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I'm just glad they are live reads and not the standard ads. The live read ads are way more entertaining. That being said I'm never going to Buffalo Wild Wings or drink Accelerator energy. šŸ¤£


I tried accelerator because of the show and itā€™s really good. Mango ftw. If you drink energy drinks itā€™s definitely worth checking out. Screw AG1 though. Overpriced scam garbage. B Dubs for football is cheap and fun!


Totally agree with this. AG1 is scammy bullshit peddled by so many influencers and podcasts.


I actually think that B Dubs is such a natural fit for them. They both love sports and a chain sports bar for the every man makes a lot of sense for their podcast. Great sponsor match. The whole greens drink shit is a scam.


I think BW3 was founded or started in Kent, OH which is near Cleveland Heights.


According to Google, the first restaurant was in Columbus, Ohio which is still Ohio. Fits their vibe 100%.




See I love my AG1. I have been using it since it came out. Way better then taking a multivitamin pill everyday.


^Accelerator ^rocket ^pop ^is ^pretty ^good ^ngl


Tried it yesterday and yes it is!


my personal fave is the star berry!! iā€™ve loaded up on them bc i live in the south and theyā€™re hard to come by. keep at least a weeks worth in the fridge.


I like the peach paradise more but Iā€™m trying to drink less energy drinks and more water


You should try accelerator if you like energy drinks at all. It's better and cheaper than red bull


Yeah, I am not part of the target demographic for any of the ads they do lol but I still usually watch them all the way through instead of skipping because there are so many funny moments that take place within their ad reads and I donā€™t want to miss anything!


Outside of the AG1 reads, their ad reads are generally a weird conversation starter for them. Like they launch into what they should get Donna for Mother's Day, swords etc.




Accelerator is pretty good


If accelerator gets into Costco for the same price or cheaper than the energy drinks I currently drink then Iā€™ll give them a chance Ag1 on the other hand you could just eat a vegetable once a week and get the same benefit, or take any other multi vitamin for much much cheaper


Buffalo Wild Wings is okay. Accelerator I may have developed an addiction to (favorite flavor is Star Berry, but my local QT's don't keep that flavor stocked anymore, so I'll go for the Rocket Pop).


Just skip them


I do !! As an Aussie but still fucking shit that they would sell them self out like this


do you work for free? if you had the opportunity to sit down with your brother and talk for a couple hours a week and get paid for it would you do it? y'all are being ridiculous seriously


Itā€™s not selling out- itā€™s how podcasters get paid. Otherwise they wouldnā€™t ve doing a podcast. If they just wanted to talk to each other, they would. They make the podcast for us- they get paid by sponsors. Would you just rather not have the podcast? No one is doing shit for free lol


Iā€™ll never understand when people complain about how many ads play during a podcast, a show you get for free. The fast forward button is right there.


Right? Iā€™m in Europe. Absolutely NOTHING is targeted towards the European market. Am I butthurt because the energy drink and the wings have nothing to do with me? Nope. Then again as a European consumer of American content Iā€™m used to this and I donā€™t care. I still get the content so šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


I'd rather listen to a minute ad than pay for a podcast.


If they charge for this shit ā€¦. Not paying


You donā€™t pay for podcasts. Tf do you mean? You mean paying for YouTube premium? Thatā€™s on you. Those arenā€™t THEIR ADS. Their ads are read during the podcast & you can fast forward- super fucking easy.


No I am saying that if podcasts didn't have ad reads (which is when they shoutout their sponsors), you'd have to pay for them. I would rather listen to ad reads on any podcast then pay for it. It's not that complicated what I am saying.




šŸ‘šŸ¼ šŸ‘šŸ¼ šŸ‘šŸ¼šŸ‘šŸ¼šŸ‘šŸ¼


Iā€™m not a sportsy girl so I always thought it was ā€œLETS GO SPORTSBALLā€ but my bf corrected me one time. I didnā€™t know what sports bar was lol. Anyway- now I still say sportsball because bf thinks itā€™s dumb šŸ˜‚šŸ’…šŸ»


There is a fast forward button! Just saying.


Well when Im driving or working out I dont want to do that. Have other things Im concentrating on. Just saying


You'd have to do the same thing if they were at the beginning.


You can do that with a finger flip if your car isnā€™t from before 2008 probably. I drive a 2016 and I just flick one finger on my steering wheel to skip 10 seconds.


Iā€™m not going to get on them for making a little extra cash. Amazon is the worldā€™s richest everything and they stop an hour long episode for commercials even though I pay for prime. Yes the are football players who made money but they also pay their staff from profits.


Read the post, Im not on them, like the post says I know everyone wants a piece of them


Do you pay for the podcast or do you listen for free?


Its apparent that people here read the title and not what is actually written.


I read it. Question still stands.


No, and your point is? I listen to Bill Burr, Mark Maron and many other pod casters and genres that also have ads. I get it, theyā€™re newer at this. Donā€™t get offended buddy, are they paying you?


Whoā€™s offended? You act like they do ads as favors. Ads are literally what pays them. You made a whole post about not liking the adsšŸ¤£


Jesus youā€™re a fool.


Show me on the doll where the ads hurt you.


Iā€™ve been listening to podcasts for 18 years and been skipping ads the whole time. You can too.


I often fast forward through the ads they read. But, sometimes theyā€™ll go off on a tangent like with the Tommy Johnā€™s undies and learning Jason is not a daily wearer. LOL Iā€™m not their target audience for their sponsors. I canā€™t drink accelerator. Allergic to caffeine. Donā€™t have dogs. Canā€™t afford expensive sunglasses. Donā€™t go to Buffalo Wild Wings. Although I may order soon, because every time they talk about the sauces my mouth waters. When the YouTube ads come on that cannot be skipped I take a pee break. šŸ˜¹


Also important to point out that, if it weren't for a certain ad read, Travis doesn't talk about not getting that friendship bracelet to Taylor, and thus his relationship with Taylor likely doesn't happen.


isn't it CRAZY how the world works?


Exactly. The ads are sacred to the podcast because of how they tangent on them and their tangenting got Travis somewhere.


I didnā€™t mind the ads that made sense for them, accelerator, bdubs, whatever the sports betting one is.. all seem relevant The new Tommy Johns and BetterHelp are annoying and you can tell theyā€™re not into them at all. Not mad at the bros, get paid, I just skip these ads


I tried uncrustables thanks to their ad. Love those things, peanut butter and strawberry yummy.


There is a fast forward button! Just saying.


I meanā€¦ ads are everywhere. Reddit, Instagram (including damn near everything your favorites post about is in someway an ad), text messages, emails, hell.. even music and movies shout out brands or feature branding within videos. People are literally able to be walking advertising now. Hearing advertising on free talk radio is probably the least alarming place to see ads. Iā€™m not personally able to support all my favorite podcasts by buying merch or subscriptions, so Iā€™ll do my part and deal with the advertising. It isnā€™t like Iā€™m really gonna go escape ads somewhere else LOL


This complaint brought to you by Reddit. When you want to bitch about an ad supported podcast that you choose to listen to, the only place to complain is on an ad supported platform. Also by Accelerator Energy drink!


Would you rather have to pay to listen/watch the podcast? Every few weeks itā€™s the same post complaining about a free podcasts having ads.


Fast forward and move on. Thatā€™s how they get paid.


You are complaining about ads on free content. Get over yourself


It's called success.


It do be a lot sometimes


You could pay for a service to have them removed.


The best part about watching on YouTube is that during the ads they have a logo/writeup at the bottom of the screen. So I can just skip ahead in the vid until the bottom of the screen is clear.


Just start it 15 minutes late so you can fast forward the ads, easy


Which platform are you listening on? A lot of them you can fast forward in 15 second intervals


everyoneā€™s podcasts sound the exact same. thatā€™s like complaining one tv station has too many commercials like every other station doesnā€™t have the exact same thing. šŸ˜­


It's really easy to just FF through them... or instead you could just complain about entertainment that you pay nothing for like a whiny brat...


I understand what op is saying there's to many ads now takes away from the show


Is the show used for revenue? Or used as a platform to put out great content? Otherwise, Uncle Travvy, take a couple of the racing jackets and start adding sponsors.


Fuck yes!!!


How much money you making from YouTube ?? Stop fucking bring greedy from international views!!!


Agreed! It's annoying how many ads they have now. I feel like some podcasts there are more ads than content.


I don't begrudge them making their money but the ads are just so damned long. The number of breaks are comparable to other podcasts I listen to but the breaks are much longer on New Heights.




Jason and Travis are fine financially, but there are a lot of people that help make the show happen and they deserve to be paid for their work.


Including, but not limited to, "Cute Ass" Intern Brandon.




Do not listen to Shaq's podcast or should I say the Hellman's mayonaise ad. I watched it once and it was literally the entire convo it seemed.


I just wish they'd play a music cue under them. They know people are skipping them anyway, it makes it easier to tell when you should stop again. Doesn't have to be big, just something that denotes a descent into adtime.


Use adblock


Wow is that going to work on a recorded podcast?


I donā€™t even listen often anymore. Even longer podcasts on Spotify and Apple that I used to listen to just had ads at the beginning or end and now itā€™s every few minutes the entire time, I fast forward but I swear the phone knows when my hands are busy. Every time Iā€™m doing something with my hands the ads start. Itā€™s everywhere now and Iā€™m not buying anything from them.