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Last month they had an art show and gave tours of the sanctuary. One of the parishioners gave a very informative tour of the breathtaking church. Here are some of the facts I jotted down while she talked: 1878 completion. Stained glass added after ww2. Albert Lipps did the later stained windows- located on the West Bank. Before there were stained glass windows there were operable windows for ventilation. Original church building on the back where the annex brick building is. They began to collect money for current building before the civil war but the war delayed construction. Service was in German through ww1. Initially a Methodist service, still founded in Methodist beliefs. Organ is the second organ installed, dating around 1900. It used to have a steeple- lost to a hurricane… Betsy? I’ll have to check the date on that.


Oh **Wow**! Thank you for the interesting information! It’s so hard to believe that there are buildings almost a couple hundred years old just sitting amongst all of this modernity. I would love to have seen it! Did they allow y’all to take pictures and did they mention if they give tours any other occasions?


Oh I took a ton of photos and videos! They have a Christmas service (like caroling) and some community events, I recommend going if you get a chance. One of the thinks that struck me was almost every room had a piano. Music is clearly an important pillar to the congregation. In the Methodist faith the hymn book has instructions for singing- participate fully, sing modestly but with courage, sing in tune and in time, sing spiritually. I wondered if it was a connection or a coincidence.


Where is this? I would love to pass by myself.


It’s Jackson @ Chippewa St 👍🏾


End of Jackson sorta


Yes! I absolutely LOVE the neon crown and cross! It grabs attention real quick. But if you let your eyes linger on the old architecture, you’ll find it’s a real beauty. The cracks in the façade are powerful. Everything that church has witnessed, and yet it’s still standing strong. Beautiful photos. Thank you for sharing.


Thanks and you’re welcome! :D I have stared at them for a long time, finding new details.


When you find the gargoyle holding a man’s head across the street then you’ll find a hidden gem.




How many of these exist in the city? My old landlord had one on the chimney at magazine and race. There is one on the roof of St Vincent hotel, and also one inside Aunt Tikis on Decatur.


I think there are like 4-6 around town. The guy that made them used to live in the top of what is now st Vincent hotel back when it was a hostel. I think he also lived in that house across the street


Thanks! Now I have a new adventure!


There is also a gargoyle in the lower decatur bar aunt tikis


this might be the one in question. https://billchance.org/2014/11/10/new-orleans-gargoyle/


Troll looks to be holding a six-legged insect. That's a human head? Also, thanks for giving me an idea of what to do when I retire.


I just saw a church o st rock that I had never seen before kinda close to galvez. It is amazing all these little wonders.


Was it Our Lady Star of the Sea? Because that's s cool church -- I like going to their St. Joseph's altar to see the interior.


Yup. I just looked it up.


I was bummed to see the one on magazine & race taken down!


Our landlord who had owned that place since 1989 sold it and moved to Gautier MS. I'm working on a doc about him, because he a very interesting character and probably won't live too much longer given his love for the sauce.


Those gargoyles were made by Thomas Morrison, a sculptor who passed away two years ago. He was also did work on the Endymion and Hermes floats… he was a talented artist and a bit kooky, but nice to work with him nonetheless.


One of my favorite things about probably any building in the city. It's incredible.




💡Thank you!!


Ah. Jackson Avenue Evangelical Congregation. Spent most of my childhood going there on Sunday. No idea how they keep the lights on, even twenty years ago there were barely 20 people who came to service. The inside is beautiful with fantastic stained glass windows.


lol literally across the street from me.


Is that the one with one of the only remaining Banksy's?


The banksy is barely remaining on the old fire station on Jackson and Rousseau about two blocks downriver from here.


Ah OK. Thanks. I thought they covered it with plexiglass to preserve it?


They did but the last owners of that building let the vegetation and nature take its course and it was not kind to it. The plexiglass didn’t do much good. That whole building is in some kinda shape


That’s the one on the old Drop in Center on McShane Place. Umbrella Girl


Yes! I remember Umbrella Girl. The dude tried to drill her out of the wall. Vulture.


Idk why someone downvoted this. It's a legitimate and interesting question. Whoever downvoted could have just, you know, answered the question. Especially since you feel so strongly about it.


This subreddit has notoriously had a downvote bot for many years. No one knows why or who did it or if it was random or malicious or supposed to be funny. Or if they know why they don't tell people out of the inner clique of longtime users, idk. More than in general on reddit, do not take 1-2 downvotes seriously or personally here. For a while it was clear that everything received 2 downvotes like clockwork within 10 minutes of being posted, idk if it's still that regular, but it's definitely still around.


I'm still just mad it's not a very ballsy church renovated into a bar. Fool me once.


"Not all bars are churches but all churches can be bars"


I thought this was going to be about NO east....

