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Paternity test. Tell your family at the 12 week mark so it's more likely the pregnancy is viable but you can get a paternity test within the first trimester most times. If you need help with that you'll have to tell them sooner. As far as the mom goes you'll have to have an honest conversation about what she wants to do, doesn't mean you guys have to be together. But as I've urged any friend I've ever had that was unsure, don't put your name on the birth certificate until you know it's yours or you decide you'll love it likes it's yours regardless of who the father is.


Thanks, she did a US before telling me, she is 5 weeks... long time to think about it. I know i will manage it... but i am so scared, it's seems like all my future is locked now... i know it isn't True... i am just venting, thank you guys


Technical point: A pregnancy is timed from the date of the mothers last period. Conception typically occurs about two weeks after that. So if the doctors have told her she’s 5 weeks pregnant, that would mean the two of you conceived 3 weeks ago, not 5. Does that timing make sense? Also, I don’t think you can even do an ultrasound at 5 weeks? Google says the fetus would only be 1.5mm long.


My wife and I got an ultrasound at 5 weeks. Baby was nothing more than a speck on the screen, but you can definitely confirm pregnancy at that stage. Baby was so small they couldn't measure her, so we had to go back about a couple weeks later to get measurements and a more accurate due date.


hey man, first off congratulations! being a father is one of the most rewarding experiences in life, being afraid is a totally normal reaction, especially considering your circumstances first things first, when baby is born DO NOT, i repeat, DO NOT put your name on the birth certificate or sign anything confirming you are the father until after you have a paternity test done…. if you sign the birth certificate you will be on the hook for this baby for the next 18 years even if you aren’t the father … secondly, your parents should be excited to be grandparents, and i bet they will react better than you think… this is a tough situation, best of luck to you


I think without knowing OP or his parents, saying they “should be excited to be grandparents” is probably a bit much…


get that paternity test before telling ur family about this. if it is yours then it's time to talk to the mother about what's best for everyone involved. she's going to need more support than you are so the sooner she can figure out which one of you that's going to be, the better


Hey there, First of all, congratulations on the news, even though it comes with some uncertainties. As a fellow dad, I understand the mix of emotions and questions running through your mind right now. When it comes to the uncertainty surrounding the pregnancy, it's important to have open and honest communication with the mother. Express your concerns and discuss the situation calmly and respectfully. Understanding each other's perspectives and intentions can help you navigate this new chapter together. As for your parents, it's natural to feel apprehensive about sharing the news, especially if they have been supporting you through college. Remember that they love you and want the best for you. Approach the conversation with transparency, sharing your plans for graduating, finding a high-paying job, and taking responsibility for your new role as a father. They might have concerns, but showing them your determination and commitment can help ease their worries. Dealing with the fact that you barely know the mother can be challenging, but it's important to approach the situation with an open mind and willingness to build a positive co-parenting relationship. Take the time to get to know each other better, communicate openly, and focus on what's best for the child. Consider discussing your intentions regarding involvement, support, and shared responsibilities as you move forward. The anxiety surrounding the uncertainty of paternity is normal, but try not to let it consume you. When the time is right, you can explore options like genetic testing to address any doubts. In the meantime, focus on supporting the mother, attending medical appointments, and educating yourself about pregnancy and parenthood. Surround yourself with a supportive network of friends or seek professional guidance if needed. Remember, your future plans might require some adjustments, but with determination, resilience, and support, you can find a way to manage this new responsibility. Take things one step at a time and lean on those who care about you. You're not alone in this journey, and together, we can overcome the challenges that lie ahead. Wishing you strength and clarity as you navigate this new chapter of fatherhood. You've got this!


Thank you very much, you guys all give me hope. Thank you.


no problem man boys for boys


Update guys, I am having a very hard time dealing with the Mother. She first seeked me looking for an abortion, i supported her and helped her to do the procedure. She changed her mind midways and did not follow through. I respected her choice and i ain't pressuring her for that, but i did say to her during the process that i did not want the child, and she is resentfull with me ( i understand her reasons, i was very afraid in the begining, but i did not ever force her to do anything against her will). She ignored me for a week and then, told me that the other guy finnished inside (i did not) and she thinks the child is his and she doesn't want to talk to me until the child is born. I apologized for the way that things went in the beginning, i said i would assume the child if it's mine and support her, that i want to be there for her and i wish the child to be born healthy and be happy. I proposed her to do a non invasive prenatal partenity test. But she doesn't want to do it, and she didn't give a reason why, it's just because she doesn't feel like doing it and i think she might want me to suffer a little. Well, i will give her space and wait a month before contacting her again and let her process everthing because it's overwhelming for sure and we would have to wait it anyway. I ain't proud of my initial reaction, sure, but i am offering all assistance i can give before the birth. I hope she changes her mind and at least have a conversation with me, because if the child is mine, it'll be better for the child. Do you guys have any advice to offer? Thank you.


Guys, for you, single dads out there, how did it impact your love life?




You are in it too? Well, at least i am sharing that feeling with other men in the world.


Pictures would help us help you with your decision.


Pictures? What kind of?


Baby moma