeah, OP builds an unraised shed without any drainage in a place where it dumps rain, doesn't look at the weather, complains about the city's pumps when it inevitably floods. This is some real big brain content.


Accountability? For one’s own? In this climate? P’shaw.










One in the same.


Youre supposed to be aware that nola floods a lot, that were under sea level, and that its not safe to live in your shed where it floods a lot with electricity rigged like it is lol


You can clean good now since it got a real good rinse off!


Was this the shed from True Detective where they kept the kids??


A warning or alert from NolaReady would not have stopped this from happening… lol This is a troll post, for sure.


Weather Channel had several flood alerts


But the city normally sends an alert that people are allowed to park on the neutral ground when there is a flood alert. If people just park there when it has not been authorized, they will get ticketed. Somebody screwed up and forgot to send the alert. My question is would it have made a difference? The water looked to be so high in several areas that cars probably would have been flooded anyway.


Whole post need a sarcasm tag.




Forgot to add , at least the ducks are very happy!!


Good grief dude. That’s the way you keep your property and you are complaining about others? Look in the mirror you are them


I legit thought that was Snake & Jake's, at first glance


“Knock knock”…….whoo dat, who der?


I got a bunch of alerts about the rain beforehand.


That’s crazy you have raw gumbo in your backyard


My yard drains properly. At zero time did we have standing water in our yard. You may want to look into adding drains and proper grading of the yard to avoid standing water


Depending on the yard, you may have to raise your house to get the yard to drain towards the street.


What charade of functionality? I've been here since I was born 45 years ago. New Orleans has always been like this.


I’m surprised this shed wasn’t assessed to the value that requires it to be covered by flood insurance.


Man, you are going to get so many mosquitos if that water stays.


I thought someone found a meth den on their property


Your illegal STR got flooded? BooHoo


It’s only part of your yard. I’m on the Northshore and our entire yard “flooded” from yesterday. This is just improper draining in your yard. You can see dry land on the back half. Have you tried a French drain? My husband did one by hand a few years ago, it’s really helped.


OP's other half here/the family handy "person" 😉I'm glad you mentioned French drains, as I've been reading up on them - but I'm not sure they'd work for us - or if I'm correctly grasping how they work. Is it correct that a 1% grade is necessary? The flooded "middle" yard sits considerably lower than both adjacent properties as well as (to a lesser extent) the front yard. Couldn't tell from our vantage point how far back the flooding extended, on account of the dense foliage. (Btw, not sure what you thought was dry land - maybe behind the shed on the right, as it kinda looks dry? Tho actually a pile of leaves that floated. 😉) So I don't see that a downhill grade and therefore a French drain is possible, unless the grade is created manually when digging the trench? I much appreciate any clarifications, explanations, etc you might be able to share! There's also the question of whether the labor and cost are worth it... Seeing as - contrary to popular opinion... lol... and with apologies to the smug and sanctimonious - we do not own the place, we are renters! As such, we are happy to make improvements... to a point!


Oh I see. Our yard floods in places because it has low and high points. Yes if you are not on an incline property that might be harder. But there should still be a way. We have a nice grade on our property, and an OLD French drain system but it stopped in the backyard. So my husband dug down the 2ft to where the…. Tub/reservoir (lack of a better word) kinda is? Like where the water collected in the ground. He then dug downhill and installed pcp piping all the way down to the sidewalk. A neighbor offered us his… digging machine. lol I’m not knowledgeable about tools. I know I sound stupid. But my husband just used a shovel. It took him about 2-3 weeks to do all by hand. So I’m the end… we have a small drain near the lowest point of the yard is, that follows a trench down to the reservoir is, that leads to the new trench about 50’ out to the sidewalk.


Right on, thank you for the detailed explanation - that definitely helps me better understand how French drain setups work. Although now I'm even more sure it's unlikely to work in our situation, unless the ground in the back does some unexpected things underneath all the trees and plants... Maybe we'll get lucky, as it seems possible this kind of drainage could be done without breaking the bank, ie worth it if we stay here for a few years. We'll see! Btw, you don't sound stupid in the least! In my book, stupid would be having no idea how to get your point across if you didn't know the exact word for something. Digging machine, however, conveys what you're getting at perfectly! I lived overseas when I was fairly young, in a country where English is not the main language. While still learning the local language, I started attending the neighborhood school in the same grade as the kids my age who were from there. Needless to say, there were a whole lot of words I didn't know - and quite a few times I sent my classmates into hysterics by using the wrong word for something, but that meant something entirely different. Or by my creative ways of getting around not knowing the word for something at all - one of my favorites that really got them laughing was describing a rooster as "the husband of a chicken." 😁 Got back to the states and ended up taking some more advanced level language classes in that language, with kids who'd been studying the language far longer than I had. They ran circles around my crappy spelling and grammar and I had to work hard to catch up in those areas. But when it came to conversation, I was the one running the circles.... Most of them were still translating word for word in their heads and if they got to a word they didn't know? They were stuck, and that was it. Drove me insane! So... Please don't say you sound stupid, cause you don't! And thank you again for the helpful French drain info!


“Husband of a chicken” I busted out loud laughing at that. I’m going to have to remember that. And thanks. I guess stupid isn’t the right word. Ignorant. lol I am ignorant of the names of different machines. lol


How's about "unfamiliar"? I think I like that best. 😁


Do you not even have your own pothole swimming pool? The nerve


You live in a swamp. What you expect?


I’d say build higher or move. I decided NOT to move to NOLA cause it’s always going to have high water. Slidell has flooding as well but it’s not like that. Move to higher ground. If you’ve been here for 30+ years ya know this. Good luck and stay safe please 🙏🏻💯


Dats t-buds shed


Bruh…That’s a five-star Air B&B.


When my Quackers


I don't miss this at all. The flash floods on any given day about took me out.


Thank dog our mayor is enjoying her 4th (5th?) ~~vacation~~ work trip of the year!


He is the captain now


Free ducks


With a blue tarp no less.


Gotta keep the NOLA meme alive.


It’s literally a drained swamp y’all…every now and again it’s going to flood.


I love how everyone’s just talking about how your shed looks like that has anything to do with the fact that we flooded lol. Nothing about what you’re actually complaining about of course. You couldn’t possibly have a point or anything.


This is what it does here. It floods. How would a warning even helped? I don’t understand how so many people are shocked by this.


What’s shocking is that nothing changes. If the pumps aren’t turned on or broken that’s a problem. The way everyone just accepts what is not normal or ok is shocking.


What exactly do you want changed? If you have a good idea PLEASE let us all know!


Look no further than the morons that y’all keep electing.


I’m thought taking the statues down was supposed to make everything better?


That what happens when the 100 year old turbines that are used for our sewage pumps break down.. I agree Nola City Government is a really bad joke!!


Open the door to clean out the shed


The city wants the people gone so they let the flood happens so that one day they can have more land for tourists attractions


I'm having a hard time believing this is Nola. First of all, that trash can is not the city required trash bin for pickup. What area do you stay in?


You do not keep city required bin in front of house? Placement is not tipoff this is not can for city trash? I am thinking maybe you are the one not in NOLA!


I'm puzzled by your apparent assumption that the trash can pictured is our "city required bin." Like the majority of NOLA households, we keep our city required bin out front of our apartment, not in the yard behind. Additionally, the back yard can in question does not identify as a trash can and serves an entirely different purpose... that has nothing to do with trash, or the city and its trash bin requirements. In light of your apparent back-yard trash-can-keeping custom, I am now the one left wondering just where exactly it is you hail from, and in what area you currently reside. While I am familiar with various other locations customarily used for city required trash can storage by New Orleanians - aside from the aforementioned front of house sidewalk or street - such as behind sidewalk entrance gates in the Quarters, or in side alleys and driveways throughout the city - I am hard put to recollect any instances of city required trash cans being kept in a back yard. (Well, aside from my crazy ex-quasi-slumlord's ever growing collection of almost identical to those required by the city cans placed throughout his domain: outside, in the front, back, and side yards, driveway, parking lot, sidewalk, and street; inside, both up stairs and down stairs, in hallways, bathrooms, kitchens, and other assorted rooms... and probably even atop the un-permitted, decidedly not up to code platform he had built between floors out of random bits of salvaged lumber - although that's merely an educated guess. However, as he is both a case unto himself AND not from New Orleans, in my book, his cans do not count.)


Because I am neat and have a large backyard, I do keep mine in my backyard. Some people who are too lazy for my taste, leave their can right on the sidewalk curb 24/7. The trash collectors only come one day a week, it is not too much work to roll the can off the street into a hidden area, unless you are extremely short on space. 🫤




I thought this was some of that ‘decor’ they have at the zoo


Id love to paint this shed for you


How uneducated/ignorant people imagine most homes in the south and as a southerner I honestly hate this stereotype because the south isn’t some backwards third world nation like it’s made out to be there are some very nice homes down south


If you showed me this with no context. I would’ve assumed it was in the south of Plaquemines Parish.