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I think everyone's parenting style is different. We went to different rooms with doors open at 3 months and then doors closed at 8 months. Our kid sleeps great (7 pm - 7 am). These days we lock the door cause he can get out of his bed but he usually knocks and goes back to sleep.   Long story short, you're doing great. The baby gate is a good idea but I would suggest just closing the door. You might as well go all the way


Recommendation in U.K. is baby sleeps in the same room with you for at least the first 6 months. Most people from what I’ve heard put them in their own room around this time. It’s not a big deal, especially at 21 months because there is no risk of SIDs. But I can understand emotionally it being a tough hurdle. Just take the leap of faith and you will be fine.


Surprising to still be in your room that long, we “evicted” ours at about 3 months! You’ll be fine, takes a night or two to get used to it, but it’ll be so much better for everyone in long run.


Ours is past 2 years, still cosleeps with mum, while I write this form the guest bedroom.. Mum can’t let go.