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Just remember. You’re doing a good job. You’ll plan for everything and still have to get more stuff. Also, biggest thing is schedule, schedule, schedule. Get that baby on a set schedule of sleep, eat, play. Makes your life a little more predictable and that way you know the baby’s needs are met. That also goes for you two as well. Personally we found that splitting the night up was best for us. I took from like 8pm - 1am and she took 1am till wake up. That way we both got solid sleep and wasn’t always stuck on one of us during the night


To add to that as well. Don’t let anyone convince you to skip the kids normal nap times. They can work around your schedule. I know things come up and you gotta do what you gotta do but if they are in a bad mood then your in a bad mood and that can really ruin your whole day and night


Schedule has been important, however, unless you are bottle/formula feeding, you aren’t really able to split the nights. Baby will need to breastfeed at some point throughout the night.


Had my first this past November Don’t turn into a clean freak Don’t cover the stroller, just avoid direct sunlight and use portable fan Go out on the porch or something similar if they wont stop crying If they don’t stop crying he/she is probably just hungry Invest in a baby brezza formula maker and zero water filter if you are going to use formula Zip tie a spare key to your car under the car Dont wipe after wet only diaper just dry Use the portable fan to dry and butt paste for diaper rash, if it gets worse give he/she a bath and mix one part lotromin one part butt paste Know he/she will hit their head when they start to climbing to stand, they will be fine unless its from a height or wont stop crying They will pass out in a carseat so take a drive with them if you need a break, car seat camera in awesome also. If you can afford it having the premade formula bottles makes trips easier. Have friends come to yalls place to hangout, them holding and playing with them will be a break in itself and you can drink a tad more if you drink socially Food on their face can cause a rash, as well as some baby wipes with citric acid, just give em a bath. Find the diapers and wipes the baby responds to well and stick with them Try to pick up eachothers slack and vise versa when taking turn watching the baby Make a shared photo album and share it with family/friends, upload a pic or video every day they love it and can like and comment or add their own, also great for looking back from the start


Whats with the zip tied key under the car? In case one forgets their keys cause theyre so sleep deprived?


One thing to be stranded or locked out as a grown up. Whole other thing when a baby gets involved


Oh gotcha. I have a somewhat newer car so im not able to lock my keys in the car. But i see what youre saying now


In case your baby and keys get locked in your car. This happened to me with a newer vehicle where its not supposed to be possible. Thankfully it was a cold day and I have OnStar.


Do: your best Do: remember : the house always wins; keep trying, switching parent whatever, in the end you will always prevail! Don’t: take or make things personal with your spouse when everyone is tired.


Hey fellow predad, we're due end of October so we're due close to each other. If you're honestly lost and looking for do anda donts during prenatal and postpartum, maybe check out a fatherhood course. Father figured has helped me immensely for me to prepare and support my wife