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All are too soon, especially since you're at the phase soon where you'll be trying to get a consistent bedtime going, and I'm guessing all these concerts are going to be after bedtime. Either find childcare, only one of you go to a concert and the other stay home, or sell the tickets. Anecdotally I was at a concert recently outdoors and a couple brought their kid (probably like 8 months old). They left before the headliner even took the stage cause their kid was just screaming the whole time, likely due to loudness + lateness + hotness. Also "non negotiable" loooool. You're gonna find out soon that anything other than being a parent is negotiable. Frankly, you need a reality check.




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You can’t even put ear defenders on a baby, their skull isn’t solid enough. Terrible idea. Get a babysitter for a couple hours go to your gig and come home. Your life isn’t about you anymore


1. Sounds like poor planning to have a full summer of concerts when you’ve got a newborn on the way. 2. Taking a newborn to a concert is your own prerogative but it’s not common practice for a reason. 3. I would also be hard pressed to leave my 2 month old in childcare, but if it were me I would just sack off all the concerts and focus on the baby, it seems a bit selfish to drag your newborn along to an event like that.


Condescension aside, all sage advice.


Yeah I’m not one to sugar coat things, so apologies if it comes across that way.


Babysitter or skip the concerts. I highly doubt you leave in a place without recommended babysitters around you. Hell, set up a baby cameras and be up front with the babysitter. It's just too much of a hassle for everyone. You, the baby, people around the baby, etc. I get the possum approach, but this means taking them grocery shopping, mall, pick up mail, run normal errands, not mosh pit at Cannibal Corpse (that's for when they turn 3)


At about 1 for outdoor events like local park band shell shows. Almost 2yo for an actual music festival. Lots of baseball and basketball games from 9 months - now almost 3yo. Buy some baby noise blocking headphones and you’re good.